
Friday, December 27, 2013

Full Sandy Hook Police File to be released today 12/27/13 at 3PM. Thousands of Pages, many redacted - State Police Press Release.

The complete police report on Sandy Hook will be released today 12/27/13 at 3PM.  But don't expect a lot of information.  As they have redacted a lot of it according to the law.  Remember that the state had passed a law where they don't release information when children are murdered in detail.   
It will be interesting what they do have in the report.  It will be thousands of pages long. 
The comments on the article are mind boggling.  Everyone is clueless about the truth.  All who commented believe the government's story.

From article:
NEW HAVEN, Conn. (AP) — The planned release Friday of thousands of pages of police documents from the investigation into last year's school massacre in Newtown could shed additional light on the world of the 20-year-old gunman.
State police said their report totaling several thousand pages would be released at 3 p.m. The report "has been redacted according to law," and includes text, photos and 911 calls received by state police, they said Thursday.

What is interesting is a panel says the Newtown report falls short in information.  Seems there is actually very little information about Adam Lanza.

Here is the Connecticut State Police site and their press release:

The link in the above state police release is not working as of yet, but here it is.
 full report:

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Edward Snowden's Video Christmas Message to the World!

Edward Snowden is a HERO!  People have awoken because of him.  He has done the people of the world a huge favor!

Here is Edward Snowden's Christmas message to everyone!

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

MERRY CHRISTMAS! Amazing Powerful Books of Truth of our Power! OUR ONENESS, OUR TRUTH!

A friend of mine sent me a gift.  It was the link to a website 

They are an area called New Thought that has amazing books from the early 1900s.  The books are easy to read and are not long.

What is fabulous about them is they are filled with Truth!  They enable us to create and to Be WHO we really Are!  They guide and instruct and educate us on OUR POWER and how to Be WHO we are!

I have been reading various books and am planning on purchasing their DVD with all the sacred texts on it.

This is the best Christmas Gift anyone could receive or give!  Besides Christmas it is still the best gift anyone could have, as it is all truth!

This is the Gift of ourselves and to fully be ourselves!  To fully come together as ONE and to create the World of which is our divine right!

We are the ones who need to change and to erase all the brainwashing from limited thoughts and division.

The information is powerful and yet simple!

Everything we think, feel and put our energy is created!

Here are some links directly to books that are making a difference in my life.

Your Forces and How to Use them

Creative Mind and Success (this one is the longest I have seen on the site and I am in the middle of reading it now.)

The Law and the Word

There are so many more, just go to the Sacred Text - New Thought and have fun in expanding your power of being Who You ARE!

Together we are Love, Light and the Power!













Friday, December 13, 2013

Absolutely Beautiful! Woman who is able to communicate with Animals - Proves the Oneness of our World.

This woman, Anna Breytenbach is able to communicate with animals. This video and documentary gave me so much peace. She proves the oneness of our world. She shows all of us are able to do this. We need to just go within and to become at peace to see what the animals are saying.

This video portion is in the documentary.  It shows how she helped a Leopard but not just him, it was a profound experience for the owner of the big cat sanctuary too.  

The full length documentary is here.. I watched the whole thing and it is very much worth it.  The understanding of communication and oneness is profound.   I now aspire to be able to do this too and will work on it.

It is obviously through Love in which we are able communicate with all other things.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Four Bankers in Iceland Sentenced to Jail for the FRAUD they committed. Including the Chairman of the Bank.

If this would happen all over the world, we would be in much better shape!

Iceland's court sentenced four bankers to jail, including the Chairman of Kaupthing Bank. 

Obviously Iceland's courts are not as corrupt as the rest of the world's courts.  The U.S. has never considered jailing Corzine (MF Global), besides all the other top Wall Street bankers.  But the fact that Iceland has jailed bankers, shows all is not lost.  It is up to all of us to continue trying to get people to wake up.    


In a landmark ruling, Reykjavík District Court sentenced four former executives of Kaupthing Bank to between 3 and 5 1/2 years in prison for financial crimes dating back to 2008.

Vísir reports that former Kaupthing director Hreiðar Már Sigurðsson received the heaviest sentence: five and a half years, minus time already spent in custody. He was also sentenced to pay 33.4 million ISK in legal fees.

Former Kaupthing chairperson - and former Interpol fugitive - Sigurður Einarsson was sentenced to five years, and a total of 14.3 million ISK in legal fees.

Investor Ólafur Ólafsson was sentenced to three and a half years, and 20.6 million ISK in legal fees.

Former director of the Luxemborg branch of Kaupthing Magnús Guðmundsson was sentenced to three years in prison.

In the court's opinion, the four conspired to conceal the fact that one of the investors in Kaupthing, Mohammad Bin Khalifa Al-Thani, owned his 5.01% stake in the bank thanks to money lent to him by the bank itself.

Investigations into the four go back to the Icelandic bank crash of autumn 2008. In the wake of a report on the contributing causes of the crash from the Special Investigative Commission, the Special Prosecutor’s Office was created. The office targeted many top bank officials from Glitnir and Kaupthing.

Eva Joly, who at one point served as an assistant to the Special Prosecutor, told the Grapevine last year that Iceland should "be proud you invested in these investigations", while cautioning to have patience - investigations were three years along at the time.

The four are expected to appeal the decision to the Supreme Court. All of their prison sentences are non-probationary.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Single Gun Shot heard in Sandy Hook 911 Call after Police arrived. Tape 6

Sandy Hook 911 Calls tape 6. Rick called back twice and at the 2:58 mark you can hear a single gun shot AFTER the police arrived! Remember Adam Lanza supposedly shot himself before the police made their way into the school. Also remember people heard on the police scanner someone say "Take the life of Adam".

Friday, December 6, 2013

Video - Tape 4 of 911 Sandy Hook Calls - Woman shot in Foot. It does NOT make Sense!

Yet another tape does not make sense.

This is tape 4 of the Sandy Hook 911 calls.  Listen to this.  It is first a state policeman saying he has a victim a woman shot in the foot.  Then she gets on the phone and listen to what she says "Not safe to lock the door" "Two adults with her behind a bookcase"  WAIT....... the state policeman was the one who called and she is now talking to 911 because of him and it is NOT safe to lock the door? He is hiding behind a bookcase too?

Link to other 911 call - where 911 operator says it is FAKE in the background. 

Video - Tape 2 of Sandy Hook 911 Calls - 911 Operator in background at Center says "Sandy Hook is Fake" - Also Rick's statement's do not make sense

Here is the direct link to the Tape 2 of Sandy Hooks 911 calls.  

This is the first call that Rick Thorne "Acting Head Custodian for the day" at Sandy Hook is on the phone.

The important part is at 1:56 when you hear a woman at the 911 center say " Sandy Hook is Fake?" in a shocked and disbelieving tone.  Then the male 911 person who is talking to Rick Thorne sounds upset and says "Jen HANGUP I need to you get OFF that phone!"

The male 911 person obviously was part of the whole setup as he was upset hearing her say that and messing up what they were doing.

Their 'star' of the 911 calls, Rick Thorne provided it was all disorganized.  First he says that he saw the glass broken, but then he is in another part of the school.  He realizes his mistake and said "he is close to the front."

This is an important tape.

I go through the tape and listen to "The Sandy Hook School is FAKE" in the background!  I also go through Rick's information and show how it does not make sense.

UPDATE - Michael Rivero from WhatReallyhappened cleaned up the section where the 911 operator says FAKE.

This is what Michael Rivero said under the post he made after cleaning up the section:

This sounds like one of those stories that is too good to be true, so in this age of deliberately planted hoaxes to discredit the independent media I went over to the USA Today website and downloaded the Sandy Hook Tape 2 for myself, washed out some of the noise in the background, and created this mp3 file of the relevant portion where we hear the word "Fake" followed by the order to get off of the phone.


Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Sandy Hook 911 calls released today. Some things don't make sense after listening to them. Link to recordings.

The Sandy Hook shooting 911 calls were released today. 

I have been listening to them.   There were not that many calls.  I did not hear the one from the woman who said she was at the front office.

Call #3 is the first one from a Rick Thorne, he says there is shooting at the front glass. He says the front glass is all shot out and kept going on. He says the shooting is still happening.  He says everything is in lock down.  Says it is still going on and can't get to the front.  Says he is not in the front but down the other part down a corridor, but close.  But he also says he is no where near there and he only hears shooting/popping.  He says his position with the school is simply acting custodian for the day.   He says it is silent only after 2 minutes.  He says he sees police outside and then he says shooting was still happening.  You can hear police say they got someone in the woods in the background.  He then says there is shooting again, after you can hear the police say they got someone and it had been silent.

How did he know the whole school is in lockdown if he was hiding and he said all the classroom doors were locked.   Also how did he see the glass shot out if he was in another part of the school?

Call #5 saying at 1:37 a woman was shot in the foot in room #1.  at 2:17 the woman is on the phone who was shot.  They never ask her what her name is and she never says what it is.  Yet every other call they ask who they are speaking to.   She also says the classroom door is not locked.

Call 7 at the 2:46 point, Rick has to tell police there at the school there had been a shooting.  How come he had to tell them if there the front glass was broken and I assume bodies were around?  He says the shooting was 5 minutes ago in it.   The police say there are 2 down in the background.

Call 6 is Rick again the temporary custodian 'for the day'.   At the 1:37 mark he is back on the line.  Listen to him say "It is at the Firehouse"

If you think about it, there were only 4, considering Rick is 3 of the recordings.   Others were very fast ones I have not mentioned.


Saturday, November 30, 2013

NASA purposely fading ISON's brightness on Lasco. Video proof.

It is obvious NASA is fading ISON on Lasco to try and prove their claim ISON has fizzled.

I show the fading on Lasco, pictures of chemtrails today, besides the pictures I took yesterday of the sun which shows something next to it. 

Suppose to be Blue Skies today. But all Chemtrail Clouds - What are the hiding besides poisoning the Earth and people?!

As always when there should be blue gorgeous skies without any clouds.  The government fills up the sky with chemtrails.

The chemtrails are thick and it is obvious that they want to continue hiding something and murdering us slowing as they continue to poison us all through the air.

The chemtrails make it impossible to see ISON or anything else next to the sun besides making the Earth toxic.

Here are the pictures of all chemtrail clouds today 11/30/13.  Not one of the clouds is natural, everyone of them is a chemtrail cloud!

I look forward to the day, Karma absolutely gets them!  I look forward to the day they rot in Hell for the evil and poisoning of the Earth and people that they are doing!

This includes those who are flying the planes, helping create the toxins and have any part of these toxins getting out in the air.   Besides of course those who are at the top and instructing the minions to poison the Earth and people!

I still don't understand how Universal law is allowing the poisoning of the Earth and people through the air, water and food.  I don't understand how they are allowed to do this.  The only thing I can think of, is we have been in the time period that Satan/Devil is being allowed to rule the Earth.  I definitely know that there is not one person that is a leader or in any form of government who is a good person.  I believe every single one of them is an Evil Satan worshiper at this point.

They have NO right to do this!  MFers!

Friday, November 29, 2013

Pictures I took, something next to the sun that is very bright 11/29/13 - ISON survived. Brighter than ever? Is this ISON?

I took some pictures a few minutes ago 11/29/13 at 1 PM est.

What is this next to the sun?  Is it ISON brighter than ever?  This is not a sun flare or dog.  I took the pictures through a window shade so there would be no reflection and it was filtered some.

Here are the pictures.

What is this?  Ison?  It is very large if it is ISON.

 The pictures are owned by me with all copyright laws.

NASA is fading ISON's brightness on Lasco. 

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

The gun grabbers always say "Registration does not lead to Confiscation." Hmm... Seems New York is proving that WRONG - Confiscating weapons, registered in state. Letter proving it

Don't we all remember how Obama and all the gun grabbers say they want guns registered for 'our protection'.  Remember how they have all proclaimed "registration does not lead to confiscation"?

All of us who stand up for our 2nd amendment rights have shown the opposite is true in history.  Hitler confiscated all weapons registered.  Zimbabwe made everyone register their guns, then they confiscated them while killing all the people who had them.

Obama and all the gun grabbers said it would never happen in the U.S., they just want registration.

Well, it appears all of us were correct along with history.  New York state demands registration and now look what is happening there.  People who have registered their guns are now having them confiscated by the government.

Above is a letter sent out to a gun owner to confiscate their weapons in New York City, who had registered them. 

All I can say is, I joined the NRA for the first time after the Sandy Hook drill and I will make sure to renew my membership again.

They are not going to stop.   I have stated this a few times recently, they are starting the propaganda machine all over again.

If you think it is just a coincidence that the police report and the 911 calls are coming out right around the one year anniversary, then you don't understand how they work.   It is all part of the propaganda to keep Sandy Hook in the news for weeks before the one year anniversary and then the days of it.

When they begin talking about registration once more and how it does not lead to confiscation, just point out this letter in the U.S. for the confiscation of weapons that is happening now, due to registration of weapons! 

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Judge's ruling today 11/26/13, Sandy Hook 911 Calls will be released on December 4th,


Judge Eliot D. Prescott ordered police to release the tapes by 2 p.m. on Dec. 4 unless Danbury State’s Attorney Stephen J. Sedensky III can convince the Appellate Court to reverse the ruling.

It is time for them to be released and interesting enough, the calls in do not say a child was shot per the judge in deciding the ruling.


 "There is no dispute in this case that the audio recordings of the 911 calls made from the Sandy Hook Elementary School on Dec. 14, 2012, are public records within the FOIA," he wrote.Under Sedensky's effort to use confidential provisions relating to the reporting of child abuse, the judge wrote that under the prosecutor's rationale, all records pertaining to the Sandy Hook shooting would be exempt from public disclosure.
The judge said the calls are harrowing, but they do not identify any children, nor do they describe any injuries to a child.

This will be just in time for the media and the government to spew propaganda and try and get gun control going again at the one year anniversary of Sandy Hook.

People need to understand the only reason we have the story of Sandy Hook is because the media and government told us it happened.  Yet there has not been one shred of evidence or real proof any children were murdered that day.

The fact is there is more evidence that it did not happen then us just being told it did.

Does that sound cold to some people?  That I would say that when they believe 20 children were shot?

Remember this is the same government that lied over and over again about people keeping their health insurance when they knew for years it would actually be cancelled.   Besides all the other lies they have been caught in - Benghazi, IRS, etc.

So are we really just suppose to take their word that people were murdered that day without providing proof?

Remember too some authorities slipped up when they spoke, including the Governor of Connecticut saying that Holder had told him the week before that something as this was going to happen.

The news channels faked police running into the school.  They showed them running into St. Rosa school that day.

Remember there was a drill with this exact scenario going on less than a mile away.

This is besides the fact they didn't allow any EMS into the building too.

The list goes on and on, including my finding and showing in a video how the people recycled into the firehouse that day.

We shall see what the 911 calls say and we will have fun trying to figure out why the police have wanted them to stay unheard from the public.

If everything is as they have said, then what are they hiding?

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Sandy Hook Police Report to be released Monday November 25th 2013. One Year anniversary coming up, Be ready for Obama, media and gun grabbers to spew propaganda.

After almost one year the police report about the Sandy Hook shooting  drill will finally be released on Monday November 25th 2013. 

The 9/11 calls are still being held back as the police and state government have not wanted those released.   A judge has been listening to the calls to determine and rule on if they are released are not.  This is due to a suit that was brought by some media outlets.

The Newtown Bee is against them being released.  

I know when we come up to the one year anniversary, Obama and all the gun grabbers will be out in full force trying to get gun control through once more.

I have no doubt they will replay many instances and demonize the NRA and those who stand for our 2nd amendment.   There will be complete propaganda on the news channels and we are going to hear about Sandy Hook over and over again.

The Courant has an article about the police scanner reports of that day.  Where much of it does not make sense.

The video below shows that Nancy Lanza may never have existed as such.  In fact watch the video and you will see an Anne Haddad who appears to look exactly as Nancy Lanza.  He searched and found different names used.  From his information I found that Anne Haddad, besides all the other aliases she has goes by uses an Anne Jiorno and that a Peter Haddad also goes by a Norman Peter Haddad and other names.     It is one of those games that those at the top like to play.  Put the person right in front of you that they say are dead and show them as another.  It is one of their evil twisted ways of thinking no karma will come to them if they tell you people are dead but show you they aren't.  

I have now come to believe not a single person was murdered that day.  Because none of it could have happened the way they said it did.  A 120 pound kid could not have carried all the ammunition and guns in that they said.  

People have gone to Newtown to investigate the shooting and what is most interesting is no one in Newtown will discuss it.  It seems that the FBI and government authorities have intimidated people into not talking.

Of course they completely tore down the school because they had to get rid of the fact there was no evidence of a mass shooting.

Be ready for the inundation of Sandy Hook in the media.   Get ready for all the propaganda to come forth from Obama, media and all the gun grabbers.

Sandy Hook is about to be in the spot light once more for evil purposes.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

What are Perpetual Assets? Simple - YOU Control your IRA and 401K money! Even hold Gold and Silver in hand!

Anyone who has been paying attention knows at some point the U.S. government is going to make a grab for the trillions of dollars in IRA's and 401Ks.  All the honest economists have said this and it is simply a matter of time.

The government will do it in the form of saying "We are saving the country by putting your money in bonds."   or "We will manage your money knowing what is 'best for you."

I interviewed Will Lehr from Perpetual Assets on 11/18/13 about what they do and how they create LLCs for people to literally hold and control their own IRAs and 401K money to protect it.

It is very simple, they create an LLC for people, they give you the paperwork to open up a checking account in that LLC name at a bank/credit union, etc.  The money is transferred into it and you are the manager of it.. and can invest it where you want.  Including holding gold, silver and platinum in hand at your house, without paying any taxes or penalties on it as it is still all under your IRA account.  It is so simple and so brilliant!

Thus the government  nor Wall Street can not get a hold of it at all - YOU control your money! You maintain it legally!

Here is just one of many articles about the government working on getting your IRA and 401K plans.

Government coming after IRAs and 401Ks.

Recent evidence suggests government officials continue to eye the multi-trillion dollar private retirement savings market, including IRAs and 401(k) plans, eyeing the opportunity to redistribute private retirement savings to less affluent Americans and to force the retirement savings out of the private market and into government-controlled programs investing in government-issued debt...Since 2010, the U.S. Treasury Department and the Department of Labor have been holding combined hearings on various plans designed to introduce government-mandated retirement plans and investment options, including government annuities invested primarily in U.S. Treasury debt, into the private retirement savings market.
“This hearing was set up to explore why Americans are not saving as much for their retirement as they could,” explained National Seniors Council National Director Robert Crone, describing a recent Treasury-Labor hearing held in the Labor Department’s main auditorium.
Here are just some examples of why you should control your retirement account yourself, besides government confiscation possibilities in the future:

September 2013 from CNN- Fidelity employees sue Fidelity over their 401K plans - due to expenses being charged. 

November 5th 2013 - MassMutual Insurance lawsuit over interior fees of 401K plans.

May 2013 - Morgan Stanley sued over 401K retirement fund fees

lawsuits over exorbitant 401K fees being charged

The above are just some of the cases of the outrageous fees eating up 401K and IRA plans.

What is really disturbing is the amount of times now where veterans are being labeled disabled and not even being allowed to manage their own money and retirement accounts etc. 

A very disturbing case was when Charles Scwab sued a woman when she wanted to manage her own $650,000.  

Charles Schwab took an elderly woman's $650,000 but refused to invest it as she wanted, needlessly sent police to her house, and lost $14,000 for her while refusing to give the money back, the woman claims in court.

That is just one example, besides the fact that Dean Witter/Morgan Stanley invested the $500 I put into a college account for my daughter.  13 years after the account was started there was only $170 left in it.  

Anyone who wants to get their own money/retirement out of the reach of the government and Wall Street, needs to take the time to listen to this interview and go ahead and call Will and find out on a personal basis, why this should be a real consideration.   Take Control and have the Freedom of choice and investment!  Protect Yourself from the government and Wall street!

Oh, Perpetual Assets sells Silver Bullet Silver Shield Coins too!  LOVE THOSE! 

Monday, November 18, 2013

2 New Pictures of Comet ISON 11/18/13 from ISON - One very unusual, it Shows Speed Shock Wave in front of it.

ISON telescope sent me pictures of Comet ISON again this morning - 11/18/13. 

One picture is really cool and unusual, it shows the shock wave of air in front of comet ISON.  It may not be actual air, but you can see the wave patterns in front of the comet.

I emailed him and asked if the picture he sent me yesterday with a perfectly round coma, if he had covered it or if that was the real coma and what he thought the two things in the tail are.  The picture I was inquiring about is at the bottom in a video.

Here is my email to him and his response back to me without being changed:

My email: 

This last picture is amazing! I have to ask two things.
First is the coma covered by you or is it that perfectly round?
Second what do you think are those two objects right after the coma area, starting the tail?
Thank you again for everything!


His response back to me this morning 11/18/13
Picture of comet obtained in ISON-Kislovodsk observatory three hours ago, and parte of the same picture in filters.

1. Is interraction of solar wind and coma - wave because of big speed of comet
2. Yes, is the starting the tail.

I will be away of Moscow in next couple days, possibly without of Internet access.


Here are the pictures he sent me this morning 11/18/13

Here are the two above pictures and summary of this article in a video:

Below are all the various pictures and information ISON telescope network has sent me in the past.

Picture of ISON from ISON - morning of 11/17/13 

Here is the information about the comets passing Mercury

Previous pictures of ISON from ISON - with email I originally sent them.  

Update picture from the 15th from ISON of comet ISON. 

Pictures New Comet (Nevski C/2013 V3) from ISON telescope discovered on November 8th 2013 

Up Close Photo that is in the video below 

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Photo of ISON from ISON - First Up Close of Coma - Color transfer Image - Perfectly Round Coma with TWO additional Objects in Coma 11/17/13

ISON Telescope network, just sent me this picture of the comet ISON at 11 AM est, they just took on 11/17/13.  They did a coloration of it.  You can see a perfectly round sphere at the front of it and two objects in the coma area.  

Also, FYI - I asked him if they got pictures of ISON as it passed Mars.  He is going to check and see.  He will send me any pictures they have of Mars and Ison.   If he sends any, I will of course put them here. 

Below are all the various pictures and information ISON telescope network has sent me in the past.

Picture of ISON from ISON - morning of 11/17/13 

Here is the information about the comets passing Mercury

Previous pictures of ISON from ISON - with email I originally sent them.  

Update picture from the 15th from ISON of comet ISON. 

Pictures New Comet (Nevski C/2013 V3) from ISON telescope discovered on November 8th 2013 

I put the photo on youtube with the other photo they sent today 11/17/13 - to make it easier to share, if someone so desires.

Did they put a round disc to hide the coma?   He did not tell they did that in the email when he (ISON telescope) sent me the photo.  This is more than we have gotten from NASA or anywhere else.   Is it a perfectly round sphere or not?

I will continue to put all the photos ISON sends me of the comet ISON  on the blog, as I get them.

Here is the photo from early this morning that ISON took of Comet ISON, that is in another post.  But I wanted to put it here too.

UPDATE 11/18/13 - New Pictures of ISON from ISON - One picture shows the Shock Wave of air in front of the Comet. 

Both Encke and ISON cross Mercury on November 18th/19th at 5:30 AM EST. Hubble photos found show same thing.

Comet Encke will be passing by Mercury on the 18th at 5:30 AM est, then ISON will pass by it on the 19th.

NASA's messenger at Mercury will be taking pictures of the flybys.   But will they actually release any of them?  I won't hold my breath since they haven't released any pictures of ISON so far.

from site:  MESSENGER Detects Comets ISON and Encke, Prepares for Closer Encounters
NASA's Mercury-orbiting MESSENGER spacecraft has captured images of two comets -- 2P/Encke and C/2012 S1 (ISON) -- setting the stage for observations later this month when both comets will be substantially brighter and much closer to Mercury and the Sun. [more]

Here is Hubble's ISON page.  Notice they mention things (ISON's outburst) - but not a single picture from them.   Oh, notice how they say... ISON only as Hubble can see it.  Yet.. no image!

The pictures NASA have of the two comets on their site is a joke!   Give me a break, this is the best they can do?  Here are the pictures they/NASA released of the comets.

Also take a look at the NASA site of their bigger pictures of both ISON and Encke.  You will find they have amateur photographs of the comets.  Not a single one from a telescope of theirs.

Funny considering we the public are the ones who support NASA, yet they hide everything from us.

Here is ISON's orbit from JPL

So what is it about ISON that NASA doesn't want to release up close pictures of it?  They don't want to show themselves as lying all these years, saying that Comets are just big things of ice?

This guy found Hubble images of ISON from May.

One thing is for sure.  I sincerely hope that amateur photographers/astronomers will be out tomorrow morning and the next getting pictures of Mercury as the comets interact with it.

Here is the best site ( I have found for information about ISON and it passing by Mercury.  There are pictures, etc. of where it will be in the sky.

I wish I had a really good telescope and camera to get pictures of it.

UPDATE 11/17/13 - 11:20 am EST - Upclose Picture of ISON Coma from Ison!  Perfectly Round Coma with two additional objects in it. 

ISON Comet - Picture taken at 8:15 AM EST on 11/17/13 from ISON Telescope.

UPDATE 11/17/13 - 11:20 am EST - Upclose Picture of ISON Coma from Ison!  Perfectly Round Coma with two additional objects in it. 

 I just received an email from ISON Telescope network this morning 11/17/13, with this picture.  He said it was just taken 20 minutes before sending it to me at 8:45 AM est.

What a gorgeous comet with various tails now.

Comet ISON 11/17/13 8:09 AM Est from ISON Telescope Network.

I am putting together information about both Encke and ISON both passing by Mercury tonight/morning (18th) at 5:30 AM EST.  I will update this post with a link to all the information about trying to watch what happens.  Remember in ancient times Mercury is showing having 'wings', so will Mercury light up as Mars did when ISON passed it?

Here is the information about the comets passing Mercury

Previous pictures of ISON from ISON - with email I originally sent them.  

Update picture from the 15th from ISON of comet ISON. 

Pictures New Comet (Nevski C/2013 V3) from ISON telescope discovered on November 8th 2013 

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Pictures of a New Comet discovered on Nov 8th 2013 - Nevski C/2013 V3, from ISON telescopes Network

The ISON telescope network sent me pictures of their newly discovered Comet.  They discovered Comet Nevski  C/2013 V3 on November 8th, 2013.   You will see the first picture is their discovery of it with the consecutive pictures being the days following.  

I have not been able to find an orbit diagram yet for the comet.  I did find this on the Harvard site, which I don't understand at all.

When I get any orbit information I will put it up.   Otherwise enjoy the pictures of the new Comet found. 
C/2013 V3 Nevski. 

Pictures of the Comet ISON from ISON telescope network - go to this link. 

Update 11/17/13 - First Up Close picture of Comet ISON from ISON - shows 2 objects with it. 

Friday, November 15, 2013

New Picture of Comet ISON sent to me from ISON telescope - taken today 11/15/13

ISON Telescope Network sent me a picture they took today of ISON the comet.  
He said it will be the last one for awhile, as tomorrow it will be too close to the sun to take more. 

Here is his email to me with the picture below. 

Hi, Sherrie!

Here is most recent image of ISON-NM observatory - tomorrow comet will be too close to the Sun. 


I had emailed the ISON telescope network, asking why they were releasing pictures of ISON and the email I got back. 

UPDATE 11/17/13 - ISON telescope sent me another picture of ISON just taken this morning. 

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Email I sent to ISON Telescope Network - Why No pictures of ISON? Received an Email back WITH Pictures of ISON! Picture from 11/13/13- Triple tail

UPDATE 11/17/13 - 11:20 am EST - Upclose Picture of ISON Coma from Ison!  Perfectly Round Coma with two additional objects in it. 

UPDATE 11/15/13 - ISON telescope sent me another picture of ISON today in an email.    This is besides what is in this article and the pictures below.  (just click the words ISON, above)

UPDATE 11/17/13 - ISON telescope sent me another picture of ISON taken this morning.

I sent the following email to the ISON telescope network (there was no phone number for me to call) inquiring why they are not taking pictures of ISON,

I would like to commend your network telescope for discovering ISON the comet that is now in our skies.

The comet is of great interest to many people. The problem I am finding is that no telescope network is releasing pictures of the comet. The only pictures to be found are amateur photographs.

I was wondering why the ISON network is not releasing and taking pictures of the ISON comet? It is your discovery. Shouldn't you be proud and be watching it and taking pictures of it?

 Shouldn't you be releasing those pictures for the world to see the amazing comet that ISON is?

NASA is pretending it doesn't exist for some bizarre reason.

But you are the ones who found it.

Please show the world up close pictures of the comet now. Please direct your telescopes on the comet.

It now has a double and possible triple tail. It has also brightened in the last day.

Why aren't you watching it? Why aren't you showing pictures of it?

I sincerely don't understand why it is being hidden from public view.

I really look forward to hearing back from you and seeing up close pictures of the magnificent comet that your network discovered.


I received an email back from an Igor this afternoon.  11/14/13 - here it is:


Perioically , our network provides images of ISON comets - see attached files.

But main goals of our network is discovering of new objects and scientific and applied researches.

I.e., we discovered C/2013 V3 (Nevski) comet recently.

But we can not provide the scientific research of comets becuase of have not of scientist in this filed.

But, i.e. one from our scientific goal is investigations of NEAs:


He included pictures for me of ISON - there are various dates on them, including one from yesterday showing a triple tail!  

Would I have liked closer pictures of ISON?  Yes.  But I think it is pretty cool, they sent me some pictures of it in the first place.   As he said they aren't comet scientist.  


Notice who took this picture below :)

Searching For Truth, Self, Creation, and Trying to Discriminate between Lies mixed with Truth. What I desire, Deserve..... Understandings.

The following is my opinion.  It is what I feel through my years of searching for the Truth of All and ourselves.   When I put: is, are and things as 'fact', those are my understandings of what is but may not be yours.

I feel the desire to express myself and what I understand at this time.

We are all on a journey during this lifetime.  We are here to grow, Love and Create to grow closer to God and our God selves.

I have this very strong desire to know Truth!  Not just Truth of what is really happening in the world but Truth of ourselves and who we ARE!

I wrote a long time ago about finding out the meaning of 'Apacolpyse' ,  in reality the meaning is wonderful.  It means the unveiling, the truth coming out, what is hidden is shown.   Those at the top (insanes) are the ones who made the word fearful to the public.  They used it as "the end of the world" meaning.  Yes, it would be the end of their world and control but it would be the liberation and freedom for the rest of us due to Truth being revealed.

In the years I have been searching for Truth and All that is, I have come across constant lies in books and information that is mixed in with Truth.   From my point of view, everything that is out there has first been gotten a hold of by the insanes and changed for them to maintain control.

Many will get upset when I say this, but it includes the Bible.  The bible has truths and untruths in it.  It was changed where we are not to look within but we had to always look outside of ourselves for God and we have to ask God for any good things to come into our lives.   God is vengeful and destructive etc.  Even when I was a kid reading the bible, it did not 'feel' right to me.

There was another bible, The Kolbrin bible that came to my attention the other day.  I read it completely yesterday.  I was hoping for Truth and that it was not changed by the insanes.   But what I felt (my own knowing) is it was corrupted by the insanes already.  This bible was suppose to have been hidden away and was in safe keeping for thousands of years.  I read it and found that the blame of the fall of man and why we are where we are, is because of women.   Women are the bad guys in this bible.  Then it has how it is okay to kill in war and so on.... Bullshit to all of that.   Yet again I was hoping to have found Truth and yet again I found lies.    But I did find from page 126 - there were truths (in my opinion) about God and what he says is and isn't.  I then understood why churches would not want this information out, because God says "Churches are not needed."  It is all within us and if there is any section that is good to read of that bible, it starts at page 126.

I have read hundreds of books, from new age to mainstream popular books.  I am in the middle of reading "The Tibetan living and dying book." right now.  I have read Christian, Buddhist, and many other different type religion books, in my search for the Truth.   I have gone to many churches (all various religions) but have not felt comfortable at any one of them.  To me they always talked about money and needing more money for this or that of the Church.    The part that I have stopped at of the Tibetan book right now is the section where it says "We are made to drink from the amnesia waters before coming back into a human body."  That section matches with a book that said we are prisoners and we go through amnesia treatments to keep us prisoners between lives.

I do want to rant about that part for a moment.  WHY do we have to go through Amnesia treatments between lives?  Other books say it is through 'Grace" we do so..... where we don't remember all the 'terrible' things we have done in past lives, so it doesn't hold us up in the current life.   Sorry, but I do believe that we would grow faster if we could remember the bad things we have done previously.  We would learn better to not make those mistakes again.   We would also remember the Wonderful things we have done.  We could ask for forgiveness of others and forgive ourselves.  Don't we have to do that currently anyway?  Don't we have to constantly ask for forgiveness from others and work to forgive ourselves when we do things that are not of 'God' in this lifetime?   So if it was Grace to forget all between lifetimes, then why isn't it Grace to forget things from moment to moment in this lifetime of the negative we did previously?

Do the insanes know the truth?  I believe so.  I believe they have not had to go through the amnesia process we have to go through between lifetimes.  I believe they are able to simply move their spirit from one human body to another when needed.   I believe they have been on Earth for thousands of years and have been controlling all at the 'top' (governments, presidents, etc).  I believe we have not ever seen one of their faces either.  I believe they control all behind the scenes.

Everything that has been written or we have been told in limited thinking is a form of them controlling us.  I saw the movie "A Brave New World" and wrote about that a couple of months ago.   It is about the control of the people through brainwashing them to be happy as they are and to remain slaves.

Understand too.... we have been taught language that limits us and we have been brainwashed with limited thinking.   We have been taught to say "I am only human" when we fail at something.   Well, guess what - You and I are NOT only human!  We  are not human bodies that have spirits/souls inhabiting it. We are spirit/souls inhabiting human bodies!  There is a big difference when you switch that around!

We are Souls and we all have the 'breath' of God within us!

I am not going to list the multitudes of books I have read.  Some of them have freaked me out and left me confused that were suppose to be truth.  One, not long ago said we are simply slaves that were stuck here and are destined to just keep going round and round (like a rat on a wheel) over and over again in lifetimes here on Earth.  That we are prisoners and Earth is the prison and there was no way out.   It said this has been going on for millions of years.   Well, this really pissed me off as you can imagine!

Freedom and Truth - those are my two mission words for myself and wriing on this blog!  FREEDOM for
All of US to know ourselves and Truth of all that is!  After reading that book, it instilled those two words in me, even stronger.

I know there is divine intervention in our lives.  I have experienced absolute miracles in my life, I should not be alive today.    Even knowing this, I have to say.... there are so many times I have just thought "Life on Earth is too hard to navigate"   I have felt this due to all the hate, anger, and division of the people, purposely caused by the insanes.  I have felt this when horrible things happen,  Japan, Fukushima, Haiti, Philippines, etc.   It hurts for people to be in such distress besides the Earth being in such distress and being poisoned and killed.  I can't help myself and I cry when it gets too overwhelming and sad.  There is so much pain happening in people's lives and the Earth. All those people in the Philippines right now are going through pain and distress in a way we can not even imagine.  How do we really help them?   What can we do?  The only thing I am able to do at this time is to radiate Love, Healing and Strength to them through my own energy.   Also to pray that God and all those of pure light help and protect them.  It makes me so sad.  Just as the sadness I feel for the Earth.  From being made toxic through Fukushima and Corexit in the Gulf.  The insanes are killing the planet through their Greed!  Due to them 'controlling' all aspects of our lives and not allowing us to have the Freedom of energy.  Think about it... both nuclear power and oil are both control mechanisms which do not have to be due to their being Free energy available to us all.   But they can't allow Free energy, as they would then not be able to control all aspects of our lives.

Being on the journey for Truth is hard and I don't want to have to do this every lifetime!  I don't want to have to try and figure out my "God' self and how we are ALL ONE!  It has taken me 51 years to get to this moment and I am still just at a one step forward.

I do know we should not hate one another.  No matter how much the insanes try and create a 'bad' guy in another race, religion, culture, etc.   We ARE ALL ONE!  Everyone of us is a soul of beauty, Grace, Love and Light inhabiting a body.

We are all taught different things through our culture.  But that does not mean those are truths.  Our cultures teach us, our beliefs that originally came from the insanes!   Think about it!  What better way to have control then to keep everyone separated so we all hate each other.  What better way to have people murder each other due to their religion etc,  so they created hate between us.

I sincerely pray that people see the Truth of it all!  See the God within everyone else and ourselves.  Feel the Peace and the Light of God.  Yes, that begins with me!  I struggle everyday with this.  No matter how much we talk, walking the walk is difficult!

I can say another thing.  Part of our limited thinking that we have been brainwashed with is believing it is good to struggle and be without.  It is good to be poor as God loves those people more.  BULLSHIT!

I can tell you.  There is a difference between money or having things have control over you compared to you having control over it!

It is GREAT to desire and HAVE Money in this lifetime.  When you have domain over money and you utilize it for your own growth, happiness, and helping others you are living with being able to be co creator with God.  You control the money.  Now... if money controlled one (as it does at all the banks, governments and corporations of the world) that is pure Greed as the top shows they have.

I have been working on positive thoughts and creation for a long time.  Yes, I have begun 'seeing' and feeling being a millionaire.  Not for the sake of just having money but to be able to do what I most desire (not want... because by saying want... you will always want... but desire/deserve are the words that should be used).  I desire and deserve FREEDOM!  Freedom in many varied ways!  Freedom in knowing Truth of myself and who we ALL ARE!  Freedom to see the Earth and the absolute glorious beauty of it.  Freedom to discover and uncover mysteries of it all!  I have had people try and tell me, desiring money is a bad thing and it is in the matrix of those who control!  What I say is it is what God wants us to have!  We are not here to suffer but we are here to overcome the suffering to learn to create the best for ourselves and others.  Yes, money is what has been the matrix of creation by the insanes, but we need to use their creation for our own benefit, as it is the world we are in at this time.  Using it, we also are able to overcome it.

I believe we ALL can have whatever our hearts and souls desire!  I don't believe any of us need to live in poverty or need!  We need to bring the God self up and create the world of which we all have the right to live in!  A world of plenty!  A world where no one is in need!  We all have that Right!  Together, we have all created what the world is right now though our energy.  That is because our feelings, thoughts and understandings have been corrupted by the insanes.  By them creating the division and hate we have the world how it is now.  It is a reflection of ourselves and our energy we put out everyday.   That is why they work on keeping us in Fear and they have many out there to do just that, who are suppose to be 'truth tellers."

If we could all use our energy in radiating LOVE to each other and seeing everyone feeling the Love and Light of truth of ourselves!  That is what I pray, radiate everyday.  For the truth of ourselves to come forth and for everyone to bring their Light and Love of their true selves to guide them.

Yes, I have also prayed in saying I release My will completely and have given over my life to "God's Will".  In doing that... I am still not giving over my life to something that is outside of myself.  But I have given over my life to God's Will which is the highest and perfect of all and thus my life is guided through Love and I live my life in the highest possible way.   Do I accomplish this every second?  No... but is my intention and constant energy put into releasing my will (ego) every moment so God's will guides my life and controls it?  Yes!   It is through our intention we begin to accomplish the God living of Truth!

Am I good at relaying my feelings and thoughts completely? No... I am sorry I am not.  But I am still trying to relate what I feel and understand as my truth.

I will be totally upfront... Here is my intention..... I desire to be free from ALL debt!  I desire to have 20 million dollars in my bank account!  Yes... that is a REAL desire and that is where I put energy into that being created for me!

What do I desire to do with that 20 million dollars... Well one thing is I desire this exploration boat.  Amazing it is named "Kindness to the World".   Yes, it is a few million dollars too.  It is not one of those super fancy yachts, but is is a solid boat in my opinion where I could go to the places I desire to go.  I desire to go to the Arctic, Chile/Andes, Antarctica, Easter Island and so on.  I desire to see the Earth and it's many places!  I desire to go to sacred/mysterious sites of the world.   I desire to have the money to be able to be able to take care of the boat and see the world.   Also I desire to use some of the money in creating FREE energy for the world.  In having true Free Energy systems be invented, so the people of the world have Freedom of Energy!  I desire to help others, family, friends etc in having some financial freedom!  I Desire FREEDOM!

I visualize myself living on Kindness to the World, I visualize myself moving on to it!  I visualize myself owning the boat.  How it will happen?  I don't know.  I trust it will!  I believe it will!  Somehow it will all be provided! Belief is the first step.

I believe it is possible!  I am not putting limits on how it will come to me!  I believe God/Universe is unlimited in abundance!  There is Nothing wrong with desiring the best in life!  There is nothing wrong with desiring something that may seem impossible!  It does NOT make someone evil or bad!  When we understand having the domain and control over something compared to it having domain or control over us.  This goes for everything in life.... from sex, drugs, drinking, etc.  Do we have control over those things... or do they have control over us?

When we have the intentions on living with God's Will in control... then nothing has control over us and we are able to live how God means for us to!  Love, Prosperity, Abundance and Light!

Thus is my understanding of money and desires!  Our desires are not bad when we have the control.  Would money rule my life?   Yes and No.... right now money rules all of our lives.  We have to have money to live on a normal basis.  It is the matrix that has been created and right now we are all within that matrix.  So... do we live with worry and strife everyday where it is controlling us through our thoughts, worries and fears?  OR do we become the controller over it?  Do we take the helm in our hands and begin steering our feelings, thoughts and fears into creating the highest and best so we control it?   But NO it would not have control over my life.  I would control it, I do not covert money for it's sake, but I will use it for my own self in growth.

There is such a huge difference!  I desire to control my life and all that is in it through God's will!  I desire to have all that I need to accomplish all that I desire.

I BELIEVE!  We all have to BELIEVE!  THROUGH BELIEF IT IS!  Through God's Will It IS!

When we take full responsibility for our lives and how it is... through our direct creation from our feelings and thoughts... then we can change our lives and our world!  We can help change other people's lives for the better!  

It  is not easy!  We have been brainwashed so badly by the insanes that we have to intently work on releasing the brainwashing and limited thoughts so our God Selves can come to the fore front and guide us!