
Thursday, November 14, 2013

Email I sent to ISON Telescope Network - Why No pictures of ISON? Received an Email back WITH Pictures of ISON! Picture from 11/13/13- Triple tail

UPDATE 11/17/13 - 11:20 am EST - Upclose Picture of ISON Coma from Ison!  Perfectly Round Coma with two additional objects in it. 

UPDATE 11/15/13 - ISON telescope sent me another picture of ISON today in an email.    This is besides what is in this article and the pictures below.  (just click the words ISON, above)

UPDATE 11/17/13 - ISON telescope sent me another picture of ISON taken this morning.

I sent the following email to the ISON telescope network (there was no phone number for me to call) inquiring why they are not taking pictures of ISON,

I would like to commend your network telescope for discovering ISON the comet that is now in our skies.

The comet is of great interest to many people. The problem I am finding is that no telescope network is releasing pictures of the comet. The only pictures to be found are amateur photographs.

I was wondering why the ISON network is not releasing and taking pictures of the ISON comet? It is your discovery. Shouldn't you be proud and be watching it and taking pictures of it?

 Shouldn't you be releasing those pictures for the world to see the amazing comet that ISON is?

NASA is pretending it doesn't exist for some bizarre reason.

But you are the ones who found it.

Please show the world up close pictures of the comet now. Please direct your telescopes on the comet.

It now has a double and possible triple tail. It has also brightened in the last day.

Why aren't you watching it? Why aren't you showing pictures of it?

I sincerely don't understand why it is being hidden from public view.

I really look forward to hearing back from you and seeing up close pictures of the magnificent comet that your network discovered.


I received an email back from an Igor this afternoon.  11/14/13 - here it is:


Perioically , our network provides images of ISON comets - see attached files.

But main goals of our network is discovering of new objects and scientific and applied researches.

I.e., we discovered C/2013 V3 (Nevski) comet recently.

But we can not provide the scientific research of comets becuase of have not of scientist in this filed.

But, i.e. one from our scientific goal is investigations of NEAs:


He included pictures for me of ISON - there are various dates on them, including one from yesterday showing a triple tail!  

Would I have liked closer pictures of ISON?  Yes.  But I think it is pretty cool, they sent me some pictures of it in the first place.   As he said they aren't comet scientist.  


Notice who took this picture below :)


  1. Where are the close ups ? Nasa can see a hair on a fly's ass on the moon but no close ups of this clearly holographic image. Nasa and Projects Blu beam are preparing the scare the pants of the World as if the devil is god. Scripture tells us the devil has a coming. he comes with all signs and lying wonders = Project Blue beam.

    1. I differ with your opinion. there are enough photos of ISON and the other comets in our sky from amateur photographers. It is a real comet and it really is in our solar system. It will be going by Mercury on the 17th, I believe and it will be interesting to see if it has the same affect on it as it did Mars. This is an 'electrical' comet. I have emailed them (ISON) back asking if they are going to get more photos and if they would please send them to me.

  2. Yo Harmen, apparently you've not been paying attention to worldly events for the past decade. Satan here and in-charge. While lurking in the shadows for the past couple of centuries he's lately come to full "ON" mode. Just open your eyes. The real satanic score called stutnex,, a computer virus spread through Nuclear plants that was involved in the problems containing Japans Fukashima event with computer safety responses not working, has turned into a wold changing event. His attacks on Christ and other religions professing brotherly love are under obvious assaults and winning. Together these two situations alone are overwhelming without having to mention world economics, wars etc. If this comet is your Satan sign it may just be the fireworks after the show. God Speed.

  3. Sherrie please just delete the shamboiling, bath-salt inhaling, well-poisoning tardo's comment. Ison has been proven to be a comet by amateur astronomers after NASA published initial photos. Anyone else ney-saying? Rent some telescope time before you make stupid comments like the Lharmen-tardo-1.

    1. And who would ever doubt NASA, hey? Anything that America excretes has to be treated extremely cautiously after-all, America is a sick society and getting sicker by the day.

    2. Yes, I think I shall await some images from other sources (including the public) and wait to see if I can see it before believing anything that comes from the same source that gave the world 'WMDs'.

      I am afraid America, as long as it is run by Israel simply lacks any credibility.

  4. So isn't this the same bright light we've been seeing near the sun?

  5. What's all this stuff about 'satan'? What are religious nutters doing talking about comets? Are we going back to medieval times or something? Haven't we progressed since all that 'signs and wonders' crap?

    As for 'open your eyes' to see satan's works, well, what a load of bollocks. What on earth would these people have thought if they lived just prior to WW2? Or during the Spanish Flu outbreak which killed millions? Or during the Great Plague?

    According to people like this the world has been about to end dozens of times - and then it didn't. And it won't now either.

    Honestly, these people are dangerous, superstitious and ignorant. Please delete their ridiculous comments from this thread.

    1. I don't censor people's opinions, as long as they aren't violent, full of curse words or spam. I allow all comments of people expressing themselves, no matter if I agree with them or not.

    2. Wow, what a bigot this one is! Please delete anything I don't want to hear and all that. You must be a militant feminist or a hate-crazed Liberal I take it. Yes, well, you have 'progressed' into a spiritualess, soulless load of fat, thick slobs who play tunes on phones all day and don't really do anything other than consume cheap goods. And obviously these people are not as dangerous and ignorant as someone who still calls a virus invented in an American military establishment 'Spanish Flu'. I also hope your self assured, arrogant attitude toward the planet being indestructible and nothing effecting it proves right, especially concerning the implications of Fukushima on the planet and the devastating and deadly radiation spewing out all over the Northern Hemisphere that the Zionist media doesn't even mention.

  6. Good Job Sherrie! It was cool to have a little window into your private correspondence with such a noteworthy connection. I understand and respect from the email that they are not so much stuck on past discoveries but continuing to place their full efforts and energy into new discoveries. Excellent choice on your part to have made the connection. Keep that going and who knows what they will be willing to share in the future that msm has no interest in.

  7. Ask NASA where they were when ISON lit up Mars!!

    as for your Satan don't any of you actually study anything? If you wish to know about Satan, Saturn, Venus, then you must study older history and Alestor Crowely since he figured out the dark witchcraft of Hidden Wisdom.
    everything is built on Astrology this is common knowledge and history. All Consciousness is part of it the Universe the inner Eye.
    Just because you don't know about something doesn't mean you past judgement. The world is Blind mostly they like that way.
    Now what is the Importance of ISON the Gov Shut NASA down when Ison was doing some amazing things.

    1. "Just because you don't know about something doesn't mean you past judgement. The world is Blind mostly they like that way."

      True! People are very closed minded and anything that doesn't fit into their view is ignored. I hear the old: 'I have never heard of that' line all the time. It simply translates to 'I am ignorant of such knowledge so, therefore, it cannot exist'.

      I used to think it impossible for humans to make crop-circles because I didn't have the skill or knowledge to make one myself. Then I realised there are people who do possess such skills and knowledge and are certainly capable of making them. Ignorance you see, I cannot do it so therefore no-one else can attitude.

  8. Thanks for posting the photo - Space is so interesting and surprising - human, not so much; their lack of interest in no longer surprising. As I read some of the above comments, I am embarrassed - how odd that such discussions come up with such wondrous things in the world around us. Again, thank you for your efforts and time in posting this.

  9. photos clearly look electrical! look at the perfect spere; an object is going through massive amounts of charged energy from being nearer the sun and it's lighting up and reacting like a filament. Looks like a match being lit/struck from "friction", that being the copious energy in the "vacuum"(this term is very misleading!!!) of space(especially near the sun or regardless @ times too, disproves "frost line theory" when it does outburst far away).

    These photos look like plasma, they look electrical, they're are tons of Ions per second(very electrical), tons upon tons of "dust" per second too; from "tin" dirty snowballs?
    You say comets are WAY too small to affect planets, sun, or even discharge yet you want us to believe they fluff off insane amounts of mater AND energy NOT from the Solar Wind which it is absolutely bathed in right now???

    A dirty snowball, and that term is meant quite literally-ish, can survive close encounters with the sun??? Temperatures that compel or are a result of NUCLEAR FUSION???!!!

    You sure do expect a lot of these diirty lil snoballz!!! This metaphor is dumb at least and wholly inaccurate at most and probably so!! See not even saying we know absolutely but the Electric Theory IS the theory. JUST think about it for a moment geez. Its theory indeed, the best we know FOR NOW. Quit being a FLAT EARTHER!! I see aura, I see lightning, I see energy and discharge, light, reaction, ions/plasma, connectivity, variability/flicker as amounts of energy/particles from the sun changes, I see a computer screen in front of me moving at the speed of light, our heads full of electrical impulses, video games, phones, the instruments to observe this, the comps to crunch the data, simulators, pics, videos, I see an outsocket with enough juice to kill me yet there it sits, only full of that potential for now but ready to deliver it with instantaneous speed from distant places full of enough force to explode a person or power any number of the devices that make up the majority of my life, that transfer this force into myriads forms of power and convenience...
    Thanks for the site/posts. Im bout to go full time against you weirdo status quo connivers! you are wack! hokum! booya!
    Why is an amateur the authority on this??? Where are all the pics/vids??? NOT the amateur ones, which I love of course, but the numerous(there are THOUSANDS @ least) from the fancy pants NASA craft??? NOT the sorry excuses they released and I can't even you use as an "example" for saying, "Yes the DID release pics!!!" Well yeah and the suck a## big time!!! You can watch a vid on NASA"s WEBSITE of how they were going to image ISON with all FIVE CRAFT from/around mars!!! There is ONE crummy photos from THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    thanks, ha ha rant off
