
Sunday, November 17, 2013

Photo of ISON from ISON - First Up Close of Coma - Color transfer Image - Perfectly Round Coma with TWO additional Objects in Coma 11/17/13

ISON Telescope network, just sent me this picture of the comet ISON at 11 AM est, they just took on 11/17/13.  They did a coloration of it.  You can see a perfectly round sphere at the front of it and two objects in the coma area.  

Also, FYI - I asked him if they got pictures of ISON as it passed Mars.  He is going to check and see.  He will send me any pictures they have of Mars and Ison.   If he sends any, I will of course put them here. 

Below are all the various pictures and information ISON telescope network has sent me in the past.

Picture of ISON from ISON - morning of 11/17/13 

Here is the information about the comets passing Mercury

Previous pictures of ISON from ISON - with email I originally sent them.  

Update picture from the 15th from ISON of comet ISON. 

Pictures New Comet (Nevski C/2013 V3) from ISON telescope discovered on November 8th 2013 

I put the photo on youtube with the other photo they sent today 11/17/13 - to make it easier to share, if someone so desires.

Did they put a round disc to hide the coma?   He did not tell they did that in the email when he (ISON telescope) sent me the photo.  This is more than we have gotten from NASA or anywhere else.   Is it a perfectly round sphere or not?

I will continue to put all the photos ISON sends me of the comet ISON  on the blog, as I get them.

Here is the photo from early this morning that ISON took of Comet ISON, that is in another post.  But I wanted to put it here too.

UPDATE 11/18/13 - New Pictures of ISON from ISON - One picture shows the Shock Wave of air in front of the Comet. 


  1. Did they explain why the nucleus appears as a perfect sphere?

  2. No, but I hope to hear more from them about it. I asked if he would do an interview, but he said, No, since they are not scientist - they just find Near Earth Asteroids and Comets. I would love to speak with him about it all.

  3. I dot think the nucleus is a perfect sphere, it looks like they placed a disk on top to hide the actual appearance of the real nucleus... I wonder why they would do that? Either way there is something fishy going on. I wouldn't think an object in the coma of an comet would be perfectly round. And, why would they hide the real object?

  4. Where is the official NASA stamp on the photos from 'NASA'? Even the colored ones? Or, should I say manipulated photos? People too easy these days.

    1. You mean where is the first picture of ISON from NASA. They have released one in months, except for amateur ones.

      These pictures are from ISON telescope. They have put a label on some of them and not others. I have many posts with pictures from them. They are linked above. This latest picture of the upclose that is above they did not put a label on.

      He sent both the above to me today. I have emailed him and haven't heard back if they put that perfectly round sphere at the coma and what he believes those two objects are. When I hear back from him I will post the answers.

  5. Hi Sherrie, you have a great blog! I think the two objects are two of the stars like all the others in the black and white image. Clearly they added the perfect circle to cover something, behind it you can see orangish light.

  6. Check this out please people. I know its far fetched to people who don't believe in Jesus as God. But it is a prediction of this comet.
    Dont knock it untill you try it ! Yes something is fishy !

  7. I'm not sure but this picture is like the eye of horus don't know if spelling is correct, and as for the people who say END DAYS Jesus says I come as a thief in the night I.E. you will never know the day or hour,,, and as for those who are quick to rebuke religious people, what harm is there if someone believes it's the end? Is it not better to be ready to meet your creator (if there is one) than to die and burn in hell? Judge yourself not others, we all have the right to our beliefs, we all have the right to speak
