
Friday, December 6, 2013

Video - Tape 2 of Sandy Hook 911 Calls - 911 Operator in background at Center says "Sandy Hook is Fake" - Also Rick's statement's do not make sense

Here is the direct link to the Tape 2 of Sandy Hooks 911 calls.  

This is the first call that Rick Thorne "Acting Head Custodian for the day" at Sandy Hook is on the phone.

The important part is at 1:56 when you hear a woman at the 911 center say " Sandy Hook is Fake?" in a shocked and disbelieving tone.  Then the male 911 person who is talking to Rick Thorne sounds upset and says "Jen HANGUP I need to you get OFF that phone!"

The male 911 person obviously was part of the whole setup as he was upset hearing her say that and messing up what they were doing.

Their 'star' of the 911 calls, Rick Thorne provided it was all disorganized.  First he says that he saw the glass broken, but then he is in another part of the school.  He realizes his mistake and said "he is close to the front."

This is an important tape.

I go through the tape and listen to "The Sandy Hook School is FAKE" in the background!  I also go through Rick's information and show how it does not make sense.

UPDATE - Michael Rivero from WhatReallyhappened cleaned up the section where the 911 operator says FAKE.

This is what Michael Rivero said under the post he made after cleaning up the section:

This sounds like one of those stories that is too good to be true, so in this age of deliberately planted hoaxes to discredit the independent media I went over to the USA Today website and downloaded the Sandy Hook Tape 2 for myself, washed out some of the noise in the background, and created this mp3 file of the relevant portion where we hear the word "Fake" followed by the order to get off of the phone.



  1. It is like KNOWING that Off World craft exist in our atmosphere, what good does it do to know this information? What changes will it make for individuals that see the fakery to resolve citizen sovereignty for the agenda... It is a huge burden to know so much information and yet not be able to change a damn thing.

    1. Well, ok. Why are you even reading this and writing here? Go, bury your head in the sand. Leave the rest of us to keep informed.

    2. well ok to you too then. so far it hasn't seemed to make one bit of difference how informed the rest of us keep.
      why don't you go wave a sign and see what that gets you.

  2. Has anyone interviewed "Jen" who said on the call "I heard a rumor that the Sandy Hook school is FAKE" and right after a man said "JEN, I need you to GET OFF NOW!".

    Has anyone interviewed either witness, if so, where are those interviews, if not, why?

    I'm calling this WHOLE Sandy Hook fiasco BS!!!

    They (ILLUMINATI) massacred innocent children and teachers in order to install gun confiscation against the Constitution's 2nd Amendment.

    These are some sick demonic bastards who will burn in Hell...

    1. did you see any dead bodies of children? i thought not. no kids were killed, it was a hoax.

  3. It's 'There is a rumor that State...' talking on how is it the State police are there before everyone else, asking when are the local police showing up, considering he is in room #1, and has heard no sirens either...

    Notes on the new Sandy Hook audios..


    1. Two things about that statement. One is I just inserted a video where that section was cleaned up without background noise. You can hear the word FAKE. Also why would the other 911 operator (male) get so upset with her and tell her to Hang Up if she was asking if someone was safe. Think about that!

    2. THE main operator guy was telling the broad "jen" that they could only take one call at a time, that is a probable reason. Or it could be that they where in cahoots with certain agents a pre planned agenda.

      OPERATOR 1: All right Jen, let's get one, let's get one caller, I'll take my caller, you . . .

      its funny to mention that in this version of the transcript, there is no mention of "are you in a room?, are you safe?" or "sandy hook is fake." Or "Get off the phone"

  5. I understand completely, where is this video, I was just simply giving them the benefit of the doubt ya know.... I mean they did all this hanging up an not following protocol, then get awards, an pats on the back, that's crazy.....

  6. Ok ok ok I hear it now, thank you soooo soooo much hun....

  7. Sheerie -

    Thanks for keeping many of us informed! Keep up the great work!

  8. I hear "FAKE" pretty clearly but not Sandy Hook I hear what I think is "rumor is fake" or something is fake.

  9. The only thing "chilling" about these 911 calls is the "chilling" bad acting, along with no gunshots, no sirens, no one seems out of their mind which I would expect. No mention of dead children or dead anybody.

  10. Lots of assumtion here. "Rumour it's fake"...."Room where it's safe" "(Are you in a) room, are you safe" ? Even if it WAS "Rumour it's fake", focus on the word "rumour". There's a rumour that every major event is fake or a hoax these days. It's a default setting for some people. Furthermore, how do we know that the dispatcher is talking to the woman when he says "I need you to get off that line"? The control room would probably have had many people in it. He could have been speaking to any number of individuals. This smacks of the Christopher Rodia car incident, where people connected a minor traffic offence in another part of the area, because it came up on the police scanner at the same time as SH was happening.

  11. It is obvious he is saying that her. Also it was a command to HANGUP. The license plate of the car retrieved was not Lanza's but was Rodia's car. The assumption we should simply believe the government that it happened is the only 'proof' they have ever given that it happened. There is more evidence, including the people recycling through the firehouse, no EMT's were allowed in the school. The children were pronounced dead by the police, which is something that does not happen. There is so much more, besides the bizarre parents. What you are saying is we should just be all good little sheep and believe what the govt. told us to believe. Yeah, they are so honest all the time, they would never lie to us. hhhmmm..... I guess I am just not that good of a sheep.

  12. Thankyou sherrie good work, more people can now take out the noise and listen more carefully.. I do think she says ' theres a rumour its fake. some of them might have not known it was taking place... she said the wrong thing. by the sound of it.. its all very strange .. glad you are still looking into this.

  13. She is saying "There's a rumor its Fake? " . I believe someone is spilling the beans on the event. Watch this...

  14. No she isn't! Here is the audio from her side for you listing pleasure!

    1. Thats not the 911 operator in question. The voice inflection is completely different.

  15. It sounds like she said there is a rumor its FAKE?

  16. Sherrie, the first time "Jen" interrupts, the first dispatcher has already gotten from Rick Thorne his name and position at the school. After Jen interrupts, he asks for that information again. But think how strange that is: RT has reported a shooting at a school while the kids are present. What the dispatcher should be doing is DISPATCHING! He should be calling all hands on deck, every police, paramedic and SWAT team available. Instead, after the interruption, he begins the questions again. Who are you? Where are you? You know what that sounds like? What you hear in a rehearsal when an actor makes a mistake; they start over without taking a beat. Your noting the dispatcher showing knowledge he should not have is very good. 9/11 was carried out by the A team, but this event seems like very much like the B team was in charge.

    1. the school had been closed for years. the FBI website has no gun deaths in sandy hook that year. i fail to see how anyone with a logical mind can accept that adam lanza, who could not drive a car much less shoot guns with deadly accuracy, murdered his mother and a school full of children and teachers. no one ever saw adam lanza driving a car, no one ever saw him practicing religiously at the gun range. not one person.
