Friday, November 29, 2013

Pictures I took, something next to the sun that is very bright 11/29/13 - ISON survived. Brighter than ever? Is this ISON?

I took some pictures a few minutes ago 11/29/13 at 1 PM est.

What is this next to the sun?  Is it ISON brighter than ever?  This is not a sun flare or dog.  I took the pictures through a window shade so there would be no reflection and it was filtered some.

Here are the pictures.

What is this?  Ison?  It is very large if it is ISON.

 The pictures are owned by me with all copyright laws.

NASA is fading ISON's brightness on Lasco. 


  1. Very interesting! What part of the world was this photo taken?

  2. I am in Eastern Tennessee, U.S. I took the pictures at 1PM est.

  3. Sherri, did you check it against stellarium? Remove the ground and it will show whats in the sky. I wonder if its Venus, which you wouldn't see naked eye until after the sun sets.

  4. You should get a welder's shield or the glass from one and take a photo of the sun to more clearly see what's there.

  5. According to this website, that's where Comet ISON should be!

  6. these are great pics! you are the only person i have found anywhere who actually was able to capture this! great job!

  7. sadly those do appear to be a flare. you say they are not, but the object moves too close to the sun, it is not the same in all three pics. and an object like that that moves is considered to be a flare.

  8. No it doesn't move. It is called having more glare in one photo compared to another. You may feel it moves but you obviously aren't taking my positioning and glare of the sun.

  9. I know it's been a while since this post but I have some pictures like this as well that I took in early spring this year and the exact same thing is in my pictures.
