Friday, September 20, 2013

A Brave New World - A prophetic Book/Movie, Drugged, complacent, slaves, Hive Thinking, Brain Washed Controlled Society of the future.

I watched this movie (filmed 1980) the other day, I have it embedded below.  A BRAVE NEW WORLD.  It was written by Aldous Huxley in 1931.

What is disturbing, is the book is considered one of the top 100 books ever written. (Per elite voting, lists)

To say Huxley was an elite is to put it mildly.  His family was part of the elite.  Information about one of his brothers is under the video.

This movie is all about what the elite desires and are working to achieve on Earth.   It is about how there are different classes of people, elite, working sex slaves, sheep, until it gets down to slaves that go into nuclear tunnels.  Everyone is created for slavery in one form or another, except for the elite.  It is about overt mind control and subliminal conditioning from birth.  It is about 'being happy' with your slavery and working just to make the elite happy.

It is a 3 hour long movie.  At the end it even implies... if you are a free thinker than you are an outcast, if you do not follow the hive mind then kill yourself.  If you do not go along with society then you are a sad and lonely person.   If you don't take medications then there is something wrong with you.  Besides that, if you feel Love or desire for any type familial life then you are depraved in your mind.  Of course in the movie if you have sex with only one person then you are crazy and do not belong in society.  One of the points of everyone's existence is to 'consume' and buy new items constantly.  

Three characters in the movie who did not follow the hive mind and dared have any thoughts on their own were relinquished to solitude on faraway islands with one hanging himself.

This is actually a movie I believe everyone should see to understand where we are being led.  In fact we are already at many of the "accepted" situations of the movie today, even though it is set in 2540 AF.  AF stands for "after Ford" in the movie they consider Ford a 'God'.

It may seem a fantasy or sci fi to many, but pay attention it is actually fore telling the overall plans the elite have for society.

We are slaves to the elite.  We are here to do their bidding and they do want a hive mind, following orders, no free thinking, everyone medicated and eugenics of created people without Love and Souls or individuality.

Aldous Huxley's brother was Julian Huxley who was a Eugenics and biologist.  Besides that he was the first director of UNESCO (United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization: an agency of the United Nations that promotes education and communication and the arts) - which was formed by the Rockefellers.   He worked on things that the movie was about.  It is said he worked for Rockefeller's eugenics projects directly.

1958 interview Huxley did with Mike Wallace about the book. He says TV is part of the control of people and the subliminal messages.



  1. I think, Sherrie, that what a greater percentage of our global community need to realize is that we are already living in these times.

    What has slowed these projects down is the alternate media and the kind of amazing work you and others do by exposing this growing elitist trend. Another thing slowing their slavery project down is the fact that they have not yet attained a 'manageable' global population that they can forcefully corral.

    The drive for huge wars are not just for profit reasons as much as for cacogenic or dysgenic ones. The cover of war, aside from the massive deaths that bring about quick population reductions, allow for experiments that would never be condoned in times of peace on humans.

    The term, dear Sherrie, is not eugenics which implies an improvement in offspring production but cacogenic or dysgenic conditioning; a degeneration or deterioration in the fitness and quality of a race or strain. This is what the global elites seek. A condition that reduces the human race to zombies and worker drones.

    Autism is a known and observable product of dysgenic experimentation. Schizophrenia and Dependence Syndromes are other forms of it amongst a long list of others.

    Globalists have been quietly seeking covert vehicles for the introduction of DNA-altering chemicals into the human condition. Vaccines and GMOs are amongst their favorite vehicles because of their wide spread applications.

    The intense push for GMO consumption is pursued relentlessly by the globalists because everybody needs to eat, this makes seizing our global food chain a diabolical promise that guarantees their slavery project like no other.

    Bill Gates Snr and Jnr are not eugenicists but dysgenic agents, so too Aldous Huxley and the rest of the gang. These people are bent on altering the human condition for the worse in their mad quest to control all of humanity.

    These applications allow for the unnoticed introduction of DNA-wrecking chemicals at a very early stage in human formation. Prenatal drugs are effective tools for dysgenic intents which allow for these alterations to occur at the embryonic stage.

    Pregnant wives and nursing mothers must be very careful about what they take and that which they allow their offspring to be injected or administered with. They are the primary targets of dysgenic agents.

    Please google "The England Hypothesis and a future foretold" and "The England Hypothesis" for some revealing insight on this topic. They are both a memorable read and should be read in conjunction with each other. They are unbelievably alarming as they are shocking.

    And thank you, Sherrie, for the amazing work you do.

  2. 1984 is nonfiction. George Orwell/Eric Arthur Blair was just writing what he had observed in life. The common aspirations of all homo sapien power brokers. Total control no matter the cost to others.

    Animal Farm is not dystopian fiction. It is also NOT a critique of Communism. It is a statement of historical fact. Some pigs are more equal than other pigs.

    The Iron Heel by Jack London published in 1908 is the primal dystopian treatise. All others a mere echos.

    PS - "This Perfect Day" by Ira Levin published 1970 is a perfect scripting of humanity's oldest 'trust me' scam.

    Sherri - Thank You for allowing open comments posting on your blog. AL
