
Sunday, September 29, 2013

Observation: D.C. began to 'fear' the Unity of the public regarding Syria. Government Shut down 'Game'- Now Hate, Division and Negative Energy between the people once again.

Isn't it funny.   People had united in a way I had not seen before regarding the 'Bomb Syria' situation.  I went to all the various websites from the 'hard left to hard right' and I found people were uniting as never before in the comments.   People were coming together and not 'hating' one another for being Republican or Democrat.   People were committing "All the elected officials are not for the people, no matter the party affiliation, they are all on the same side."   People were waking up to who the D.C. officials really are.

Those in D.C. began to 'fear' the public regarding Syria as the public was standing up in Unity regardless of 'Party Affiliation'   They had to Stop that so the game of 'Government Shutdown over Party affiliation' has come into play.  

Understand, the only way D.C. can do as they want overall, is for the people to hate one another and put a label on each other due to party affiliation.   By people being divided they can do as they please and pass whatever they please and still get elected the next time.

BUT if people are united and begin understanding those in D.C. are one, behind the scenes and that are all controlled puppets in a game they can not do as they please.

I have said over and over again on this blog.  There is NO real difference between the party affiliations in D.C..  It is all a game for the public.  All legislation that takes away our rights or a money give away to the banks and corporation are always passed by both parties.  NDAA, FISA, Patriot Act, Stimulus, TARP, etc.    They are all controlled puppets in a play and are told what part to play in a 'fight' in the public face but behind the scenes they are the same.

Look no further than NSA spying.  Both 'sides' are fine with it and both sides don't have a problem with the constitution being shredded for 'the good of the people and getting terrorist.'

The latest government shutdown is a perfect example of a created crisis for division of the people.

I am now reading throughout the net on all various websites from left to right, absolute Hate being spewed between the people due to their party affiliation.   Of course with McCain saying "Civil War" and the administration calling GOP congress people "terrorists" this is fueling the fire as never before.

It appears in fact the D.C. establishment is going full tilt in creating Hate between the people by inflammatory rhetoric for the public to embrace, through MSM.  

Think about it, what a perfect vehicle to make sure the public hates each other once again and divide as never before.  A government shutdown showdown over Obamacare with one party on one side and the other party on the opposite side.

D.C. can not have the people united at all, they need the energy of Hate to get what they want accomplished for their friends in higher places. 

The problem is the people are buying the whole bullshit play acting, hook line and sinker.

I sincerely wish that people would not buy the story being fed to them by the government and the media and the people would stand together.

Energy is what drives all things and creates all things.  By having the energy of Strong Hate and Division being radiated by the people as a whole, the top feeds off of it and can continue with their lies and deception.   Energy is the creative power of everything in our lives.  What we put our energy into is what manifest and war is able to be created and started due to the hate energy of the people.  

Those who control all aspects of our lives understand this and they lead all of us by a carrot in front of our noises to create what they want as they control where our energy is placed.

Personally I would welcome any government shutdown.  Let the people unite together and change our government to being "For the People and By the People" once again.   I would welcome the people uniting as they did when this "More Perfect Union" was formed in 1776.

We need to NOT Hate one another, we need to ignore the game being played!  We need to put our Energy into Love and Unity for our country and each other.

If we can keep our thoughts and energy into Standing Together, Unity and Love as we did with Syria we can change what is happening in D.C.  


I did not play the game in the last elections either, except for voting for Ron Paul in the primaries.  I am stepping outside of their game and I will not sanction my Freedom being stolen away by voting in those who are controlled to take our Rights and Freedoms away through lies.

I am asking for the people reading this to please not fall for what they are doing in creating extreme hate between the people once again!

The only way to change our world as a whole right now and what they are doing in D.C. is to stay United together.

I invite you to turn your speakers UP VERY LOUD and Listen to this song It is exactly what it is happening and what they are doing in D.C.!  I ask you to listen to the words of this song and THINK!


The above song is now my official 'Theme Song' for this blog!  It says it all in what people need to do..... THINK!  Don't play their games and don't let their games direct your energy into the Hate and Division they need to create to continue what they want to do.

By Uniting together and seeing each other as ourselves and staying with the Energy of Love, Truth and Unity we ALL can be FREE!


Sunday, September 22, 2013

China has seized 1800 TONS of Radioactive metal coming from Japan in one port alone, this year.

Remember Hillary and the U.S. government made a deal with Japan that they wouldn't test or allow radiation testing of food or materials from Japan.  Well China didn't make that deal and they are watching for radiation from Japan.

In one port alone this year, China has seized and isolated 1800 TONS of Radioactive metals/waste materials from Japan in coastal city of Taizhou in east China's Zhejiang Province.

How much radiated materials are being shipped to the U.S. from Japan and it being ignored and not tested?  Are the cars built in Japan radiated?  

Friday, September 20, 2013

A Brave New World - A prophetic Book/Movie, Drugged, complacent, slaves, Hive Thinking, Brain Washed Controlled Society of the future.

I watched this movie (filmed 1980) the other day, I have it embedded below.  A BRAVE NEW WORLD.  It was written by Aldous Huxley in 1931.

What is disturbing, is the book is considered one of the top 100 books ever written. (Per elite voting, lists)

To say Huxley was an elite is to put it mildly.  His family was part of the elite.  Information about one of his brothers is under the video.

This movie is all about what the elite desires and are working to achieve on Earth.   It is about how there are different classes of people, elite, working sex slaves, sheep, until it gets down to slaves that go into nuclear tunnels.  Everyone is created for slavery in one form or another, except for the elite.  It is about overt mind control and subliminal conditioning from birth.  It is about 'being happy' with your slavery and working just to make the elite happy.

It is a 3 hour long movie.  At the end it even implies... if you are a free thinker than you are an outcast, if you do not follow the hive mind then kill yourself.  If you do not go along with society then you are a sad and lonely person.   If you don't take medications then there is something wrong with you.  Besides that, if you feel Love or desire for any type familial life then you are depraved in your mind.  Of course in the movie if you have sex with only one person then you are crazy and do not belong in society.  One of the points of everyone's existence is to 'consume' and buy new items constantly.  

Three characters in the movie who did not follow the hive mind and dared have any thoughts on their own were relinquished to solitude on faraway islands with one hanging himself.

This is actually a movie I believe everyone should see to understand where we are being led.  In fact we are already at many of the "accepted" situations of the movie today, even though it is set in 2540 AF.  AF stands for "after Ford" in the movie they consider Ford a 'God'.

It may seem a fantasy or sci fi to many, but pay attention it is actually fore telling the overall plans the elite have for society.

We are slaves to the elite.  We are here to do their bidding and they do want a hive mind, following orders, no free thinking, everyone medicated and eugenics of created people without Love and Souls or individuality.

Aldous Huxley's brother was Julian Huxley who was a Eugenics and biologist.  Besides that he was the first director of UNESCO (United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization: an agency of the United Nations that promotes education and communication and the arts) - which was formed by the Rockefellers.   He worked on things that the movie was about.  It is said he worked for Rockefeller's eugenics projects directly.

1958 interview Huxley did with Mike Wallace about the book. He says TV is part of the control of people and the subliminal messages.


Thursday, September 19, 2013

John McCain Wrote about the U.S. in a Russian Paper Op Ed? He described the U.S. government and not Russia perfectly! Examples of his Hypocrisy.

John McCain wrote an Op-ed in a Russian paper due to Putin writing one in the NYTs.

What is funny about John McCain's Op Ed to the Russian People?

Everything he said in it is about the U.S. government and country now.  All you have to do is change the name from Russia to U.S. and from Putin to Obama.

He describes himself and the 'ruling elite' of D.C. in every way.

He describes the loss of our Liberty and Freedoms.

What he says he believes in, he does the opposite in D.C.!

I don't believe for one moment anyone except the obviously deranged McCain will take his Op Ed seriously, because it is so hypocritical!

I believe the man has really lost his mind.

Portions of his deranged OpEd:  (commentary inbetween portions)

I believe you should live according to the dictates of your conscience, not your government. I believe you deserve the opportunity to improve your lives in an economy that is built to last and benefits the many, not just the powerful few. You should be governed by a rule of law that is clear, consistently and impartially enforced and just. I make that claim because I believe the Russian people, no less than Americans, are endowed by our Creator with inalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness

Let's look at the above... Rule by conscience not by government.  Here is McCain telling Obama to bomb Syria before Congress can say No.  In other words, forget the constitution and Freedom of the people and do as a dictator.

There has been no rule of law in this country for the big corporations and banks.  In fact here is an interview with the 20 year former counsel for the World Bank. She says the U.S. has not lived by the rule of law in a long time and it is getting very serious.    Corzine has never been held accountable for billions stolen out right from people's accounts at MF Global.  The banks have not been held responsible for all the Foreclosure Fraud that still continues to this day.  The list goes on and on of how there is no rule of law for the elite of this country. 

The Pumping by the Fed is only benefiting a few and not the many.   The many are in fact having their money being inflated away.

McCain and Graham - "Glad NSA is secretly spying on Americans"

“We are very much under threat,” said Graham, stating that “homegrown terrorism” was one of his “biggest concerns.”
“It is happening in our own backyard, and I am glad that NSA is trying to find out what terrorists are up to overseas and inside the country,” said Graham.
Graham, along with Republican Arizona Sen. John McCain, has been an ardent defender of the Obama administration’s prosecution of the War on Terror.

Here is another portion:

They don't respect your dignity or accept your authority over them. They punish dissent and imprison opponents. They rig your elections. They control your media. They harass, threaten, and banish organizations that defend your right to self-governance. To perpetuate their power they foster rampant corruption in your courts and your economy and terrorize and even assassinate journalists who try to expose their corruption. 

McCain and Levin are the ones who Wrote the NDAA bill - that considers U.S. citizens as domestic terrorist if they are 'belligerent' against the government. Which also means if you believe in the constitution and right to 'self rule'!  

Our elections are so Rigged - Look how McCain keeps getting re-elected - That is Proof enough!

The U.S. media is nothing but propaganda and is controlled by the Federal Reserve and the government.  They are part of the election rigging.  

Here are more portions:

He has given you an economy that is based almost entirely on a few natural resources that will rise and fall with those commodities. Its riches will not last. And, while they do, they will be mostly in the possession of the corrupt and powerful few. Capital is fleeing Russia, which - lacking rule of law and a broad-based economy - is considered too risky for investment and entrepreneurism. He has given you a political system that is sustained by corruption and repression and isn't strong enough to tolerate dissent.
How has he strengthened Russia's international stature? By allying Russia with some of the world's most offensive and threatening tyrannies. By supporting a Syrian regime that is murdering tens of thousands of its own people to remain in power and by blocking the United Nations from even condemning its atrocities. By refusing to consider the massacre of innocents, the plight of millions of refugees, the growing prospect of a conflagration that engulfs other countries in its flames an appropriate subject for the world's attention. He is not enhancing Russia's global reputation. He is destroying it. He has made her a friend to tyrants and an enemy to the oppressed, and untrusted by nations that seek to build a safer, more peaceful and prosperous world.
President Putin (Obama) doesn't believe in these values because he doesn't believe in you. He doesn't believe that human nature at liberty can rise above its weaknesses and build just, peaceful, prosperous societies. Or, at least, he doesn't believe Russians can. So he rules by using those weaknesses, by corruption, repression and violence. He rules for himself, not you. 

I put Obama in the spot above where it belongs.  McCain should have also mentioned how the cronies and puppets in D.C. allow the shredding of the Constitution.    Change the support of the Syrian regime to the U.S. support of Terrorist (Al Qaeda) and the tyranny of the countries who the U.S. is allies with (Saudi Arabia, etc) who want to take over Syria.   How the U.S. has destroyed it's reputation due to the lies (Iraq war, etc) to invade other countries.

Of Course McCain takes his position very seriously and believes war is a serious shown when he played poker during the discussions of going to war with Syria.  His mind was made up already, anyway.  The man loves War and Invading other countries!  He wants to "Bomb Bomb Bomb Iran/Syria/Russia and the list goes on and on.

It is time for McCain to go. He is part of the problem of our government and their attitudes. He is corrupt, he is against our liberty, freedoms and Constitution as shown by his acts and rhetoric. He does not reflect the people's values or morality in the United States. He is not a representative of the people of the U.S. and their voices of peace and morals.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

A Morgan Stanley College Fund I started for my daughter (Coverdell ESA) $500 initial investment is $175, 13 years later! Almost 3/4 loss of money!

I just had to inform everyone.  NEVER NEVER start a college fund for your child.  13 years ago I started one for my child when she was one year old with Morgan Stanley/Dean Witter.

I called, as I remembered it today and had never received any statements in all these years.

I figured there would be a few more dollars in the account after 13 years, after all it is a college savings account that is suppose to earn money and the stock market is UP.

Well, I got a Huge Shock!  The amount left in the college fund started with $500 is only $175.00 After 13 YEARS!

So... the fund lost almost 3/4 of it's value!  No fees were involved, all just bad investments on Morgan Stanley's part.

How typical of the Wall Street banks.  A College (Coverdell ESA account) is eaten up by their Wall Street bad investments for the clients but good investments for themselves as they bet against what they put your money into.

When talking to them today, their attitude was "Oh Well" that is how it goes.

I told him, I had not had a choice of where the money went to and they are the ones who invested it.

He said they had put it in technology stocks in 2000 when the stocks were at the top of their market.  He tried to make me feel better saying "Well within 3 years it had gone down to $75 and then it went up to $125.  Then it went down again to $88 in 2007 and so it has doubled since then."

I laughed not in a nice way and said, yeah doubled since 2007 but loss about 3/4 over the 13 years!  I did let him know what I thought of how they invested other people's money! 

His attitude was of complete boredom and could care less about it.  

If only I would have put that $500 in gold or silver in 2000, then it would be triple or more in value instead of a loss.

Oh, one other thing... I can't get the $175 until next week.    They wonder why people dislike them so much too...

I will NEVER invest money with any Wall Street firm again.

By the way, putting money in an IRA and giving it to a Wall street bank is just like a college fund. When they lose your money it is "Oh well, too bad for you attitude."

I will be interviewing a company next week and will put it up on the blog about a new way of investing with your IRA.  It is where you can hold physical gold and silver at home yourself and it is still considered an IRA yet you have the physical personally.  I have put the banners for them on the side - Perpetual Assets.   It will be explained more next week.

Don't trust anyone with your investment money, (especially Wall Street banksters) except for yourself.  That is my opinion.


Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Logical and Critical Thinking of Gun Control due to Navy Yard Shooting. D.C. and Navy Yard are Gun Free Areas which Proves Gun Control Does NOT Work!

People need to seriously think critically about the revived 'Gun Control' that Obama and the Democrats are bringing back up due to the Navy Yard Shooting.

Let's think about this... D.C. is a gun free zone, the Navy Yard is a gun free zone.  The military there are not allowed to carry weapons.  So what happens in a 'gun free zone'?  

Someone with a weapon has free range of shooting who they want without the people being able to protect themselves.   If someone else had a gun, they would have been able to stop the shooting!  

It has been proven over and over again, though the MSM does not carry the stories about those who have attempted mass shootings and a bystander being able to take them out before a lot of people are murdered.

Where is the critical thinking and logical reasoning of the masses?

Obama and Feinstein are now saying there must be 'Gun control' once again.  He is creating Executive Orders to that end.  

If Obama enacts Executive Orders to write his own Gun Control and by passes Congress then he will be committing an over reaching Presidential Act.  Thus Congress needs to start impeachment against him.  Obama has committed enough dictator type actions for impeachment already, but they have never acted against them.

The problem is those in Congress have allowed the over reaching of the Executive office over and over again.   If they do not stand up for how our government is suppose to work, they are allowing the erosion of it, along with the people's complicity.  One day we will find out we allowed all of our freedoms to be disintegrated one by one.

What I find terribly sad about all of this is this appears to be a deliberate ongoing erosion of America has it was founded.   We are purposely being led down a path of control and a police state without freedoms or rights.   We will have this, only through the people's blessing.

We the people are the only ones that can allow our rights to be infringed upon.  We the people will need to have our voices be heard loud and clear that we have our Rights to be FREE and Gun Control is proven to NOT work as the opposite is shown by the Navy Yard shooting no matter how much spin by MSM and the government.

We have been drugged up and poisoned to be complacent in all that our government does against us.  This has been deliberate and on going for decades.  This is not due to a 'left or right' only set of actions.  This is by both parties due to their puppet masters behind them.

People need to understand this was started a century ago.  Every President has been involved with the erosion of our rights and freedoms from the early 1900s.

It has been done one small action at a time, one little act 'against the constitution' at a time which has been dismissed and allowed by Congress and the people.   It started in 1913 with the IRS act that was actually voted against by the people, yet it was implemented anyway and the Federal Reserve Act.  Once bankers were allowed to rule our country and create money they became the ones who actually governed those who were suppose to be watching over our rights and freedoms.  

The erosion of our rights and freedoms is not something that is occurring overnight with Obama, it is something that has been worked on for a long time.  Obama seems to be going full force and very fast with the rest of our rights though.   People need to understand this is not just a Democratic problem, under Bush we had the "Patriot Act' due to the lies of 9/11.   Which erased our constitution almost completely away with the blessings of our Congress and the people due to 'fear'.

Fear is how they warp our critical thinking, fear is how they control our actions or non actions.

If we allow Fear to rule us then we will be cattle to the slaughter.

I just finished watching 'A Brave New World' by Aldous Huxley, written in 1931.   From watching that movie on youtube I now have more of an understanding of what they are doing to us all.  A Brave New World is how those in control are guiding us and how they see the world they want.  We are all slaves to them.  I will be writing about it in another post and I will include the movie to be watched on youtube.  It is a 3 hour movie but it will open your eyes to where they are taking us, as everything in it is the road we are traveling.  Including all the sedating medication to keep the people compliant to their wishes and to make us all slaves without any 'free thinking.'


Friday, September 13, 2013

China Accuses Israel of being Behind U.S. lies of Syria and the Iraq War

I have put information up about China saying that the U.S. is lying about Syria, previously.

Now, they are not just proclaiming the U.S. is lying along with the U.K about Syria and the 'proof' that Assad committed the chemical attack against it's people on the 21st of August.  They are saying Israel is behind both the Syria lies and they were behind the WMD lies of Iraq.  They are accusing Israel of wanting war in the Middle East.

I had never seen China point the finger at Israel for any of it before.  This is a major accusation in my opinion.   It seems that they have had enough with the lies and war, as they know the real prize for Israel is Iran.  China does a lot of business with Iran and they appear to be protecting Iran by outright saying Israel is behind it all.

They also say in the article that the U.S. and U.K. have lost all of their credibility now.  They imply Israel is behind what the governments are doing.  That means we do not have a government of the U.S., we have a government of and for Israel, that backs them up first and foremost.  That also means Israel has no qualms along with the U.S. government allowing our military to die for lies, so Israel gets what they want.

Here is a video of the article and information:

Thursday, September 12, 2013

U.S. government is committing Treason against All it's citizens. NSA Hands ALL Raw Spying data to Israel of U.S. citizens, including Governments and Officials around the World.

More and more truth is coming out from Snowden documents.

The NSA provides raw spying data of U.S. citizens, government officials from around the world to Israel.   They are giving Israel the raw data, without anyone in the U.S. looking at it first.    Oh, they are suppose to destroy any information given about elected U.S. government officials and keep the information from U.S. citizens only one year.  Of course we can trust that is happening.

So, we have a government here in the U.S. that doesn't just spy on their citizens but it appears it is doing it for another country.  Doesn't it appear that Israel has enough influence already on U.S. policy?   It appears that now Israel is able to control our spying and thus they are able to control our elected officials through information from them being spied on.

Our liberties are not just being raped for the benefit of 'the fight against terrorism' they are being raped for another country to essentially control all that is happening.

So, Israel has been able to get all the raw data from the NSA spying on all the UN officials?  Is Israel been able to get all the raw data of spying on other government officials and the citizens of other countries?

We lost our freedoms for a country that commits horrible crimes against humanity every day.  They have attacked people in Gaza with chemicals, they have stopped food from getting into areas and have starved the people to death.  They have committed horrendous crimes against people and still do.

It seems to me that TREASON is being committed against the people!  It appears that our whole government is treasonous as they are providing information to a 'foreign' government that is personal and I would assume a lot of it is 'top secret' from government officials around the world.

This is when NDAA needs to come into affect!  All NSA and government officials and all those who have committed TREASON against our country need to be arrested immediately!  It is treason to go against our Constitution first and foremost by spying on everything we do but to give it to a foreign country is doubly treason!  

I see it as NSA is the spying organization for another country and they pass information on about our government officials communications besides the citizen's communications. Then Israel is able to use that information AGAINST those in our government and the citizens.That as treason. Aiding and abetting another country where they can gain the upper hand.


The Guardian article has a very interesting first comment:


The actual document is here. 

Understand - We have been invaded by another country and controlled by another country.  All of our data is being given to another country!


This shows how Israel controls the U.S., for the U.S. government to share top secret data and raw data on it's citizens to a foreign country proves the U.S. government is not in control of this country.

What spin will MSM put on this?  Will they even mention it?
As a note, I have been viewing MSM sites and T.V. news and have not seen a single bit of information about this new revelation, they are not revealing it to the people as a whole.  Guess they don't want to reveal the U.S. in controlled by Israel.

The MSM are spinning Putin's Op Ed in the NYT.  In fact I have found all the news sites are paraphrasing the Op Ed and countering it as they do.  

Monday, September 9, 2013

Investigation of Private Video Production Company for the Govt./Whitehouse around the world. Behind Ads FOR war

Once I saw an ad on The Hill website, which I am not duplicating the ad here, because it seems I have had quite a few of my articles being wiped off blogger due to "complaints" of material.  Blogger has notified me that DMCA complaints have been filed and they took some of my articles down.

An ad is all over the place for ''.  That organization was formed last year, as per the 'Who Is' site.

NOTE: UPDATE 9/11/ 13  10 Am- Through coincidences and my connecting one thing to another both same last names, both having video production companies and the father being the same name as the owner of a video production company in D.C., I may have made the wrong assumptions. I have taken the video down until I can verify what the TRUTH IS!

UPDATE 9/12/13  - I have spoken to Mike Skehan out of Washington D.C.  I was completely wrong in my assumptions.  Through various coincidences he does have a video production company in D.C., he is not related to Josh who is behind the SaveSyrianChildren. org.

I do Not plan on being as the government and mis-leading people down the wrong path. My search is for TRUTH AND ONLY TRUTH!

LINKS that are in the video for you to check out yourself:!about/ccjb

Sunday, September 8, 2013

BRICS formed an Emergency Currency Pool between them during G20 meeting. Worth 100 Billion

The BRICS formed an emergency Currency Pool agreement of their collective currencies during the G20 meeting.

Obama secretly had court reverse NSA ban of spying on Americans in 2011. Video of Obama 2007 - About NO SPYING - Freedoms more Important!

This video and article needs to be passed to all who are still asleep and believe in Obama.

The article has the fact that Obama went to a court secretly in 2011 and asked for restrictions reversed for the NSA to spy on Americans and their phone calls. He was given what he wanted.

From Article:

The Obama administration secretly won permission from a surveillance court in 2011 to reverse restrictions on the National Security Agency’s use of intercepted phone calls and e-mails, permitting the agency to search deliberately for Americans’ communications in its massive databases, according to interviews with government officials and recently declassified material.
In addition, the court extended the length of time that the NSA is allowed to retain intercepted U.S. communications from five years to six years — and more under special circumstances, according to the documents, which include a recently released 2011 opinion by U.S. District Judge John D. Bates, then chief judge of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court.
What had not been previously acknowledged is that the court in 2008 imposed an explicit ban — at the government’s request — on those kinds of searches, that officials in 2011 got the court to lift the bar and that the search authority has been used.
Together the permission to search and to keep data longer expanded the NSA’s authority in significant ways without public debate or any specific authority from Congress. 

Amazing what the article says is the Bush administration actually made sure a ban was in place for the NSA but then Obama requested the ban be lifted.  Is there any doubt that it occurred in 2011, the year before the election?  Seems to me, he may have been pulling a 'Watergate' but didn't have to send people in to place a microphone in offices.

Here is Senator Obama in 2007 - LISTEN TO This man! He says NO SPYING Against Americans our Liberties need to stay in tact with our Freedoms!  WOW what an awesome speech.

Friday, September 6, 2013

MUST LISTEN TO! Recorded Phone Calls I made to D.C. House Representatives regarding Syria War vote - Offices acknowledge against International Law and Rebels Most likely did Chemical Attack - BUT still considering WAR!

OMG - Seriously... I called all the Tennessee House Representatives in Washington DC and spoke to their office staff (except for one... and their voice mailbox was filled).

I taped all the conversations and for those concerned about "wire tapping laws" both Tennessee and Washington D.C. are ONE Party consent states.  That means, I was consenting to be taped and that is all that matters and it was within the law and my right!

You won't believe it!  Many of the office staff CONFIRMED the Congress person Knows it is against International law AND THAT IT APPEARS THE REBELS COMMITTED THE CHEMICAL ATTACK!  Besides that... their Constituents were overwhelmingly AGAINST a war with Syria.... Yet many were still "undecided"!  You can imagine what I thought of that.

But I pushed them about it all.

Here are my phone calls to the Tennessee Representatives!  Listen to ALL of it..... It is GOOD!

OH.. you will hear what I said when they wanted to know my name too..... :D

This is the list and phone numbers I called:

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Jon Stewart went NUTS about the U.S. going to War in Syria! Must See video!

WOW Jon Stewart went NUTS about the U.S. going to  war against Syria and how the U.S. has made a mess in the Middle East from the previous wars! He also goes after John McCain.


China Accuses the U.S. of Lying about Syria and has no Logic for War. U.S. doesn't care about International Law

Edit to Add 9/6/13:  My phone calls to all my Tennessee D.C. representatives - MUST LISTEN TO! 

China has accused the U.S. of lying about Syria and is saying the U.S. has no regard for International laws.

They also refer to Iraq and Afghanistan in how the U.S. has made a mess of those countries and Bush has not been held accountable.  They say Obama will not be held accountable by the American people for Syria either, in a couple of year.

They say that the chemical weapons were from the Rebels (as per an AP investigation) but the U.S. is ignoring the truth!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Is Syria the Tipping Point for people in the U.S. to WAKE UP? Let's Use this Crisis and not let it go to Waste to Fully Awaken People!

I have never done so many videos in one day.  But Syria deserves it.

I want to use Rahm Emanuel's words right back to those who are in control of our government.


You read that correctly!  We need to use this situation to fully awaken those who are still asleep.  I have been reading comments on every website.  People are furious and are now seeing how the D.C. critters are all the same!  

Let push the people.....  could this be the tipping point and from here, we change it all?

Kerry tells Senate Committee "Arab States PAYING in Full for INVASION of Syria!" Senate Vote Allows Boots on the Ground!

The truth has been revealed from John Kerry's mouth.

He told the Senate Committee that Arab States are PAYING in FULL for the INVASION OF Syria!

Edit to add.  Article about Qatar wanting to do a Natural Gas Line across Syria.  The war is over a Natural Gas deal that Assad will not agree to.    I know that Saudi Arabia has been part of this and wanting to do a natural gas line too.   So that is why the Arab states are paying for the war.

Let them go to war, Not the U.S.!  It shows you what prostitutes our elected officials are!  They are not humanitarians!  They are far from it!

Of course the Senate has an open ended resolution for Obama now... ALLOWS BOOTS ON THE GROUND! 

The resolution drafted by Sens. Robert Menendez and Bob Corker, the top Democrat and Republican on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, grants Mr. Obama power “to use the armed forces of the United States as he determines to be necessary and appropriate in a limited and tailored manner against legitimate military targets in Syria” — but only in relation to that nation’s weapons of mass destruction.

Video from website:

Edit to Add:  Don't not let this crisis go to waste - This could be the tipping point to wake people UP! 

My Message To the Syrian People. 92% of us are NOT with our Government nor the terrorist who they support causing the problems of your Country! We STAND WITH Syria!

My message to the Syrian people

92% of us in the U.S. are AGAINST and do NOT Support our Government attacking your country!  We are ONE with you!  We Stand with you and not the Terrorist 'Al Qaeda' who the U.S. government is backing!  We do NOT Stand with the U.S. government in invading your country nor murdering the people there!

We understand it is not humanitarian aid as the reason for the U.S. wanting to attack Syria, it is due to Greed and Control from Saudi Arabia and Israel.  We know it was not Assad who committed the chemical attack.

U.S. government trying to make us feel powerless - how we can change that. 

U.S. government making the people feel Powerless, frustrated and angry by going against them. My video on How we use our Power which is stronger

I did this video this morning due to how frustrated and angry I have been in that our elected officials don't give a damn about our vote on a Syrian war.

It is 2008 all over again, where millions called against TARP and the Congress voted for it anyway as a group.

Here is the poll results on Drudge so far as of 9/4/13 9:50 AM est.

They are ignoring the people and not doing the will of the people. In fact they appear to purposely be making us feel completely powerless and ignoring "We the People" and our vote against the war.

I did this video because We the People actually have more power and it is time to use it.  We need to all seriously understand the power within ourselves and utilize it right now.

I am asking people to try this..... it is our only power we have... which is our Energy.  All things are created by energy and thought first!  So where we put our energy is what is.  When we do it together we make a difference and can change all that is happening.

I have done two videos.

One is about the government and Syria making us feel powerless and how we can combat that. We can work together through our energy to change what is happening.

Here is that video:

This 2nd video is all about energy and how to change your energy and be the Power that you are.  It is about how all of our energies make a difference and what I do.   When we have the intent of Light and Love... it matters.  We may not live it every moment, talk is easier than the walk, but the intent matters.


My video message to the Syrian people

Edit to Add:  Don't not let this crisis go to waste - This could be the tipping point to wake people UP! 

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon "U.S. do Not Strike Syria! It will be Illegal" Youtube takes down videos showing chemical attack fake.

Edit to Add 9/6/13:  My phone calls to all my Tennessee D.C. representatives - MUST LISTEN TO! 

The UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon has come out publically and told the U.S. "Do Not Strike Syria!  It will not be Legal."

From article:

U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on Tuesday warned that any "punitive" action taken against Syria for an alleged chemical weapons attack last month would be illegal without Security Council approval or a sound case for self-defense.
"As I have repeatedly said, the Security Council has primary responsibility for international peace and security," Ban said at a news conference. "The use of force is lawful only when in exercise of self-defense in accordance with article 51 of the United Nations Charter and or when the Security Council approves such action.
Ban did not blame any party for the alleged attack on a Damascus suburb,
He stressed that an ongoing investigation by U.N. chemical weapons experts "is uniquely placed to independently establish the facts in an objective and impartial manner."

Will the U.S. listen?  Or are they too far down the rabbit hole with Saudi Arabia and Israel who want Assad gone so they can control Syria?

Considering the UN is one quarter backed by the U.S., this is a major statement from the UN Secretary.  In fact I can not remember another time when the UN came out against the U.S.

Will the U.S. Congress listen to the UN?  Will they fully realize it is Illegal and they will be committing War Crimes?  Everyone who votes to bomb Syria will be committing a war crime.

Syria has done nothing against the U.S.  Besides that, there has not been one bit of evidence given proving that Assad committed the chemical attack.  In fact there is evidence that it may have not actually have happened.  If the article from Zerohedge about hacked emails is correct.  Then the chemical attack was a staged event where people were not killed.

I looked at the videos of the people laying dead and there is something that bothered me about them.  The day it happened I viewed the videos and felt the people were just laying there still.  They did not look dead.  Since viewing them again, I have noticed there are people kneeling next to some, appearing to give them shots.  Why would dead people be getting shots?  Were they shots to relax them so they breathed shallowly?  Also the camera sweeps over the people and does not stay on one group for long.    Why did some people have their pants down or unzipped?  There was another video someone pointed out all the indescrepencies of the bodies and how children were duplicated from one video to another.  They would be in one location in one video and then another in another video.  Funny... that video has been taken down by youtube "due to shocking and disgusting content now.  How come they can keep these type one up (below), but they take down the ones showing it was fake, when they are of the same scenes?

Update: I found one not taken down yet. It shows a child's body in one place and then another. This is the same one that was copied, youtube did take down due to "shocking disgusting content".

Boehner saying he supports Obama, bombing Syria - His phone number so everyone can call him.

Video Sen Obama saying Congress Duped into War.  He says ...Should stand Up against President and Say NO! 

Accidental Disclosure?  War planned for weeks against Syria

U.S and Israel trying to Provoke War with Missile Test

UPDATE - Alan Grayson has a petition up "Don't Attack Syria" to go to members of Congress!  PLEASE STAND UP AND SIGN THIS PETITION! 

Edit to Add 9/4/13:  Don't not let this crisis go to waste - This could be the tipping point to wake people UP! 

Boehner "I will Support the President and the Call for Action against Assad - Allies in Region Need us to Stand Up for them" Message I left at his DC office saying he is a War Criminal if votes Yes!

I will say right now!  Boehner will be going against 92% of the people's opinion and desire!

Boehner and the Rest of Congress WORK FOR THE PEOPLE! They are suppose to anyway! Whoever votes for war in Congress will be a WAR CRIMINAL and Will be going AGAINST International Law!

This is NOT our war!  It is all based on LIES!

His Washington DC phone number is:
(202) 225-6205

CALL HIM AND LET HIM KNOW WHAT YOU THINK!  But warning... you will have to leave a message, no one seems to be answering the phone.

I left the message:

Boehner was elected BY the People and is suppose to legislate FOR the People!  The People are saying NO to WAR.  92% of the People are saying NO to war. You just need to go to the Drudge Report and see that in the way of votes.  If you vote For War in Syria, you will then be a War Criminal as anyone who votes For the war in Congress.  The war in Syria would be against International Law and thus a War Crime!  You can NOT vote for War and  MUST do as the People Want!
Results as of 10 AM est 8/3/13

Results as of 12:20 PM est 8/3/13 

I left a little more... but I used all the words above and said it in a very firm, no nonsense tone!

I encourage everyone to Call his office!

He is just a puppet as all the others!  BUT it is time for us to Call out all the Puppets and Expose them!  Also to petition the UN and everyone we can for ALL WAR Criminals in our Congress and government be prosecuted as Such!

What he says in video:

"The use of these weapons has to be responded to and only the United States has the capability and capacity to stop Assad and to warn others around the world that this type of behavior is not going to be tolerated," said Boehner after meeting with Obama. "I appreciate the president reaching out to me and my colleagues in the Congress over the last couple of weeks. I also appreciate the president asking the Congress to support him in this action. This is something that the United States as a country needs to do. I'm going to support the president's call for action. I believe my colleagues should support this call for action. We have enemies around the world that need to understand that we're not going to tolerate this type of behavior. We also have allies around the world and allies in the region who also need to know that America will be there and stand up whether it is necessary."

Video: Sen. Obama... Congress is Duped into War, Congress should stand Up to President AGAINST WAR!

THIS VIDEO NEEDS TO GO FAR AND WIDE! Pass it on to Everyone you Know!

Senator Obama:

Congress should not be 'duped' into War anymore!
Media is Spin - NOT Facts
Congress needs to STAND UP to President and say "NO WAR"!

Pass this on to your Congress people too!

Disclosure War with Syria has been Planned for Weeks due to an admission in a MSM article?

It appears to me a slip up has occurred and truth was revealed, I am sure without meaning to.

An article about the British now being out at meetings regarding war strategy with Syria due to the Parliament voting against it.  

Truth comes though at times when they don't mean for it to.  There are slip ups all the time.  Just as Bush slipped about seeing the first plane hit the WTC on 9/11 and later saying bombs went off through out the building.  Silverstein saying they 'pulled' WTC building 9.

Where is the TRUTH in the article?  They say they have been forming the strategy for weeks now.

Roughly 30 British personnel have been working alongside the Americans and French and have been involved war planning for a number of weeks, including fine-tuning a list of targets and orchestrating military assets.

So they have been planning this war for weeks!  How did they know they were going to be so close to war?   How did they know there would be some type of event that would 'cause' them to go to war?   

Makes ya wonder.................. and hopefully others will read the one paragraph and they will question it too! 

Don't ya just Love the TRUTH?!  Dont' cha just Love it when their plans are messed up?!

U.S. and Israel trying to start/Provoke a war. Two Missiles tested in Mediterranean without announcing it and denied it at first.

Israel and the U.S. want a war so badly they are antagonizing Russia and Syria.  They launched two ballistic missiles in the Mediterranean today.  They did not announce they were launching them and only after the missiles went into the sea, and being caught, did they admit firing the missiles, saying they were doing a "test".

NATO did not even know there was going to be a 'test' of missiles from Israel.  They are investigating it.

First Israel said they knew nothing about a 'test' then admitted they did test the missiles.

The U.S. denied any involvement in the beginning, until Israel said they did a 'joint' test with the U.S. 

Portion from article:

 Tensions over Syria ratcheted up a notch on Tuesday after Russia's Defense Ministry said it detected traces of ballistic "objects" — now claimed by Israel — launched from an area in the central Mediterranean and moving in an easterly direction.
After some initial confusion over who was responsible, the Israeli military said it was behind the launch, saying it was carrying out a joint missile test with the United States.
However, it was not immediately clear to what extent the U.S. was involved in the missile test. Earlier, CBS News tweeted that a U.S. official confirmed that American ships or planes were not involved in the missile launches.
Separately, Pentagon spokesman Navy Commander William Speaks told the Associated Press: "I have nothing to confirm those reports whatsoever."

What absolute bullshit!  An area that is tense with the U.S. a few days ago ready to launch missiles at Obama's will and they did a 'testing' of missiles?

So, they lied in the beginning but got caught.  They had wanted their missile 'test' to start a war due to Russia or Syria thinking missiles had been launched at them.

But hey.... don't we expect these type events from a 'Nobel Peace Prize Winner'?

They are so desperate for a war they are trying to get a response from Russia.

I sincerely hope this little 'test' proves to those who have been believing the lies about 'wanting to save the Syrian people from their big bad President' that the U.S. simply Wants WAR!

It really is funny.  Just a decade ago I had believed in our government and country.  I had believed we were really a 'good' country and were sincere in trying to help other countries.   But I awoke to the truth.

The problem is once you awaken, you see nothing at all is what it appears/appeared to be.  You see your government is not at all what it is suppose to be.  You see that the media is a propaganda machine to steer your thoughts, feelings and energies to where the PTB want them.

You see how we are all Slaves to the banks, corporations and governments and they could care less about us.  You see that everything is about Power and Control.  Greed, resources and control is what drives those at the top.

It is once we stop being led down the path they have created and create our own Path of Freedom and Truth... is when we will stop what is happening.  First people need to wake Up to the Truth and understand what their government is really about.

Doing stunts as the U.S. and Israel did today, I hope will wake more up and they will question the sanity of their government leaders due to this missile launch in an area that is tense for war.  

How stupid do they think the people are?  Yes, they poison us with our air, food and water but we still have moments of clarity and understanding.

We understand they are desperate for war.  We understand they have to do Saudi Arabia's job for them.  We understand they will lie and murder people with chemicals so they can say the other side did it.  We understand the U.S. and Israel are supporting Al Qaeda.  We understand Saudi Arabia wants Syria's resources and land.  We understand that war creates jobs and can be the 'reason' they point to a fall of the economy in the U.S.

We understand those who are at the top will do whatever they can to go to war and murder innocent people through it.

More and more are awakening to the Truth!  More and more will put their energies into Peace!  More and more will see our only enemy is those who are the terrorist within their governments and will stop at nothing to get what they want...... Control!

I just now took a screen shot of The Drudge Report 8/3/13 8:50 AM est for two reasons.  One headline says "Israel crossed a Red Line" with the missile testing and the second, look at the poll about Syria.  Over 300K people have voted with a 92% saying NO to bombing Syria!   I believe this is the first time I am seeing anything negative about Israel on Drudge.

I found something interesting this morning... a disclosure War with Syria has been planned for weeks?

Edit to Add - Video of Senator Obama.... Congress should say NO to WAR and STAND UP to President! 

Monday, September 2, 2013

Even if Congress Votes for Attacking Syria - Still AGAINST International Law! U.S. will have Lawless government! Also UN coverup - NOT allowed to release WHO did the chemical attack!

Even if the Congress votes to allow our Nobel Peace Prize Winning President the go ahead and bomb Syria, it will be against International Law.

Amazing CNN is running this story too, since they are the mouth piece for the government.

If Congress votes to allow the President to bomb Syria, then our whole government will be lawless.  They will all be going against International law.  Does that mean we can have them ALL arrested for war crimes?  Could we all petition the UN to arrest all who vote to go to war against Syria?  What a wonderful thought!   Clean out the Congress and Senate that way.  I can only fantasize about that.

What is bizarre and I did not realize is that the UN investigators are not allowed to release WHO they found did the chemical attack, only if one was done!  How outrageous is that?!  So they can investigate but not reveal in total what their investigation found.  Right there proves there is a cover up going on!

Portion from UN article:

The UN mission, however, does not have the mandate to determine which side was responsible.

From CNN article about International Law:

Washington (CNN) -- President Barack Obama's decision to seek congressional authorization of a military attack against the Syrian government is in part his way of trying to fix a legal problem.
The president's decision to launch military strikes that would be "limited in duration and scope" is illegal under international law, legal experts say. The United Nations charter generally doesn't allow nations to attack other nations unless the attack is in self-defense or has the approval of the U.N. Security Council, neither of which is the case in Syria.
That's a problem for a president, who has tried to distinguish his administration from that of President George W. Bush on the idea that he is bringing the United States back into compliance with international law.
To help fix the legal problem, the Obama administration over the weekend asked Congress to authorize the use of military force.
It's a departure for the president, who didn't seek similar approval when the United States joined a United Nations-sanctioned bombing campaign in Libya. But it is more in line with the view that Obama expressed as a senator and presidential candidate, that presidents need congressional approval to wage war.
Congressional approval wouldn't solve the problem with international law, a senior administration official said, but it would enhance the legitimacy of military action.

UN inspector examining a canister of the chemical weapon. This is not a military canister - it is obviously a crude rebel type used canister.

If we all continue together we can get the TRUTH out and say NO to WAR!

Sunday, September 1, 2013

White House Document sent to Congress for Authorization to Attack Syria. Kerry on Meet the Press - Sarin Gas used... so Proof.

Here is the official document the White House has sent the Congress to give him authorization to attack Syria. 

Here is what the document says:
Whereas, on August 21, 2013, tl1e Syrian governnrent carried out a chemical weapons
attack in the suburbs of Damascus, Syria, killing more than 1,000 innocent

Whereas these flagrant actions were in violation of international norms and the laws of

Whereas the United States and 188 other countries comprising 98 percent of the world's
population are parties to the Chemical Weapons Convention, which prohibits the
development, production, acquisition, stockpiling or use of chemical weapons;

Whereas, in the Syria Accountability and Lebanese Sovereignty Restoration Act of 2003,
Congress found that Syria's acquisition of weapons of mass destruction threatens
the security of the Middle East and the national security interests of the United

Whereas the United Nations Security Council, in Resolution 1540 (2004), affirmed that
the proliferation of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons constitutes a threat
to international peace and security;

Whereas, the objective of the United States' use of military force in connection with this
authorization should be to deter, disrupt, prevent, and degrade the potential for,
future uses of chemical weapons or other weapons of mass destruction;

Whereas, the conflict in Syria will only be resolved through a negotiated political
settlement, and Congress calls on all parties to the conflict in Syria to participate
urgently and constructively in the Geneva process; and

Whereas, unified action by the legislative and executive branches will send a clear signal
of American resolve. 


Authorization.- The President is authorized to use the Armed Forces of the
United States as he determines to be necessary a11d appropriate in connection with
the use of chemical weapons or other weapons of mass destruction in the conflict
in Syria in order to"

(1) prevent or deter the use or proliferation (including the transfer to terrorist
groups or other state or non-<

Kerry was on Meet the Press and said Sarin gas was used so that proves Assad committed the chemical attack and murder.

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Really?  Just because they have identified what the chemical was, all of a sudden that is proof Assad did it?  UHHH;....... the rebels could have been given that!  Just because what was used has been identified does prove who did it!   Do they really believe the people are so Stupid, not to realize that?

He said he believes Congress will give Obama the authority to attack Syria.

Here is another question.... why is it Saudi Arabia always sits back and doesn't participate in any Middle East conflicts?  Yet they control what happens.  It seems the U.S. is Saudi Arabia patsy.

Why is the genocide committed in other countries ignored... Rwanda, Zimbabwe, etc?  OH... because no one wants to take over those countries... it is okay for the murder of people... when you control the dictator?   Funny how the U.S. gets so "high and mighty" and "humanitarian and Moral" when it is a country they have been trying to invade and go to war with for years.  But are silent about genocide other places.