
Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Is Syria the Tipping Point for people in the U.S. to WAKE UP? Let's Use this Crisis and not let it go to Waste to Fully Awaken People!

I have never done so many videos in one day.  But Syria deserves it.

I want to use Rahm Emanuel's words right back to those who are in control of our government.


You read that correctly!  We need to use this situation to fully awaken those who are still asleep.  I have been reading comments on every website.  People are furious and are now seeing how the D.C. critters are all the same!  

Let push the people.....  could this be the tipping point and from here, we change it all?


  1. There is the distinct threat of economic collapse in the air and the police force and the army are preparing for a showdown on Main Street but we can’t afford to go over that cliff. Violence will only empower more violent leaders. We can see down through history that the outcome of violence is violence. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome. How many times must we repeat this scenario before we learn that this way of violence only perpetuates the attitude of violence as a means to an end. We must reach deeper into ourselves for the resources that we all possess as multidimensional beings. Our thoughts create our reality and we have barely scratched the surface of our creative and intuitive nature. It has been proven through scientific process that human thought, properly focused, can affect and change physical mass. This is well documented in Quantum Physics. It has also been displayed by a group of meditators who travelled from city to city with the intent of decreasing the crime rate with meditation during their stay in each city. The results were remarkable! They decreased the crime rate by more than 25% during their stay in at least 49 cities, of which Washington DC was one. It is time to understand the power and the nature of the power we all possess. It is time for a transformation of consciousness. A consciousness that is both individual and cosmic in every moment. It is time for an unveiling of our true nature. And how do we deal with the tyranny we are apparently faced with? With the most powerful energy in the universe which every one of us possess. Love. From the depths of the Bible, the Bhagavad Gita, the Koran, the Gnostic gospels, the Torah, the Vedas, from the works and writings of Plato, Albert Einstein, Carl Jung, Sir Isaac Newton, Sir Francis Bacon, Thomas Jefferson, from the Zohar to Noetic Science to the Egyptian Mystery Schools to the Shamanic texts to the Pistis Sophia all describe the power that the mind and heart possess and the power of the collective consciousness. It is time to use that collective consciousness to our collective advantage. To create a world that better represents our true and spiritual nature. A world where Love conquers all. So let us use Love via the collective consciousness to influence positive change and unveil a world that better suits all of Life and all of Earth. We have the power within us to affect this change. It has been scientifically proven that the power of human thought “grows exponentially with the number of minds that share that thought.” In psychology, it is described as “the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.” It seems that the time is upon us to join together around the world with a singular healing intent and what better focus for this intent then Love. This is not a fairytale. It is the truth we are becoming. Let us, as individuals, consciously join together around the world as a collective consciousness and focus our intent to Love for all the world. Let us evoke change with this power. That will be our justice!
    Rob Gordon

  2. Its easy to behold the forces that acts up on us, and as far we are stuck in polarasing and marginalaising eatch others, we are stuck.

    Instead of talking and agruing with words I wil show a video, from a distant past, it seems like a eon ago.
    Coolio, I see you when you gett there.

    It says all we need, respect.

    peace, brothers and sister, no exeptions what so ever.

  3. Tipping point... still can't shake good ole clif highs terminology, huh?
