
Tuesday, September 3, 2013

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon "U.S. do Not Strike Syria! It will be Illegal" Youtube takes down videos showing chemical attack fake.

Edit to Add 9/6/13:  My phone calls to all my Tennessee D.C. representatives - MUST LISTEN TO! 

The UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon has come out publically and told the U.S. "Do Not Strike Syria!  It will not be Legal."

From article:

U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on Tuesday warned that any "punitive" action taken against Syria for an alleged chemical weapons attack last month would be illegal without Security Council approval or a sound case for self-defense.
"As I have repeatedly said, the Security Council has primary responsibility for international peace and security," Ban said at a news conference. "The use of force is lawful only when in exercise of self-defense in accordance with article 51 of the United Nations Charter and or when the Security Council approves such action.
Ban did not blame any party for the alleged attack on a Damascus suburb,
He stressed that an ongoing investigation by U.N. chemical weapons experts "is uniquely placed to independently establish the facts in an objective and impartial manner."

Will the U.S. listen?  Or are they too far down the rabbit hole with Saudi Arabia and Israel who want Assad gone so they can control Syria?

Considering the UN is one quarter backed by the U.S., this is a major statement from the UN Secretary.  In fact I can not remember another time when the UN came out against the U.S.

Will the U.S. Congress listen to the UN?  Will they fully realize it is Illegal and they will be committing War Crimes?  Everyone who votes to bomb Syria will be committing a war crime.

Syria has done nothing against the U.S.  Besides that, there has not been one bit of evidence given proving that Assad committed the chemical attack.  In fact there is evidence that it may have not actually have happened.  If the article from Zerohedge about hacked emails is correct.  Then the chemical attack was a staged event where people were not killed.

I looked at the videos of the people laying dead and there is something that bothered me about them.  The day it happened I viewed the videos and felt the people were just laying there still.  They did not look dead.  Since viewing them again, I have noticed there are people kneeling next to some, appearing to give them shots.  Why would dead people be getting shots?  Were they shots to relax them so they breathed shallowly?  Also the camera sweeps over the people and does not stay on one group for long.    Why did some people have their pants down or unzipped?  There was another video someone pointed out all the indescrepencies of the bodies and how children were duplicated from one video to another.  They would be in one location in one video and then another in another video.  Funny... that video has been taken down by youtube "due to shocking and disgusting content now.  How come they can keep these type one up (below), but they take down the ones showing it was fake, when they are of the same scenes?

Update: I found one not taken down yet. It shows a child's body in one place and then another. This is the same one that was copied, youtube did take down due to "shocking disgusting content".

Boehner saying he supports Obama, bombing Syria - His phone number so everyone can call him.

Video Sen Obama saying Congress Duped into War.  He says ...Should stand Up against President and Say NO! 

Accidental Disclosure?  War planned for weeks against Syria

U.S and Israel trying to Provoke War with Missile Test

UPDATE - Alan Grayson has a petition up "Don't Attack Syria" to go to members of Congress!  PLEASE STAND UP AND SIGN THIS PETITION! 

Edit to Add 9/4/13:  Don't not let this crisis go to waste - This could be the tipping point to wake people UP! 


  1. Rothschild leads zionism, who tells the puppet US government to use its military to work together with the zionist state incarnate of israel to attack Syria, Iran and Lebanon to further the plan for a new world order where all gentiles are slaves or dead. That the chemical weapons' false flag is an outright lie is of no consequence to the planned war by Rothschild and company.
    Will Russia and China allow this to happen given they know full well they are next on Rothschild and his minions' list to be destroyed?
    I don't think so.
    Result: WW3

    1. Russia owes those Jews as well. What misery, death and destruction they brought to the Russians last century. America is going to be the new USSSR by the looks of it and it will end up like a dried husk after Jewry has finished with it also. You are damned right about Russia and China, they are definitely the ultimate goal of 'Project for a new American Century'

      When Israel talks of 'peace' what they really mean is, when they have murdered and crushed all forms of dissidence that was against them. When the whole world is subdued and enslaved and under the boot of the Zionist bankers. America is being used as a cat's paw to enslave humanity on Jewry's behalf. When the time is right, I think they will carry on killing Gentiles and Moslems en masse.

  2. Bravo Mr. Moon. Regrettably, rogue states responsible for growing numbers of war crimes aren't very much interested in legalities; if a call was made in the General Assembly to start sanctions and other painful steps they might delay- for a while; well worth the effort.

  3. Sorry, but Israel runs the show, if they want war (which they are baying for) then they will get their war. What I mean by that is, you Americans will do the fighting and dying but, Israel will reap the reward. All this nonsense about 'write to so-and-so', 'The UN', all corrupt bodies in the hands of Zionism, they are thick as thieves. They are only there to act as fronts and give you peasants the illusion you have a voice. They haven't even destroyed another culture and country yet (Syria) and the Israelis are already licking their lips in anticipation of their next meal, Iran.

  4. Neither Congress nor the President can wage aggressive war against a sovereign nation that has not first attacked the sovereign territory of the USA. Syria has NOT attacked the US and therefore any attack on Syria by the USA would be a war crime and also a violation of the UN Charter. Obama AND Congress could be charged as war criminals under the Nuremberg principles and the Kellogg-Briand Pact signed by President Coolidge and ratified by the Senate. As signatory to this treaty and to the UN Charter, this has become the highest law in the land along with the Constitution. Obama is a war criminal several times over under these international agreements. The Nuremberg Military Tribunal drew upon this treaty to convict and execute the Nazi war criminals. In 1928 the US renounced war as government policy. To once again return to war as official policy is a violation of US and international law.

  5. U.S. being decapitalized with money and investment shifted East. When the Zionists are finished getting the last drops out, the husk will indeed be discarded. Crumbling infrastructure crumbling because it soon won't be needed anymore.

    1. I saw a shocking video the other day of Detroit, a very famous city in America for its car industry, famous all over the world in fact. I can remember the boxer Tommy Hearns coming from there and he was called 'The Motor City Cobra'. Well, I could not believe what a wasteland it has become, totally destroyed and sent back into the dark ages. I thought to myself, this is what awaits the rest of America. America is going to resemble the Ukraine in the 1930s.
