
Tuesday, September 3, 2013

U.S. and Israel trying to start/Provoke a war. Two Missiles tested in Mediterranean without announcing it and denied it at first.

Israel and the U.S. want a war so badly they are antagonizing Russia and Syria.  They launched two ballistic missiles in the Mediterranean today.  They did not announce they were launching them and only after the missiles went into the sea, and being caught, did they admit firing the missiles, saying they were doing a "test".

NATO did not even know there was going to be a 'test' of missiles from Israel.  They are investigating it.

First Israel said they knew nothing about a 'test' then admitted they did test the missiles.

The U.S. denied any involvement in the beginning, until Israel said they did a 'joint' test with the U.S. 

Portion from article:

 Tensions over Syria ratcheted up a notch on Tuesday after Russia's Defense Ministry said it detected traces of ballistic "objects" — now claimed by Israel — launched from an area in the central Mediterranean and moving in an easterly direction.
After some initial confusion over who was responsible, the Israeli military said it was behind the launch, saying it was carrying out a joint missile test with the United States.
However, it was not immediately clear to what extent the U.S. was involved in the missile test. Earlier, CBS News tweeted that a U.S. official confirmed that American ships or planes were not involved in the missile launches.
Separately, Pentagon spokesman Navy Commander William Speaks told the Associated Press: "I have nothing to confirm those reports whatsoever."

What absolute bullshit!  An area that is tense with the U.S. a few days ago ready to launch missiles at Obama's will and they did a 'testing' of missiles?

So, they lied in the beginning but got caught.  They had wanted their missile 'test' to start a war due to Russia or Syria thinking missiles had been launched at them.

But hey.... don't we expect these type events from a 'Nobel Peace Prize Winner'?

They are so desperate for a war they are trying to get a response from Russia.

I sincerely hope this little 'test' proves to those who have been believing the lies about 'wanting to save the Syrian people from their big bad President' that the U.S. simply Wants WAR!

It really is funny.  Just a decade ago I had believed in our government and country.  I had believed we were really a 'good' country and were sincere in trying to help other countries.   But I awoke to the truth.

The problem is once you awaken, you see nothing at all is what it appears/appeared to be.  You see your government is not at all what it is suppose to be.  You see that the media is a propaganda machine to steer your thoughts, feelings and energies to where the PTB want them.

You see how we are all Slaves to the banks, corporations and governments and they could care less about us.  You see that everything is about Power and Control.  Greed, resources and control is what drives those at the top.

It is once we stop being led down the path they have created and create our own Path of Freedom and Truth... is when we will stop what is happening.  First people need to wake Up to the Truth and understand what their government is really about.

Doing stunts as the U.S. and Israel did today, I hope will wake more up and they will question the sanity of their government leaders due to this missile launch in an area that is tense for war.  

How stupid do they think the people are?  Yes, they poison us with our air, food and water but we still have moments of clarity and understanding.

We understand they are desperate for war.  We understand they have to do Saudi Arabia's job for them.  We understand they will lie and murder people with chemicals so they can say the other side did it.  We understand the U.S. and Israel are supporting Al Qaeda.  We understand Saudi Arabia wants Syria's resources and land.  We understand that war creates jobs and can be the 'reason' they point to a fall of the economy in the U.S.

We understand those who are at the top will do whatever they can to go to war and murder innocent people through it.

More and more are awakening to the Truth!  More and more will put their energies into Peace!  More and more will see our only enemy is those who are the terrorist within their governments and will stop at nothing to get what they want...... Control!

I just now took a screen shot of The Drudge Report 8/3/13 8:50 AM est for two reasons.  One headline says "Israel crossed a Red Line" with the missile testing and the second, look at the poll about Syria.  Over 300K people have voted with a 92% saying NO to bombing Syria!   I believe this is the first time I am seeing anything negative about Israel on Drudge.

I found something interesting this morning... a disclosure War with Syria has been planned for weeks?

Edit to Add - Video of Senator Obama.... Congress should say NO to WAR and STAND UP to President! 


  1. I expect it was Israel testing Russia's radar system to see if they could get by it undetected. They will try and hit an American ship and blame it on Syria very much like they did with the U.S.S. Liberty, when they put Egypt in the frame.

    Israel will provoke this war using any means possible as they want the whole of the Middle-East subdued and servile to them under control of Ersatz Israel.

  2. Israel wants a bigger piece of Syria, starting with the Syrian side of the Golan heights. We've not attacked, or will attack, every country within that area of the Middle East -- except Israel. Case closed.
