
Monday, September 2, 2013

Even if Congress Votes for Attacking Syria - Still AGAINST International Law! U.S. will have Lawless government! Also UN coverup - NOT allowed to release WHO did the chemical attack!

Even if the Congress votes to allow our Nobel Peace Prize Winning President the go ahead and bomb Syria, it will be against International Law.

Amazing CNN is running this story too, since they are the mouth piece for the government.

If Congress votes to allow the President to bomb Syria, then our whole government will be lawless.  They will all be going against International law.  Does that mean we can have them ALL arrested for war crimes?  Could we all petition the UN to arrest all who vote to go to war against Syria?  What a wonderful thought!   Clean out the Congress and Senate that way.  I can only fantasize about that.

What is bizarre and I did not realize is that the UN investigators are not allowed to release WHO they found did the chemical attack, only if one was done!  How outrageous is that?!  So they can investigate but not reveal in total what their investigation found.  Right there proves there is a cover up going on!

Portion from UN article:

The UN mission, however, does not have the mandate to determine which side was responsible.

From CNN article about International Law:

Washington (CNN) -- President Barack Obama's decision to seek congressional authorization of a military attack against the Syrian government is in part his way of trying to fix a legal problem.
The president's decision to launch military strikes that would be "limited in duration and scope" is illegal under international law, legal experts say. The United Nations charter generally doesn't allow nations to attack other nations unless the attack is in self-defense or has the approval of the U.N. Security Council, neither of which is the case in Syria.
That's a problem for a president, who has tried to distinguish his administration from that of President George W. Bush on the idea that he is bringing the United States back into compliance with international law.
To help fix the legal problem, the Obama administration over the weekend asked Congress to authorize the use of military force.
It's a departure for the president, who didn't seek similar approval when the United States joined a United Nations-sanctioned bombing campaign in Libya. But it is more in line with the view that Obama expressed as a senator and presidential candidate, that presidents need congressional approval to wage war.
Congressional approval wouldn't solve the problem with international law, a senior administration official said, but it would enhance the legitimacy of military action.

UN inspector examining a canister of the chemical weapon. This is not a military canister - it is obviously a crude rebel type used canister.

If we all continue together we can get the TRUTH out and say NO to WAR!

1 comment:

  1. Can't we just arrest them on the basis of all the corruption to date and if convicted give them life plus 100 years?
    Or strip their citizenship and deport them as they suggested doing to others?
    Better yet send them in to fight if they want war, make them live with every single law they pass like obama care no exceptions of any kind.
    I think we would see a real change and since when are they able to be exempt anyway? Lets change that right now. We are the power in this country and its time they remember that.
