
Friday, September 13, 2013

China Accuses Israel of being Behind U.S. lies of Syria and the Iraq War

I have put information up about China saying that the U.S. is lying about Syria, previously.

Now, they are not just proclaiming the U.S. is lying along with the U.K about Syria and the 'proof' that Assad committed the chemical attack against it's people on the 21st of August.  They are saying Israel is behind both the Syria lies and they were behind the WMD lies of Iraq.  They are accusing Israel of wanting war in the Middle East.

I had never seen China point the finger at Israel for any of it before.  This is a major accusation in my opinion.   It seems that they have had enough with the lies and war, as they know the real prize for Israel is Iran.  China does a lot of business with Iran and they appear to be protecting Iran by outright saying Israel is behind it all.

They also say in the article that the U.S. and U.K. have lost all of their credibility now.  They imply Israel is behind what the governments are doing.  That means we do not have a government of the U.S., we have a government of and for Israel, that backs them up first and foremost.  That also means Israel has no qualms along with the U.S. government allowing our military to die for lies, so Israel gets what they want.

Here is a video of the article and information:


  1. Yep. And Israel's minions have positions of power within government, not to mention the real king: MONEY and power from the Jewish lobby groups.

    Now, if a person doesn't begin to add up the pieces and acknowledge that not only is this an Israeli problem, but a JEWISH problem, we might begin to nip this in the bud.

    Israel (Jews) want Eretz Israel (Greater Israel) which incorporates the land between the Nile and the Euphrates. Please notice that this is MUCH larger than what Israel currently occupies, even with their stolen Palestinian lands.

    When you look at the countries in the ME that we illegally attacked, murdered and now occupy, you must understand that we are doing the bidding of the Jews for them to obtain Eretz Israel. BTW: this includes Syria.

    And if you don't think this is a Jewish issue, name me one Christian in Israel that has a position of power. Name a Muslim, for that matter.

    Learn who are the Israeli-American dual citizens within our government. Then name me a single Muslim dual citizen.

  2. B'Man, just look on my site, Pragmatic Witness, under The Jewish Mass Murderers of 911. At least, every high powered Jew in America is probably on that list.

    Great article, Sherry. I'm including it on PW as well.
