
Thursday, September 27, 2012

Jon Stewart - Obama Snubs All World Leaders during UN Assembly and Obama Luckiest Dude in the World

Obama Snubs the Leaders of the World during the UN General Assembly. He did not meet with one leader, instead he appeared on The View. Jon Stewart takes him to task over it.

Obama luckiest Dude on Earth

And people wonder why I am NOT voting this election!  There is NO REAL choice for a REAL leader for the people!  Both are controlled puppets and don't really give a sh** about the people or democracy of these United States.  

The best thing everyone could do is NOT Vote!  That shows we are not in the game anymore by allowing a controlled puppet dictate and take us and the U.S. down by putting their name down and thus sanctioning what they will do. 

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Picture of Billboard on Highway here in East Tennessee "America or Obama - You Can't have Both"

I took this picture yesterday of this billboard on Highway 40 going East.

It says:


It is located right after the Buttermilk Rd. Exit and before the Oak Ridge Lenoir City Exit.

I think it states it very well!

It says at the bottom it was paid for by the "Roane County Tea Party"

As I see it the only real candidate that could have saved America is out of the running now (Ron Paul).

Romney is just as much as a puppet as Obama.  So.....  my choice is I WILL NOT VOTE!

David Morgan Interviews Chris Duane and Rob Grey about "Death of the Banker Silver Coin" they created.

David Morgan of Silver Investor interviewed Chris Duane and Rob Grey about the "Death of the Central Banker" one ounce Silver Coin they created.

 It is a completely unique coin because the two sides are totally different, with a rough side of texture and smooth areas. That type work is not done normally due to the difficulty of minting it.

 I believe in this coin myself and absolutely Love it!  It is because it represents what the fact that the chain has been coming unwound and through knowledge that metals (gold, silver) are the ways to send the bullets and yet shield yourself by protecting yourself.   There is so much meaning in the coin that I see.

 It is something that people should get one coin of and have!  It is your shield - your bullet, besides it revealing you are awake and aware and know that Rothschild and his bankers are the ones who have been behind everything. 

I posted about the coin the other day.  

I believe in trying to help people (especially with the Foreclosure Fraud).  I have tried in many different ways to get something big going with that against the bankers that have committed Fraud because the government looks the other way.  It is through all of us taking stands against the bankers that we will win, we can not depend on the government to do that! 

To me this coin represents Standing Up to the Bankers which I am passionate about. 

What I am asking people to do is Protect yourself!  Stand Up yourself!  By buying one or more of these coins you are Sending a Bullet and You have a Shield of Silver!  You also show you are complete Awake and Aware of what the Rothschilds and bankers have done!

Silver Bullet Silver Shield Coin Website

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Bayou Corne Sinkhole is growing faster. Videos - Yesterday 200 more feet went in, this morning 25 more feet so far.

The Sinkhole at Bayou Corne is growing faster now.

Yesterday it was reported that 200 feet went into the hole, this morning there is a report that 25 more feet went into the hole over night.

The last two videos of the sinkhole were done yesterday and the day before.

Here is a ground level video showing the 200 more feet that slid into the hole yesterday.  The boat is in the original sinkhole area.  All the area you see of water, past the buoy line is the 200 feet that went in overnight.  

Here is a flyover video from 2 days ago. I want you to notice two things about this. Notice how on the other side of the pipe right away and that area is now filled with water and notice how those trees are dead now. Notice how the water is surrounding the pad and the water is in all the trees around the empty space.

Besides this there is an emergency town hall meeting that the residents have put together and asked all the parish officials to come to.  Well the Parish officials have no intention of going to that meeting.  Those officials have called the various medias and have requested they not go to the meeting either.
They want the residents completely ignored by the media since they are ignoring the residents.

As always all elected officials are about big corporations and doing their bidding, and it shows it is even on the parish/county levels too.   We the people don't seem to have any representation from any elected officials, even those who live right next to us.

Assumption Wordpress has this information about the land that is falling fast into the sinkhole:

 It has been reported to parish officials that there was a slough-in at the sinkhole site early this morning. Approximately 25’ of embankment on the east side (closer to Texas Brine’s office building) fell into the sinkhole. Several trees were lost during this slough-in.

 Texas Brine reported a slough-in of approximately 200’ of embankment at the sinkhole yesterday evening. A video (taken this morning) has been posted on, the area of that slough in can be seen right at the 1:00 spot.

 The video linked in the above paragraph is the same one I have embedded in to this post.

The seismo graph shows more and more EQs happening at the Bayou.  This is the latest graph for today. 9/20/12

 Here is another seismo graph in the area from today.  It shows much larger quakes.  Funny how USGS doesn't acknowledge the EQs happening there.  They don't put them on the map.

Previous 2 posts of information I have done about Bayou Corne and the earthquakes:

Have you been foreclosed on in the past years? Washington State Supreme Court says you can SUE MERS for Fraud if so! Ruling affects everyone in the U.S.!

The Washington State Supreme Court has ruled that previous Foreclosures by MERS were FRAUD!  It says that MERS business model is based on deceptive practices.

The ruling sets it up where anyone was foreclosed on my MERS in the past can SUE them for FRAUD!

The Washington Supreme Court held that MERS' business practices had the "capacity to deceive" a substantial portion of the public because MERS claimed it was the beneficiary of the mortgage when it was not.

This finding means that in actions where a bank used MERS to foreclose, the consumer can sue it for fraud. If the foreclosure can be challenged, MERS' involvement would make repossession more complicated.

On top of that, virtually any foreclosed homeowner in the state in the past 15 years who feels they have been harmed in some way could file a consumer fraud suit.

This is a huge ruling for everyone that has been foreclosed on.

I wrote about this ruling last month when it happened.  

The ruling shows people can band together and sue MERS and all the banks under MERS for FRAUD!

I have tried for years to get attorneys across the country to do Class Action suits against the banks for previous Foreclosures.

I can tell you to go to the tab of "MERS lawyers" I have above that have contacted me and I have spoken with that are doing Class Action Suits and defend against MERS foreclosures.

I also am trying to get something more going regarding this, which I won't go into detail right now but it involves a very large organization that could start a tsunami across the U.S. with others doing the same.   If it comes to fruition I will write about it.

I am asking everyone who has been foreclosed on the the past years by MERS and a MERS bank to SUE the banks and MERS for the FRAUD they committed!

By standing up and standing together we can make a difference!

MERS is complete FRAUD!

Look on your deed and closing papers and see if you have a MERS bank and if MERS is listed!

If you don't know for sure you can find out and have a complete audit done by "USMortgageTruth" .
I have spoken to Jesse there multiple times.  A concern I had was about people being able to afford a complete audit.  He has now set up a program where people can get help without the thousands out that attorneys charge.   I believe it is set up for around $30 a month for 12 months.

Lenore Albert a lawyer from California who had started various Class Actions against MERS in the past contacted me and said she is going after the LIBOR fraud too.  I am inserting an email she sent me earlier this month about her suits.   Understand I believe from all of my correspondence with her and Jesse they both have their "heart" into suing the banks and stopping the FRAUD compared to  trying to make money off people.

This is an email I got from Lenore as we were discussing a Class Action across the board LIBOR suit:

I am not convinced that the loans need to be any type other than based on LIBOR, so I am not excluding Fixed as I have investigated and seen the numbers attached to "fixed" rate LIBOR loans well above LIBOR rate. It is not a variable that needs to be met. I am tightening up my putative actions.
1. LIBOR loans
2. Foreclosure sales that occurred from 10/8 to 12/31/2010.
3. Dual Tracking foreclosures with modification reviews with Aurora Loan Services (on appeal - fully briefed) unfair permanent modification in state court.
4. Stock plans that started to eviscerate after February 2012 with MorganStanley Smith Barney
5. TILA 131g (failure to disclose creditor claims) and modification issues with Wells Fargo and US Bank, NA.

Here is Lenore Albert's complete information:

Lenore L. Albert, Esq.
Law Offices of Lenore Albert
7755 Center Ave Suite #1100
Huntington Beach, California 92647
Phone: 714-372-2264 or e-fax: 419-831-3376
Understand it is through all of us standing up together and having the courage and fortitude to stand up to the banks that continue to get bailed out, now to infinity through the FED and their Q3 buying MBS for the banks.   The banks continue to get money and those banks double down constantly committing FRAUD against homeowners and kick families out on the street.

Please if you know of anyone who has been foreclosed on get them informed about this ruling and their rights against FRAUD of their foreclosure in the past.

If you are threatened with foreclosure know that a MERS bank has NO right to foreclose on you!  They have no standing!  FIGHT A FORECLOSURE!  FIGHT THE FRAUD!  STAND UP!
There are people who are honest and sincerely want to help people and to stop the fraud of the banks.

 Here is another paragraph from the article linked at the top:

Legal experts said last month's decision from the Washington Supreme Court could become a precedent for courts in other states. The case also endorsed the view of other state courts that MERS does not have the legal authority to foreclose on a home.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Seriously??!! Mom Arrested for Allowing her kids to play outside! "Abandonment of childern"

This is one of those stories that is just so Frickin Bizarre!!!!

This mom was seriously arrested for allowing her kids age 9 and 6 to play outside in their cul de sac!

The arresting officer put it as "Abandonment of her children"!

She was sitting outside watching them, but he said they were unsupervised!

What in the hell is happening in this country?

When did it become against the law for kids to play outside? 

Does the government only want kids to be inside and stuck to the TV and not enjoy outside playing?

This absolutely gets me infuriated with how the country has become.  What right does the government have to stop kids from playing outside?

When I was growing up we played outside all the time and we did not have our parents watching over us!

It is not abandonment of a child to allow them the freedom to enjoy the outdoors!

I did personally have CPS come to my house over my "taking my daughter camping and hiking" besides wanting to know what type food I had stored and an accusation I was a "top secret agent against the government." 

USGS Scientist says: Never seen tremors/EQs like what are occurring at Bayou Corne Sinkhole before. Drilling stopped due to major Natural Gas pocket.

The situation at Bayou Corne in Assumption Parish Louisiana has gotten more bizarre.

A USGS scientist said he has never seen tremors as the type that are occurring by the sinkhole.

Portions: (more at link above)

Steve Horton, research scientist with the University of Memphis Center for Earthquake Research and Information
 Horton sits on a scientific advisory committee that the Louisiana Department of Natural Resources formed to study the sinkhole, the tremors and natural gas releases that are also occurring in area bayous.

On a seismometer, the sharp tremors are recorded as having one back-and-forth oscillation in less than a second — multiple oscillations are bunched together like scribble-scratch on a graphical depiction — and the tremors last no more than a minute.

In contrast, on a seismometer, the long-period tremors are recorded as having one back-and-forth oscillation over 20 to 40 seconds — the wave pattern is easily distinguishable on a graph — and the tremors last for three to four minutes.

Horton said he has never seen such a combination of tremors before from the same area at the same time.

“Yes, it does lead to a lot of questions and that’s really where we are,” he said. “We have a lot of questions as to what’s going on and not a lot answers.”

He said the long-period tremors could be related to something connected with natural gas, but he cautioned that was speculation.

“There is something going on with these very long-period signals, and we don’t know what it is … I haven’t figured it out yet,” Horton said.

The Assumption website has these updates from yesterday.  They said the drilling has stopped due to the drill hitting a Natural Gas pocket at only 90 feet under. 

Drilling of the sonic rig that encountered gas at 90’ on Friday was stopped and plugged with cement and grout as they were unable to put in the water well due to the inability to control the gas pushing mud and water to the surface. DNR hired The Shaw Group engineers to redesign a well that can be placed for venting operations. The geo-probe rigs for observation continue to be placed at lower depths to check for the presence of gas. They’re currently working on the Dugas & LeBlanc property, north of LA-70 and two geo-probe wells have been placed on Triche property. DNR is currently looking for locations as well as willing individual property owners to place additional geo-probe observation wells.

The drilling rig is being dismantled and moved out today and will be replaced with the snubbing rig as we advised earlier this week. No road closures are anticipated; however, travelers may encur intermittent traffic congestion as equipment is being moved.

 The drilling performed by the sonic rig, on Dugas & LeBlanc property on the south side of LA-70, has been halted. We have been advised that gas was encountered at 90 feet. We have no additional details at this time. Parish officials and state agencies are currently at the site. We will advise further once information is available.

Update - video they just now released:  It has grown and taking over the pipeline area and starting to go to the other side.  Compare the new video with the one below, it shows how much more it has grown in 2 days.

What they say about the video on the Assumption site:

 On yesterday, Texas Brine reported a 20′ x 20′ growth of the sinkhole. In the video of the sinkhole site, at approximately 00:35 you can see this growth towards and into the pipeline right of way.

Here is 9/15/12 video they released.  It is from the ground level looking at the sinkhole.

Remember there are gas bubbles throughout Bayou Corne.  The situation there has not abated and it seems to be getting more troubling.

I have posted about all the earthquakes there this last week.

Here is the graph of quakes so far today - 9/18/12

Update - latest information on Assumption Wordpress from this morning 9/18/12:

As stated on yesterday, DNR has ordered all companies with active industry on the salt dome (Texas Brine, Chevron, Cross Tex, Dow, Pro Mix, Acadian, and PB Energy) to investigate for the presence of natural gas and ordered to vent any gas found. Each company was required to submit their plans regarding this order to DNR. Parish officials and state agencies will review and discuss these plans this afternoon at the industry meeting. The parish should also be receiving engineered plans from DNR for the vent wells that will be placed within the community sometime this week.

Silver Bullet/Silver Shield Coin - Portraying death to the Central Bankers and Rothschilds Control - Awesome New One Ounce coin!

This is the most Awesome coin!  

I love how it portrays Rothschild as a skeleton.  In implying the death of the Central Bank control system.  As I see it, it shows a chain across the Rothschild's arrows of control but that chain is not wrapped around them - it is breaking FREE and unraveling.   The back side has all the silver bullets coming out of the shield.   I love that!  USE the Silver bullets (buy real money and assets) give them the paper money as you collect the real assets and what is true money!  

This is a perfect message to the Elite Bankers:
  We Will use the Silver Bullet/Shield and We Will Win! 

 FYI - These are only going to be available to order until midnight November 25th 2012!  They are doing a limited run of them!  What a collectors item! 

The phrase "In Debt & Death They Trust" cuts right to the heart of the problem in humanity. We empower the worst in humanity to spread their debts globally for the bankers at the hands of death from the Military Industrial Complex.

The five arrows at the center of the coin represents the crest of the Rothschild Banking dynasty and current masters of the debt and death paradigm. The each of the five arrows represented each of the five sons of Amschel Rothschild that were sent to the five banking capitals of Europe. From there they have gone to dominate nation's destinies with their privately held central banks. We chose to replace the innocent ribbon of the original family crest with a chains of debt that they leave behind for humanity. The deathly skull figure was inspired by Nathan Rothschild that catapulted the Rothschild family to world domination with the defeat of Napoleon at Waterloo. The signature top hat reeks of elitism that controls this paradigm and fittingly tops off this side of the Silver Bullet and Silver Shield round.

 The Reverse of the Silver Bullet and the Silver Shield round represents that opposite consciousness solution to this debt and death paradigm that humanity has been revolving in since the beginning of time. Most notably is the near-proof mirrored finish of the reverse side. We know of no other coin on the market to have two totally different sides to it in look and in message. This crisp mirrored look accentuates the regal lettering of the "Silver Bullet" and the "Silver Shield". That saying "A Conscious Solution to Collectivist Problems" speaks to the conscious individual action we must all take to get out of the Elite's paradigm. We cannot change the outside world to make ourselves happy or free, we must change ourselves to make the world happy and free. The 47 silver bullets behind the arrow head like shield, is symbolic of silver's atomic weight of 47. Emblazoned on the Silver Shield is the message "Listen To All. Follow None." This saying speaks to the heart of the independently free, logical mind that seeks truth and takes action. Finally you will no longer do you have to have to play Orwellian mind games to understand that you are buying a silver coin for the 1 oz. .999 fine silver instead of the laughable $1 they imprint on the American Silver Eagle.

The heart of the Silver Bullet and the Silver Shield message is that we should sell our paper assets to collapse their paper ponzi scheme by taking our capital out of their banking system and buy physical silver to provide real tangible wealth in the face of a mathematical collapse of the world's debt based currency regime. This single individual conscious solution acts as a Silver Bullet against those that spread debt and death through out the world and a Silver Shield for everything you value in this world.

I absolutely LOVE this coin!  This is a perfect coin to have and to give to others!  It says it all!  


Friday, September 14, 2012

China's Yuan/Remminbi becoming Internationally Traded Currency. CME group adding the currency to Futures Exchange and settling futures in the Yuan. They see the writing on the Wall.

Well this is one of the biggest events and stories in my opinion that is launching the Chinese Yuan/Renminbi as the world's reserve currency in the not too distant future.

With Bernanke completely debasing the dollar by launching a never ending QE3 for purchase of mortgages, which is really a back door continued bail out of banks. 

The move by the Federal Reserve proves the banks are not capable of lasting on their own.  They have to have support.  That support will come from a non stop printing of new U.S. dollars.

This is going to cause inflation, that inflation will not go completely hyper (in my opinion) until the dollar is not the oil trading currency of the world.  Once the dollar is dropped as the oil currency that is when we will see unbelievable (and shocking to those not paying attention) hyperinflation.

China has been positioning itself for being the reserve currency for a few years now.  From China making deals with South American countries to trade in Yuan, to Russia and China trading in their currencies without the dollar.  Even Japan got into the fray by beginning to trade with China in Yuan and leaving the dollar behind a few months ago.   The BRIC nations have set up trading in Yuan too.  Remember the BRIC nations want to do their own Central trading bank, leaving out the World Bank from their trade money exchanges between them.

What cements the fact that China is going to have the world's reserve currency in the not too distant future?

The Yuan/Renminbi is about to be traded on the futures market in the United States starting next month and in the first quarter of 2013 in Europe on their futures exchange.

The CME group which runs the future's exchange in Chicago has added the Yuan to their exchange to be traded starting this year. 

People need to fully understand the full impact of this.  This means the writing is absolutely on the wall that the dollar is on it's way out as the reserve currency.  Even the U.S. based CME group sees the writing on the wall and has taken steps to position themselves for being part of the change and is making the way easier for the Yuan.

Portions from article linked:

Chicago-based CME Group Inc announced on Thursday that it is expanding its overall suite of yuan products by including deliverable offshore renminbi futures, answering increased demand for the currency in overseas markets.

The deliverable CNH futures will be launched and listed in Chicago in the fourth quarter of this year and in Europe in the second quarter of 2013, said the largest exchange operator in the United States.

CME's products come into play as the Hong Kong Exchanges & Clearing Ltd is scheduled next week to launch the first exchange-traded USD/CNH currency futures settled in yuan.

The announcement came as CME sees the market being "ready" for offshore renminbi futures, with regard to increasing liquidity outside China, said Julien Noble, head of CME Asia-Pacific.

He said one of the "significant developments we have witnessed is renminbi accumulation" outside the Chinese mainland, as well as broader usage in cross-border trade settlement.

"We have witnessed obviously a significant appreciation of the currency over the last several years, as well as measures taken by the central bank in expanding the band within which the renminbi is trading.

"Investors in Hong Kong as well as London with demands for risk management will be able to benefit from these contracts given on our global platform around the clock," he said.

"The major reason is in the back office process where clearing members need to be finalized in order to facilitate the settlement and clearing of these products," Noble explained, adding that the renminbi has evolved between 2006 and today in internationalization.

"The CNH contract gives CME Group the ability to handle the renminbi as a deliverable currency, and eventually the ability to use renminbi as a currency of denomination for other contracts in other asset classes, for example, commodities."

But Noble said the potential for the trading volume of these contracts would be "modest" given the fact that the internationalization is just starting.

However, Wu Xiaoling, former deputy chief of the central bank - the People's Bank of China - said the internationalization of renminbi doesn't have any "timetable" yet.
The article says a lot.  It says that the Yuan is on it's way to settling contracts in the currency for future's trading and it is on it's way to being international.

CME added a page for the Yuan/Renminbi on it's website now.

Here is the screen capture of the page:

This shows there is no confidence in the dollar anymore and it is quite interesting that the CME group announced the adding of the Yuan on the same day Bernanke announced the never ending QE3.

It has been awhile since I have said this, but I am going to say it now:

I sincerely hope people wake up and see the writing on the wall and fully realize the only way to protect themselves is in Gold and Silver!

Just look at what Gold and Silver have done this week.

If you only have a few dollars, buy Silver!

Bernanke put the final stake in the heart of the dollar yesterday.

Now... how long do we wait until we hear oil will be settled in Yuan or alternative (gold) currencies from Saudi Arabia?  It is only because of them the dollar is still the oil currency.   When will they finally change their position?  With Bernanke's announcement yesterday, I can't imagine it will take many years for them to drop the dollar.

Lets not forget that South Africa's gold mining is at a stand still at this time, which is really cutting into gold getting on the market.

 Have you paid attention?  Do you have Gold and Silver to protect yourself?

If you think Gold and Silver has risen a lot already...... You haven't seen nothing yet!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Bayou Corne, Increased earthquakes at the Sinkhole. Picture of Seismic graph activity. Flyover from 9 11 12

Bayou Corne has increased seismic activity now.

They say the USGS is monitoring the quakes in the area.

   There has been reported increased seismic activity in the Bayou Corne/Grand Bayou area. This activity is not the sharp tremors that were occurring prior to the development of the sinkhole; however, indications show (through monitors set up by USGS) that seismic activity has been occurring NW of the sinkhole and it’s unknown at this time what this may mean. USGS is continuously monitoring this activity.

Here is today's 9/13/12 seismic graph of quakes.  You can see constant quaking of the area and how they have increased.

Here is the short video flyover released from 9/11/12

Here they show workers on the ground at the sinkhole.

They say they will do flyovers on Mondays and Thursdays. So we should get another flyover video later today.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Rotten Egg Smell/Sulfur around many towns of California - Massive Fish Die off Salton Sea with Egg smell - All About Hydrogen Sulfide

Today there is a strong Rotten Egg/sulfur smell around many towns of California.

It is being reported on the local news there. 

Dozens of people in the northern San Fernando Valley have reported a rotten egg-like odor this morning, a smell that's also been reported as far away as Simi Valley and the Inland Empire.
Brian Humphrey, a Los Angeles Fire Department spokesman, said the calls started early this morning and have mostly been from the Foothill and north Valley areas of the city

I put these places on a map.  It ranges 50+ miles between Simi Valley and Inland Empire - Here is the map:

I looked up what can cause a Rotten Egg Smell.  Hydrogen Sulfide creates a rotten egg smell.

 Hydrogen sulfide (British English: hydrogen sulphide) is the chemical compound with the formula H2S. It is a colorless, very poisonous, flammable gas with the characteristic foul odor of rotten eggs. It often results from the bacterial breakdown of organic matter in the absence of oxygen, such as in swamps and sewers; this process is commonly known as anaerobic digestion. It also occurs in volcanic gases, natural gas, and some well waters

Remember that L.A. had a couple of 3+ mag quakes last week.  

The two earthquakes that struck Beverly Hills and shook a good portion of Los Angeles this week occurred at the intersection of two dangerous faults.

Although both faults are capable of producing a 7.0 temblor, experts said the quakes are probably not foreshocks to a larger quake.

 The earthquakes that hit this week — a 3.2 on Monday, centered near Doheny Drive and Wilshire Boulevard — and a 3.4 after midnight Friday, centered near Wilshire Boulevard and Beverly Drive — were shallow.
A rotten egg smell is not just been reported in the L.A. area but the Salton Seas area along with a massive amount of fish dying happened

There are some interesting facts about Hydrogen Sulfide:

Hydrogen sulfide is considered a broad-spectrum poison, meaning that it can poison several different systems in the body, although the nervous system is most affected. The toxicity of H2S is comparable with that of hydrogen cyanide. It forms a complex bond with iron in the mitochondrial cytochrome enzymes, thus preventing cellular respiration.

Induced hypothermia and suspended animation

In 2005, it was shown that mice can be put into a state of suspended animation-like hypothermia by applying a low dosage of hydrogen sulfide (81 ppm H2S) in the air. The breathing rate of the animals sank from 120 to 10 breaths per minute and their temperature fell from 37 °C to just 2 °C above ambient temperature (in effect, they had become cold-blooded). The mice survived this procedure for 6 hours and afterwards showed no negative health consequences.[38] In 2006 it was shown that the blood pressure of mice treated in this fashion with hydrogen sulfide did not significantly decrease.[39]
A similar process known as hibernation occurs naturally in many mammals and also in toads, but not in mice. (Mice can fall into a state called clinical torpor when food shortage occurs). If the H2S-induced hibernation can be made to work in humans, it could be useful in the emergency management of severely injured patients, and in the conservation of donated organs. In 2008, hypothermia induced by hydrogen sulfide for 48 hours was shown to reduce the extent of brain damage caused by experimental stroke in rats.[40]
As mentioned above, hydrogen sulfide binds to cytochrome oxidase and thereby prevents oxygen from binding, which leads to the dramatic slowdown of metabolism. Animals and humans naturally produce some hydrogen sulfide in their body; researchers have proposed that the gas is used to regulate metabolic activity and body temperature, which would explain the above findings.[41]
Two recent studies cast doubt that the effect can be achieved in larger mammals. A 2008 study failed to reproduce the effect in pigs, concluding that the effects seen in mice were not present in larger mammals.[42] Likewise a paper by Haouzi et al. noted that there is no induction of hypometabolism in sheep, either.[43]
At the February 2010 TED conference, Mark Roth announced that hydrogen sulfide induced hypothermia had completed Phase I clinical trials.[44] The clinical trials commissioned by the company he helped found, Ikaria, were however withdrawn or terminated by August 2011.[45][46]

 Mass extinctions

Hydrogen sulfide has been implicated in several mass extinctions that have occurred in the Earth's past. In particular, a buildup of hydrogen sulfide in the atmosphere may have caused the Permian-Triassic extinction event 252 million years ago.[48]
Organic residues from these extinction boundaries indicate that the oceans were anoxic (oxygen-depleted) and had species of shallow plankton that metabolized H2S. The formation of H2S may have been initiated by massive volcanic eruptions, which emitted carbon dioxide and methane into the atmosphere, which warmed the oceans, lowering their capacity to absorb oxygen that would otherwise oxidize H2S. The increased levels of hydrogen sulfide could have killed oxygen-generating plants as well as depleted the ozone layer, causing further stress. Small H2S blooms have been detected in modern times in the Dead Sea and in the Atlantic ocean off the coast of Namibia.

 History of Rotten Egg Smell before a volcanic eruption:

Limnic Eruption 1984 - 1700 to 1800 killed

. The survivors also reported a smell of rotten eggs and feeling warm before passing out; this is explained by the fact that at high concentrations, carbon dioxide acts as a sensory hallucinogenic. Studies with jet pilots regarding carbon dioxide report similar effects as reported by survivors, i.e. smell of rotten eggs, gunpowder and feeling of warmth.

 Iceland volcano eruption 2012

Iceland volcano: First came the floods, then the smell of rotten eggs

There are many instances of volcanoes and the rotten egg smell before and after there eruption.  That is a normal occurrence with volcanic eruptions.

 Could gas lines have broken or sewer lines be having a problem in L.A right now and that is causing the smell?  But that would mean all of them would have to have broken for the smell to go across 50+ miles.

 It is said that before the large quake of San Francisco  a rotten egg smell permeated the city.  

 LA times has an article about the smell now and says it is over a wide area. 

  This is interesting - here is the "HAARP" status site

 This is what the picture shows at this time, notice the heat over the Southern California area and it says mag 7.1.  What is not on this screen shot as it is below the picture on that page is this regarding that magnitude:

M6 - M9 - Significant change is expected. Anything over M7 is rare and special attention must be directed when readings go seven and higher. Severe storms are associated with this reading, which if a short spike can be a nearby event and a long duration and slow build being a large scale change.







Super Sized Radiated Blue Fin Tuna caught off the coast of New Zealand - Video - Tsunami Debris only 800 miles away - Oct. arrival

A monster radiated Blue Fin tuna caught in the Pacific.  Above is the picture of it, below is the video of it being caught. 

Sri Lanka found fish are radiated in their part of the world now.

 How those in governments around the world turn their heads to radiated seafood and don't demand testing is beyond me. Hillary Clinton and Obama even made sure that nothing is tested coming from Japan.

 People actually think that salmon is safe from Alaska? People still eat seafood as if nothing is wrong.

Here is the video of the Tuna being caught.

OH... right... Nuclear energy is suppose to be clean and safe. That is what all the government officials say anyway. But of course they are constantly paid off by the big corporations like GE. Who doesn't pay a dime in taxes either. Oh... yeah, GE is the equipment that was/is in Fukushima.

OH, one other thing. The debris are now only 800 miles from the West Coast of the U.S and Canada. The expectations is that it will start arriving next month (Oct. 2012) in mass.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Propaganda Film "Fukushima Unchanged to this day" U.S. High Schoolers Visit Fukushima and eat the produce. They say "Lies in U.S. about Fukushima being bad."

I am simply amazed at the propaganda that has been put out by the Japanese and TEPCO.

 A new video that is pure propaganda and utilizes U.S. High School students has just been released.   Funny how the video does not allow ratings nor comments to it.

I would like to know how the parents of these kids could allow them to be part of a trip to Fukushima and the propaganda?

The kids say "They see the truth compared to the Lies in the U.S. that Fukushima is full of radiation." They also say "Everything is under control at Fukushima."  

Absolutely disgusting and absolute Lies!

Propaganda Film utilizing U.S. High School Students:

Let's revisit - Absolute Campaign Promises/LIES by Obama - Says "I promise and take it to the Bank, it will happen"

This is a post I did in December 2011. I am bringing it back up to the top. WHY?

 Because no other person has gotten elected based on so many LIES! Also here is a New Video that everyone should see of Obama in his own words.   People believed in his lies!  I believed his Lies in 2008!  I thought we would get our freedoms back and we would get a government "For the People and by the People once more."   I became awake though at the end of 2008.  For some reason when I watched the inauguration I knew the man was not going to be what he said he was.  Since then I have Never watched one speech of his.  I have never even watched the "State of the Union" speech by him, though previously I watched every single one for the last couple of decades.

This does not even cover all the things he has done over the last 4 years. He has signed all types of Executive orders which gives him complete control over the U.S. and almost all resources of it. The media has never publicized what all he has done. He has been creating a dictatorship for himself (his masters).

Here is the new Video... that should be passed to everyone.

In saying the above, I do not believe there is one difference between Romney and Obama. They are both playing their parts of a game. They are both controlled and do as their masters say, just like every single elected official in Washington D.C. They have all sold their souls and votes to the corporations and banks. 

They do not work for the citizens of the U.S., they work for their puppet masters. That is why, I will never again "sanction" any of their plans for what they are going to do in the future. I will never walk into a voting booth again! To me the best revolt is to NOT play the "game" anymore. I won't ever vote again! I am standing outside their system! I am saying "NO" to anything they plan on doing by not voting.   In the linked article I have gotten a lot of negative feedback.  People saying "You have to vote." 
I am saying "You are missing the point" to those comments.  I see it as by not voting I am standing up to the bullsh** game they have created for everyone.  You have to understand, by voting and saying you want a certain person, then you have given that person the "right" to do as they will against you.  The game is rigged anyway.   I believe not voting is being "Patriotic", I am not okaying the destruction of the United States and the consolidation of power to a few and locking the rest up in a police state.

Now that Ron Paul is out of the race for President, people are not going to actually have a real choice.  Both Obama and Romney are controlled and puppets by masters above them which are not in our best interest.  


 Some of Obama's Campaign promises - he Swears he will do this or that and even says it is such strong promises "You can take it to the Bank."

I guess the Bank is Bankrupt - because his Promises were absolute Lies as shown by his actions since in office.

Swears the War in Iraq would be stopped and it would be his first act as the President, swears "You can Take it to the Bank, I will do this!"

What an inspiring Speech he made while Campaigning - Close Guitmo! Get all troops home from Iraq within 6 months! Restore Habeas Corpus! Also how it makes a difference when people stand up!

Here is Obama saying he won't do those "Executive Power" statements and he believed in shared power. Says he will Obey the Constitution. Funny considering the Indefinite Detainment bill - he is the one who has required the wording include U.S. citizens.

With all these lies, one after another - from transparency - lobbyist etc.... All you can do is laugh.

Here is a good one - 7 campaign lies in under 2 minutes

This is Classic! - Saying WORDS Matter! What people say MATTER! WOW... he did totally opposite of this "Amazing Speech" of how WORDS Matter! How he wasn't just saying words, he means all he says! Says politics are used to cause fear - but he would Change that! Hilarious now.

Here are many more videos of lies during his campaign, I had posted a few months ago

There are many more, in fact every campaign promise was a lie. He can try and blame the CONgress all he wants on them not getting done this time around, but he had a Democratic majority CONgress and Senate that was doing his bidding the first two years. He did not follow through on any promise and in fact broke them immediately with the Stimulus bill he signed one month after taking office in Denver Colorado. It passed the house and Senate without being on the internet or any transparency with it.

Adding - in this video besides the information about 1031 bill - Obama having U.S. citizens part of it - there are so really powerful Obama lies/promises about human rights, gitmo...

Friday, September 7, 2012

Bizarre Hum in Seattle Washington, Keeping People up - Recording of it captured

A bizarre hum is keeping people up at night in Seattle Washington.  It is something that has reoccurred over many years but has come back strong from what the information says.

A person did record it on his smart phone. 

 Portions from information linked above:
“After a few years of it only coming up once in a while, a few days ago, over the Labor Day weekend, it came up with a vengeance,” said Tracy Record, the editor of the West Seattle Blog.
“It’s a little cringing to notice that people want to make a joke out of this because I don’t believe this is people hallucinating. There is something out there. There is a noise out there. It’s not the theory that there is an inter-planetary hum that we’ve been hearing in England for twenty years and it’s frustrating that you can’t necessarily pinpoint it.”
 Record said she herself heard the “oscillating” sound on the west side of the neighborhood, but it didn’t seem to reach the “deafening” levels that witnesses on the east side of the neighborhood claim.

 It seems there are hums going on all over the place.  Wisconsin still experiences the hum that was talked about earlier this year.  England experiences hums.  Florida has experienced hums. 

The question is... is it man made, Earth or space that is causing the hums?

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Flyovers resume - 9/6/12 Assumption Parish Bayou Corne Louisiana Sinkhole

I have been checking everyday since Isaac for a new flyover of the sinkhole in La.

They finally resumed the flyovers today - 9/6/12.

Look at it now,  I captured this screen shot at the 14 second spot of the 18 second video.  I don't understand why they only release seconds of the flyover.  Look at the oil/chemical sheen on the surface and look at how the water is at that pad and into the trees

Here is the actual video flyover for today.

Here is another flyover video from 9/6/12

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

4 and 5 mags now in the Virgin Islands- 397 Earthquake Swarm on the map now.

The quakes are going strong down in the Virgin Islands. There have been a few 4's and 5's today.

Here is the Puerto Rico seismic network
They have all types of information on it, including the seismic history of the area on this page.  
Last year about this time the Virgin Islands had a swarm of quakes and it got up to 81 in one week.  The amount now, is obviously way above 81, at 397 so far in one week. 

Here is a site that someone had posted in a comment on my other article, about the whales that beached themselves in Florida. 

I have known about the threat of a huge tsunami due to knowing the history of the area.  I lived almost half my life down in the Virgin Islands.  That is part of my being very aware of what is happening down there, needless to say. 

y/m/d h:m:s
MAP 5.2 2012/09/05 00:24:48    19.704 -64.257  28.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 4.2 2012/09/04 23:43:57    19.550 -64.070  80.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.4 2012/09/04 13:23:26    19.636 -64.326  34.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 4.0 2012/09/04 11:37:11    19.748 -64.158  57.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.8 2012/09/04 02:26:41    17.994 -67.160  18.0   PUERTO RICO
MAP 4.3 2012/09/03 17:41:27    19.647 -64.346  19.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.9 2012/09/03 11:06:20    19.021 -65.531  14.0   PUERTO RICO REGION
MAP 3.0 2012/09/03 10:34:59    19.571 -64.366  6.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.3 2012/09/03 10:18:28    18.979 -65.509  13.0   PUERTO RICO REGION
MAP 3.4 2012/09/03 10:10:14    19.599 -64.291  7.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.3 2012/09/03 10:03:26    18.896 -65.517  56.0   PUERTO RICO REGION
MAP 2.6 2012/09/03 08:24:37    18.927 -64.804  0.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.4 2012/09/03 04:04:30    18.803 -64.484  17.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.1 2012/09/03 01:50:14    18.773 -65.037  11.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.0 2012/09/02 19:07:54    18.001 -67.158  14.0   PUERTO RICO
MAP 2.9 2012/09/02 16:15:04    18.604 -66.595  23.0   PUERTO RICO REGION
MAP 3.2 2012/09/02 13:36:47    19.142 -64.882  57.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.7 2012/09/02 12:57:51    19.636 -64.187  50.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.6 2012/09/02 12:48:37    19.759 -64.187  44.0   NORTH OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS
MAP 3.1 2012/09/02 11:35:32    19.724 -63.917  7.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.1 2012/09/02 11:32:56    19.697 -64.032  7.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.3 2012/09/02 11:31:04    19.721 -64.204  15.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.7 2012/09/02 10:34:14    19.703 -64.103  7.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.4 2012/09/02 09:54:09    19.517 -64.167  80.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.2 2012/09/02 08:20:12    19.524 -64.150  81.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.5 2012/09/02 08:07:57    19.526 -64.222  87.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.6 2012/09/02 07:35:28    19.537 -64.166  82.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.9 2012/09/02 06:45:13    19.461 -64.180  92.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.4 2012/09/02 06:40:16    19.504 -65.234  83.0   PUERTO RICO REGION
MAP 2.8 2012/09/02 06:17:48    19.467 -63.836  70.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.6 2012/09/02 04:26:23    19.572 -64.344  44.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.0 2012/09/02 04:18:41    19.726 -64.200  25.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.6 2012/09/02 02:41:06    19.550 -64.233  59.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.1 2012/09/02 01:18:41    19.436 -64.118  91.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.7 2012/09/02 00:58:46    19.441 -64.186  87.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.0 2012/09/02 00:48:06    19.356 -64.160  91.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.0 2012/09/02 00:32:56    19.504 -64.255  82.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.0 2012/09/02 00:29:32    18.988 -65.365  11.0   PUERTO RICO REGION
MAP 3.0 2012/09/02 00:23:02    19.691 -64.270  12.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.3 2012/09/02 00:18:24    19.706 -64.183  41.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.1 2012/09/02 00:00:06    19.267 -64.064  81.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.2 2012/09/01 23:06:13    19.633 -64.334  8.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.1 2012/09/01 22:55:35    19.541 -64.399  8.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.2 2012/09/01 22:45:08    19.687 -64.218  17.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.2 2012/09/01 21:59:50    19.647 -64.260  50.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.7 2012/09/01 21:38:40    19.541 -64.409  12.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 4.0 2012/09/01 21:30:26    19.643 -64.384  12.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.1 2012/09/01 21:24:17    19.567 -64.228  57.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.8 2012/09/01 20:45:17    19.557 -64.434  36.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.3 2012/09/01 20:42:12    19.370 -65.213  97.0   PUERTO RICO REGION
MAP 2.7 2012/09/01 20:34:34    18.235 -65.318  103.0   PUERTO RICO REGION
MAP 3.1 2012/09/01 20:15:48    19.272 -64.058  92.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.8 2012/09/01 19:37:22    19.639 -64.227  10.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.6 2012/09/01 17:21:22    19.547 -64.306  10.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.9 2012/09/01 17:02:44    19.523 -64.131  71.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.3 2012/09/01 16:46:46    19.540 -64.217  89.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.0 2012/09/01 13:50:03    19.662 -64.267  53.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.9 2012/09/01 12:28:16    19.755 -64.035  52.0   NORTH OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS
MAP 3.2 2012/09/01 11:15:00    19.733 -63.924  52.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.9 2012/09/01 10:52:08    19.620 -64.377  17.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.4 2012/09/01 10:49:45    19.357 -64.209  88.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.1 2012/09/01 10:43:15    19.605 -64.327  67.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.2 2012/09/01 10:19:32    19.678 -64.329  35.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.9 2012/09/01 10:00:35    19.691 -64.262  11.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.0 2012/09/01 09:44:38    19.622 -64.286  52.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.1 2012/09/01 08:35:31    19.694 -64.219  43.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.9 2012/09/01 08:18:43    19.573 -64.281  52.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.9 2012/09/01 08:10:47    19.446 -64.352  70.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.5 2012/09/01 08:03:11    19.611 -64.252  61.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.0 2012/09/01 07:53:36    19.348 -64.261  87.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.4 2012/09/01 07:29:09    19.794 -64.359  10.0   NORTH OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS
MAP 3.3 2012/09/01 06:10:29    19.695 -64.123  35.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.0 2012/09/01 05:48:21    19.655 -64.427  15.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.2 2012/09/01 05:44:10    19.820 -64.014  56.0   NORTH OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS
MAP 3.2 2012/09/01 05:07:47    19.578 -64.339  32.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.0 2012/09/01 04:56:27    19.849 -64.222  7.0   NORTH OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS
MAP 3.1 2012/09/01 04:44:35    19.590 -64.203  58.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.7 2012/09/01 03:35:47    19.636 -64.082  30.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.2 2012/09/01 03:24:36    19.549 -64.325  49.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.1 2012/09/01 03:18:56    18.951 -64.951  25.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.8 2012/09/01 02:28:04    19.629 -64.124  61.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.1 2012/09/01 01:55:10    19.830 -64.041  35.0   NORTH OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS
MAP 3.2 2012/09/01 01:22:33    19.594 -64.352  55.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.6 2012/09/01 00:17:47    18.572 -65.607  5.0   PUERTO RICO REGION
MAP 3.3 2012/09/01 00:14:45    19.514 -64.368  24.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.3 2012/08/31 23:52:28    19.573 -64.329  54.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.1 2012/08/31 23:23:45    19.505 -64.004  84.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.8 2012/08/31 23:22:42    19.799 -64.103  38.0   NORTH OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS
MAP 3.0 2012/08/31 23:01:05    19.504 -64.147  77.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.1 2012/08/31 22:45:13    19.544 -64.234  72.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.0 2012/08/31 22:39:30    19.540 -64.135  72.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.5 2012/08/31 22:35:09    19.572 -64.391  62.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.7 2012/08/31 22:21:45    19.604 -64.253  63.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.7 2012/08/31 22:11:26    19.116 -64.730  62.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.9 2012/08/31 22:05:08    19.393 -64.294  80.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.5 2012/08/31 21:28:41    19.796 -64.135  29.0   NORTH OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS
MAP 2.6 2012/08/31 21:20:07    19.590 -64.196  62.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.8 2012/08/31 21:17:30    19.726 -64.299  19.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.9 2012/08/31 20:24:22    19.597 -64.297  44.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.8 2012/08/31 20:14:27    19.534 -64.137  70.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.9 2012/08/31 20:12:01    19.527 -64.211  7.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.6 2012/08/31 19:38:16    19.589 -64.310  8.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.7 2012/08/31 19:34:44    19.575 -64.315  57.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.0 2012/08/31 18:53:33    18.585 -64.385  44.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.1 2012/08/31 18:28:20    19.633 -64.353  35.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.9 2012/08/31 17:11:39    19.474 -64.004  78.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.9 2012/08/31 16:31:56    19.670 -64.230  36.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.3 2012/08/31 16:27:09    19.648 -64.325  36.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.2 2012/08/31 15:53:14    19.697 -64.187  24.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.8 2012/08/31 15:12:48    19.626 -64.153  7.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.7 2012/08/31 15:12:05    19.423 -64.395  7.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.7 2012/08/31 14:59:44    19.541 -63.958  78.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.7 2012/08/31 14:49:46    19.642 -64.476  38.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.3 2012/08/31 14:48:07    19.186 -63.903  88.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.1 2012/08/31 14:45:54    19.722 -64.111  55.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.9 2012/08/31 14:41:44    19.627 -64.322  47.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.3 2012/08/31 14:37:46    19.555 -64.397  62.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.0 2012/08/31 13:41:32    19.688 -64.249  38.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.5 2012/08/31 12:34:35    19.624 -64.168  7.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.8 2012/08/31 12:25:27    19.664 -64.325  8.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.1 2012/08/31 11:45:20    19.566 -64.345  7.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.1 2012/08/31 11:41:19    19.662 -64.366  7.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.1 2012/08/31 11:01:51    19.669 -64.073  7.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.8 2012/08/31 10:44:58    19.648 -64.333  8.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.9 2012/08/31 10:33:17    19.598 -64.400  17.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.8 2012/08/31 10:25:10    19.365 -64.179  87.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.3 2012/08/31 10:20:03    19.741 -64.201  43.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.6 2012/08/31 10:12:41    19.645 -64.405  48.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.1 2012/08/31 09:39:55    19.620 -64.359  8.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.1 2012/08/31 09:02:41    19.466 -64.058  71.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.6 2012/08/31 08:56:19    19.488 -64.274  9.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.8 2012/08/31 08:51:32    19.634 -64.409  8.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.0 2012/08/31 08:49:11    19.690 -64.189  7.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.8 2012/08/31 08:47:34    19.698 -64.242  7.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.8 2012/08/31 08:43:17    19.652 -64.273  8.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.9 2012/08/31 08:22:03    19.247 -64.337  46.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.1 2012/08/31 07:54:34    19.576 -64.233  58.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.6 2012/08/31 07:40:31    19.642 -64.030  72.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.5 2012/08/31 07:30:22    19.635 -64.253  29.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.3 2012/08/31 06:55:15    19.561 -64.198  58.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.5 2012/08/31 06:24:21    19.675 -64.046  5.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.5 2012/08/31 06:05:11    19.408 -63.968  76.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.6 2012/08/31 05:19:07    18.362 -67.731  92.0   MONA PASSAGE, PUERTO RICO
MAP 2.6 2012/08/31 05:13:00    17.951 -65.344  12.0   PUERTO RICO REGION
MAP 3.0 2012/08/31 05:08:48    19.401 -65.177  55.0   PUERTO RICO REGION
MAP 3.0 2012/08/31 04:23:07    19.678 -64.271  24.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.9 2012/08/31 04:05:19    19.673 -64.161  43.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.7 2012/08/31 03:58:39    19.657 -64.029  65.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.5 2012/08/31 03:16:55    19.672 -64.236  34.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.0 2012/08/31 02:36:51    19.745 -64.111  28.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.0 2012/08/31 01:40:23    19.651 -64.251  46.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.7 2012/08/31 01:38:20    19.648 -64.189  30.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.1 2012/08/31 01:27:44    19.761 -64.253  24.0   NORTH OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS
MAP 3.2 2012/08/31 00:39:57    19.377 -64.183  85.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.6 2012/08/31 00:19:05    19.741 -64.185  30.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.1 2012/08/31 00:09:03    19.717 -64.109  30.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.9 2012/08/30 23:24:30    19.646 -64.281  12.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.2 2012/08/30 23:09:04    19.692 -63.933  13.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.0 2012/08/30 23:03:56    19.657 -64.299  13.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.9 2012/08/30 23:02:22    19.663 -64.213  12.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.8 2012/08/30 22:54:26    19.669 -64.157  12.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.2 2012/08/30 22:53:08    19.491 -64.096  71.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.8 2012/08/30 22:21:25    18.506 -65.070  34.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.8 2012/08/30 22:19:50    19.612 -64.220  25.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.7 2012/08/30 22:00:14    19.685 -64.343  30.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.7 2012/08/30 21:58:58    19.761 -63.975  25.0   NORTH OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS
MAP 2.9 2012/08/30 21:51:32    19.688 -64.048  24.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.4 2012/08/30 21:48:38    19.628 -64.023  55.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.0 2012/08/30 21:40:41    19.436 -64.394  13.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.9 2012/08/30 20:46:14    19.604 -64.341  13.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.3 2012/08/30 20:44:59    19.632 -64.347  45.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.7 2012/08/30 20:34:23    19.632 -64.311  25.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.2 2012/08/30 20:30:56    19.655 -64.299  43.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.9 2012/08/30 20:29:38    19.468 -64.200  72.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.0 2012/08/30 20:00:56    19.002 -63.894  97.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.8 2012/08/30 19:40:25    19.695 -64.269  24.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.6 2012/08/30 19:02:13    19.332 -64.007  97.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.0 2012/08/30 18:24:34    19.653 -64.293  17.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.7 2012/08/30 17:56:21    19.756 -64.113  29.0   NORTH OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS
MAP 2.8 2012/08/30 17:35:19    19.583 -64.184  72.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.5 2012/08/30 17:32:05    19.652 -64.365  38.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.8 2012/08/30 17:21:59    19.501 -64.179  87.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.8 2012/08/30 17:20:12    19.428 -63.981  94.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.3 2012/08/30 17:16:36    19.537 -64.198  72.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.7 2012/08/30 17:14:30    19.596 -64.356  44.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.2 2012/08/30 16:18:58    19.749 -64.183  17.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.6 2012/08/30 16:02:06    19.700 -64.425  16.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.8 2012/08/30 15:53:52    19.648 -64.286  16.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.9 2012/08/30 15:34:35    19.738 -64.129  24.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.6 2012/08/30 15:07:06    19.623 -64.299  24.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.3 2012/08/30 14:11:40    19.540 -64.243  67.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.7 2012/08/30 14:08:09    19.711 -64.028  10.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.0 2012/08/30 13:49:45    19.661 -64.228  7.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.7 2012/08/30 13:42:19    19.593 -64.118  10.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.1 2012/08/30 13:25:13    19.509 -64.295  70.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.6 2012/08/30 13:16:08    19.714 -64.283  21.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.8 2012/08/30 13:13:08    19.680 -64.452  16.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.8 2012/08/30 13:07:00    19.760 -64.097  24.0   NORTH OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS
MAP 3.0 2012/08/30 13:03:22    19.769 -64.150  42.0   NORTH OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS
MAP 2.8 2012/08/30 12:39:25    19.805 -64.083  10.0   NORTH OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS
MAP 3.8 2012/08/30 12:29:19    19.618 -64.377  10.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.8 2012/08/30 12:00:03    18.950 -63.971  99.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.3 2012/08/30 11:13:33    19.072 -64.546  57.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.9 2012/08/30 11:10:12    19.639 -64.289  24.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.6 2012/08/30 11:01:52    19.532 -64.243  72.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.7 2012/08/30 10:48:46    19.428 -64.390  72.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.9 2012/08/30 10:36:13    19.697 -64.073  24.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.7 2012/08/30 10:29:28    19.626 -64.320  14.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.7 2012/08/30 10:25:45    18.488 -66.631  78.0   PUERTO RICO
MAP 3.1 2012/08/30 10:21:48    19.735 -64.102  13.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.3 2012/08/30 10:14:01    19.665 -64.483  7.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.0 2012/08/30 09:37:14    19.710 -64.342  12.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.7 2012/08/30 09:25:24    19.632 -64.302  77.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.3 2012/08/30 09:03:00    19.661 -64.178  13.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.0 2012/08/30 09:01:46    19.364 -64.144  81.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.5 2012/08/30 08:51:42    19.680 -64.221  12.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.8 2012/08/30 08:42:18    19.649 -64.365  16.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.1 2012/08/30 08:39:30    19.616 -64.326  19.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.2 2012/08/30 08:36:09    19.607 -64.163  65.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.8 2012/08/30 08:16:15    19.479 -64.320  65.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.1 2012/08/30 08:13:51    19.677 -64.225  13.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.5 2012/08/30 08:11:04    18.899 -65.784  15.0   PUERTO RICO REGION
MAP 3.2 2012/08/30 08:08:15    19.165 -63.758  97.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.1 2012/08/30 08:06:46    19.655 -64.243  40.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.8 2012/08/30 07:59:55    19.445 -64.200  69.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.1 2012/08/30 07:57:25    19.635 -64.266  9.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.7 2012/08/30 07:55:41    19.699 -64.055  9.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.2 2012/08/30 07:44:57    19.542 -64.183  75.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.9 2012/08/30 07:27:02    19.639 -64.271  52.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.9 2012/08/30 07:25:03    19.494 -64.153  82.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.1 2012/08/30 07:21:53    19.266 -63.990  97.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.5 2012/08/30 07:18:47    19.668 -64.227  7.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.1 2012/08/30 07:08:30    19.731 -64.232  48.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.1 2012/08/30 07:05:12    19.741 -64.148  24.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.7 2012/08/30 07:02:42    19.649 -64.109  76.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.3 2012/08/30 06:57:05    19.625 -64.266  58.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.3 2012/08/30 06:47:49    19.643 -64.066  54.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.3 2012/08/30 06:46:07    19.618 -64.194  54.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.2 2012/08/30 06:43:19    19.631 -64.275  9.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.0 2012/08/30 06:39:27    19.512 -64.207  67.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.4 2012/08/30 06:34:10    19.668 -64.364  19.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.7 2012/08/30 06:25:11    19.719 -64.362  24.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.0 2012/08/30 06:24:14    19.839 -64.142  62.0   NORTH OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS
MAP 3.2 2012/08/30 06:21:29    19.301 -64.171  68.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.1 2012/08/30 06:15:35    19.622 -64.139  77.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.6 2012/08/30 06:14:11    19.634 -63.975  62.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.5 2012/08/30 06:08:17    19.498 -64.172  80.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.4 2012/08/30 06:08:17    19.694 -64.264  11.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.2 2012/08/30 06:02:05    19.590 -64.237  56.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.2 2012/08/30 05:58:45    19.652 -64.242  22.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.0 2012/08/30 05:41:55    19.509 -63.927  92.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.7 2012/08/30 05:39:33    19.560 -64.193  85.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.6 2012/08/30 05:34:47    19.707 -64.154  48.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.5 2012/08/30 05:32:16    19.425 -63.963  92.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.9 2012/08/30 05:30:48    19.654 -64.348  42.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.6 2012/08/30 05:27:06    19.733 -64.037  28.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.7 2012/08/30 05:24:55    19.750 -64.304  11.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.2 2012/08/30 05:20:50    19.693 -64.213  33.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.8 2012/08/30 05:16:46    19.711 -64.292  33.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.8 2012/08/30 05:16:45    19.678 -64.223  50.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.3 2012/08/30 05:01:35    19.757 -64.094  43.0   NORTH OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS
MAP 3.4 2012/08/30 04:54:44    19.429 -64.231  81.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.1 2012/08/30 04:38:59    19.500 -64.077  84.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.9 2012/08/30 04:37:15    19.634 -64.000  61.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.9 2012/08/30 04:28:10    19.784 -63.925  15.0   NORTH OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS
MAP 3.0 2012/08/30 04:24:15    19.668 -64.132  61.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.7 2012/08/30 04:22:39    19.695 -64.240  72.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.3 2012/08/30 04:18:42    19.440 -64.261  23.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.1 2012/08/30 04:16:26    19.685 -64.055  28.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.3 2012/08/30 04:12:05    19.663 -64.246  12.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.6 2012/08/30 04:09:43    19.672 -64.110  44.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.3 2012/08/30 04:07:52    19.697 -64.085  57.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.4 2012/08/30 03:59:37    19.611 -64.340  29.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.4 2012/08/30 03:52:06    19.528 -64.119  79.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.1 2012/08/30 03:49:57    19.493 -64.399  62.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.4 2012/08/30 03:47:43    19.603 -64.310  47.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.2 2012/08/30 03:43:43    19.795 -64.436  44.0   NORTH OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS
MAP 3.5 2012/08/30 03:41:06    19.535 -64.352  73.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.7 2012/08/30 03:36:12    19.416 -64.239  73.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.6 2012/08/30 03:30:03    19.721 -64.135  31.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.5 2012/08/30 03:09:40    19.698 -64.076  24.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.0 2012/08/30 03:07:25    19.700 -64.507  24.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.0 2012/08/30 02:41:33    19.520 -64.053  71.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.7 2012/08/30 02:20:08    19.703 -64.220  28.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.8 2012/08/30 02:14:46    19.650 -64.296  47.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.1 2012/08/30 02:02:16    19.745 -64.664  10.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.0 2012/08/30 01:50:42    19.257 -64.195  64.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.6 2012/08/30 01:49:39    19.632 -64.143  61.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.6 2012/08/30 01:48:24    19.698 -64.022  10.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.8 2012/08/30 01:46:19    19.775 -64.246  19.0   NORTH OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS
MAP 2.7 2012/08/30 01:39:29    19.642 -64.237  49.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.8 2012/08/30 01:33:35    19.696 -64.187  13.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.7 2012/08/30 01:32:37    19.723 -64.229  23.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.0 2012/08/30 01:26:38    19.558 -64.490  12.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.7 2012/08/30 01:24:10    19.545 -64.220  65.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.4 2012/08/30 01:21:22    19.072 -63.583  109.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.7 2012/08/30 01:20:06    19.206 -64.035  97.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.8 2012/08/30 01:17:39    19.622 -64.250  14.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.9 2012/08/30 01:15:19    19.506 -64.099  90.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.5 2012/08/30 01:09:57    19.686 -64.301  13.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.7 2012/08/30 01:06:46    19.519 -64.192  60.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.6 2012/08/30 01:04:24    19.610 -64.135  62.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.1 2012/08/30 00:49:31    19.554 -64.236  60.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.0 2012/08/30 00:43:48    19.655 -64.314  13.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.1 2012/08/30 00:41:14    19.545 -64.235  64.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.5 2012/08/30 00:38:19    19.698 -64.284  18.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.1 2012/08/30 00:35:57    19.352 -64.125  85.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.0 2012/08/30 00:32:02    19.686 -64.251  24.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.4 2012/08/30 00:25:07    19.639 -64.300  60.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.7 2012/08/30 00:23:44    19.776 -64.193  24.0   NORTH OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS
MAP 3.4 2012/08/30 00:21:55    19.745 -64.073  19.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.7 2012/08/30 00:19:25    19.319 -64.242  87.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.8 2012/08/30 00:16:49    19.705 -64.077  33.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.6 2012/08/30 00:15:18    19.470 -63.846  75.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.8 2012/08/30 00:13:51    19.889 -63.683  10.0   NORTH OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS
MAP 2.9 2012/08/30 00:05:01    19.657 -64.279  6.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.2 2012/08/29 23:55:22    19.911 -63.982  15.0   NORTH OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS
MAP 2.5 2012/08/29 23:42:33    19.307 -64.124  71.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.2 2012/08/29 23:30:07    19.463 -64.328  41.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.6 2012/08/29 23:25:18    19.652 -64.471  7.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.1 2012/08/29 23:23:34    19.627 -64.158  15.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.3 2012/08/29 23:20:37    19.560 -64.355  9.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.6 2012/08/29 23:14:08    19.544 -64.338  8.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.6 2012/08/29 23:13:05    19.655 -64.333  15.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.5 2012/08/29 23:05:09    19.599 -64.376  8.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.9 2012/08/29 23:02:03    19.698 -64.124  7.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.6 2012/08/29 22:57:54    19.609 -64.126  58.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.6 2012/08/29 22:54:28    19.643 -64.154  16.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.9 2012/08/29 22:44:02    19.623 -64.272  13.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.7 2012/08/29 22:42:49    19.915 -64.151  15.0   NORTH OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS
MAP 2.8 2012/08/29 22:41:37    19.567 -64.487  7.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.3 2012/08/29 22:39:34    19.627 -64.280  7.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.9 2012/08/29 22:36:33    19.640 -64.311  7.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 4.3 2012/08/29 22:26:28    19.774 -64.238  29.0   NORTH OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS
MAP 3.3 2012/08/29 22:23:27    19.609 -64.242  59.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.7 2012/08/29 22:19:13    19.451 -64.304  72.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.3 2012/08/29 22:16:59    19.593 -64.401  14.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.7 2012/08/29 22:15:44    19.658 -64.211  10.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.7 2012/08/29 22:09:02    19.645 -64.266  15.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.0 2012/08/29 22:05:53    19.445 -64.201  76.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.9 2012/08/29 22:04:04    19.256 -64.192  86.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.3 2012/08/29 22:01:23    19.532 -64.106  71.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.5 2012/08/29 22:00:10    18.832 -64.019  109.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.0 2012/08/29 21:53:11    19.482 -64.406  52.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.8 2012/08/29 21:47:39    19.662 -64.278  16.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.7 2012/08/29 21:40:59    19.720 -64.401  15.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.9 2012/08/29 21:40:04    19.501 -64.122  71.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.9 2012/08/29 21:34:59    19.549 -64.235  60.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.1 2012/08/29 21:29:04    19.600 -64.359  39.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.7 2012/08/29 21:26:52    19.712 -64.231  25.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.1 2012/08/29 21:14:38    19.480 -64.260  92.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.8 2012/08/29 21:12:24    19.251 -64.332  79.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 4.2 2012/08/29 21:07:19    19.803 -64.255  17.0   NORTH OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS
MAP 3.1 2012/08/29 20:59:47    19.344 -64.311  78.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.2 2012/08/29 20:57:34    19.683 -64.197  39.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.8 2012/08/29 20:54:09    18.976 -64.924  23.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.0 2012/08/29 20:46:30    19.684 -64.320  24.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.7 2012/08/29 20:31:00    19.582 -64.353  8.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 4.0 2012/08/29 20:25:13    19.649 -64.195  39.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.6 2012/08/29 20:23:32    19.701 -64.162  43.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.7 2012/08/29 20:21:44    19.447 -64.307  75.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.8 2012/08/29 20:00:45    19.316 -64.146  70.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.1 2012/08/29 19:57:37    19.534 -64.288  64.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.0 2012/08/29 19:53:56    19.406 -64.224  72.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.1 2012/08/29 19:50:24    19.431 -64.226  96.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 4.3 2012/08/29 19:44:12    19.618 -64.326  25.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 4.7 2012/08/29 19:35:54    19.652 -64.324  31.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.8 2012/08/29 18:28:22    19.718 -64.296  24.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.5 2012/08/29 18:20:54    19.711 -64.327  17.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.7 2012/08/29 17:32:28    19.484 -64.463  10.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.4 2012/08/29 16:02:33    19.372 -67.411  67.0   PUERTO RICO REGION
MAP 2.7 2012/08/29 15:32:21    17.949 -67.093  6.0   PUERTO RICO REGION
MAP 3.3 2012/08/29 14:50:55    19.689 -64.307  24.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.5 2012/08/29 14:49:45    19.628 -64.329  13.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.0 2012/08/29 14:30:08    19.685 -64.363  24.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.6 2012/08/29 09:48:18    19.339 -67.219  29.0   PUERTO RICO REGION
MAP 2.8 2012/08/29 09:47:58    19.663 -64.285  14.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.5 2012/08/29 09:25:37    19.613 -64.247  45.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.1 2012/08/29 09:14:14    19.629 -64.433  39.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.2 2012/08/29 08:33:58    19.697 -64.260  25.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.9 2012/08/29 07:49:05    19.600 -64.327  20.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.0 2012/08/29 07:46:45    19.728 -64.198  20.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.8 2012/08/29 07:24:21    19.688 -64.372  24.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.3 2012/08/29 07:16:53    19.832 -64.414  49.0   NORTH OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS
MAP 2.6 2012/08/29 07:02:44    19.570 -64.093  76.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.1 2012/08/29 06:47:05    19.338 -64.204  86.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.9 2012/08/29 06:41:47    19.434 -64.195  87.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.7 2012/08/29 06:37:19    19.630 -64.398  16.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.1 2012/08/29 06:13:22    19.549 -64.166  67.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.3 2012/08/29 06:07:05    19.644 -64.288  24.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.2 2012/08/29 05:55:46    19.051 -64.833  54.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.8 2012/08/29 05:11:51    18.993 -64.930  34.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.3 2012/08/29 04:35:51    19.631 -64.327  38.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 2.5 2012/08/29 04:19:26    18.846 -63.606  53.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.0 2012/08/29 02:13:57    19.305 -64.885  13.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.3 2012/08/29 01:54:42    19.627 -64.191  43.0   VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION