
Thursday, September 20, 2012

Bayou Corne Sinkhole is growing faster. Videos - Yesterday 200 more feet went in, this morning 25 more feet so far.

The Sinkhole at Bayou Corne is growing faster now.

Yesterday it was reported that 200 feet went into the hole, this morning there is a report that 25 more feet went into the hole over night.

The last two videos of the sinkhole were done yesterday and the day before.

Here is a ground level video showing the 200 more feet that slid into the hole yesterday.  The boat is in the original sinkhole area.  All the area you see of water, past the buoy line is the 200 feet that went in overnight.  

Here is a flyover video from 2 days ago. I want you to notice two things about this. Notice how on the other side of the pipe right away and that area is now filled with water and notice how those trees are dead now. Notice how the water is surrounding the pad and the water is in all the trees around the empty space.

Besides this there is an emergency town hall meeting that the residents have put together and asked all the parish officials to come to.  Well the Parish officials have no intention of going to that meeting.  Those officials have called the various medias and have requested they not go to the meeting either.
They want the residents completely ignored by the media since they are ignoring the residents.

As always all elected officials are about big corporations and doing their bidding, and it shows it is even on the parish/county levels too.   We the people don't seem to have any representation from any elected officials, even those who live right next to us.

Assumption Wordpress has this information about the land that is falling fast into the sinkhole:

 It has been reported to parish officials that there was a slough-in at the sinkhole site early this morning. Approximately 25’ of embankment on the east side (closer to Texas Brine’s office building) fell into the sinkhole. Several trees were lost during this slough-in.

 Texas Brine reported a slough-in of approximately 200’ of embankment at the sinkhole yesterday evening. A video (taken this morning) has been posted on, the area of that slough in can be seen right at the 1:00 spot.

 The video linked in the above paragraph is the same one I have embedded in to this post.

The seismo graph shows more and more EQs happening at the Bayou.  This is the latest graph for today. 9/20/12

 Here is another seismo graph in the area from today.  It shows much larger quakes.  Funny how USGS doesn't acknowledge the EQs happening there.  They don't put them on the map.

Previous 2 posts of information I have done about Bayou Corne and the earthquakes:

1 comment:

  1. Here's some more info from Before It's News

