
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Silver Bullet/Silver Shield Coin - Portraying death to the Central Bankers and Rothschilds Control - Awesome New One Ounce coin!

This is the most Awesome coin!  

I love how it portrays Rothschild as a skeleton.  In implying the death of the Central Bank control system.  As I see it, it shows a chain across the Rothschild's arrows of control but that chain is not wrapped around them - it is breaking FREE and unraveling.   The back side has all the silver bullets coming out of the shield.   I love that!  USE the Silver bullets (buy real money and assets) give them the paper money as you collect the real assets and what is true money!  

This is a perfect message to the Elite Bankers:
  We Will use the Silver Bullet/Shield and We Will Win! 

 FYI - These are only going to be available to order until midnight November 25th 2012!  They are doing a limited run of them!  What a collectors item! 

The phrase "In Debt & Death They Trust" cuts right to the heart of the problem in humanity. We empower the worst in humanity to spread their debts globally for the bankers at the hands of death from the Military Industrial Complex.

The five arrows at the center of the coin represents the crest of the Rothschild Banking dynasty and current masters of the debt and death paradigm. The each of the five arrows represented each of the five sons of Amschel Rothschild that were sent to the five banking capitals of Europe. From there they have gone to dominate nation's destinies with their privately held central banks. We chose to replace the innocent ribbon of the original family crest with a chains of debt that they leave behind for humanity. The deathly skull figure was inspired by Nathan Rothschild that catapulted the Rothschild family to world domination with the defeat of Napoleon at Waterloo. The signature top hat reeks of elitism that controls this paradigm and fittingly tops off this side of the Silver Bullet and Silver Shield round.

 The Reverse of the Silver Bullet and the Silver Shield round represents that opposite consciousness solution to this debt and death paradigm that humanity has been revolving in since the beginning of time. Most notably is the near-proof mirrored finish of the reverse side. We know of no other coin on the market to have two totally different sides to it in look and in message. This crisp mirrored look accentuates the regal lettering of the "Silver Bullet" and the "Silver Shield". That saying "A Conscious Solution to Collectivist Problems" speaks to the conscious individual action we must all take to get out of the Elite's paradigm. We cannot change the outside world to make ourselves happy or free, we must change ourselves to make the world happy and free. The 47 silver bullets behind the arrow head like shield, is symbolic of silver's atomic weight of 47. Emblazoned on the Silver Shield is the message "Listen To All. Follow None." This saying speaks to the heart of the independently free, logical mind that seeks truth and takes action. Finally you will no longer do you have to have to play Orwellian mind games to understand that you are buying a silver coin for the 1 oz. .999 fine silver instead of the laughable $1 they imprint on the American Silver Eagle.

The heart of the Silver Bullet and the Silver Shield message is that we should sell our paper assets to collapse their paper ponzi scheme by taking our capital out of their banking system and buy physical silver to provide real tangible wealth in the face of a mathematical collapse of the world's debt based currency regime. This single individual conscious solution acts as a Silver Bullet against those that spread debt and death through out the world and a Silver Shield for everything you value in this world.

I absolutely LOVE this coin!  This is a perfect coin to have and to give to others!  It says it all!  



  1. As usual........

    "If you don't hold it, you don't own it"... Ponce

    I'll be ordering a couple of them.....

    I am Ponce

  2. Jct: Silver rock-based currency is not the silver bullet! I don't have any silver. Occupy Wall St."Silver Bullet" Video Winner: Argentine Solution
    Jct: Co-Winner of $1000-Prize-for-best-video-solution-to-defeat-the-NWO-debt-star contest. Also used in the 1990s Russian banking system crash, the Argentine Solution of paying workers with small-denomination government bonds or currencies they can use to pay for Power, Taxes, Medical and Licenses works and everyone can do it too. Paying for people's time with interest-free tokens, that's the Silver Bullet.

    1. Well then good luck with your paper tokens.

    2. Yep. All paper returns to its original value. Ask anyone that was in the Weimar Republic or Zimbabwe. Zimbabwe's stock market is thru the roof. Unfortunately, a cup of coffee can cost billions

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