David Morgan of Silver Investor interviewed Chris Duane and Rob Grey about the "Death of the Central Banker" one ounce Silver Coin they created.
It is a completely unique coin because the two sides are totally different, with a rough side of texture and smooth areas. That type work is not done normally due to the difficulty of minting it.
I believe in this coin myself and absolutely Love it! It is because it represents what the fact that the chain has been coming unwound and through knowledge that metals (gold, silver) are the ways to send the bullets and yet shield yourself by protecting yourself. There is so much meaning in the coin that I see.
It is something that people should get one coin of and have! It is your shield - your bullet, besides it revealing you are awake and aware and know that Rothschild and his bankers are the ones who have been behind everything.
I posted about the coin the other day.
I believe in trying to help people (especially with the Foreclosure Fraud). I have tried in many different ways to get something big going with that against the bankers that have committed Fraud because the government looks the other way. It is through all of us taking stands against the bankers that we will win, we can not depend on the government to do that!
To me this coin represents Standing Up to the Bankers which I am passionate about.
What I am asking people to do is Protect yourself! Stand Up yourself! By buying one or more of these coins you are Sending a Bullet and You have a Shield of Silver! You also show you are complete Awake and Aware of what the Rothschilds and bankers have done!
Silver Bullet Silver Shield Coin Website
Create a debit card that is linked to a segrigated metals account. The technology is available and so is the expertise. A purchase in dollars could immediately be converted to the sale of bullion and so too for a deposit in dollars. This could be done through the existing ATM network. Brainiacs get to work!