
Friday, September 7, 2012

Bizarre Hum in Seattle Washington, Keeping People up - Recording of it captured

A bizarre hum is keeping people up at night in Seattle Washington.  It is something that has reoccurred over many years but has come back strong from what the information says.

A person did record it on his smart phone. 

 Portions from information linked above:
“After a few years of it only coming up once in a while, a few days ago, over the Labor Day weekend, it came up with a vengeance,” said Tracy Record, the editor of the West Seattle Blog.
“It’s a little cringing to notice that people want to make a joke out of this because I don’t believe this is people hallucinating. There is something out there. There is a noise out there. It’s not the theory that there is an inter-planetary hum that we’ve been hearing in England for twenty years and it’s frustrating that you can’t necessarily pinpoint it.”
 Record said she herself heard the “oscillating” sound on the west side of the neighborhood, but it didn’t seem to reach the “deafening” levels that witnesses on the east side of the neighborhood claim.

 It seems there are hums going on all over the place.  Wisconsin still experiences the hum that was talked about earlier this year.  England experiences hums.  Florida has experienced hums. 

The question is... is it man made, Earth or space that is causing the hums?


  1. I too have been hearing a strange high humming sounds but I am in NY and I hear it mid-afternoon. I asked my son one day if he heard it and he said yes and he told me it was the high tension wires on fencing that a wealthy farmer had put up on approx. 150 acres of land that surrounds our property. He said when the wind blows it sounds like a high pitched guitar sting being strung on for long periods of time. This fencing has been up for about 4 years and I never heard this sound before this year so I question my sons explanation. First time I heard it I thought it was an alien invasion Lol. It was very eire and ominous sounding with the pitch changing. It went on for about 10-15 minutes. I have heard it 3 times in the last month.

    1. I would love to hear a hum and get it recorded.

      Try to record it. I would love to hear it.
