
Saturday, September 22, 2012

Picture of Billboard on Highway here in East Tennessee "America or Obama - You Can't have Both"

I took this picture yesterday of this billboard on Highway 40 going East.

It says:


It is located right after the Buttermilk Rd. Exit and before the Oak Ridge Lenoir City Exit.

I think it states it very well!

It says at the bottom it was paid for by the "Roane County Tea Party"

As I see it the only real candidate that could have saved America is out of the running now (Ron Paul).

Romney is just as much as a puppet as Obama.  So.....  my choice is I WILL NOT VOTE!


  1. the tea party is infested with neocons...

    the sign should have read :


  2. A bitter choice, er better choice is to put in the name of the candidate you want on the ballot with a checkbox.

    It is legally allowed and if you can get enough people and the word out for people to do this you can have Ron Paul as your next president.

    He is a doctor and can give birth to a new America. Something he is very familiar with and has expertise in. Besides that he does not believe in abortion.

  3. So don't vote for Romney .... be spiteful because Paul did not get the nomination. Hand over the country to Obama because you didn't get your way. Real mature.

    1. No, you don't get it. Romney is just as much as a puppet as Obama! Once you vote and put your name for one of them, you are sanctioning what they will do to you. By NOT voting you are NOT sanctioning what they will do! It is a REVOLT! by NOT voting! I will not tell either one of them I am saying they can do as they will for those who control them.

      You are still asleep if you believe Romney is actually different than Obama.

    2. Sherrie, I love Ron Paul too, but have you seen 2016? We have to vote for Romney - a non vote or a vote for anybody but Romney is a vote for Obama. Obama is pure evil, out for the total destruction of the US. There is no turning back if he is re-elected. Please Sherrie, reconsider. I am facing reality, and an Obama second term will kill our children, grandchildren, and all of posterity. It is that serious.

    3. I am NEVER Playing their game Again! I am NEVER Voting EVER EVER again! I am OUTSIDE of their game! I am Standing Up to their Bullsh** games!

      WHY would someone vote for Romney? He committed FRAUD himself against Ron Paul!

      People need to Revolt by NOT voting!

      Once you vote you play their games! You sanction what that person will do!

      Understand the laws of the Universe, then you will fully understand that when you put your name down for a controlled puppet you are sanctioning what they will do to you!

      Romney too will MURDER everyone! He is Controlled!

      Why vote when your choices are Controlled puppets?

      I will feel great by NOT playing their games anymore when November comes and I do my own revolting by staying away from the ballot box!

  4. Sherrie, unfortunately, by not voting, you ARE playing their game.

    As a libertarian, I am voting for a way of life this election, not a candidate per se. It is a gamble, but not voting is throwing the towel in for certain loss of freedom. BO has said that in no uncertain terms.

  5. Why you should vote for Romney:

    We know Romney won't:

    Bow to foreign leaders.
    Does not hate America or it's allies.
    Has real and successful business experience.
    Does not resent or hate the military.
    Does not resent or hate America.

    Annnnnd won't send the bust of Churchill back.

    1. OH, you forgot that he will do as he is told by big business and the banks just as all the elected people do. You forgot it is not the American people that anyone in Washington works for anymore. They all are puppets.

      I don't vote for puppets nor controlled fake people anymore.

      By NOT ever voting again.... I AM outside their little game. I am then revolting against what they will do as I did NOT sanction any of it by voting any of them in.

      I have learned how the universal laws work. When you vote for someone you are saying they have a right to do what they will to you, as you put them where they are to do it.

      By NOT voting you are saying they have NO right to do anything against you in their laws that suppress and chain us down more and more!

    2. He has already started kissing Netanyahu's butt does that count?

    3. I will not vote either because I know they will make the vote come out the way they want. Your vote does NOT count.

  6. I don't vote lesser of two evils. I don't trust either 'choice' in this 'election.'

    I choose to quit playing their game. When they put a 'none of the above option' on each ballot, that will be the day that America wins.

  7. If obama netanyahu and their cronies are so intent on more wars, lets put them in the front line, give them the guns and say right get on with your wars now, because myself and many US soldiers are now seeing the light, and we dont want to go die or get maimed for netanyahus crowd, go fight it yourself, we are putting down our guns and going home.

  8. I am sick of you Ron Paul fans!

    "Ron Paul is not in the race so I am not voting"

    Well then, you are voting for Obama! And if you think Romney is as bad as Obama, you are DEAD wrong!

    Romney may not be Ron Paul, but at least it is moving in the right direction. What you are doing by this "protest" is pissing off a lot of people and they will NEVER vote for Ron Paul!

    Why not Romney now, to stop the Obama Machine, and look for Ron Paul in 2016?

    It is about moving in the right direction, no matter how small, than getting mad and taking your bases home to spite everyone.

    Grow up, and figure it out!

  9. So don't vote! But if you don't vote, you have no right to complain about the one elected, whether it be Obama or Romney.

    1. I have decided to vote for Gary Johnson or write Ron Paul's name in.
