
Monday, December 29, 2014

Liberty Mastermind Webinar today at 9:30PM with David Morgan

David Morgan of  is doing a webinar today with Liberty Masterminds.

David Morgan is an expert regarding metals and especially Silver.

We all know how silver has been smashed over and over.  David will be discussing how to go forward in the future and what is the real deal with silver.

The webinar starts at 9PM EST and goes until 10:30PM EST.

I hope everyone is having wonderful Holidays.  Once my own life gets settled I will be on the blog more.  It has been crazy months getting rid of everything and getting moved.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Colloidal Silver. It will truly keep you Healthy. It will kill all bacteria and viruses, including Ebola Virus

10/19/14  - Update - to the top again.  Also the government did a study on silver particles and Ebola.  Funny.... this is not being released by the media. 

8/1/14 - I am bringing this back up to the top, since it appears that people who have the virus are being brought here to the U.S. for some bizarre reason! 

The govt has stopped the silver from being used to help people.  Seems they don't want anything but vaccines from the pharma corps to be used.  They don't want the natural cure to become public. 

The Ebola Virus has been in the news recently.  It is claimed there is an epidemic of it and it is spreading.

One thing I know for sure is Colloidal Silver is something everyone should have.  It is easy to make yourself.

When you make it yourself it is Ion Silver.  The silver is suspended in the water in minute particles, through the positive and negative reactions.

There are places on the internet that charge 200% or more over spot for strips of silver to use in making colloidal silver.  You don't have to pay that amount of money for silver that works.   The other thing is there are colloidal silver machines being sold at hundreds of dollars.  Again you don't have to pay that.  The machines simply create low energy of positive and negative connections so the silver will be in minute particles.

After so many years of reading about colloidal silver, I finally decided to start making some and trying it.  It has been of great value to me and has helped me in many ways.

I make colloidal silver the cheap way and it is just as good as the expensive silver strips and the expensive silver machines.  My own colloidal silver has saved me from having to take antibiotics many times, especially with an abscessed tooth.

Here is a PDF all about Colloidal Silver and what it does and how it protects you.  There are many many sites on the internet about Colloidal silver.  Many will try and say "Don't ever use it."  Those of course are backed by the pharmaceutical industry.

Here is another site with good information about it: Colloidal Silver Fabulous Facts.

The facts are, silver works against bacteria and viruses.  Hospitals use it, the ISS uses it to purify their water.  It was used before the pharmaceutical industry created all of their antibiotics.  Silver purifies water.  Have you ever wondered about the term for those who are wealthy being born "With a silver spoon in their mouth"?  The elite use silver to eat with and to drink with.  They know what silver does for you.

  Nothing and I mean nothing can ever become resistant to silver!  Yet everyday, bacteria is becoming resistant to antibiotics.

Any pure silver can be used to make colloidal silver.  Spend some money buying silver and you will never have to take antibiotics again!

I made a video showing the simple, easy, effective, inexpensive way to make colloidal silver that everyone can do themselves.  The only cost is the silver bars, distilled water and slow battery charger.  Once you have the charger and silver, your only reoccurring cost is the distilled water.  Never Never put salt in the water or use saline water, as others suggest!  Only pure distilled water is to be used.

What I don't show is, once I have made the colloidal silver, I put it in mason jars and then in a large empty coffee can with a brown top.  I then put those in a cabinet.  The silver should not ever be stored where sunlight gets it.  It will last forever if you store it in darkness.

I have put up a full time page on the blog about Colloidal Silver, with all the information in this post, including the video.

FourWinds10 has a lot of articles about Colloidal silver.

Colloidal silver is kept secret by the pharmaceutical industry for two very important
reasons. The first reason, of course, is that the effectiveness and availability of CS
would severely cut into the profits the drug companies make today on all the various
antibiotics, flue, and cold remedies.

The second reason is that CS can not be patented. The Food and Drug
Administration has classified CS as a pre-1938 drug, which makes it exempt from
current patent laws. If a product cannot be patented and a monopoly held on it in the
marketplace, it cannot demand a high price. Therefore, CS is worthless to the
pharmaceutical profiteers. In fact they are fearful that colloidal silver may return to
public use and have worked hard to keep it hidden.

Is it any wonder that colloidal silver which can stop viruses such as West Nile, AIDS,
Ebola, Bubonic plague, and SARS, is kept hidden from public use? Something so
inexpensive, so easy to make, and so accessible to the public as colloidal silver
would cause so much good health as to wipe out whole sections of the
pharmaceuticals in thousands of hospitals and drug stores. Such is the trillion dollar
drug lie.

Update. 8/2/14 For some reason there are some on the internet trying to dissuade people from taking Colloidal Silver.  I can only imagine the reasons why.

To scientific articles about nanosilver - One how it fights HIV,  the other what it can do against cancer. 

I am personally taking a tablespoon a day now.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Very Encouraging. 4 out of 5 High Schoolers on a Bus have seen 'Loose Change' and know the U.S. Government was behind 9/11

I am sharing this story/information which is very encouraging to me.  I believe people have to be willing to look at the truth in all matters to understand and be willing to give up their learned beliefs to understand the Truth of self.

It begins with being willing to look at the truth of history and what this government has done.

My daughter is a high school student.  She rides a bus to and from school.  During one of her bus rides, there were 5 students left on the bus and one began a conversation about what is happening in the U.S..  My daughter decided to ask in an off handed manner "Has anyone ever seen the video, 'Loose Change'?".

She was shocked and amazed that 4 of the 5 students had watched it and said "OH, Yeah, the U.S. government was behind 9/11.  The government is the one who did 9/11, not some man in a cave in Afghanistan!"

They then had a conversation about 9/11 and they all mentioned various parts of the video, my daughter asked if they had paid attention to the fact the kids reading to GW Bush were saying "Planes Must Hit Steel" and so on.  This is besides the fact that Bush said (YT video of it) he watched as the first plane hit the WTC before going into the classroom, as he was watching a TV in another room.  HUHHH>>>>>  It was a surprise attack and no one knew the first plane was going to hit.  Only the 2nd plane was filmed.  So, how come Bush knew the plane was going to hit and how come there were cameras that he was watching on WTC, for the 1st plane?  All common sense questions.

They all began sharing different things about the video and how they totally understand that the government committed 9/11 themselves.

I was thrilled to hear my daughter tell me about this.  That means, their parents would have most likely shared the information with their children.  That means there are more people to are willing to look at the truth of 9/11 in the U.S., than I previously thought.

I wanted to share this exciting information, that our high school children, ones that were born just a couple of years before 9/11 and were toddlers at the time, have researched the truth of that day.  4 out of 5 Kids!!  What is the likely hood of that amount and they were the only ones on the bus!

How many people do know the truth of 9/11 now?  How many people have researched it, to understand the truth?  Many more than those that are admitting it!

The power of willing to see the Truth will set us all FREE!

Here is the video the high school kids have seen;

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Who I was Born To Be!

Susan Boyle Song:


I am Being Who I was Born to Be.... through my energy of Love and Forgiveness to myself and all others.  I invite everyone to begin Loving and Forgiving themselves.  Together We can All be Who we were born to Be and our lives and world will reflect the Love we have for ourselves and each other.

These words are beautiful and the song is sung magnificently by Susan Boyle.  It touched me.  I hope it does the same for you.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Earl Nightingale - The Strangest Secret in the World. This can change your life. Understand The Truth.

Understand the Strangest Secret. Why one man does well and another does not, yet they come from the same circumstances in the beginning.

I am going to continue putting what the real truth is on the blog. I am doing this so people can understand the Truth, and to change not just our own lives, but to change the world. All it takes is a small percentage of people, vibrating the Truth... more and more will feel it.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Reaping and Sowing is Always in Effect (Law of Attraction) Understanding complaining affects your life

Reaping and Sowing is always in Effect.  The Law of Attraction is Always in affect.  When we complain about something we get back our thoughts.

We all need to truly understand the magnetic's of the Universe!

Together we need to all understand the Truth.  As it has been said, we can not change things in the same energy it was created.    We can not change things through Fear, Anger, Hate.  We can only change things through Truth and Love.

The Truth of how the Universe works and our energy is what is important in Truth right now.  It is only through this Truth we will Thrive.

The energies are getting stronger for Truth right now.  That is why there is more fear being created right now, via Ebola, war, etc.

Know yourself and know your power.  Together we will change it all through our power of Truth and Understanding.

Feel Love and Be Positive more than 50%, that tips your life to the positive and positive magnetic's, Law of Attraction.  The reflection of Love.  Change your life by giving 51% Love than negativity.....

Friday, September 26, 2014

I AM! The Most Powerful Words in the Universe! Understand You are, your I AMs! Use them and Create your world

There is a lot going on and there is a lot I could be writing about that are lies and B.S. happening in the world.  But instead of getting upset right now.... I feel the most important truths and the way we will change all things happening is through the truth of ourselves.  That is why I am working on myself but also the more people understand the truth the more our world will change through energy.  That is the only way to change it, through our energy.  

I AM are the two most powerful words in the universe.  Those two words are the creation words for ourselves and our world.

If you don't like what is happening in your world right now, what are you using I AM to create?  How are you using those words?  Are you using them in the negative, saying negative things about yourself?

Start being aware of how you use those words.  Use I AM in the positive.  Call in to your life what you desire and in doing that, forgive yourself at the same time for all the things you have done in your past and ask for forgiveness from others through your prayers/energy released.  Love yourself too!

If we all begin using the words I AM together and the more we all rise up in truth of ourselves and the powers of our energy.  Thoughts are things and all things began in thought first.

BE All that you desire, Have All that you desire..... you can do that by using the two most powerful words
 I AM!


I AM ...........................................

Put your words there, and even write them out.

 Here is a video it is the first chapter of many about I AM!

The 2nd chapter is here..

Monday, September 22, 2014

TRUTH - Clearest Explanation on Money and the Law Of Attraction

This video is real Truth! It is about how our world is set up and the few control it all.  How we can change our energy and intentions towards money.  It is an energy and it is needed in the physical world.  Yet we are taught to repel it.

He explains how our world is set up in truth.... the design of our world.... it is about our force of will and energy to change our lives.

Allow your intentions to allow wealth and allow it to come to you naturally, without effort. 

This video is really worth listening to.  Resonate your positive intentions and Love towards yourself and money to better your life.  

Universe will reflect your feelings and thoughts.   

You are infinite... there is NO limit to the wealth you are about to have.  LOVE YOURSELF!

Website that has a lot more about Abundance and changing our lives.  InsideAbundance

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Stunning Aurora from Solar Storm yesterday 9 12 2014. Gorgeous and Amazing

I believe this is the prettiest picture I have ever seen of an Aurora from a Solar Storm.  The big CME hit the Earth yesterday 9/12/14. 

This picture was taken in Maine of the Aurora.  It is so colorful.  Normally Auroras are mainly green but this one is stunning in all the colors in it.


The picture was on Spaceweather.

As predicted, a pair of CMEs hit Earth's magnetic field in quick succession on Sept. 11th and 12th. The result was a G3-class geomagnetic storm, the most intense of the year so far. At the peak of the storm on Sept 12-13, bright auroras ringed the Arctic Circle and spilled down over several northern-tier US states. The sky over Maine exploded in a rainbow of colors:
"I took the picture from Casco, Maine, facing north towards the Presidential Range in New Hampshire," says photographer John Stetson. "Red, purple, green, blue--all the colors were there!"

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Truth of the Universe. There are no religions, countries, cultures, race or any divisions. Our Universal Rights of Freedom

I am intent of TRUTH of ourselves and discovering the TRUTH of I AM and WE ARE!

I recently watched Mark Passio's 9 hour seminar on Natural Laws and the True Law of Attraction.

I found it to be about all of the things I have thought of previously and learned more.

As he says in the video.... learning TRUTH takes time and if you desire Freedom, then take the time to learn TRUTH!  I highly recommend watching the whole 9 hours, because of the Truth in it and thus having the Freedom in Self and Love of self, besides expanding your knowledge of All.  It is liberating!

I had realized how we are all slaves to authority and that we have to live by laws those at the top do not.  Just as we have to pay taxes and will go to jail and have our things taken away if we do not, yet Timothy Geithner our previous Treasury Secretary and lots of the big corporations and individuals in government do not pay taxes.

Why is there one law for them and another for us?  Why is it this is allowed?

It is because we have allowed it.  All of us collectively have not stood up for our Universal Rights of Freedom.

I am not talking about country rights of Freedom of where you are born.  I am speaking about our God/Natural Law Rights that every single individual and soul on this planet has.

Our rights are not defined by country/race/culture/religion or anything else.  Our real rights are defined by God, the Universe.

What is the Truth?  The truth is, we have gone down the path of immorality, which is again not defined by any man made law or religion, but defined by God.  We have allowed others to 'lord' over us when it is not their right to.  We have allowed the brainwashing of believing those in government/churches/royalty/ etc are better and above us, thus they can make the rules for what we are allowed to do.

I did a video previously about Loving yourself.  Once you love and forgive yourself, you begin your journey of being FREE!  The Freedom that we ALL have the natural right to!  The Freedom of creation through our Love and Energy!

The real Truth is... we have been taught division of country, religion, politics, race, culture, family, birth right, and every other type division possible.

If we allow ourselves to really understand and be the Truth of ourselves/I AM, then we know there is not one single division in reality, they are only man made/evil divisions created for all of us to remain in slavery.

Everyone of us have been slaves believing there is any authority above us and allowed to rule us and there is a separation of people through the previously mentioned defined reasons.

I am here to ask everyone to PLEASE begin LOVING yourself - FORGIVING YOURSELF and FORGIVING ALL OTHERS!

We need to do this together.  It is Time!  It is Time for us all to awaken to our TRUTH of Self.

There is no need for anyone to lack anything at all!

Another brainwashing is money is evil and bad.  That is not true.  That again is to keep you down and depressed and controlled.

The book "The end of All Evil"   has this on page 40:

 Money is good. Culture has invented the lies of money's evil so that authority can more easily lay claim to it. Authority can take your ambition for improving your life by demonizing your labors. Culture teaches people that desiring greater comforts is selfish and greedy. It teaches that money is a mysterious evil.

The more money is condemned, the easier it is to steal from you. Greed does not exist amongst free people. Greed is not the love of money. The love of money is only the love of a better life. Greed is the theft of money, and it exists only among tyrants.

There is no end to the amount of improvement you can have in your life. There is no limit to humanity's ability to cure disease, to end hunger and to enjoy life. Culture would have you believe that you are limited. Culture teaches that you are not worthy of achieving your dreams.
There is no greed in desiring more, there is only greed in stealing the labors of another. Theft is evil. It is the nature of authority to steal. Only tyrants posses greed. When culture teaches that working for money is greed, it also teaches that labor without money is noble. Laboring by rule of law for the collective “we” is taught as the proper form of ambition. If you cannot choose to give or to keep, then you are not “we;” you are a slave.


Video I did previously, inserting here... Miracles in your life through the mirroring of your thoughts/feelings. Self Love.

Another video I did recently was about my experiments with my vibrations and energy and how it possibly affected those around me in a positive way from my observations.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

The Miracles/Mirror. If it isn't One Miracle it is Another, Bringing Miracles into your life, Through Self Love

I am stepping outside my comfort zone more and more to express myself and what I feel is important in my understanding.

Miracles the mirror of self. Self Love, something I have just started to do in the recent past. Changing our own lives and our world, simply by Loving Self!

Universal Truth - Our Universal Right of Freedom.  No differences of religion/country/culture/race, etc. 

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Geoengineering (Chemtrails) It is time for people to Wake Up and Demand the poisoning/Murdering of Earth and Humans to STOP! Ads with chemtrails everywhere now.

The chemtrails have been murdering the Earth, animals and Humans for 2 decades now.  People are waking up but we need more to become aware of what is happening.  People need to start looking up in the sky and ask "What are they Spraying?"

Sure there are dis-info sites that have been created to debunk deny chemtrails.  They have been created by the governments and UN who spray our skies with poisons.  Yes there are sites dedicated to calling all of the people who are aware of chemtrails as "nuts and conspiracy theorists".

They all put out the lamest excuses saying it is ice crystals and stupid stuff (like the swamp gas, excuse years ago for a UFO sighting).  We are all suppose to just agree with it and go back to sleep.  Jeez, who wants to step out and be called names?

Well thank goodness there are many of us who ignore the name callers and those who deny chemtrails.
It simply gives us more energy and power to get the truth out.

Don't you ever wonder why they have begun photoshopping old movie segments and putting chemtrails in them for commercials now?   Don't you ever wonder why the old movies (50's,60's,70's) that were filmed on the outside never had chemtrails in them?   I have done articles about those previously.

I have been noticing that there is even a bigger push now against those who are calling for chemtrails to stop on various boards and websites.  I can only account to the fact that more are waking up to what is going on and so they are having to push back harder.

I really do laugh at how they have to restore to degrading anyone who puts out information about chemtrails.  That is their only real push back they can do, except for saying over and over again it is ice crystals.

I am noticing photo-shopped pictures now from times past being used on websites.  They were created to be used as 'evidence' that chemtrails always existed.  But they are all photo-shopped.

Why are they using chemtrails in ads everywhere now?  They are trying to make people conditioned to it being normal that our skies have chemtrails throughout them.

What they don't fully realize, no matter how they try..... there are all of us that are older than 30 remember clear blue skies without chemtrails.  We remember normal contrails of planes.  There was never a time in my youth that the skies had lines throughout them from chemtrails.  They think we are dumb.  When the dis-info agents and deniers try and use degrading tactics, we all simply laugh at them.  We know the truth and we know what the skies use to be like.

People need to educate their children (born since chemtrails started in the 90s) who have only known skies that are filled with chemtrails,  make sure they understand the chemtrails are not natural!   Make sure they see old movies and pictures you have with clear skies to show them the truth!  Do let them become brainwashed that the lines in the skies are normal!  We need the youth to understand/know the Truth!  

People need to stand up more and more to the deniers.  There is one site in particular (which I won't name here) that is the biggest dis-info site on the internet.  They obviously were established and are paid by the governments to deny everything especially chemtrails.  I like to go to that site at time and laugh at their reasoning and everything they deny (which they deny building 7 fell in it's own footprint on 9/11.  They say it fell due to fire).  Actually that site takes the government line on absolutely everything, including they put out information on how GMO food is great for you.  I do go there when I need to laugh, because it is that hilarious, and that obvious of a government dis-info agents/site.

Here is just a sampling of the ads and cartoons with chemtrails added now.

Pilots who filmed a chemtrail plane turning on and off the spraying.

Geoengineering Watch  has information about a 3 hour public hearing that happened in California.  There is a 3 hour video on the site - but here are the Key Points from the hearing:

The Key Points

If you don’t have 3 hours to spare, here is a list of the key points of the video:
  • 0:00:00 – Hearing opening and introduction.
  • 0:06:34 – Dane Wigington (geoengineering expert): Presentation covering wide-ranging, compelling evidence about the current geoengineering activities.
  • 0:24:22 – Iraj Sivadas (college maths teacher & member of Union for Concerned Scientists) : Standing in for Rosalind Paterson, briefly addressing persistent trails and aluminium detection.
  • 0:26:28- Alan Buckman (Former US Air Force Weatherman & Wildlife Biologist): Talks about NASA needing to find names for the new, artificial cloud formations, the collapsing of the eco system and mentions Monsanto’s foresight for an aluminium-resistant GMO seed patent.
  • 0:30:18 – Francis Mangels (Retired Scientist): Talks about the unravelling of the eco system and presents evidence of contamination from rainwater tests (e.g., 61,000 ug/L in the snow on Mount Shasta – 4 times higher than in its soil levels), abnormal pH levels and the collapsing of agriculture.
  • 0:33:42 – Jeff Nelson (Former Airline Pilot and Instructor): Discusses the basic operation of the jet engine, how contrails form and how they do not persist.
  • 0:35:56 – Hamid Darabi (Neurologist) – Talks about how the official explanation for the increases he is witnessing in Alzheimers, Parkinsons and neurological diseases are not convincing. He also talks about geoengineering as science and the effect of such nanoparticles on the brain.
  • 0:39:25 – Russ Lazuka (US Air Force Veteran): Talks about Evergreen Aviation, planes with no passengers on board, no squawk (transponder) codes, and over a mile long chemtrails.
  • 0:42:28 – Dr.Frank Lavosse (Former pilot): Standing in for Fred Meyers, talks about chemtrails in Hawaii, Quebec, Maine, etc. Talks about his experience of employees at US Air Force bases who load the planes are dressed in Hazmat outfits. Talks about 25% increase in lung problems because of micronized aluminum.
  • 0:45:37 – Mark MacCandlish (Had secret clearance in US Air Force, consultant to aerospace companies, worked on classified systems): Discusses the size of nanoparticles and what it means. He also discussed how chemtrails suppress the immune system, simply by breathing the air. NASA conducted a program called metalized hybrid fuel systems.
  • 0:50:00 – Dr. Steve Davis (Shasta resident): Speaks about the EPA, contaminants, aluminium and the effects on the brain, children, ADHD and autism.
  • 0:53:45 – Other speakers: A range of short, heartfelt and impressive speeches from other residents of Shasta County.
  • 2:33:12 – Closing of speeches by the Board.
  • 2:35:19 – Rick Simon (Resource Management Director, Shasta County): Provides response to speakers, including that the Shasta County do not regulate aircraft emissions, but had written to government entities on this matter. Suggests pollution (at least, in part) may be from diesel engines. Gets heckled at end.
  • 2:46:19 – Supervisors of Shasta County question Rick Simon: Established that Shasta County had not asked for or received a response to his letters. Supervisor states that Shasta County should provide its own samples to provide to the government entities. Supervisor asks how much of the budget reserves is left. Established that Shasta County may not have the equipment to measure nano-particulates. Simon says he will ask if nano-particulates are being tested for at federal level. Supervisor reiterates the importance for Shasta County to perform its own nano-particulate analysis before raising the case to federal level. Simon states while testing can be performed, it will beyond their capability to provide irrefutable information (of geoengineering  /chemtrails) as they would not be able to establish the source of the particulates.
  • 2:56:50 – Additional comments by Supervisor: Shows his appreciation for the sincere, passionate and knowledgeable comments from the speakers. Commends the work done by Dane Wigington and Cathy Cresser. Supervisor criticises government/EPA representative for not being present. Agrees that not only letters should be sent to government but also a copy of this video to senators, US representatives and California representatives.
  • 2:59:49 – Motion established: To gather data, compile with the information that was provided today, send it to appropriate entities along with video of the hearing. Supervisor adds that they must demand a response. Motion passed unanimously – to widespread applause.

Here are more videos to understand and pass along to others to wake them up. We need to start demanding answers and we need it to stop.

Excellent and informative video;


Tuesday, August 26, 2014

My Story, Experiment of positive vibrations. How I believe it has made a difference displayed through physical reality at park events.

I am relating my story, experiment of what I have done for the last 2 years at park concerts/fireworks.

I believe our vibrations make a difference in physical reality.  I have seen a physical difference when I vibrate out positive thoughts and love to everyone at the event.  There has been a marked change in the trash left afterwards.

We all do make a difference....

Remember we can have an affect on water through our thoughts, our thoughts are energy

I am asking people to please contact me with your positive stories in how your life has changed or places have changed through your own energy/vibrations.

I want to start putting people's stories on the blog, so we all can hear about how positive thoughts and energies makes a difference.

sherriequestioningall      at   yahoo  dot com   (obviously change the 'at' and the 'dot'.

One person who I will be interviewing began changing her thoughts and she decided she wanted to work at a vineyard.  She began seeing it and that the job would be created for her, she would not have to go to interviews and seek it.  It would come to her.  Well, it happened, exactly has she put her energy into it.  She is now at a vineyard, the job was created for her and she is very happy.

We do make a difference.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Earthquake 6.1 San Francisco Bay August 24, 2014 at 3:20 AM PST. - Shallow Quake 7 KM deep - Felt Map, Building crumbled in Napa 50000 without power

7:45am est - per weather channel 50000 without power so far reported, mostly in Napa area.

UPdate to Twitter pictures - building destroyed in Napa -

Geographic coordinates: 38.208N, 122.324W
Magnitude: 6.1
Depth: 7 km
Universal Time (UTC): 24 Aug 2014 10:20:44
Time near the Epicenter: 24 Aug 2014 03:20:44
Local standard time in your area: 24 Aug 2014 05:20:44

Location with respect to nearby cities:
6 km (3 mi) NW of American Canyon, California
10 km (6 mi) SSW of Napa, California
12 km (7 mi) NNW of Vallejo, California
14 km (8 mi) SE of Sonoma, California
83 km (51 mi) WSW of Sacramento, California

event ID : nc 72282711

Fault Map around San Fran

A relative of mine felt this and contacted me immediately.  She is over by the coast North of San. Fran.

Notice it was only 7km deep.

People felt it all around.  Here is the Felt Map so far, less than an hour after the earthquake.

7:40 am A little more than a hour after the EQ - showing more felt it.  The Salinas area has a lot of felt on it now, where as the map above did not show felt in that area.  It was a far reaching felt quake.

Live coverage from Local news online -  No power in Napa downtown, gas leaks.  Mobile Homes burned down.

As of 9:53 am est - California EQ map - showing aftershocks so far from Napa Quake

Silver Oak Winery Picture.  I can't imagine how much wine has been lost at the wineries.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

The Divine Law of Vibration from the Book : Divine Laws;Mastership - Text book for Students of Secret Schools - Written by the Grand Master Illuminati

The introduction to the book is here.

In this video, I show portions from the Law of Vibration as written by RS Clymer.

I believe the Law of Vibration is the Law of Attraction/Karma and everything.  Our vibrations are what makes us who we are and our lives as they are.

We are the power to not just make our lives better but the world better.

This is the video.....

Book: The Divine Law; Mastership: A Fundamental Text Book for All Students Enrolled in Secret Schools by the Grand Master of Illuminati

If there is one thing I do, I question our world and everything in it and why things happen.  I have prayed for the Truth of Self and for all of us to know the Truth of Self.  For all of us to become enlightened and illuminated with the Truth of our self.   I have put my energy into that everyday.

I have studied and read many many books and information on the internet.  I have grown from fear, when becoming aware of truth of our world and those who run it, years ago.

I have been very blessed to have 'sages and angels' in my life by sending me different information and books for me to read to help in discovering myself.

I have searched for answers everyday for what is truth.

For those who began reading this blog years ago, you have noticed I went from writing angry articles about what is happening to getting out truth without anger.  I have put out information that helps us all.  I try to write not in anger anymore, but I try and bring out truth as it is.

I have been reading this book.  It is free online through Google Play.  The Divine Law; Mastership: A Fundamental Text Book for All Students Enrolled in Secret Schools by Reuben Swinburne Clymer
He was the Exalted Grand Master of the Illuminati of the World at that time.

In the introduction of this book, it says it is not for the general public, it is only for those students in secret schools.  How it got out, I don't know.  It was written in 1922.

I have just done an introduction about it.  But I am going to do a series of videos about this book and what I believe are truths in it.  I have believed there are also un-truths in it too.  But the most important truths of ourselves and the Divine Laws that are our structure, I believe is revealed and it is important to bring it to those who are interested.

No matter what religion someone is, the Divine Laws are what is.  The dogma of religion keeps us bound to control and looking outside of ourselves instead of understanding God gave us each the power of creation and we are who we have been waiting for.

Becoming Illuminated is the Divinity we should all seek.

Divine Law of Vibration, from book: 

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Swat Team Raided with Immigration, Tibetan Monks for over extended visas while they were on a Peace Mission in U.S.

Considering the U.S. is open for everyone now for illegal immigration.  The illegals are pouring in here fast from south of the border.

SWAT teams in the U.S. are militarized and are being used for the most basic purposes now.  They raid homes for the smallest reasons.

In 2006, they raided  Tibetan Monks on a Peace mission for expired visas with immigration officials.

Now are they going to do this for illegals here now that commit crimes or just go against the American citizens?

I found this as I have been doing research about SWAT teams in the U.S. and if they are privately owned mercenaries.   I am astounded at what I have been finding.

Ferguson Media and citizen's Focus, should not be racial. Police getting away with murder and an 'Above the Law' complex. Swat teams Private Corps

Months ago I started an article about the police in this nation.  How they have gotten away with murder, assault and all other crimes against the citizens.  They are above the law.  The law does not apply to them when they are in uniform.

The people of Ferguson want justice and they are bringing to light how the police are getting away with murder and it has to stop.  The media is making it a racial issue, instead of talking about what it really is about.

They have murdered innocent people across this nation of all races.  In fact from a statistical chart, if accurate shows they have murdered more unarmed whites than blacks.
Bureau of Justice Statistics
Did you know that Swat teams are not regular law enforcement?  Swat teams are private corporations mercenaries.  In other words, Blackwater type hired killers are those that raid our homes and businesses when the government wants them to.

This 11 eye opening facts about the militarizing of the police and how they have murdered innocent children and citizens without ever being held accountable, is a must read,

Here is my article I had started 2 months ago:

I have noticed a trend around the U.S..  The police murder innocent people constantly.  People who did not have a weapon or were a threat.  They are doing this to animals besides people.  Police have become very gun happy.  They assault citizens constantly due to their power trips and they are not held to be accountable for their actions on a whole.

 It is only for those cases that a citizen recorded or photographed a police person assaulting or murdering an individual, opposite from their 'account' of what happened, they may be fired.  But even in those cases they are 'forgiven' and are still on the job, terrorizing people constantly.

I want to state, I have not been against the police previously.  In fact as my daughter was growing up she would approach police officers constantly asking for a junior badge.  I taught her to respect police officers.  Now I have told her never to approach an officer or even call the police for any reason what so ever.  The police have shot homeowners who have called them for one emergency or another.

The police are on a rampant killing murdering spree of the population and they do it because they can get away with it.  They set people up with they do traffic stops.  If they want to search your car they will bring in a drug dog and make the drug dog act like it got a hit on drugs in your vehicle just to trap you.  If you stand up for your rights they do everything in their power to entrap you.

The police in reality are able to get by with murder and assault because of their badge.  If they get caught (which is rarely) they are maybe fired and that is very rare.  Even if they outright murder someone they may be put on leave (with pay) and an investigation done.  In those cases many of the police are put back on the street after it has been found the police acted in a justified way, due to their 'fear' of the citizen they murdered.

We are being terrorized by police who have become militarized police.  The federal government has given the police MRAP vehicles and  military equipment to use against the citizens of the country.  The police have gone from the friendly cop that is a neighbor to the attitude of all of us being guilty and terrorist before being innocent.

Today, the media and government has limited our scope regarding Ferguson murder.  They have made it a racial issue as always, instead of the real issue of cops being out of control.

We have militarized cops who are not held accountable and they falsify reports against citizens all the time.  They only time they are caught is when people have recorded them and show the truth compared to the lie they tell.

I don't believe every cop is bad, but I believe there are many with an above the law complex and they get away with it.

It is time our police force around the nation stop being bullies and start being who they are suppose to be.  Doing their job to 'serve and protect' the people.  It is time to hold all police accountable for what they do.

Darren Wilson needs to be put on trial for murdering Michael Brown.  There was no reason to use a gun, no matter what the excuse.  If he felt threatened, he should have used a taser.

The police squads through out the country need to be trained in being there for the people not against the people.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Update on the Silence from MH17 shot Down. Russia is asking UN Security Council for a briefing on the results.

I did a video this morning about the silence on MH17 black box results and how no one mentions the shooting down of the plane anymore.

Since then ITAR released an article where Russia is asking the UN security council to do a briefing about MH17.

3 minutes that makes you think..... Homeless share and give what they have. An experiment.

Spread the message.  Three minutes that makes you think.  Homeless give what they have and share.

The Silence is Deafening after analyzing MH17 Black Boxes. No data released. Silence as if it never happened.

Just a month ago the amount of war rhetoric and accusations against Russia from the U.S. and other Western countries was loud and screaming.

Russia/Putin must pay, per Hillary Clinton.

Ukraine wanted NATO military immediately to go against Russia.

Now MH17 has been forgotten.  It is almost as if it never happened from the silence. 

I have done a search about the black box results from MH17.  The latest I found was from July 30th.  They have only released that there was a massive decompression event.

One article has the excuse that the black boxes were old and may only provide sketchy data.

If there was any proof that Russia had committed the shooting down of MH17 it would be everywhere, but instead there is silence with no data from the black boxes being released.  That means that the information from the air traffic controller in Kiev was correct along with Russia's intelligence they released showing Ukraine is the one who shot down the plane.

So No outrage anymore from the West... in fact you would think it never happened now.

Update: 12:15pm: Russia is calling for UN Security Council to release their results and do a briefing on MH 17. 

Previous articles about MH 17

Absolute PROOF MH17 NOT same plane in Famous Facebook Photo "In case it disappears", as the One that crashed!

Update - Actual Tweets from Carlos who has been confirmed as an air traffic controller in Kiev. 

Remember the Hacked Emails calling for a false flag between U.S. embassy attache and Ukraine General

UPDATE 7/21/14 - Russia is PROVING Ukraine shot down the plane and the air traffic controller was correct a Ukraine military jet was by MH17 when it when down... and Ukraine had BUK missile systems set up that day.  Not through propaganda but through PROOF in Satellite images! 

New Update 7/20/14:  Finland intercepted a missile guidance system headed for Ukraine in June coming from Vietnam.  NATO planes near by when MH17 shot down and Ukraine shot down airliner in 2001.

More articles about MH17 I have posted:

Hacked emails calling for False Flag in Ukraine so U.S. can act against Russia

Update 7/21 - Russia PROVING Ukraine shot down plane through satellite images

Bombshell - Air Traffic Controller in Kiev said Ukrainian military shot down plane

Absolute Reason why the U.S. could have been behind the shooting down of MH17

Missile Guidance system intercepted in Finland going to Ukraine from Vietnam

Ukraine routed MH 17 through War Zone, not normal route and had them fly lower than they requested

No other countries are blaming Russia for MH17 except the U.S., U.K. and Australia

Monday, August 11, 2014

Rest In Peace Robin Williams. You will be missed and you brought lots of laughter into the world

I am not a movie star person.  But I believe Robin Williams was a great soul.  He brought laughter into the world and played many deep and strong characters in movies.

It is said he committed suicide by hanging himself.  He was 63 years young.

Here is his instagram and the last picture of him is on it from his birthday.

Rest In Peace.  You will be missed!  

John Wayne Movies, Biker and outdoor Movies from 1960s and 70s... Gorgeous Blue Skies, Not One Chemtrail - Links to the movies

I have found movie after movie that were filmed outside in the 1960s and 70s.  They all have one thing in common.  They all have Gorgeous Blue skies without chemtrails.  I searched for movies that were filmed outside during those decades as they take months to film and if there were chemtrails at that time, they would have been seen.

Well, after going through many movies that would have taken months to film, I did not find one chemtrail in them.  They had beautiful Blue skies!

All of the movies combined would have been years in filming everyday, yet the skies are gorgeous and a deep blue.

I am going to link them here compared to inserting them, because they are all videos and would cause this article to load very slow as there are many of them.

So enjoy the Yesteryears of John Wayne movies, Easy Rider and other movies along with the days we used to have of beautiful Blue Clear skies that were not being sprayed with poisons yet.

Easy Rider: Lots of sky in this one... no chemtrails

Easy Rider: Sky and one of my favorite songs in this one "Born to Be Wild"... No chemtrails!

Easy Rider: another section... No chemtrails!

Gorgeous blue sky here and great song "Can't find my way home" No chemtrails either!

Wild Angels chemtrails 1966

Gorgeous Deep blue skies from decades ago... I remember when the skies use to be deep blue... 6:30 mark

Full Walking Tall movie from 1976 - skip through and see the sky. there are some cloudy day sections but 
otherwise you can see the sky nice and blue... NO Chemtrails!

Another full movie "Stone" at the 3:54 mark it shows the sky as he is looking up at it. A nice pretty cloud and other wise gorgeous Blue skies - 1974

Here is another from 67 - showing blue skies without chemtrail lines.

John Wayne movies were filmed outside and obviously took months to do... enjoy the old movies and again enjoy the beautiful skies.

Great John Wayne movies were filmed outside... here is one a full movie... skip around - Gorgeous Blue skies the whole time. 1963 Mclintock

Rio Lobo 1970 - full movie

1965 Hallelujah Trail 1965 - lots of sky in it, especially the 1:23:56 mark - Gorgeous BLUE - No 

Big Jake John Wayne Movie 1971 - Beautiful Deep Blue skies which have not been around for decades