
Thursday, August 21, 2014

Book: The Divine Law; Mastership: A Fundamental Text Book for All Students Enrolled in Secret Schools by the Grand Master of Illuminati

If there is one thing I do, I question our world and everything in it and why things happen.  I have prayed for the Truth of Self and for all of us to know the Truth of Self.  For all of us to become enlightened and illuminated with the Truth of our self.   I have put my energy into that everyday.

I have studied and read many many books and information on the internet.  I have grown from fear, when becoming aware of truth of our world and those who run it, years ago.

I have been very blessed to have 'sages and angels' in my life by sending me different information and books for me to read to help in discovering myself.

I have searched for answers everyday for what is truth.

For those who began reading this blog years ago, you have noticed I went from writing angry articles about what is happening to getting out truth without anger.  I have put out information that helps us all.  I try to write not in anger anymore, but I try and bring out truth as it is.

I have been reading this book.  It is free online through Google Play.  The Divine Law; Mastership: A Fundamental Text Book for All Students Enrolled in Secret Schools by Reuben Swinburne Clymer
He was the Exalted Grand Master of the Illuminati of the World at that time.

In the introduction of this book, it says it is not for the general public, it is only for those students in secret schools.  How it got out, I don't know.  It was written in 1922.

I have just done an introduction about it.  But I am going to do a series of videos about this book and what I believe are truths in it.  I have believed there are also un-truths in it too.  But the most important truths of ourselves and the Divine Laws that are our structure, I believe is revealed and it is important to bring it to those who are interested.

No matter what religion someone is, the Divine Laws are what is.  The dogma of religion keeps us bound to control and looking outside of ourselves instead of understanding God gave us each the power of creation and we are who we have been waiting for.

Becoming Illuminated is the Divinity we should all seek.

Divine Law of Vibration, from book: 

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