
Saturday, September 13, 2014

Stunning Aurora from Solar Storm yesterday 9 12 2014. Gorgeous and Amazing

I believe this is the prettiest picture I have ever seen of an Aurora from a Solar Storm.  The big CME hit the Earth yesterday 9/12/14. 

This picture was taken in Maine of the Aurora.  It is so colorful.  Normally Auroras are mainly green but this one is stunning in all the colors in it.


The picture was on Spaceweather.

As predicted, a pair of CMEs hit Earth's magnetic field in quick succession on Sept. 11th and 12th. The result was a G3-class geomagnetic storm, the most intense of the year so far. At the peak of the storm on Sept 12-13, bright auroras ringed the Arctic Circle and spilled down over several northern-tier US states. The sky over Maine exploded in a rainbow of colors:
"I took the picture from Casco, Maine, facing north towards the Presidential Range in New Hampshire," says photographer John Stetson. "Red, purple, green, blue--all the colors were there!"

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