
Friday, October 17, 2014

Very Encouraging. 4 out of 5 High Schoolers on a Bus have seen 'Loose Change' and know the U.S. Government was behind 9/11

I am sharing this story/information which is very encouraging to me.  I believe people have to be willing to look at the truth in all matters to understand and be willing to give up their learned beliefs to understand the Truth of self.

It begins with being willing to look at the truth of history and what this government has done.

My daughter is a high school student.  She rides a bus to and from school.  During one of her bus rides, there were 5 students left on the bus and one began a conversation about what is happening in the U.S..  My daughter decided to ask in an off handed manner "Has anyone ever seen the video, 'Loose Change'?".

She was shocked and amazed that 4 of the 5 students had watched it and said "OH, Yeah, the U.S. government was behind 9/11.  The government is the one who did 9/11, not some man in a cave in Afghanistan!"

They then had a conversation about 9/11 and they all mentioned various parts of the video, my daughter asked if they had paid attention to the fact the kids reading to GW Bush were saying "Planes Must Hit Steel" and so on.  This is besides the fact that Bush said (YT video of it) he watched as the first plane hit the WTC before going into the classroom, as he was watching a TV in another room.  HUHHH>>>>>  It was a surprise attack and no one knew the first plane was going to hit.  Only the 2nd plane was filmed.  So, how come Bush knew the plane was going to hit and how come there were cameras that he was watching on WTC, for the 1st plane?  All common sense questions.

They all began sharing different things about the video and how they totally understand that the government committed 9/11 themselves.

I was thrilled to hear my daughter tell me about this.  That means, their parents would have most likely shared the information with their children.  That means there are more people to are willing to look at the truth of 9/11 in the U.S., than I previously thought.

I wanted to share this exciting information, that our high school children, ones that were born just a couple of years before 9/11 and were toddlers at the time, have researched the truth of that day.  4 out of 5 Kids!!  What is the likely hood of that amount and they were the only ones on the bus!

How many people do know the truth of 9/11 now?  How many people have researched it, to understand the truth?  Many more than those that are admitting it!

The power of willing to see the Truth will set us all FREE!

Here is the video the high school kids have seen;

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