
Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Geoengineering (Chemtrails) It is time for people to Wake Up and Demand the poisoning/Murdering of Earth and Humans to STOP! Ads with chemtrails everywhere now.

The chemtrails have been murdering the Earth, animals and Humans for 2 decades now.  People are waking up but we need more to become aware of what is happening.  People need to start looking up in the sky and ask "What are they Spraying?"

Sure there are dis-info sites that have been created to debunk deny chemtrails.  They have been created by the governments and UN who spray our skies with poisons.  Yes there are sites dedicated to calling all of the people who are aware of chemtrails as "nuts and conspiracy theorists".

They all put out the lamest excuses saying it is ice crystals and stupid stuff (like the swamp gas, excuse years ago for a UFO sighting).  We are all suppose to just agree with it and go back to sleep.  Jeez, who wants to step out and be called names?

Well thank goodness there are many of us who ignore the name callers and those who deny chemtrails.
It simply gives us more energy and power to get the truth out.

Don't you ever wonder why they have begun photoshopping old movie segments and putting chemtrails in them for commercials now?   Don't you ever wonder why the old movies (50's,60's,70's) that were filmed on the outside never had chemtrails in them?   I have done articles about those previously.

I have been noticing that there is even a bigger push now against those who are calling for chemtrails to stop on various boards and websites.  I can only account to the fact that more are waking up to what is going on and so they are having to push back harder.

I really do laugh at how they have to restore to degrading anyone who puts out information about chemtrails.  That is their only real push back they can do, except for saying over and over again it is ice crystals.

I am noticing photo-shopped pictures now from times past being used on websites.  They were created to be used as 'evidence' that chemtrails always existed.  But they are all photo-shopped.

Why are they using chemtrails in ads everywhere now?  They are trying to make people conditioned to it being normal that our skies have chemtrails throughout them.

What they don't fully realize, no matter how they try..... there are all of us that are older than 30 remember clear blue skies without chemtrails.  We remember normal contrails of planes.  There was never a time in my youth that the skies had lines throughout them from chemtrails.  They think we are dumb.  When the dis-info agents and deniers try and use degrading tactics, we all simply laugh at them.  We know the truth and we know what the skies use to be like.

People need to educate their children (born since chemtrails started in the 90s) who have only known skies that are filled with chemtrails,  make sure they understand the chemtrails are not natural!   Make sure they see old movies and pictures you have with clear skies to show them the truth!  Do let them become brainwashed that the lines in the skies are normal!  We need the youth to understand/know the Truth!  

People need to stand up more and more to the deniers.  There is one site in particular (which I won't name here) that is the biggest dis-info site on the internet.  They obviously were established and are paid by the governments to deny everything especially chemtrails.  I like to go to that site at time and laugh at their reasoning and everything they deny (which they deny building 7 fell in it's own footprint on 9/11.  They say it fell due to fire).  Actually that site takes the government line on absolutely everything, including they put out information on how GMO food is great for you.  I do go there when I need to laugh, because it is that hilarious, and that obvious of a government dis-info agents/site.

Here is just a sampling of the ads and cartoons with chemtrails added now.

Pilots who filmed a chemtrail plane turning on and off the spraying.

Geoengineering Watch  has information about a 3 hour public hearing that happened in California.  There is a 3 hour video on the site - but here are the Key Points from the hearing:

The Key Points

If you don’t have 3 hours to spare, here is a list of the key points of the video:
  • 0:00:00 – Hearing opening and introduction.
  • 0:06:34 – Dane Wigington (geoengineering expert): Presentation covering wide-ranging, compelling evidence about the current geoengineering activities.
  • 0:24:22 – Iraj Sivadas (college maths teacher & member of Union for Concerned Scientists) : Standing in for Rosalind Paterson, briefly addressing persistent trails and aluminium detection.
  • 0:26:28- Alan Buckman (Former US Air Force Weatherman & Wildlife Biologist): Talks about NASA needing to find names for the new, artificial cloud formations, the collapsing of the eco system and mentions Monsanto’s foresight for an aluminium-resistant GMO seed patent.
  • 0:30:18 – Francis Mangels (Retired Scientist): Talks about the unravelling of the eco system and presents evidence of contamination from rainwater tests (e.g., 61,000 ug/L in the snow on Mount Shasta – 4 times higher than in its soil levels), abnormal pH levels and the collapsing of agriculture.
  • 0:33:42 – Jeff Nelson (Former Airline Pilot and Instructor): Discusses the basic operation of the jet engine, how contrails form and how they do not persist.
  • 0:35:56 – Hamid Darabi (Neurologist) – Talks about how the official explanation for the increases he is witnessing in Alzheimers, Parkinsons and neurological diseases are not convincing. He also talks about geoengineering as science and the effect of such nanoparticles on the brain.
  • 0:39:25 – Russ Lazuka (US Air Force Veteran): Talks about Evergreen Aviation, planes with no passengers on board, no squawk (transponder) codes, and over a mile long chemtrails.
  • 0:42:28 – Dr.Frank Lavosse (Former pilot): Standing in for Fred Meyers, talks about chemtrails in Hawaii, Quebec, Maine, etc. Talks about his experience of employees at US Air Force bases who load the planes are dressed in Hazmat outfits. Talks about 25% increase in lung problems because of micronized aluminum.
  • 0:45:37 – Mark MacCandlish (Had secret clearance in US Air Force, consultant to aerospace companies, worked on classified systems): Discusses the size of nanoparticles and what it means. He also discussed how chemtrails suppress the immune system, simply by breathing the air. NASA conducted a program called metalized hybrid fuel systems.
  • 0:50:00 – Dr. Steve Davis (Shasta resident): Speaks about the EPA, contaminants, aluminium and the effects on the brain, children, ADHD and autism.
  • 0:53:45 – Other speakers: A range of short, heartfelt and impressive speeches from other residents of Shasta County.
  • 2:33:12 – Closing of speeches by the Board.
  • 2:35:19 – Rick Simon (Resource Management Director, Shasta County): Provides response to speakers, including that the Shasta County do not regulate aircraft emissions, but had written to government entities on this matter. Suggests pollution (at least, in part) may be from diesel engines. Gets heckled at end.
  • 2:46:19 – Supervisors of Shasta County question Rick Simon: Established that Shasta County had not asked for or received a response to his letters. Supervisor states that Shasta County should provide its own samples to provide to the government entities. Supervisor asks how much of the budget reserves is left. Established that Shasta County may not have the equipment to measure nano-particulates. Simon says he will ask if nano-particulates are being tested for at federal level. Supervisor reiterates the importance for Shasta County to perform its own nano-particulate analysis before raising the case to federal level. Simon states while testing can be performed, it will beyond their capability to provide irrefutable information (of geoengineering  /chemtrails) as they would not be able to establish the source of the particulates.
  • 2:56:50 – Additional comments by Supervisor: Shows his appreciation for the sincere, passionate and knowledgeable comments from the speakers. Commends the work done by Dane Wigington and Cathy Cresser. Supervisor criticises government/EPA representative for not being present. Agrees that not only letters should be sent to government but also a copy of this video to senators, US representatives and California representatives.
  • 2:59:49 – Motion established: To gather data, compile with the information that was provided today, send it to appropriate entities along with video of the hearing. Supervisor adds that they must demand a response. Motion passed unanimously – to widespread applause.

Here are more videos to understand and pass along to others to wake them up. We need to start demanding answers and we need it to stop.

Excellent and informative video;



  1. "there are all of us that are older than 30 remember clear blue skies without chemtrails. We remember normal contrails of planes. There was never a time in my youth that the skies had lines throughout them from chemtrails. They think we are dumb."

    YES! This is exactly why I have been talking about this with my kids who are in their early teens. I'm 34 it is true that I grew up with clear blue skies. A few years ago I started laughing at some of Hollywood's attempt to normalize chemtrails in movies and such. But it's so prevalent now I can't laugh, I can only cry.

    Here's one of the weather control companies:

    I'm starting to believe that some of the spraying serves different purposes, though, Sherrie. I think some of it is true biological warfare(like pandemic studies or bioweapon testing) while other spraying passes are weather modification(which is what they're going to try to convince the public is NECESSARY to stop global warming and therefore GOOD for us therefore STFU about it.) But we know better. Any tampering with Mother Nature is just stupid.

    The only thing that's going to make those planes stop is well... stopping them the old fashioned way. Whistle blowers can come out in droves but it's not going to stop the arrogance of the people giving those pilots the green light to fly.

    In the early 80's in the Florida Keys there were pandemic studies going on. They'd spray an island or two and then track people's work habits, hospital/doctor visits and the like. It went on for at least a few years before the public raised hell and the military finally admitted what they were doing. I cannot find any news articles about this but my family still tells stories to us about it to make sure we remember.

    1. Except there are countless pictures and videos with contrails in them from before the 90's.

      A simple google can show you that.

    2. There are many photo shopped images now. They even photo shopped a 60's movie that showed children on a fence in the movie with a clear blue sky. They have since used that image and put chemtrails in the sky, acting as if they were there during the filming. They were caught. No.... try as anyone may. chemtrails were not in the sky. Yes, contrails have always happened as the planes fly and they leave a trail that dissipates as the plane flies behind them. I always loved seeing that as a child and would watch those all the time. I looked in the sky and lived outdoors on a sailboat in theC Caribbean. I can tell you that chemtrails did not exist. Contrails did. So there are images with contrails but not chemtrails, I agree.

  2. It is not that they put the chem trails in all the adds, It is that there are so many chem trails now that its hard to find clear sky to make the add.
