
Friday, February 28, 2014

Chemtrail Clouds cover the sky February 28 2014.

They just don't stop the chemtrails and geoengineering as I will not stop documenting all the chemtrails, for now on.

We are being poisoned through our air, which is killing the animals on the Earth and people are dying slowly through sicknesses due to the chemtrails.

Here is the chemtrail cloud cover over the whole sky of poison.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

WOW China let the U.S. have it at the G20 meeting that just ended!

Wow!  China really let the U.S. have it at the G20 meeting that just ended!  The U.S. was complaining and accusing China of all sorts of financial mis-doings.

Well China gave it right back to the U.S. right where it Hurts! 

The U.S. of course accuses China of having financial problems and putting the 'Global Economy' at risk.

China stood up to the U.S. bullying and told the truth about the U.S. economy and the printing press of the Federal Reserve.  They said the U.S. was living off printed money and the U.S. economy was fake and there was nothing really backing the 'prosperity' of the U.S. 

China obviously knows the U.S. is running on fumes and was not going to stand for the U.S. trying to bully them.  The U.S. is going down in stature in every respect.  

Portion From article:

At the meeting of G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors which concluded on February 23, China and the US engaged in a vigorous debate on China's economic reforms.Before the meetingAmerican Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew had criticized China for its failure to show any signs of accelerating economic reform in line with U.Sexpectations, and called for China to speed up reforms though facing the risk of social and political turmoil.Chinese Finance Minister Lou Jiwei responded in kind by pointing out that the US had not engaged in any structural reform eitherbut had revitalized its economy by printing money.

Lew wrote to G20 members voicing his concerns about bad debt in the Chinese financial systemwhich may threaten the global economyLou Jiwei responded that China's shadow banking problem was less serious than western economiessince China's shadow banking was still connected with the real economy; while the shadow banking products of western economiessuch as CDS (credit default swap), have nothing to do with real economic activity.

Sandy Hook School Outside Photos - Video of mold, weeds in cracks, wires hanging, windows covered up with stuff, no signs or buzzer at front, the list goes on.

I did these videos in December and am finally getting them out. As I put in my other post it was so draining see all the lies and things that do not make sense.

Due to encouragement from others, I am putting out the information that I believe does not make sense. I have done hours of research into the State Police records, pictures and videos of the school.

I show in this video what I believe are 'problems' with the whole Sandy Hook school. This video has the pictures of the outside of the school the police took on Saturday, Sunday and Monday after the shooting on that Friday the 14th.

I have a screen capture of looking inside the school and you can see the rifle and the hand gun on the floor of the classroom. They show the broken window from a bullet that went through. What is odd is the window is broken behind a paper candle, yet the paper candle is not torn apart and appears to be perfect intact.

There were weeds growing in the cracks of the cement by doors. There is algae at the entrance of a rolling door that would be used for getting supplies. There are things that should not be where they are, if those doors were used on a consistent basis.

Here is the link to the police dash cam video where they have no idea where the school is and he turns around many times, as he was going the wrong way. Cars were already at the firehouse and along the road to the school.

UPDATE 3/1/14 - I did a video about what really bothered me about Soto's windows besides the furniture is in front of the windows.  There was something about the candles that nagged at me. 

UPDATE - 3/3/14 - Proof Soto's Classroom was staged for photos, depending on inside or outside photos.

UPDATE - 3/5/14 -

Sandy Hook Police Dash Cam Video does not show children evacuating per Official Timeline.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Sandy Hook Police had no Idea where School Was. Dash Cam shows going wrong way multiple times. Cars parked at Firehouse and on road at Beginning

I spent hours and hours on the State police report right when it came out.  I have recorded hours of information about all the discrepancies but had not released anything due to it being so draining.

I guess I am ready to start releasing what I have found that does not make sense.

This is the start of it all.  This is a police dash cam showing how the police had no idea where the Sandy Hook school was.

This video shows the police turning around 4 times and another police car going the wrong way too.  The police car passes the firehouse and people who are parked on the side of the road and outside of their cars tell him where to go.  There are cars at the Firehouse already too.  There are cars on the road to the school, which is not in this video but another, I will release.

I will also show how a police dash cam, in another video records all the way to 2:25PM and not one child is seen leaving the school.  Where were the children?  But that is for another one.

I have gone through every recorded video of inside the school.  So much of it does not make sense, from my point of view.

Right now here is the police who had no idea where the school was.

UPDATE 2/26/ 14 I put up the video I did with outside photos of the school, showing mold, weeds, algae, the bullet hole and the front doors without signs on them. 

The Newtown newspaper just came out with a story about the Police dash cams and how they heard shots and it was mayhem when they arrived.  They don't mention how they got lost.

UPDATE - 3/5/14 -

Sandy Hook Police Dash Cam Video does not show children evacuating per Official Timeline.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Only 2 MSM (very short) articles on New Mexico Nuclear Explosion. Says "No Radiation Leak" - which is a Lie. EPA radiation U.S. monitoring site taken off line yesterday. This should be Headline News everywhere!

New Mexico Nuclear Site of Explosion

This proves how MSM is totally in the pocket of the government and big corporations.

Instead of giving information of real news that matters and affects people they only broadcast bulls***!

Every news organization and T.V. station should have information about New Mexico's nuclear explosion as their lead and headline story, instead of the closing ceremonies of the Olympics.

I have done a search and found that only CBS had a few short sentences about the explosion and saying the DOE has said there was no radiation leak.

The U.S. Department of Energy stressed Sunday that no surface contamination has been found after airborne radiation was detected underground at a southeastern New Mexico site where the government stores low-grade nuclear waste.
The department says that tests were taken at several sites around the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant after a monitor found radiation on underground levels late Friday night.

Reuters has a few sentences about it too, written on the 16th when the explosion happened.  Only says "possible radiation".  They also put in the article "it may not be a real event but seems as one."  So they put doubt in people's mind for them to dismiss the explosion as possibly not being real.  They have not had a follow up article since then.

This is a major event yet MSM is silent about it.  It proves they protect the nuclear industry before they protect the people.

The government is protecting the industry before the people too, as the EPA has now taken their radiation monitoring system for the U.S. offline, as of yesterday.  (Sunday, 2/23/14)

The radiation network site doesn't have anything for the area either.   We know they are controlled due to them taking West Coast radiation monitoring systems offline after Fukushima. has the information about major radiation being found 1/2 mile from the site. 

Enews has information about it and a source says it was a major continuing and possible plutonium leak that is occurring and they have not experienced anything as this before.

Initial ENE report from SundayAlarm after 'unusually high' radiation levels at U.S. nuclear site -- Gov't: "We've never seen a level like we are seeing... I can't tell you the amount" -- Could be Plutonium -- 'Unclear' how much radiation released -- Unprecedented event 

Here is a video that was released about it...

All of this absolutely proves those of us in the alternative news are ones with real information that needs to get out to those who only listen to MSM.  This proves MSM and the government does not look out after the well fare of the people but only big business!  This proves we are the ones who get the real news out.
The MSM watchers are clueless about the news that impacts their life and health.  This also shows why the government and media are so worried about the internet and the truth that gets out to others.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Video of Amazing Sun Ray I did not see when filming regular Plane Contrails - Sun Ray comes Straight down

I was taking a video of planes and normal contrails.  When I was recording the planes I did not see the sun as it came out in the video.  I know this is just an effect from the camera but it is super cool and I have not seen anything as this before.

Since it is so different I wanted to post it.

Federal Government/FDA mission to Close all Organic Farms. Monsanto is in control - Organic Farms calling it Quits. What we can do!

The former Monsanto Executive who Obama has put in charge of the FDA is making sure all Organic Farms are shut down due to 'new' regulations and laws.

Federal officials from the FDA are visiting organic farms to stop their practices and intimidate them.

Due to the new regulations organic farms are calling it quits.  It is just what the federal government and Monsanto want.

Natural news did a profile on Taylor who Obama put in charge of the FDA from Monsanto. 

If people can not understand everything that is happening from the top down.  The federal government from Obama down are bought and sold by the big corporations.

They want us to only eat GMO foods and will not label the foods as such.  Those people who have become more conscious of GMO foods want to buy organic only.

The problem is, even the big stores that have things labeled as organic are not positive they are completely organic at this time.

I have a friend who has worked on an organic farm and she said even though it is organic the problem is the GMO farms by them pollute the organic vegetables they grow.  Nothing is fully organic anymore, no matter how much a farmer tries and keeps their crops clean and not contaminated.

The federal government has even stopped people from growing their own food.  A four year old girl was made to stop growing food in a small garden outside her door. 

Obama signed a bill in 2011, which essentially outlaws growing your own garden. 

So many people are still so blind to the truth of what Obama has done and our government has been doing for decades.

The facts are, our government is not "For the People and By the People" and has not been since the 1800s.  There is no difference between Republican and Democrat, they are all the same.  The laws that are enacted are made to slowly but surely keep on the course of taking away our freedoms and rights.  They always use the excuse of 'keeping us safe'.  It is that excuse from how we are a police state due to 'terrorism' threats or food safety due to people getting sick in the past.

This goes hand in hand with the government not supplying water to California farmers this year due to the drought.  No doubt the water will not be supplied to organic individual farmers but Monsanto farms will get all the water they want.  They are saying 50% of the farmers won't get water.

Here are my thoughts!

We can only ALLOW our Rights and Freedoms to be taken!

We the People Can Stand Up by Putting Gardens in our Front Yards!  Grow Vegetables, even if it is only one tomato Plant that is ORGANIC/NON GMO/HEIRLOOM and not a hybrid!  

It is a way of showing our STANDING UP to the Corporation Controlled government!

Imagine if we could get a Whole movement going this Spring!





Chemtrails Yet again in the Eastern sky as the sun rises and no where else. Deniers have no rational or reasonable explanation for that.

This morning, February 23, 2014 the chemtrails are in the Eastern sky where the sun rises and no where else.   There are normal clouds in the sky but only chemtrails in the Eastern part.

A denier has left comments on my  post and video yesterday, saying there were chemtrails near clouds due to more 'moisture'.  Well this video 'debunks'' that myth.  If that was the case then there would be chemtrails where the clouds are, but of course there is not.

I will continue to put videos and photo evidence of how all the deniers are throwing out ridiculous excuses for the chemtrails.  Yeah, they actually believe people are stupid enough to believe the lies.

Through the continued evidence and debunking of those who deny chemtrails we will get the truth out more and more.

I believe chemtrails are something that need to be stopped, people everywhere need to realize what is going on and through this type evidence and continued vigilance of documenting chemtrails people will see the truth  Those who have not seen the truth as of yet, they too will begin to awaken to what is happening.

The deniers are so bad.  Someone said those that believe in chemtrails are worse than anything the government has ever done or what the chemtrails do.  That we are a danger to society.  That is how bad the deniers are in trying to suppress the truth.  I wrote about it:

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Come On Lawyers! LEARN MERS! Help others and help yourself! Millions can be won from Previous Foreclosures Fraud!

What is frustrating is the fact that judges will rule against the banks on previous foreclosures and people are winning their houses back along with more money.

MERS banks can only foreclose through FRAUD!  There is no legal way for a MERS bank to foreclose on someone legally!  The beneficiary is NOT the Owner and only an Owner can foreclose on a loan!

So everyone who been foreclosed on by a MERS bank in the past few years, can SUE for damages.

I interviewed Scott Stafne from Stafne Trumbull law firm in Washington State.  He won the suit recently, where the judge completely voided the foreclosure from 2009.  Mr. Stafne has more litigation in the court for damages including a RICO case against Bank of America.

Just as Mr. Stafne says in the interview, lawyers throughout the U.S. need to learn MERS and the fraud involved.  There is a lot of money to be had.  He mentioned a woman just won 6 million dollars due to foreclosure fraud.

I am asking lawyers throughout the U.S. from personal injury to other law fields to please learn the foreclosure fraud that is being committed by Wall Street and allowed by the government.

It is Time for the People to have help and for the People to WIN against all the fraud that is being committed in Greed!

People are being thrown out onto the streets through Fraud!

Once the banks foreclose, most of the time they then sell the properties for less than half of what the mortgage was they foreclosed on.  The banks do not attempt to help the current homeowner.  They make money by foreclosing and then selling to what is many times their friends for pennies on the dollar.

The corruption and Fraud need to STOP!

I am asking all of those who have been foreclosed on in the past to contact an attorney and to file a law suit of FRAUD against the MERS bank for wrongful foreclosure!

No foreclosure that is a MERS bank is legal!  I am saying that one more time.

Also I would love for lawyers to look up doing Land Patents for people too!


Deniers of Chemtrails, Explain this! Chemtrails over Knoxville Tennessee February 22 2014

I would love for the deniers of chemtrails to explain why only the part of the sky where the sun is coming up has the plane's 'ice crystals' lines and the rest of the sky doesn't.  Also why one plane ran out of 'ice crystal' lines while flying.

All the deniers can ever say is 'there is no evidence' yet we can all see with our own eyes the chemtrails and planes running out of chemicals.

The sky is all the same and if chemtrails were just ice crystals then all the planes would have trails behind them and not just part of the sky.

Feb 22 2014 video of chemtrails in the morning where the sun rises....

Chemtrails are Real and I have found that the government pays a lot of money to have debunkers everywhere to try and keep the people blind and stupid to them.   The deniers expect people not to believe their own eyes and have thought up junk science to say it is 'simply ice crystals' which is ridiculous!

The deniers are so bad.  Someone said those that believe in chemtrails are worse than anything the government has ever done or what the chemtrails do.  That we are a danger to society.  That is how bad the deniers are in trying to suppress the truth.  I wrote about it:

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Scott Stafne, Attorney in Washington State that Won the Huge Ruling against MERS and Bank of America and Recontrust, Spoke with me about the case and the Implications for everyone - Video Interview

Scott Stafne, the Attorney who won the huge ruling, I wrote about last week in Washington State against MERS, spoke with me today about the ruling and what it means for previously foreclosed on homeowners by MERS, Bank of America and Recontrust in non-judicial foreclosure states.

Stafne Trumbull Attorney
Scott Stafne
239 North Olympic Avenue
Arlington, WA 98223
ph# 360-403-8700

The PDF of the judge's ruling is here

If you have been foreclosed on in the past years by a MERS bank, please contact an attorney and sue them!

The more people do this and Win, the banks will have to STOP the fraud!

A news article out today says the banks are doing the same things they did in 2008 and nothing has changed!

Monday, February 17, 2014

Huge Amount of Birth Defects in Washington State - CDC/U.S. Government says "No reason, just Coincidence" This is Outrageous - They Still Won't Admit to Fukushima Radiation!

To me, this proves the Lies and Cover ups of the CDC and U.S. government.

There have been a huge amount of birth defects in Yakima, Washington State over the last 3 years and the CDC won't release the full amount of them.

The only reason this is public, is because a health official released this.  So where else in Washington State is there birth defects that is not being made public?  Just how many are happening in the State as a whole?

They say there is "no reason" except it is all simply coincidence.  The first reason that should  be considered is Fukushima radiation, which is the most reasonable and explainable.  But the U.S. government doesn't dare acknowledge the radiation we are and have gotten from Fukushima.

This is one of those infuriating articles and completely exposes the CDC and U.S. government to their constant coverups of real causes.  They are covering up Fukushima radiation.  You will notice not one mention of it is in the article from NBC or the CDC.  NBC doesn't even question if radiation could be the cause.

This is why "We the People" are on our own in getting Truth out and what is going on so people are aware.

Edit to add - Hanford - the largest nuclear dump in the world that leaks nuclear waste is close to this area.  So it is not just Fukushima radiation, obviously.  Yet the state officials and the CDC believe it is all just a coincidence.  Even if they do testing, they would not admit the defects were from Hanford.  

Important Portions from article:

There’s no secret, state and CDC officials said, and they noted that small clusters of birth defects often turn out to be nothing more than sad coincidence.

“No statistically significant differences were identified between cases and controls, and a clear cause of the elevated prevalence of anencephaly was not determined,” the CDC wrote.

A group of birth defects can appear to be related, when it’s actually just coincidence, Kucik added. “I think that there is a lot of frustration when dealing with these type of cluster investigations because they end up without a lot of answers,” he added.

Ashley-Koch, the Duke professor, acknowledged that CDC and state officials faced a tough task. It's difficult tracing back through previous pregnancies and trying to find a common cause for birth defects, particularly when not all of defects are the same. Still, she suggested that the investigation may have been a “cursory approach.”

Sara Barron, the nurse who discovered the problem, thinks that health officials could — and should — do more.
“I definitely believe something is going on,” she said. “There was something. Maybe it just hit once and blew through, God willing. If there are still cases going on, we need to know.”
CDC and state officials refused to tell NBC News how many new cases they’d received in 2013, saying they plan a full report later this spring. Stahre had previously said they’d received “a few more cases” after the original investigation.

Friday, February 14, 2014

HUGE Ruling Against Bank of America MERS bank foreclosure in Washington State (non-Judicial) - Judge: FORECLOSURES ILLEGAL/UNCONSTITUTIONAL! Give this information to your Lawyer!

Update 2/18/14 - I spoke to Scott Stafne about the ruling.  The Interview is here.

This is HUGE RULING against Bank of America, a MERS bank in Washington State.

The judge ruled the BOA MERS foreclosure was not legal in anyway. He also set it up where the person foreclosed on can get monetary damages from BOA in a trial.

This information and ruling was in a non-judicial foreclosure state.

The attorney in Washington State who handles illegal foreclosures and who won this case is

Scott E. Stafne
Stafne Trumbull, LLC 
239 North Olympic Avenue
Arlington, WA 98223
ph# 360-403-8700

The pdf of the Judges ruling is here. 

portion from ruling:

There was no evidence that MERS was ever the owner or holder of the note. Hence, 
under the Bain decision, MERS could not have been the beneficiary. Bain left open the issue of 
whether MERS could act as an agent of the lender or trustee, and in support of its motion for 
summary judgment defendants make that assertion here. More troubling is the role of 
ReconTrust. It was ReconTrust which issued the notice of default to the borrower. ReconTrust 
was not the trustee when that notice was issued. It’s undisputed that ReconTrust was, at all 
times, a wholly owned subsidiary of BANA. There’s no reason, or at least none that I could see, 
that would preclude ReconTrust from issuing a notice of default as an agent of BANA. But 
thereafter MERS named ReconTrust as the trustee. Or perhaps ReconTrust named itself as the 
trustee, since the signatory “G. Hernandez” was not an employee of MERS but rather was 
employed by ReconTrust. While the DTA appears to have been amended and arguably might 
permit a subsidiary to act as a trustee, the statutory requirement remains that the trustee be 
independent and not beholden to the lender or borrower. Acting as an agent of BANA and being 
a wholly owned subsidiary of BANA, it seems specious to attempt to argue that ReconTrust was 
an independent trustee

I have a call to Stafne Trumbull this morning and have left a message, asking if I could speak with him a few minutes about the ruling and the implications and how this helps everyone throughout the U.S.  If I hear from him and am able to speak with him for a short interview I will upload it and put it on the blog.

Here is an interview with a woman who is intimately familiar with the case and what the implications are.

If you are in Foreclosure or at risk for a Foreclosure - PLEASE contact an attorney, your town/city legal aid and get this information to them!




Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Sinkhole swallowed 8 corvettes inside National Corvette Museum in Bowling Green Kentucky this morning

A sinkhole opened up inside the Corvette Museum in Bowling Green Kentucky and swallowed 8 cars/corvettes. 

Sinkholes are opening up everywhere it seems.  Florida has been having an abundance of them besides other places in the world.

BOWLING GREEN, Ky. — A sinkhole formed Wednesday under the National Corvette Museum, swallowing eight cars, according to its executive director.

When emergency personnel got to the museum, they discovered a sinkhole 40 feet wide and 25 to 30 feet deep, Strode said.

List of corvettes it got:

  • 1993 ZR-1 Spyder on loan from General Motors
  • 2009 ZR1 "Blue Devil" on loan from General Motors
  • 1962 Black Corvette
  • 1984 PPG Pace Car
  • 1992 White 1 Millionth Corvette
  • 1993 Ruby Red 40th Anniversary Corvette
  • 2001 Mallett Hammer Z06 Corvette
  • 2009 White 1.5 Millionth Corvette

Why are so many sinkholes opening up now?  Kentucky is not sand as Florida is but has bedrock.

They do say that sinkholes are common in Kentucky:

Bowling Green is at the edge of a karst region where caves, springs and sinkholes are common. The main entrance to Mammoth Cave National Park is about 30 miles northeast of the city, but that cave system has more than 400 miles that have been explored.
Here is some information about karst, in Kentucky I found in PDF form

It appears nothing is immune to a sinkhole opening up.

Sample of how Brainwashed the populace is, Someone believes All of Us Truth seekers are worse than anything the Govt. has ever Done and a Danger to Society

I just have to write about this.  I don't get involved in forums or message boards much anymore.  There is an Earth message board I post on every once in awhile.

I posted on the Earth message board my last article about chemtrails.

I admit, I have a deep anger about Chemtrails as I feel powerless to get them stopped.  But I feel I need to keep calling it to other people's attention.

With that anger I did say I wished everyone involved at any capacity the Worst Karma possible.

In saying that in anger when I wrote the article and on the message board, I have contemplated it more and know we can't change things through anger and we should not wish bad upon another, no matter what they do.  The Universe/God will take care of that.  We should radiate Love to the situation and all involved in that they 'see' their Truth.  I have since been radiating Love to those involved as that is the only way we can change anything.

On the message board, a person came in and posted the following, due to me saying I hope Bad Karma for all those involved, this person doesn't believe in chemtrails either.

YOU are the kind of people I fear. More so than the anything the government has done. Yes, I fear you worse than anything the chemtrails are alleged to be used for.
It scares the willies out of me that people like you are running around attempting to change the course of society and the world based on irrational self delusional fears driven by the commentary of youtoobers and fear mongers. People like YOU are the TRUE danger to society, not the government. Actually, I'll go so far as to say that it is people like YOU that enable to government to do the bad things that they do, because it is your gullibility and lack of common sense and thinking skills that allows them to take advantage of your fears and emotions to accomplish their goals.

I still Laugh every time I read it and shake my head!  The person does not believe in chemtrails and believes people as me are WORSE than the government and ANYTHING the government has ever done!

Oh, after he derailed the conversation to how I am Worse than anything the government has ever done, he then complains the chemtrail conversation was off track, as I was calling him out on his classic 'text book' of turning the tables from the bad guy being the good guy.  LOL  Now that was 'classic', which I called him out on.

My concern is.... Are people That Brainwashed?  Are people suppressed that deeply that they believe people as me who bring out what the government is doing is Much Worse than the anything the government has ever done?  That people that get Truth out is a danger to society and not the government?!

For someone to believe that an individual for highlighting and speaking their mind is worse than anything the government does and is doing,  is a testament to how mind controlled people are.

I wanted to bring this information out as it shows what all of us who are trying to get Truth out are up against. It is that bad, that there are people who feel we are Worse than the government is.

I can imagine what people as him feel about all of those who are calling for the Truth of 9/11, Sandy Hook and all the other violence perpetrated upon the people by the government.

We have a long way to go but I believe more and more are waking up and are willing to view the Truth.  We just have to deal with those who are so brainwashed and controlled who believe we (truth seekers) are the bad ones and the government is the victim of it all.

As I said above, I working on releasing my anger over the chemtrails and trying to radiate Love to those involved so they 'see' the Truth of what they are doing.  It is up to Universal Law to do as it will and not for me to put my energy into the negative for those involved.  Those in the government feed off the negative energy and they like it.

So there ya have it...... The brainwashing example of the populace!

Update 2/18/14 - Article that just came out, Internet trolls are 

Narcissistic, Machiavellian, psychopathic, and sadistic.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Microscopic Analysis of Snow - Also an Independent laboratory in France tested the air - Confirmed Chemtrails of polymer fibers and synthetic chemicals and Endocrin Distruptors

Chemtrails over my house

I wrote about the snow here and had done my own little testing of it on video.  It burned to a glob of goo and it smelled terrible.  The day I was doing this, I took a video of the chemtrails overhead. 

Microscopic Analysis of the Snow

In the video you will see she shows the following is in the snow.

Depleted Uranium
Nano Cyborg builders
polymer fibers
organic fibers
live biological cells

They are seriously murdering us and the Earth slowly and painfully!  They are poisoning us in a cruel way.

Understand that no U.S. lab will do air analysis, they refuse to do a full test of the air, due to warnings against it from the U.S. government.  Finally a lab in France was brave enough to do one.

An independent laboratory in France tested the air samples brought to them.

Here is the home page for the lab in France

They confirmed chemtrails.

The air is filled with polymer fibers, synthetic chemicals mixed in with jet fuel.  The information is on page two of the link above, in English.


The organic compounds generated in this series of eight experiments were -each time- separated
by gas chromatography and identified by mass spectrometry (GC/MS).
The data obtained were interpreted and the detailled results are presented in this analytical report.
It appears that these « air borne filaments » are complex organic polymers, containing many synthetic
as evidenced by GC/MS screening of their thermal decomposition products.
Many organic molecules commonly encountered in the composition of jet fuels and jet reactors
lubricants were evidenced in this investigation.
The four samples studied contain several toxic synthetic compounds (phthalates) and three of them
contain DEHP, a member of this family of particular concern due to its properties of endocrin disruptor

They are putting hormone disruptors in the air besides all the other toxins!

Is it any wonder people are so out of sorts and have bad memories!

Every single pilot who is flying those planes, every single chemist who is creating the toxins, every single person that works for a company involved in this, every single politician who is aware of this and won't take steps to stop it, every single military person and anyone who is involved in this ...  I SINCERELY HOPE YOU GET THE HORRIBLE KARMIC EVENTS IN YOUR LIFE YOU DESERVE!

Edit to Add:

It was/is wrong of me to 'wish' bad karma on all those involved with chemtrails.  Yes I get really upset and angry over how a few are poisoning the Earth, animals and people.  But anger is what those at the top want, that is what they feed off of.  I am trying to stop my own anger and react with Love.  Through Love is the Trust and Faith the Universal Law is perfect.  It is not for us to use our energy in a way those who commit the genocide through chemtrails against us, can feed off of it.   I will temper my anger towards them as I continue to get truth out about chemtrails to those who are awake.  I trust in the Perfect Universal/God Laws and know that the Universe takes/will take care of all who commit the heinous crimes against humanity and the Earth.  What goes around, comes around.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Thank you for all the Responses from my last post... Why Am I here? Great links and information being shared!

I wanted to do a follow up to my last post, Why Am I here?

I have had many people call me and email me and I sincerely appreciate everyone who has and who has sent me 'positive energy'.  It was a low day for me and as I said in it, I was questioning Why Am I here?  I know so many have those questions at times.

I am trying to go forward in a very positive way.  If you have noticed my posts are not the angry hateful post as they use to be about what is going on.  I try and put information out about what is going on... but with solutions to it.

I DO Believe in the Power of God/Universe!  I DO believe in the fact that LOVE will Win, I DO believe in our FREEDOM and TRUTH of What really is, inside and out!   I am trying to write what I am being led to write, even if it is something I would not put out there normally.

Should I start writing on a more personal level, of the struggles of self?  Would people relate to it and understand they are not alone?

I DO believe that as we all grow in consciousness of Truth, we ALL change the world together.

I personally don't just want to change my world, I want to help the Whole World in a very Positive manner that is meaningful and makes a Positive and Loving difference in people's lives.

We are on this Earth together and I do believe it is through our becoming more in the "Christ Consciousness" of LOVE and Unity that we will Live that.

Here is an email I received from 'Doug in WA' that I wanted to share.  It really has good information and I have begun reading the very last link in the email.

I am going to be checking out the 'Timebank' link that is in it.  That sounds like a really awesome organization where we all help each other with our individual needs at this time.   It seems that Timebank is what should be happening in this world, giving of oneself to help another freely and others giving of themselves to help you freely.

My daughter is in the student council at her high school.  I am going to bring this idea to her, where high schoolers do this for one another... timebank in helping each other.  It could start at her school and spread to others.  Imagine starting this at the school levels where everyone helps one another.

I have found there is no local Timebank, here in Knoxville Tennessee.  I am going to look at starting one where people help people.  For those in the Eastern Tennessee area who would be interested in joining this, please contact me.   my main email address is:   tnknoxrealtor....................   AT  Charter   DOT  Net

I read this post of yours, and could completely related.  I wanted to share, but my post was too long (13K, can only be 4K).  I’m going to email to you in hopes something in here is useful.  I trust you’ll keep my email private.  Use anything in here, and if you want to reference me I’m “Doug in WA”.  Know you are an inspiration to many.  The point of life is “to live”.  Just be here now.


Bravo.  You have taken such an important step, putting this out there.  It's a critical step Sherrie...building community.

People usually need either a) support or b) solutions.  As many other comments have already been directed to support, my main emphasis is going to be on solutions, purpose, and focus on sharing what I see here.

In my own life, when I have felt as you do, it was because I was missing a higher purpose that involved other people.  Allow me to explain.

I've been a sponge for information for the past few years.  Have maybe read too much.  You hit a point on the path of learning where you begin to realize it is no longer about you learning, but you teaching.

On this path, it is easy to see all the problems, and be overwhelmed by not (yet) understanding the solutions.  At some point, with enough knowledge, you begin to see the root causes of the problems clearly, and therefore 'simple solutions'.  However, the 'simple solutions' may not be 'easy solutions' (simple to define, much harder to actually change).

I see a several dynamics going on.

1) Unity Consciousness. Alignment, Coherent power, energy, time, attention
2) The Game - "Laser Focus"
3) Expectations, defining what you truly want: Money or Happiness? Or something else?
4) Solutions vs. Problems

Let me address a few of your questions in explaining these items.

Dynamics 1 & 2:

Q:  "How do we stop and change what is going on?"
A:  Focus on the solution.  You need a replacement, not a revolution.  As Buckminster fuller said, "You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete."

Q:  "How is this being allowed by God and isn't what they are doing against Universal laws?"  The way they poison our food, water and air, how is that being allowed? 
A:  They are aligned.  They are not harming you directly.  They are using the false religions of money and authority to get *others* to act, thus shifting Karmic repercussions to others.

The main mechanism for success is that a few wealthy individuals are acting cohesively.  Call it 'the conspiracy' by definition, but yes, there are those who are working together.  Using their wealth, power, influence, time, energy, attention to move things in a direction they desire.  This type of aligned/unified action is favored by God.  They are working *together*.

Most folks have not figured out there’s a game going on, with their livelihoods at stake.  It’s a war for your mind, your life, your soul.  The game is simple really.  I call it “Laser Focus”.  People have the potential to be a focused energy weapon of change.  Only right now they are too scattered, too incoherent, and the light from any who shine just blurrily shoots in every direction, and is often snuffed out through attrition, infighting with others still asleep, or inability to find support.  Meanwhile, a few powerful individuals at the top are incredibly focused.  They have aligned their time, money, energy, power into a tightly focused beam.  Like tugboats, they are pulling the titanic in a certain direction (one that centralizes power into fewer and fewer hands), and because they are unified and committed, they are doing a great job of the rollout.

It truly is a war for our lives, only most don’t recognize it because it happens slowly.  Through incrementalism (so nobody notices), they are slowly boiling the pot with us (the frog), and we never jump out.  Sharing this with people rapidly is quite painful for the sleepers, but is the only way to save their lives – to wake them up quickly, to turn up the heat so fast they say ‘ouch’ and then jump out of the pot.

The game is one of tug-of-war, and the underlying rule is the summation of {power, time, energy, money} in a coherent direction.  The solution is a human 'laser' - the focused energy of group actions.  To the extent we can align hundreds or thousands in a common cause (Truth, becoming self-reliant, restoring liberty, overcoming globalist centralized control), and thus focus our time, energy, and money into unified action to offset and reverse the power on the globalist side, we can win.  There are many of us, and few of them.  Even though they are wealthy, they are few.  But that’s partly their strength, because it is easier to get cohesion and alignment with just a few, than with many.  They are also experienced, many of them having done this for generations, trying, refining, passing to their offspring their acquired knowledge.  Our advantage is the internet, the accelerating awakening of humanity, and the fact that all loss of liberty and displays of tyranny simply help awaken the sleepers.  If we can get in their faces, get them on the move, on the defensive, having to act more quickly with less planning and rehearsal in shorter periods of time, they start to make mistakes.  By making them turn up the heat faster than can be ignored through incrementalism, it becomes painful to more sleepers, more obvious to many.  As scary as it sounds, getting the tyrants to act like tyrants and turn up the heat (Truth, exposure, saying NO) is a great way to defeat them, because it awakens sleepers and allows them to align cohesively and in a focused 'target', having maximum effect.

Q:  Is there a universal law that by them showing us things in movies and in the media we then allow those things to happen against us?
A:  Yes.  It's 'cosmic informed consent' (my term, no idea what they call it).  They are required to reveal their intentions to you.  Think of it as an 'offer to contract'.  When you do nothing, even if the offer is in a symbolic language you don't understand, or a mass-movie you didn't see, humanity was notified, and a somebody somewhere became aware of their intentions, and did nothing.  "No response" is taken as acceptance of the contract, and they are allowed to proceed.  Kind of like a public notice in the local paper, after a certain amount of time of no responses, the notifier is allowed to proceed.  Sadly, most people are symbol-illiterate (the main language of universal consciousness, as well as the ruling class), or too occupied with the football game to realize they are losing the game of life, etc.

Dynamic 3:

Q:  Yes, I believe having money (an energy) is a good thing.  I understand how I have repelled it in the past through 'feeling guilty, that it is bad, it doesn't make you happy, and so on', which is how we have been trained to think about it.
A:  You are focused on a symptom (money), not the cause (being happy).  I suspect what you really want is to be happy, not money.  You want all situations that lead to happiness, including sufficient money to pursue that happiness.  Do you really care how much money, if you let the universe bring you happiness?  Do you care how much money, if every time you desire something, circumstances materialize to allow that?  I had a friend recently who lost a job, account ran dry, and needed $200 to pay a bill.  His mom gave it to him, and he deposited it into his account to pay the bill.  But he forgot he had an auto-withdrawal set up that whisked that $200 to the IRS.  Now he was back to nothing in the account, and his mom was now out-of-town on vacation.  He thought about this, realized he was still alive, still happy, still had loving children, still had friends, and decided to just 'roll with it'.  In this relaxed and accepting state, he went to pick up his mail.  In the mail was a package, from a friend he hadn't heard from in years, with a book, and in the book...$200.  Blew his mind.  This is the type of synchronicity that will occur when you accept 'happiness' (or 'purpose' or 'feeling valued' or whatever real goal you desire) over requiring a certain amount of money.  Another example.  I was thinking how much fun it would be to have a mountain bike, so I could ride with my two children on the trail.  "Wouldn't it be fun if I had a bike?"  Next day in the dumpster at my apartment, there was a mountain bike.  I took it, but realized it would need some parts to fix.  "I wonder who I can get the parts to fix this?"  Next day, another bike in the dumpster, with many of the parts I needed.  I was able to put together a full bike, and buy the few remaining parts I needed.  I didn't need the *money* to buy the whole bike.  What I wanted was to "ride a bike with my kids", and it was given to me, and with a little investment of my own, I am now doing so.

You want what you can do with the money, not the money itself.  Define what you want to do, put your attention, energy into that, and ALL the requirements to empower those dreams will arrive.

Dynamic 4:

This is the way out.  As Buckminster Fuller figured out, "build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete".  Examples? 

System: Monetary
Solution: Timebank.  People give 1 hour of service in an area they are expert or enjoy, earning 1 credit.  They can then spend that credit to purchase 1 hour of another's service.

System: Centralized utilities (water, sewer, electric)
Solution: Earthship homes.  How about a home designed to take care of you, provide for you?  Designed.  Entire utility bill for a year is <$100.  It's completely off-grid, has self-contained heating (solar passive gain, warms in winter, cools in summer), solar electricity, rainwater harvesting, indoors greenhouse and fish pools for food, self-contained bio-organic sewer processing system.  It provides everything you need to live, year in and out.  You might need more food than it provides, but otherwise it does it all.  Building materials are very inexpensive - discarded rubber tires and rammed earth for thermal mass and extreme strength, and I've heard of folks building there Earthship for as little as $25K (Canadian) with all locally-sourced materials.  Imagine what you need if your house gives it all?  If you had no mortgage, no utilities, and owned a place free-and-clear?  Why would you need a job?  Maybe a token amount for some consumables, food, gas, etc.  But then what?  How would you use your time then?  Maybe the timebank, doing what you love.  Most people would then turn to helping others.  As an added bonus, when you control ALL systems that sustain you, you become much harder to 'shut down', so become a force for change.

Also, as proof of Bucky's "make the existing model obsolete", if I showed you two comparable homes, one conventional, with centralized (single-point-of-failure) sewer, power, water, a mortgage that if you lose your job might mean full loss of the home to the bank, provides no food, water, energy, then contrasted with a second home designed to have essentially no utility bills, and provides for each area of need in your life.  Why would any person choose the former?  I bet with enough people realizing the benefits, they wouldn't.  Voila.  Instant fix.

System: Property tax/Estate tax
Solution: Once you have a self-sufficient, provides-for-you home, the ONLY thing between you and perfect sustainability (meaning you can sustain it over generations, pass it down to your heirs, etc) is taxation on your property, either annual fees, or when you die, as they can steal more and more until you can no longer pay, thus force you out.  Recognize taxation is theft, refuse to participate, build a big enough community who say 'NO' to overthrow local, county, state support of property taxation, and restore true allodial title to the land (similar or same to which you recently wrote about, the land patents).

System: Energy/Power
Solution: Hydrogen, solar heating.  There are people who have almost completely eliminated heating via propane, and switched to passive solar heating. Also, there are numerous folks doing hydrogen harvesting, which is a clean-burning fuel.

System: Government
Solution: Self-reign, understanding of, adherence to Natural Law.  A couple great references here are Mark Passio's (see podcasts section).  Also check out these:

1) (10 mins) “I’m allowed to rob you” -, (fallacy of the constitution)

2) Larken Rose's The Most Dangerous Superstition" - Incredible book spelling out the lie of authority
3) "The Law by Frederic Bastiat."  Written in the 1850's, but a timeless document.  He makes his case in the first two pages, the rest of the pages are expose of the various forms of collectivism and analysis of various collectivist authors of his day.  He lays out the proper role of government (defensive, via aggregate individual right to defense).  Anything other than defense requires Plunder and is immoral and wrong.

Finally, I'll leave you with an inspiring little booklet, that gets into much of what you wondered aloud about.  It's a little booklet called the End of All Evil.  The key message is you have infinite worth.