
Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Sample of how Brainwashed the populace is, Someone believes All of Us Truth seekers are worse than anything the Govt. has ever Done and a Danger to Society

I just have to write about this.  I don't get involved in forums or message boards much anymore.  There is an Earth message board I post on every once in awhile.

I posted on the Earth message board my last article about chemtrails.

I admit, I have a deep anger about Chemtrails as I feel powerless to get them stopped.  But I feel I need to keep calling it to other people's attention.

With that anger I did say I wished everyone involved at any capacity the Worst Karma possible.

In saying that in anger when I wrote the article and on the message board, I have contemplated it more and know we can't change things through anger and we should not wish bad upon another, no matter what they do.  The Universe/God will take care of that.  We should radiate Love to the situation and all involved in that they 'see' their Truth.  I have since been radiating Love to those involved as that is the only way we can change anything.

On the message board, a person came in and posted the following, due to me saying I hope Bad Karma for all those involved, this person doesn't believe in chemtrails either.

YOU are the kind of people I fear. More so than the anything the government has done. Yes, I fear you worse than anything the chemtrails are alleged to be used for.
It scares the willies out of me that people like you are running around attempting to change the course of society and the world based on irrational self delusional fears driven by the commentary of youtoobers and fear mongers. People like YOU are the TRUE danger to society, not the government. Actually, I'll go so far as to say that it is people like YOU that enable to government to do the bad things that they do, because it is your gullibility and lack of common sense and thinking skills that allows them to take advantage of your fears and emotions to accomplish their goals.

I still Laugh every time I read it and shake my head!  The person does not believe in chemtrails and believes people as me are WORSE than the government and ANYTHING the government has ever done!

Oh, after he derailed the conversation to how I am Worse than anything the government has ever done, he then complains the chemtrail conversation was off track, as I was calling him out on his classic 'text book' of turning the tables from the bad guy being the good guy.  LOL  Now that was 'classic', which I called him out on.

My concern is.... Are people That Brainwashed?  Are people suppressed that deeply that they believe people as me who bring out what the government is doing is Much Worse than the anything the government has ever done?  That people that get Truth out is a danger to society and not the government?!

For someone to believe that an individual for highlighting and speaking their mind is worse than anything the government does and is doing,  is a testament to how mind controlled people are.

I wanted to bring this information out as it shows what all of us who are trying to get Truth out are up against. It is that bad, that there are people who feel we are Worse than the government is.

I can imagine what people as him feel about all of those who are calling for the Truth of 9/11, Sandy Hook and all the other violence perpetrated upon the people by the government.

We have a long way to go but I believe more and more are waking up and are willing to view the Truth.  We just have to deal with those who are so brainwashed and controlled who believe we (truth seekers) are the bad ones and the government is the victim of it all.

As I said above, I working on releasing my anger over the chemtrails and trying to radiate Love to those involved so they 'see' the Truth of what they are doing.  It is up to Universal Law to do as it will and not for me to put my energy into the negative for those involved.  Those in the government feed off the negative energy and they like it.

So there ya have it...... The brainwashing example of the populace!

Update 2/18/14 - Article that just came out, Internet trolls are 

Narcissistic, Machiavellian, psychopathic, and sadistic.


  1. Could be a government troll Sherrie. Great site.

  2. I really am starting to believe that a lot of these people who sound too retarded to be true ARE indeed trolls from the government. Granted, I've had a lot of people openly scoff at what I talk about regarding these topics however they never outright said that I was the actual problem instead of the assholes in power who're doing the atrocities to begin with. That is the best and biggest sign of a government paid troll. They're literally too stupid to see the forest for the trees and try to point fingers back at the person yelling Fire.

  3. I'm reminded of the George Carlin quote: "Think of how stupid the average person is and then realize that half of them are stupider than that." I counted 7 planes spraying here in Phoenix the other day. I've never seen more than 2 or 3 before that. I'm surprised that some lawyer hasn't come up with a class action law suit. If they can do this everyday, right over our heads and in plain sight without any consequences, then we are truly doomed. Great site Sherrie!

  4. I truly believe the "geo-engineering projects are really thinly disguised depopulation schemes". Look at all the Billions of deaths of fish, birds, marine life, etc! More like killing off the food chain for later dire consequences for millions more. Want to get a-w-ay from the madness for a minute? Here's how;

    In Windows 7 & 8, is a 'color inverter'. It's in the Magnifier. Open it up, then set it aside, you will need this later.

    Then, go to the south pole on Google Earth. Position the continent so it fits the screen of your monitor, then turn on the color inversion app. All the 'snow', will turn earth tones. While the center will turn from white to black. Scroll inward towards the pole, & see dozens of white ufo orbs flying about!

    Is it a star gate? The south polar opening? Or, a black hole about to swallow the Earth, yet (as usual) covered up until it's to late?!? Try it, it works!! (And also works, where ever true photographic images of Antarctica are shown.) Try it at the; Landsat Image Mosaic of Antarctica. You will find, that there is no snow there, &, they know it....
