
Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Sandy Hook Police had no Idea where School Was. Dash Cam shows going wrong way multiple times. Cars parked at Firehouse and on road at Beginning

I spent hours and hours on the State police report right when it came out.  I have recorded hours of information about all the discrepancies but had not released anything due to it being so draining.

I guess I am ready to start releasing what I have found that does not make sense.

This is the start of it all.  This is a police dash cam showing how the police had no idea where the Sandy Hook school was.

This video shows the police turning around 4 times and another police car going the wrong way too.  The police car passes the firehouse and people who are parked on the side of the road and outside of their cars tell him where to go.  There are cars at the Firehouse already too.  There are cars on the road to the school, which is not in this video but another, I will release.

I will also show how a police dash cam, in another video records all the way to 2:25PM and not one child is seen leaving the school.  Where were the children?  But that is for another one.

I have gone through every recorded video of inside the school.  So much of it does not make sense, from my point of view.

Right now here is the police who had no idea where the school was.

UPDATE 2/26/ 14 I put up the video I did with outside photos of the school, showing mold, weeds, algae, the bullet hole and the front doors without signs on them. 

The Newtown newspaper just came out with a story about the Police dash cams and how they heard shots and it was mayhem when they arrived.  They don't mention how they got lost.

UPDATE - 3/5/14 -

Sandy Hook Police Dash Cam Video does not show children evacuating per Official Timeline.


  1. Replies
    1. Wolfgang W. Halbig - extensive video - incredible credentials - best Sh vid I have viewed to date...

  2. Great job Sherrie!! And thanks for all your work on this. I give you a ton of credit for going through so many of the videos on the CT police report. I only went through a couple, and found it very draining.

    For those interested, a good one to check out is the CT police video of the outside of the school, taken 12/14/12. Just go to and scroll down and click on the "CDMCS Outdoor Scene Processing" video. This guy went around the entire school and not once do you see any decorations (holiday or otherwise), which is HIGHLY unusual and NOT what you would expect for an operational elementary school. Plus, it kind of looks like things were piled up in front of the windows, which, again, really makes it seem like the place wasn't in use.


  3. Sandy Hook was a drill (farce) used as a reason for gun more gun control and american people desarmament...
    All those involved shall be prosecuted and jailed but media keeps silence over this hoax...

  4. Yeah I got video of all of that too. I found it odd how the windows have piles of stuff in front of them. On the outside there are weeds growing up in cracks by doors. There are more store rooms then class rooms. The disorganization of the offices and the storerooms is unbelievable. Things just thrown in. All the classrooms are the same too. Just seems as if things were just strewn into the rooms. The teachers were not organized. There is mold and old stuff besides DANGEROUS chemicals right where children would be able to get them in the classrooms. There are LOTS of problems with the whole story and pictures.

  5. I can't understand why they would lie about deaths of children

    1. So they can get public support for NO GUNS. Another government induced SCAM

  6. THe giant trucks that the outside perimeter shots detail. What is the purpose of those vehicles on the 17th? IT looks as if the entire schools contents had been loaded into the school. There are stacks and stacks of pallets, stacks of plastic containers and the plastic wrap is still seen laying beside some of the pallets. It may be they are packing up all the material they sent into that building with those large trucks and containers,ie. the "set'.

  7. Thanks Sherrie, That town has been getting money from taxpayers/gubmint for the past 20 years for a "beautification" project. The first thing I looked up was what school the kids were really at and it was an old high school that got renovated. You always get school money from the gubmint first. This is a huge lie. That weird medical examiner claimed he did the autopsies in "a magnificent tent" really without water. Liars and the people that are behind this should all be tried for treason against the American people.
