
Sunday, February 9, 2014

Microscopic Analysis of Snow - Also an Independent laboratory in France tested the air - Confirmed Chemtrails of polymer fibers and synthetic chemicals and Endocrin Distruptors

Chemtrails over my house

I wrote about the snow here and had done my own little testing of it on video.  It burned to a glob of goo and it smelled terrible.  The day I was doing this, I took a video of the chemtrails overhead. 

Microscopic Analysis of the Snow

In the video you will see she shows the following is in the snow.

Depleted Uranium
Nano Cyborg builders
polymer fibers
organic fibers
live biological cells

They are seriously murdering us and the Earth slowly and painfully!  They are poisoning us in a cruel way.

Understand that no U.S. lab will do air analysis, they refuse to do a full test of the air, due to warnings against it from the U.S. government.  Finally a lab in France was brave enough to do one.

An independent laboratory in France tested the air samples brought to them.

Here is the home page for the lab in France

They confirmed chemtrails.

The air is filled with polymer fibers, synthetic chemicals mixed in with jet fuel.  The information is on page two of the link above, in English.


The organic compounds generated in this series of eight experiments were -each time- separated
by gas chromatography and identified by mass spectrometry (GC/MS).
The data obtained were interpreted and the detailled results are presented in this analytical report.
It appears that these « air borne filaments » are complex organic polymers, containing many synthetic
as evidenced by GC/MS screening of their thermal decomposition products.
Many organic molecules commonly encountered in the composition of jet fuels and jet reactors
lubricants were evidenced in this investigation.
The four samples studied contain several toxic synthetic compounds (phthalates) and three of them
contain DEHP, a member of this family of particular concern due to its properties of endocrin disruptor

They are putting hormone disruptors in the air besides all the other toxins!

Is it any wonder people are so out of sorts and have bad memories!

Every single pilot who is flying those planes, every single chemist who is creating the toxins, every single person that works for a company involved in this, every single politician who is aware of this and won't take steps to stop it, every single military person and anyone who is involved in this ...  I SINCERELY HOPE YOU GET THE HORRIBLE KARMIC EVENTS IN YOUR LIFE YOU DESERVE!

Edit to Add:

It was/is wrong of me to 'wish' bad karma on all those involved with chemtrails.  Yes I get really upset and angry over how a few are poisoning the Earth, animals and people.  But anger is what those at the top want, that is what they feed off of.  I am trying to stop my own anger and react with Love.  Through Love is the Trust and Faith the Universal Law is perfect.  It is not for us to use our energy in a way those who commit the genocide through chemtrails against us, can feed off of it.   I will temper my anger towards them as I continue to get truth out about chemtrails to those who are awake.  I trust in the Perfect Universal/God Laws and know that the Universe takes/will take care of all who commit the heinous crimes against humanity and the Earth.  What goes around, comes around.


  1. How is it that what they are doing to us, they are not also doing to themselves? Do they not breathe the same air we do? That is a question that I think would be very important to answer.

    Also, my dad is an old retired pilot and I asked him about chemtrails and he pooh-poohed the idea, and said that in his flying days (60 years ago), even then they knew about cirrus clouds being formed from contrails. He says that's all this is. I have to wonder how a pilot would be so fooled by this. Why would flight paths form neat grids to fill up the skies with haze -- wouldn't planes be flying along similar paths, overlaying one another?

    I also saw one day recently a chemtrail and a contrail, side by side. The chemtrail stayed, and the contrail faded out uniformly, a short distance behind the plane -- a normal contrail, in other words -- the kind I remember from my distant childhood.

    Unless these airborne fibers are affecting my memory -- haha!

  2. Your computer monitors are giving off chemicals too, and one of them is a fire retardant. Some people are more sensitive to monitors than others. I have an allergic reaction whenever I'm at my computer which is sometimes a lot. I sent one monitor back to manufacturer because of the chemical "smell" it had, but they returned it to me saying they checked it out completely and found nothing. I don't use that monitor (an HP) although my Acer effects me too, but not as much.

  3. I live in Las Vegas. I have observed the contrails disappearing and the chemtrails staying. Their is crisscross patterns in the sky and by the end of the day you can see the air between myself and the mountains turn from clear to looking like smog has developed that bluish haze we all see in cities. The spray starts at one side of the populated area to the other and the chemtrail from the aircraft starts and stops at these points.

  4. I think that you're mistaken in assuming that endocrine disruptors and airborne chemicals are being placed in the environment by aircraft in order to have damaging effects on people. It is most likely careless pollution from jet exhaust and other accidental chemical emission from aircraft, combined with random pollutants from ground level, acted upon perhaps by ultraviolet light at high altitude. Since animals and flesh are essentially collections of very complex organic chemical reactions, it's not surprising that random chemical garbage that our systems were never evolved to process manages to screw up our endocrine (hormonal) systems.

    The claim that there is a large-scale deliberate program to broadcast poison chemicals from aircraft (the common notion of "chemtrails") is not supported by the study you cite. The contention that there is such a program seems far-fetched to me. If you have evidence such as participant statements, documentary evidence, anything more solid than the appearance of aircraft exhaust coupled with pollution, I think it would strengthen your case greatly. Could you post some?

    There are many critical problems in the world today. The problem of "chemtrails" so far seems to me to be a false one, with the effects of destroying the credibility of the believers and wasting their precious time and energy ...

    1. One of the biggest and most critical problems in the world are people who are as obtuse and naive as you above ( Or youare just here to muddy the waters). About as institutionalised as one can possibly get, totally servile and obedient. Real grist that police states thrive on. I bet you still think your wonderful and trustworthy government didn't lie about WMDs and that three rags-heads brought down the towers from caves in Afghanistan defiying the laws of physics.

      I do not think you are truly interested in evidence all you are interested in is trying to ridicule those who are inclined to think outside of the box and are now well aware of what our criminal, treasonous and Zionist controlled governments get up to.

      An old Paedophile BBC documentary about the chemtrails being sprayed over Norwich during the sixties:

      Paedo BBC tells you how it is done:

      Norwich victims look for answers:
