
Saturday, February 22, 2014

Deniers of Chemtrails, Explain this! Chemtrails over Knoxville Tennessee February 22 2014

I would love for the deniers of chemtrails to explain why only the part of the sky where the sun is coming up has the plane's 'ice crystals' lines and the rest of the sky doesn't.  Also why one plane ran out of 'ice crystal' lines while flying.

All the deniers can ever say is 'there is no evidence' yet we can all see with our own eyes the chemtrails and planes running out of chemicals.

The sky is all the same and if chemtrails were just ice crystals then all the planes would have trails behind them and not just part of the sky.

Feb 22 2014 video of chemtrails in the morning where the sun rises....

Chemtrails are Real and I have found that the government pays a lot of money to have debunkers everywhere to try and keep the people blind and stupid to them.   The deniers expect people not to believe their own eyes and have thought up junk science to say it is 'simply ice crystals' which is ridiculous!

The deniers are so bad.  Someone said those that believe in chemtrails are worse than anything the government has ever done or what the chemtrails do.  That we are a danger to society.  That is how bad the deniers are in trying to suppress the truth.  I wrote about it:


  1. i did it anonymously because I'm in Alabama. i could either leave my name or tell my location. yesterday i noticed them where the sun was going down. my question for debunkers is, WHY DO THEY SPREAD OUT SO WIDE!! this infuriates me! there is no legitimate argument against them existing. mm mmm mm. nice vid. thanks!

  2. That is the thing about them. When the sun is going up and down they chemtrail blocking it. They also chemtrail the whole sky at other times when rain or snow is coming. But why block the sun all the time? What is it they don't want us to see?

  3. Well Sherrie, you asked, so I'll tell you. The reason in this video that the contrails stop is actually pretty simple.

    Once a plane reaches speed, the pilot does something called, "throttling back", or as people who drive cars call it, "letting off the accelerator". Once speed/altitude are achieved, the conditions that lead to contrails forming are changed; and trails will appear, disappear, or change in effect.

    An even easier explanation is as follows. Wetter air and drier air can exist very close to each other. Which is why clouds form in blobs, rather than be evenly dispersed throughout the atmosphere. By definition, where a cloud is, that air is wetter air than the drier air next to it, so contrails can form in that location more easily than in another.

    In short, it's really just that simple. Thanks for asking this and allowing me to answer. Hopefully people were able to learn something!

    1. LOL Yeah, sure... You are one of 'those' I can tell.

    2. Well Anonymous (afraid to give your name), the contrail starts well behind the engines but the chemtrails start at the nozzles and don't disappear like the contrails do after a minute or so. I hope you learned something and educate yourself further before posting misinformation in the future, drone boy.

    3. Those what? Scientist? Skeptic? Critical thinker?

      Think about what you're saying here Sherrie. You ask a question. You are then given evidence that is plausible, sensible, and best of all, verifiable. But you don't verify it. You don't look it up for yourself. instead you ignore it, put all the evidence and the people that give it to you in a box labeled, "one of those".

      It's a shame Sherrie. It's a shame because look where it can lead people. If someone will believe in chemtrails without evidence (DESPITE evidence actually), what won't someone believe? Hocus pocus cancer cures? Alien brains from Omega 7? Why not believe all of that stuff if you're simply going to ignore the evidence?

      Of course, it's your life. It's your situation and it's your website. Believe anything you want, and publish anything you want. I just think it's a shame that people are so credulous. That people can be critical of every actual wrong done by the government, but so uncritical about the strangest of things.

      Evaluate the evidence Sherrie. I really do invite you, and all your readers, to do so.

    4. It is amazing how the debunkers such as you. Try and turn the tables and say we are 'stupid' for not believing you. That we should not believe what we see ourselves, besides the mountains of evidence of chemical patents, planes with chemical tanks in them. Whistleblowers who have come out and revealed chemtrails. No, we are suppose to just believe what some say and not all the evidence.

      Of course because we won't be stupid you then have to start personal attacks. LOL

      It is all part of the game of debunkers. But the people are waking up to the truth anyway.

      I just put a new video out of the chemtrails this morning. :) Enjoy!

    5. Hello Sherrie,
      Wanted to say we are with you, and see the Chemtrails too, we shared this on our site

      Thank you for your work..

    6. Obviously you dont even know what a contrail is so how can you pass judgement or even begin to offer information about them? contrails last a maximum of 2 minutes. chemtrails last for at least an hour. do your research bud!

  4. What "Anonymous" posted is essentially true (if incredibly simplistic): pilots DO accelerate and throttle back, and dry air exists next to more humid air. However, all of that fails to explain why jet "exhaust" leaves trails that form clouds when they never used to; why we have grid-lines, Xs, As, and corkscrews in our skies on a near-constant basis; why today the sky in coastal Southern California looks much like the skies in Albuquerque, NM, Sidney AU, or Paris, France, when different climates and altitudes used to have differently-presenting skies; or why many of the aircraft that can be seen leaving trails don't show up on flight tracking software.

    Simply put, our skies look different from, say, a decade ago. Rather than relying solely on my memory, you never see the skies of today in, say, old western movies. And they never used to draw lines into the sky in animated films, either, but they do now.

    There are so many other questions I have that I can't get answers to, like why, with our air quality so much better than ever before, asthma rates are skyrocketing, along with neurological-related illnesses, like Alzheimer's and autism? Why is Monsanto marketing aluminum-resistant seeds? Why has the bee population plummeted? Why are we finding aluminum, strontium, and barium salts in rain water? Why are fungus-related diseases (in plants, animals, and humans) increasing?

    1. Air quality better than before? Can you document a source on that.?

  5. It really is amusing. Being 55 years old, I never saw a chemtrail in my entire childhood and up to my young adulthood of late 20's. I used to see contrails, almost every day... but never chemtrails. I still remember what a deep blue sky looks like, rather than the filthy grayish sky we have now.

  6. I agree with you Battlefield USA. I too am old enough to remember what skies used to look like. I was one of those kids who had a dad who was a pilot and we often looked at the sky together, at planes, and he explained contrails to me. I used to watch the skies on long road trips while I was a child passenger (what else is there to do but look out the window?) I have a very vivid visual memory of watching the contrails disappear a certain distance behind the planes. Never a "chemtrail" line. Never. I also remember the clear blue skies with different types of clouds but never a "chemtrail cloud." Never. This is quite recent. I now see normal contrails in the sky being formed right next to the "chemtrails." Hey, and I also observe something else: Contrails are smooth. Chemtrails are "bumpy" like there are little curls or spurts in them, at regular intervals. So, deniers, do explain what is different today, that "contrails" now spread out like that, whereas the contrails of my youth and most of my adulthood never did. And explain the bumps.

  7. The non-believers will perish. Find your strength in God for it is all you have left. We are being poisoned on a daily basis, nation wide and millions will eventually suffer. Pray for us all.

  8. Congress doesn't hold congressional hearings on geoengeering (chemtrails) based on conspiracies. Also, many meterologists have questioned artficial cloud cover and are told each time by the military that radar excercises are being conducted. Videos abound on youtube. The geoengineers aren't at all publicly denying chemtrails, they just won't say why it's being done. That too led to the Times reporting of 20% decline in sunlight, or the dramatic increase of respiratory related deaths in the last ten years. Oh and then there's millions upon millions of bees dropping dead and no one knows why.

  9. These chemtrails are obviously a last ditch effort to save our planet from deadly solar/cosmic rays. Why else would the nations around the world allow this. This is big. If you can't realize the seriousness of what we're seeing than I pray for you.

  10. It is important to note that, these trails are laden with Aluminum, barium, and strontium in levels that grossly exceed governmental safety standards. what we all need to start doing is testing our soil and surface water after a rain or snow that has followed heavy chemtrailing. Also, language is critical to tue cause so, to avoid the negative connotations associated with the word "chemtrail," we should use NASA's term, solar radiation management (I personally prefer geoengineering). I am currently sick with cold like symptoms for the 3rd time since January, all onsets of illness (coughing and sneezing) coincided with days of HEAVY geoengineering over Knoxville. Due to the nature of my job, I travel frequently and I have yet to find any town across America that has such heavy, concentrated levels of geoengineering as Knoxville. I acredit the unusually high concentration of this toxic spraying to our proximity to ORNL, a world leading entity in technology: namely, aerosols. This has been long winded and I apologize but I spend alot of time researching this topic as we all require clean air, water, and soil to survive. I leave you for now with a link to a documentary that is VERY informative and I pray yout watch it even if you must watch it in segments as I did. Thank you and keep your eyes up, always.

  11. Why do only some planes leave contrails, and why do they only cover the sky at certain times/days?
