The media of course is silent and most people believe Fukushima problems are history.
Here is a video from overnight at Fukushima. You can see the glowing fire and smoke coming from Reactor 3. That is of course the MOX fuel reactor. Here is my original post about MOX fuel.
A huge amount of radiation has been detected on the West Coast and other areas. Also the amount of radiated water that has gone into the Pacific has been in the millions of gallons.
Here is the live camera for the reactors. It does not show a fire any more.
Besides this there is a platform in the Gulf on fire and leaking oil at an estimated 6000 gallons a day besides natural gas.
OH... the media is all over that one too... informing everyone.
Through TRUTH we Will Create a Better World Together. There is no real division of left or right, religions, or anything else, it was all created to keep us separated. Coming together as ONE in Truth we are the Power! We CAN and WILL create the world as it is meant to be through Truth of What is and Ourselves! In Truth We Stand!
Monday, July 29, 2013
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Russia Today Live Video at Moscow Airport for Snowden Leaving due to Temporary Asylum being granted in Russia
UPDATE 11:18 AM - My Way News is saying his temporary asylum request is being held up and he will be at the airport longer now.
Live Video of Moscow Airport for when Snowden leaves as he was granted temporary Asylum in Russia
Live Video of airport
MOSCOW (AP) - A lawyer advising National Security Agency leaker Edward Snowden says his asylum status has not been resolved and that he is going to stay at the Moscow airport for now.
Anatoly Kucherena, who was visiting the American at Moscow's Sheremetyevo airport on Wednesday, said that migration officials are still looking at this asylum request and that this process had been drawn out.
Kucherena said that Snowden is staying in the transit zone "for now" and "intends to stay in Russia, study Russian culture."
Live Video of Moscow Airport for when Snowden leaves as he was granted temporary Asylum in Russia
Live Video of airport
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Obama Sponsor of Stand Your Ground in Illinois and Whistleblower Act. Video of Illinois State Govt. site.
Showing the Illinois State Government site and bill information with Obama as sponsor of the Stand your Ground Bill in Illinois and the Whistleblower Act.
stand your ground,
whistleblower act
For the Fun of it... Super Silly daughter on New Years 2011 and Mom and Daughter discovering Video Clip art
These two videos are for the fun of it.
Super Silly daughter that is hilarious on New Years 2011.
Mom (me) and daughter discovering video clip art and having fun with it.
Here is the channel I started of "Mom and Daughter" on youtube for the fun of it when I found old videos on the computer.
Super Silly daughter that is hilarious on New Years 2011.
Mom (me) and daughter discovering video clip art and having fun with it.
Here is the channel I started of "Mom and Daughter" on youtube for the fun of it when I found old videos on the computer.
crazy daughter,
mom and daughter,
new years 2011
Bill O'Reilly - Message on "Black" Conversation that everyone needs to hear! Also I was approached by a security person this weekend, I did not attack him.
I am not in the least a Bill O'Reilly fan. In fact I don't like him as he skewers the facts as all media personalities do to fit their agenda.
But, this time he got it exactly right!
This is a video everyone needs to listen to, due to how the media and Obama are trying to start a race war in this country and implying African Americans are victims.
The facts are African American's need to raise themselves up and start having "family" units and stop listening to the "gangsta" music.
This last weekend I was at a university, where my niece is going. We were looking around when we were approached by a security person for the University, wondering what we were doing.
We simply explained we were looking around and why. We did not attack him for asking us what we were doing, though he had followed us up to a building.
Were we profiled? Did the security person have a right to ask us what we were doing? Would we have had a right to attack him and bang his head on the ground and try to hurt him for asking us what we were doing?
So....... the "excuses" and those trying to make Trayvon Martin a "victim" for Zimmerman approaching him are all part of a race war they are trying to start.
Who hasn't been approached at one time or another by a security person wanting to know what they were doing?
Bill O'Reilly,
Black conversation.,
George Zimmerman,
race war,
trayvon martin,
Monday, July 15, 2013
People and Media Upset over a Not Guilty Verdict.... But NOT over the Government Spying on everything they do against our Constitution???!!!
I have to highlight something very glaringly obvious....
People are so upset in some arenas about Zimmerman's Not guilty verdict and are protesting and blocking the highways. The media is so beside themselves over it and the celebrities and famous personalities are all over twitter about it.......
Yet...... WHAT ABOUT OUR ORWELLIAN GOVERNMENT???!!! What about NSA spying on everything we do? What about how all Androids have a NSA backdoor code? What about Bill Gates and Microsoft providing the Government all encryption codes for their software to spy on our computers? What about drones spying on us through the air? What about the lawlessness of the government who has shredded every constitutional Amendment we have? What about our Bill of Rights?
SERIOUSLY!!???? Where are people's brains these days?
Why aren't people realizing the purposable division and hate being created by the media and government?
Why haven't people taken to the streets over that?
I noticed the police are allowing the spur of the moment protest on the streets of various cities around the country for the "Trayvon" cause. Yet, if people did spur of the moment protest against the government... they would be put in jail and the protest would be stopped due to "Not having a permit to protest."
Where is the justice..... where are people for STANDING UP FOR THE COUNTRY and What is Right? Standing UP for TRUTH and Stopping the Orwellian society that is being created?
Look at how they are persecuting Snowden, when he has had the guts to STAND UP for ALL OF US! Where are the People.... protesting for Snowden to be allowed to travel to a country for safe haven? Where is the support for Snowden on the streets for telling the Truth?
Is it because the media is not flaming the emotions and in fact are trying to put out any fires of support for Snowden?
Don't people then realize how the media is nothing but Propaganda for the government and those who control?
I wrote about how Shocked I have been at the media and their coverage of the Zimmerman Not Guilty Verdict and how literally Appalling the overt race baiting is from them.
Where are emotions for Truth and our Rights?
Don't you think that something that affects all of us and everyone in the world is more important that one person who was defending himself against an attack?
So where are the Protests for our Rights and our Freedoms? That not important enough?
Orwellian society,
trayvon martin,
Sunday, July 14, 2013
Shocked and Appalled at the Biased, Inflammatory and Unprofessional reporting by CNN and MSNBC of Zimmerman NOT GUILTY Verdict
I am completely Appalled and literally Shocked on the media coverage of George Zimmerman's "NOT GUILTY" verdict.
I have not turned on the TV in weeks, but I did after the verdict.
What I heard and still am hearing, as I have the TV on is simply inflammatory and completely Biased! WTF?! Both CNN and MSNBC are saying it is all racist... they are making inflammatory claims.
Here is a perfect example.. Nancy Grace - holding back tears and says "As clear as black and white" when reporting on the verdict last night: (she looks like a vampire... trying to suck the blood of the people, imo, here)
The media falsely portrayed Martin as a "young kid" in all their photos, when he was a 17 year old. They still refer to him as a "young child."
Besides that, please know that the DOJ (Department of Justice) was behind Trayvon Protest - they funded them.
The amount of race baiting is shocking from the media... they are saying Blacks don't get justice in the courtroom and the jury was not the peers of Trayvon.
I watched last night, as MSNBC had on saying it was due to the race, Zimmerman was not convicted and also implied that the gun lobby was a big part of the problem.
This woman Melissa Perry Harris on MSNBC is one of the worst for race baiting and it is completely shocking how she is saying blacks are not safe against racial hate. How are they allowed to do this? How can the news be so biased and do such race baiting?
The amount of hate the media is trying to cause from one race to another is appalling. I have never seen anything like this! Why are they doing this? Why are they trying to get people enraged and have a race war?
Here is a tweet from a MSNBC anchor - Goldie Taylor right after the verdict:
It is completely crazy how the media is being inflammatory in racial tones.
Mark O'Mara said it perfectly at the end of the press conference last night about what the media and government have done in this case:
What O'Mara says about the media in the clip:
Here is Obama and "If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon.: He even got into the race baiting in the beginning. The NAACP is petitioning the Federal government to charge Zimmerman for civil rights.
Here is a perfect example.. Nancy Grace - holding back tears and says "As clear as black and white" when reporting on the verdict last night: (she looks like a vampire... trying to suck the blood of the people, imo, here)
The media falsely portrayed Martin as a "young kid" in all their photos, when he was a 17 year old. They still refer to him as a "young child."
Besides that, please know that the DOJ (Department of Justice) was behind Trayvon Protest - they funded them.
The amount of race baiting is shocking from the media... they are saying Blacks don't get justice in the courtroom and the jury was not the peers of Trayvon.
I watched last night, as MSNBC had on saying it was due to the race, Zimmerman was not convicted and also implied that the gun lobby was a big part of the problem.
This woman Melissa Perry Harris on MSNBC is one of the worst for race baiting and it is completely shocking how she is saying blacks are not safe against racial hate. How are they allowed to do this? How can the news be so biased and do such race baiting?
The amount of hate the media is trying to cause from one race to another is appalling. I have never seen anything like this! Why are they doing this? Why are they trying to get people enraged and have a race war?
Here is a tweet from a MSNBC anchor - Goldie Taylor right after the verdict:
What O'Mara says about the media in the clip:
“Two systems went against George Zimmerman that he can’t understand: you guys, the media. He was like a patient in an operating table where a mad scientists were committing experiments on him and he he had no anesthesia,” an agitated O’Mara said after a reporter asked if Zimmerman ever showed emotion. “He didn’t know why he was turned into this monster, but quite honestly you guys had a lot to do with it. You just did. Because you took a story that was fed to you and you ran with it, and you ran right over him. And that was horrid to him. “Then he comes into a system that he trusts — let’s not forget, six voluntary statements, voluntary surrender — and he believes in a system that he really wanted to be a part of, right? And then he gets prosecutors that charge him with a crime that they could never, ever, prove. … So those two systems failed him.”
Here is Obama and "If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon.: He even got into the race baiting in the beginning. The NAACP is petitioning the Federal government to charge Zimmerman for civil rights.
Here is what the media has never mentioned... they only say Martin was a young kid, they have not released the teenage pictures of him with a gun, drugs nor his violent tweets. The Daily Caller released some Martin tweets... that spoke about killing and used profanity.
This is what I have to say about it all.
Please don't listen to the media nor the government. Their aim is to divide the people and for people to hate one another.
The truth is "We are all ONE" we are living different lives with different experiences. But we need to keep LOVE in our hearts and minds, as hard as it is most times. We need to not hate one another due to their color, religion, nor politics. We need to all work together for Truth of ourselves and our world.
How did I get the above from the Martin case? Because of the amount of hate the media is trying to cause between the people.
Please... don't fall for it. We can not fall for the agenda of division of people by the media, government and those who try and control everything. Keep our focus on Truth and Knowledge of who we are and why we are here. The more we do that, the more truth will come out.
What the media is doing in trying to provoke people is not working at this time. Though that Melissa Harris person is on MSNBC right now saying one inflammatory comment and opinion after another regarding it all.
But not just the media and government.... celebrities have joined the fray. Beyonce and a moment of silence after the verdict during a concert in Nashville.
Tweets from an NFL player saying Zimmerman won't last a week, Tweet from Kevin Hart, a comedian and actor giving out Zimmerman's address - for people to get him.
Celebrity tweets that are outrageous regarding the verdict.
Tweets from members of the government about the verdict.
Here are disturbing tweets from others after the verdict.
Then you have Jamie Foxx who has been working the race baiting by wearing a shirt showing Martin as a 12 year old during the BET awards and during the MTV awards .... the LIES.. by not showing the 17 year old Martin and it proves their inflammatory stance.
I will never watch another movie with any of these people in it.
We stand together and letting the media, government, celebrities know: We will not fall into your trap of you trying to cause division and violence!
George Zimmerman,
main stream media,
melissa harris,
nancy grace,
not guilty verdict,
trayvon martin
Saturday, July 13, 2013
Lies of the Banks/Politicians/Media - Las Vegas Proves it! Vegas Underground City of Homeless while thousands of houses empty.
The amount of lies that come out of banks, politicians and the media is enormous!
Las Vegas is a perfect example that proves the lies.
Here is an article from May, saying how Vegas has bounced back and how the property prices have risen and there is lots of building going on.
Portions From article:
Home prices in Las Vegas and Phoenix, two of the hardest-hit cities when the housing market collapsed, are outpacing improvement in overall U.S. prices by a significant margin.Dennis Smith, president of Las Vegas-based Home Builders Research, said in his Las Vegas Housing Market Letter that the median price of April new home closings climbed 19.2% to $238,820. Home sales totaled 2,279 during the first four months of the year, an 86% increase that Smith called “an unbelievable change.”
In Las Vegas, prices have soared as the supply of available houses lags behind demand.
What is wrong with that News Media article and how is it a lie?
Utility data showed nearly 64,000 vacant homes in Las Vegas at the end of last September, only 8,000 of which are on the market. Meanwhile, new home sales are up 87% and new building permits are up 52% this year.
“It has been a nightmare,” says the 37-year-old U.S. Air Force officer. “There are plenty of empty houses, but they’re just not for sale.”
Among the nation’s 30 largest metro areas, Las Vegas had the highest share of loans that were 90 days or more past due but not yet referred to foreclosure as of April, according to the most recent data from Lender Processing Services.
So, the above proves how they are all lying about a "recovery". They are hiding the truth of it all and lying about it!
Now..... besides the lies and what we know are illegal foreclosures by MERS banks. Let's look at where those people are from the 64000 foreclosed on vacant homes.
What is completely disgusting to me.. is the banks illegally foreclosed on these people and they are letting the 64000 + houses sit empty and the people live in tunnels underground in Vegas.
How has society gotten so far down? How is it the banks are so callous, not to even rent the house for a dollar a day or something as that...and instead allow the houses to deteriorate and the people homeless?
Phen, from GLP forum contacted me and let me know they (GLPVC - Raw Feed) will be going to Las Vegas and doing shows about the homeless in the tunnels.
The Raw Feed's team of investigative journalists, who host a net radio show, is taken there show on the road and will be going to Nevada onMonday Aug 19 thru Aug 22 2013 to report LIVE on the underground cities and the homeless who live beneath, and in the rain tunnels.
They will be doing two things. Shining the light on the people's situation more and trying to raise money for them.
I remember how Las Vegas flooded last year and I wondered about the homeless there. Imagine how they lost everything last year during the floods.
We the People need to have more compassion for those who have not been able to stand up for themselves and to try and help, however we can.
I love that GLP is going to try and help the people and try and shine the light on those who live underground. I hope they video it and put a documentary together about it, including going by some of the deserted subdivisions filled with thousands of empty illegally foreclosed on homes that are bank owned. That will show the lies of the banks and media, along with Harry Reid saying how "great" Vegas's housing market is now.
Here are some pictures of houses in Vegas - The Truth of Vegas!
When we bring truth out together and bring others up, we not just help them but we help ourselves and our world. When we begin to truthfully face what is happening to others we can add light to the situation and try and make our world better.
Harry Reid,
Las Vegas,
Lies of banks,
Raw Feed,
underground vegas,
Thursday, July 4, 2013
4th of July. We have no right to celebrate it. Where is the American Spirit which formed this country in the First Place?
Today is the Fourth of July. It is an American holiday of our Independence from Control of Britain.
It is actually a sad today, in my opinion. Why?
Our great country was formed by people who risked their lives and fought for Liberty and Justice and Freedom for ALL!
Think about what the fore fathers went through. Think about what the people went through during that time.
They were determined to have Freedom! They were determined to not be controlled and made slaves of by the British. They envisioned a more "Perfect Union" for All!
Many lost their lives to fight for our Freedoms. It is not the same as what the military are doing now. Even though the government tries to say all the wars are for "Our Freedoms and Democracy", we know it is for their control of another country.
We have no right to celebrate the Fourth of July anymore! American's have lost their spirit. Americans have given up their Freedoms. Americans have given up their liberty. American's have given up their basic human rights to Privacy. Americans are about to give up their country.
The people from 1776 would be disgusted and appalled today at how Americans have allowed the country they fought for go into an Orwellian and Dictatorship type control. They would cry and wonder why the Americans today have allowed the country to go the way it has.
![]() |
Upside down flag, Country in Distress |
How can Americans sit back and allow our constitutional rights be shredded? We have no rights to privacy anymore, all due to the "War on Terror."
I ask every American today to think back and imagine what it was like for those who fought for this country to be a Free country. I ask every American to embody the Spirit of the basis for this country and how we were guaranteed basic human rights of Free Speech, Free from Oppressive government control, and Rights to Privacy besides our Right to Bear Arms!
I want Americans to reflect on what has happened to this country the last few decades and how our "leaders" have taken down the road they have.
I ask Americans to look at what other people are doing in other countries and how they are standing up for their country and their rights!
Where are Americans today? Where is the American Spirit?
Americans have no right to celebrate the Fourth of July today! They don't have that right because the Fourth of July is about Freedom! We no longer have those Freedoms due to American in action of standing for what the original Fourth of July is about!
No man can be oppressed without his consent. No man can continue to
be a victim without his permission. It is a CHOICE to give up one's liberty
rather than to fight to preserve it. Each person on the planet is born with the
same right to Freedom, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. When one person oppresses another, the victim
still has his rights. He is just choosing not to assert
THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS. Rather, Americans have GIVEN UP their freedoms,
liberty and the right to pursue happiness to others who now control global
commerce and military militias. We still have our rights! We are not asserting them. We are choosing to
allow ourselves to be treated a certain way. It will continue to get worse
until we refuse to be oppressed, enslaved, controlled and
an illegal law does not make the law legal. Any law that distorts or impedes
the Constitution is illegal. It is not illegal to resist an illegal "law". In
fact, the founding fathers wrote that it is a moral imperative to resist such a
force. Americans have chosen not to resist assaults on the Constitution.
Fourth of July,
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