
Monday, March 4, 2013

Tennessee State Militia/Guard has stopped DHS armored Vehicles from Kentucky - Russians with DHS Eagle uniforms

UPDATE - 3/11/13 9:00 pm - My investigation and first hand reports of Russians in E. Tn and much more, during my trip over the weekend to Gatlinburg, Tennessee. 

 Tennessee State Militia/Guard.
The various units of the Tn. State Guard are listed here. 

Let me explain the Tennessee State Guard first.   22 Governors got together last year and created State Militia/Guards that can not be federalized as the National Guards can be.  They also did this due to the Federal government taking the equipment from the National Guards and sending it over to Iraq and Afghanistan.  When the Governors have requested the equipment back for the state the Federal government has said "It is too expensive to bring back."  The states have had to do without equipment for any emergencies of the individual states.

3/5/13 9:14 am - Correction: The Tennessee State Guard has been around for a few years.

The governors decided they would form their own State Militias/Guards that can not be controlled by the federal government at any time and they are strictly under the State control along with all the equipment purchased.

The person who contacted me, did so due to my article about the DHS armored vehicles and the picture I took of one when I was in Kentucky. 

Here are the pictures I took.

Armored DHS vehicle in Kentucky

Armored DHS vehicle in Kentucky

Edit - 7:00am 3/8/13 - I have edited the content that was here, due to people getting in trouble about releasing this information.  Even though it is a State Government entity it is still a government entity and they are very upset this information was released to me.  I have taken off the email contents and references.  But I stand by the information of Russian DHS personnel transporting these vehicles.  Truth gets people upset when they would prefer for it to be hidden.

They told me that the uniforms were not typical DHS uniforms but they had Eagles on their sleeves and it was stressed these were different DHS uniforms than regular ones.   The Russian/Eastern troops were not armed that were in the DHS uniforms and they were very polite to the State Militia.  They were stopped from coming into Tennessee.  This person told me that in Gatlinburg, Tennessee people are reporting being questioned and stopped by DHS that are Russian.

I wrote about how I found out the Smoky Mountains are part of the UN last year, as most of our National Parks, including the Grand Canyon, Statue of Liberty, etc. after I saw a plaque (took pictures of it) at Newfoundland Gap last year.

 I have to wonder if Russian UN/DHS troops are now being placed around the Smoky Mountains.

I have researched and found what could be the Military installation that the armored vehicle came from pictured in the area of Kentucky, I saw them.   It is The Bluegrass Army Chemicals installation of 14600 acres.    That installation has 523 tons of Nerve Chemical weapons.   It is also a possible FEMA camp.  It has a very strange layout.  All of that information is in the video.

Video about the Russian Troops, DHS vehicles, 22 State Guard/Militias, Kentucky Chemical Depot/FEMA camp?, UN Biospheres:

Fox News story about Obama signing an agreement with Russia in 2011 and the Russian training in Colorado last year.

Portion of article:

The training is the result of a U.S.-Russian agreement signed a year ago. The objectives are to create a basic relationship between the two nations' militaries and to build an understanding about how each other's military works, including communications, Osterholzer said.
That knowledge is vital in joint military and humanitarian operations such as anti-terrorism measures and disaster relief, he said.

Pictures from the Russians training last year in Colorado are on this forum and this page at the bottom. 

Edit to add, thought - 3/5/13 7:41 Am - If the U.S. government plans on having Russian DHS troops, due to not caring about the U.S. citizens to handle the people for any unrest, due to them not believing U.S. citizens troops will follow orders to disarm the people or doing what they think needs to be done.  They haven't thought this out completely.  

They were shocked that after Sandy Hook all guns and ammo went flying off the shelves, from my understanding they were not expecting that, they expected the opposite.   

They believe the Russians will shoot the people without hesitation?  Well it goes the other way too.  The U.S. citizens will not hesitate to shoot any Russian soldier that comes to their doors or tries to disarm the people.   Remember it goes both ways... no hesitation on either side to shoot the other.  The law abiding citizens of the U.S. will stand by their Freedom and Rights and will definitely stand by those rights against foreign DHS troops. 

Edit to Add:  3/8/13-  First hand account of Russian Troops in Asheville N.C. 

Edit to Add: 3/9/13 - Pictures I captured of a military shipment going through Knoxville on 3/8/13 - Electromagnetic motors/energy weapons. 

Update 3/11/13 10 am est - I investigated all of this myself this past weekend.  I am writing the article and all the first hand account information I found.  Some of it is shocking.  I will link it here when I am done.  So check back for the new article at a later point.


  1. Those van`s are UN. Agenda 21 NWO is what you are seeing! Be careful, drive a big truck! They will run you over and say oopps! I heard they were being watched but you know how rumors are!

    1. The take over of America has begun while people slept or laughed at the ones shouting out the warnings. This government, not our government, has purchased billions of rounds of ammunition to use against the public. They have built over eight hundred prisons, and over 3000 interment camps with our money, and have thousands of prison railway cars to transport millions of Americans to their DHS death camps. This is treason from the highest offices in the land, and to back them up they have brought in hundreds of thousands of foreign troops to back them up when they make their move.

    2. Yep and how can our politicians be so gullible and stupid. By the time they wise up the takeover will be well underway! Sometimes I think they ALL know about this and are just keeping us busy with all this political hoopla until everything is in place!

    3. You are correct. What did the 'Bolsheviks' ("Jews") do, once they gained control in Russia, and executed the Romanov Family?

      The Hidden History of Jewish Bolshevism & Freemasonry

      Remember, it was Jacob Schiff, Rothschild-Agent ON WALL ST., who handed Leo Trotsky (Lev Bronstein) $20 Million, in 1917, before Trotsky boarded a ship in NY Harbor, bound for Russia, and the overthrow of the Romanovs. Many of the so-called "Jews" who participated in the overthrow of the Romanovs, were from New York. Lenin boarded a sealed train in Germany, and was secreted into Russia, with a few more so-called European "Jews". He also received financial backing from the Central Bankers of Europe.

  2. Bluegrass army depot stores chemical weapons. But it is primarily an ammo dump. The roads on base are access roads between ammo storage bunckers. As far as I know there is no detention facility ther. I play golf there from time to time and it certainly functions like a large ammo dump.

    Also, there is a facility there that refits avionics for military helicopters. I doubt there is any type of underground structure because they are constantly blowing up out of date ordinance. It has been a problem here because people have had the foundations of their house cracked by it.

    One more point...the road you saw the black MRAPS come from leads to Boonesboro state park. Past that it is a narrow and winding road. I can't imagine thy would drive that truck through there because it r6ms along a creek and constantly slides over the bank. It has been repaved many times in recent decades and residents stay on the state about keeping it repaired. Convoys of these vehicles would be noticed and complained about.

    I am not trying to deminish what you are saying though. I have seen d8zens of MRAPS on trucks near the 95 exit or I75 over the past few years. They have all been military variants and all have continued south. I have never seen a black one and the fact that you have , the huge DHS order, and the location of your pics (which I will confirm to be taken in winchester) all makes me worry. I have no doubt my town will be overrun with security if anything happ3ns because we have the largest ammo dump in the SE US here. My worry is it may already be starting if we are seeing civilianized be7ng transported toward a very demilitarized eastern ky. There is nothing there that requires light armor for security.

    1. Thank you for your reply. I was searching around for where this vehicle could have come from and the Bluegrass Army depot is the only military type installation I could find around there. You play golf in the ammo dump? Can you get me into it? I would love to meet you there and you help me get in to look around. :) Please contact me if that is possible.

      It was coming from a side road, I do remember that. Which one I can not say for sure.

      Do you have any Russian DHS troops that are around the area now?

      Where else could this armored vehicle be coming from? Why was it on that road to Winchester? Also it turned left at those lights to get on the highway there which goes to Lexington and connects to Hwy 75.

      Please contact me. I really want to investigate this as much as possible, the Army depot and the Russian DHS troops.

    2. As others and I say: "The country is gone!" Our civil liberties and the people's inherent unalienable rights mean nothing/NADA to any of "them".Be careful and very vigilant in your travels out there. Keep posting more as more pics. are taken. THanks.

  3. The only addition to your excellent article would be that the TN State Guard has existed for quite some time. The guard meets with its other state counterparts EVERY year. We need people (especially those with previous military experience) to join.

    1. I live in Ky. This was on the news last night. This building might be a cover! Here is the link.

    2. Wow, Thank you. Interesting article about that building and how it was designed in 2003 and construction began in 2006. It is a huge building in the Bluegrass Army depot now.

    3. I found this site on google earth and could see this building still under construction. No telling when google earth was last updated. fyi....\

  4. Please read: "The Way home or face The Fire".

    Malachi 4:1 For, behold, the Day cometh, that shall burn like an oven; and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the "I AM" Lord of hosts, that it shall leave of them neither root nor branch (nothing).

    The man that wrote " The Way home or face The Fire " also made the DVD
    " 7/7 Ripple Effect " about the London bombings in 2005. This man's name is
    John Anthony Hill, His Spirit-being ( names ) are: JAH, Muad'Dib and Elijah.

    Friends of Muad'Dib:

    Muad'Dib means " Teacher of Righteousness " in Arabic.
    Psalms 68:4 Sing unto God, sing praises to His name: extol Him that rideth upon the heavens by His name JAH, and rejoice before Him.

  5. All I can say is what important information. I have been telling my husband how easy this can become a reality. They have mockingly put symbols and Twilight language in our media, I mean saturated with red dawn symbolism which is how they have communicated since the Bolshvik takeover of Russia. Just like the Democratic Conventions "mistake" of displaying the Russian Military equipment instead of American. Eyes open, probably wont be long before all communications are shut down. Praying for an awakening. Thank you Sherrie.

  6. Is the U.S. flag on the front quarter pannel backwards?

    1. Let's think about this... As the vehicle moves forward, wind pushes backward, flag always flows with the wind, this is not new. Direction of flag is determined by the left or right side location on equipment/uniform. It will be in the reversed position to what you see if on the other side of the vehicle which would then not look backwards to you. A flag on a pole does the very same thing, nothing strange there, but good to stay alert regardless.

    2. Yes. It is backwards, and is a decal, not a real flag subject to the wind. If u enlarge the pic u can see that it is square and straight and the lettering below it is equal in length. If that's the wind, it's blowing mighty hard.

    3. The blue field is suppose to be to the front of a vehicle and uniforms always. It comes from the cavalry days showing the colors are never in retreat.

    4. Charles, Correct i'm glad someone got it rightIt also means you r going into danger (into the storm) soto speak, and which way would the flag be fluring? Backwards

  7. In other words you are too frightened to really print the truth!

  8. These MRAP trucks are out in large numbers ranging from six to twenty along with other Air Force pickups & up-armored humvees (which have 50 cal, mk19 & smaller m249/m240 style weapons mounted on the turrets) when there is "maintenance" activities conducted on the northern air defense systems around Great Falls, MT. The largest convoys usually have a tractor-trailer large enough to transport whatever is in the underground silos. As I understand it, we used to have around 5,000 nukes in 2008 that have been reduced to under 1,500 since January of 2009 with a goal to get them down to around 300 so we have no more than any other nation. With the number of convoys I have personally witnessed between Lincoln, MT and Minot, ND over the past year, I can very easily believe there is a steady, yet suspicious, reduction in force taking place along the defensive systems of our northern border.

  9. Sherrie, early in the vid...those lines that look like streets. They look very much like streets in a housing development waiting for delivery of housing units. In this case, not mobile homes. In the current context, it brings to mind movies of prison camps. Maybe not. Or maybe they were constructed with a plan in mind for personnel housing in the future. Or maybe for both. Maybe not. But whatever they were intended for, we know what they could be used for.

  10. Sherrie, this comment is OT and doesn't need to be posted, but, FYI, a while back I was going through thousands of WTC 9/11 vids. In one a guy was roaming around the rubble in the midst of the disaster when everyone was in a state of confusion and dust was still falling. He came upon a uniformed person and asked him a question about what happened. The uniformed guy said, essentially, "Leave now. A bomb is about to go off." The guy with the videocam left, but neither he nor any commenters picked up on this: the uniformed guy spoke in a heavy Russian accent. I took Russian language for three years and I know what I heard. Um...gee...and hey, how did he know a bomb was about to go off? Veddy interesnaya.

  11. Sorry but no. You need to do some more research on State Guards. They weren't created last year. State Guards (also called State Defense Forces) date back to the founding of this country. In 1933, Title 32 USC separated them from the National Guard, making the states' National Guard forces dual role and the State Guards state-only. The current Tennessee State Guard was formed in 1985 after becoming inactive in the late 1940's.

    As to TNSG troops intercepting some convoy of foreign soldiers in DHS MRAP's, nope. Didn't happen. I serve in a State Defense Force to the south of TN and trust me we would have heard. For that matter, something this unprecedented would have been all over the national news as soon as it happened and would still be the top story tonight.

    Listen, it's a nice thought, imagining some state Governor growing a pair and standing up to Federal tyranny and I totally agree with it, but not TNSG. They're only about 500 strong and are unarmed troops who fill unarmed DSCA roles in the event of an emergency. Same with all State Guards, including mine.

    1. Yes, I corrected the information that they have been around before last year as the person that gave me the information about the Russian DHS contacted me to correct that part. As far as the other part, I stand by it. The person has utmost integrity and they told me this was told to them by the High Command of the Tn. State Guard. I believe them and I do plan on investigating it to my fullest abilities.

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. I sent an email to him earlier and have not gotten a response back yet. As soon as I get something from him I am going to get the information out. I have asked him about the foreign DHS personnel and about the State Guard.

    4. I have removed the comment with the cell phone number of the commander at this time. I have an email and a call to him, which I did previously. I don't want his cell phone to get over run at the moment. Calling the office of the Tennessee State Guard is different than calling the personal cell phone of someone.

  12. Sherrie, As important as where the vehicles were coming from is where they were going to? I would think the people that stopped them would have naturally asked that question. Any information on that?

  13. Wow, Gatlinburg huh? I live a stone's throw from there. Haven't noticed any of these jokers around. But not worried about disarmament....we well armed mountain folk know the highways and byways better than some "feriner!"

  14. If you haven't seen the new "red dawn" movie you need to. I can see parts of it happening. With every article I read. And pay paticular close attention to the flags on the US armed forces equippment being used by north korian forces it is a joint forces type flag the US flag with the red star of north koria over laid on it. Watch it analise it, learn it, I see it happening oh and russian special forces wear un powder blue berets? Towards the end there is some guys from "free america show up and tell of the north korians invading the west coast and russia in vading the east coast. I saw the movie before it was released and before it was know that north koria has a low yeild high EMP warhead cause that's how it all starts in the movie.

  15. I normally don't Comment on these types of "Articles" because as a individual with common sense it smells like BS. So far the only person reporting on this is YOU and although there's many Websites distributing your Posts, none of them have bothered to Investigate it themselves.

    I take issue with the fact that you captured this Image on what appears to be a heavily traveled road. Did nobody else notice these Transports? Why are you the only one to speak of it?

    Secondly, I also take Issue with the fact that your Blog is Advertisement enabled. As a FREE Blog, why do you need to make money?

    It's been my experience that only those who are in it for the Money and not necessarily the "Truth" are the ones whom Profit from ignorant people. If the Television Show, The X-Files were still around, this would make for an excellent Episode.

    Then there's the Photo itself which I'll admit I'm not a Photo Analysis Expert, but there appears to be a bit of Manipulation present. Now of course as a Photographer myself, sometimes if the Camera that took the Image is crap, this will explain the artifacts upon blowing the image up.

    Let me put it this way, in my opinion the Alleged Roswell UFO Crash of 1947 is more credible than Russians in DHS Uniforms driving American Hardware on American Soil.

    Feel Free not to post my Comment, I'll be touching base with this on my own website later this morning and will include this message in full.

    I will suggest however that if you think this is the real deal, then you head out on an excursion and see for yourself. All I see is Conjecture and unsubstantiated Rumor.

    To be fair though, I've Bookmarked you and will check back time to time to see if your Investigation has yielded further results. Thanks for your time.

    1. I welcome anyone to test my photos. On my original article someone tried to say they were photoshopped. I have laughed, because that is a normal way of someone who makes money commenting in forums and blogs. Besides that I would have absolutely no clue how to photoshop anything. Funny, too since there are so many other pictures out now showing the armored vehicles, exactly as I got the photo of it. As for all your other accusations. People are smart and I have full confidence everyone can use their own critical thinking regarding what you wrote and know there are those who are hired....

  16. I live in Berea just south of BGAD and I can vouch. There has been a lot more convoys lately. Wonder if they are using the layoffs and such as a cover up to disarray any suspicion though?

    1. I love the Berea area, especially the Amish store there right off the highway, at the road across from Walmart. I stop there every time I go through the area. Have you seen these DHS type vehicles that are just brown, as I did that day? I am wondering if they are repainting them to DHS somewhere in Kentucky and if it is at the Blue Grass Army Depot (BGAD)? There were so many of them that day when I got this picture, but they were all tan. I have to wonder where the vehicle I pictured was coming from. Why was it on that road between 75 and Winchester? It would not have gotten off to go on 627 just to get back on the highway in Winchester. (It turned at that light and the highway is just beyond it to Lexington and connecting to Hwy 75). That means it came from somewhere over in that area to get on the highway. I am not sure what road it was coming from and turning right on. I have looked at the map and BGAD seems to be the only possible place. But why did it go on the small road to 627 and not get on the highway at Richmond? There are lots of questions about it. But if there are continued convoys of these vehicles before they are painted... are they being painted somewhere around there?

  17. Just like all the other Conspiracy Theories this one isn't holding up weight although I will admit that during my Limited Research from the past couple of hours that these DHS Vehicles appear to be REAL. As for what your source claims, I cannot believe it. Now if you would like to share your source with me or at least give me some Information that I can use to Investigate further such as his Brigade, Unit Number, or anything else which is related to factual information I, like everyone else am only left to your word.

    We don't know each other that well, so regardless of Critical Thinking Skills, there's not much to go on. The little I've read online about Russians in America is chalk full of Looney tunes Characters whom rely upon Legend and Myth instead of Cold hard evidence.

    1. I am privileged to know a member of our country's Special Forces. He confirmed joint training with Russian military personnel in CO. This was just in normal conversation, he would have no reason to not tell the truth. I expressed no concern or opinion at the time, it just came up in conversation about his latest assignments...the ones he could talk about. this pretty much tells me that the joint operations between US and Russian forces in CO did, in fact, occur...

  18. The Tennessee State Guard did not stop this vehicle. I live in Tennessee and I am familiar with the Tennessee State Guard and they have no authority to stop any vehicles. In fact they have very little authority to do anything other than train themselves to be able to function at the direction of the Governor of the State of Tennessee through the Military Department, specifically the Adjutant General. The facts are wrong about the formation of the Tennessee State Guard and the facts are wrong about their stopping a vehicle on a highway or rest stop.

  19. In Richmond, those streets with mounds are underground bunkers. It's very clear on bing maps.

  20. A friend of mine from the Texas/Louisiana area told me that a business associate of his was hunting in Appalacia with a physician friend. They heard some people speaking Russian and went to see what was going on. As they were watching, some of the contingent recognized them and ordered them to leave. When they asked why, the top official said, "just leave-or be shot!" They then left! Now here are the Russians! We have the gun-grabbers trying to disarm us and we have orders for anyone in the news media to be arrested and sent to a detention center. What more proof do you need that this dangerous idiot president has bad intentions for us? He simply kills anyone who disagrees with him in the least!

    1. Gangster activity is also a possibility. They're making a fortune in the drug and ID theft trade. The last time I was in Cancun, Mx was in Jan. 2009. The hotel was rotten with Russians. Events that happened there caused me to leave early, cancel my credit card and freeze my credit when I got back. I was flat out paranoid after 4 Russians showed up at my local restaurant 2 months later. One of them is still in this area. I see him weekly on the highway. I imagine he is some sort of drug dealer, most are. I was expecting to have to kill or be killed for a couple of years after that incident.

    2. Then your obviously an ignorant biggot who thinks all russians are drug/arms dealers.... and you went to cancun and saw russians that were likely criminals? I go to cancun and see Americans that are likely criminals too, every time I see one standing behind me breathing heavily with obesity I fear for my life of being crushed to death.... Take your ignorant paranoia elsewhere.

  21. I'm sure these vehicles exist and that they do exist is bad enough however, this did not happen in Tennessee. I live in Sevier County which is where Gatlinburg is and this is not happening here. Whoever your reliable source is they aren't reliable at all. I can't stand this administration or this president but making stuff up to get peopled riled up is best left to the Democrats.

  22. here is the link to the company that makes and transports those vehicles

  23. Use Google Earth and you can make out some of the vehicles near Kentucky Blvd and the entrance gates. I could see them also on Mapquest satellite view but you could not get any closer than 200 foot......but things are different now. Tonight I went on Mapquest and it has been scrubbed. It looks like they spilled something on it...coincidence, I think not.

  24. Have you tried getting a Police Scanner and tuning into the DHS Frequencies? If there IS any type of Russian involvement it should be easy to spot with a Scanner. I've been listening to an Online Scanner from Knoxville County Dispatch and to be honest all I hear is Rednecks. lmao.

    Listen for yourself!

    Same thing with Tennessee Highway Patrol

    Even checked out Kentucky's Clark County

    I'm not hearing Russians. Then again it's Public Safety Frequencies, you or someone else will have to get a Scanner and tune into DHS Frequencies or even the local Military.

  25. I think those Russian troops have been near Gatlinburg for a couple of years. I was there 2 years ago and there were Russian women working in Pigeon Forge & Sevierville at several restaurants. In fact at a couple of them the whole staff of waitresses were Russian. I thought it was very odd. They claimed to be exchange students.

    I figure they are there to keep the Russian troops company and the troops are out of sight probably in some isolated spot in the Federal Park.


  26. What you are seeing when looking at the BGAD facility are underground chemical weapons bunkers and outside vents. These bunkers store chemical weapons in binary form in preparation for their incineration. The rail facility that you mentioned is a receiving facility for standard munitions that are stored there, like other depot sites around the United States. This is not a secret, it is a well published fact. There is also a large national guard vehicle repair and refitting facility on the south of the depot site off of state route 421, near the battlefield memorial. Your DHS vehicles may be making stops here, but let me pose this to you for thought. There is a company in Winchester that is contracted to refit and armor vehicles for the military. They ship from that site via highways (I-64 to I-75), and rarely ever ship down 627 due to weight contraints on the pavement and bridges on the route due to DOT standards. Your pictures were not taken in Winchester as I drive that route daily. It is not a concrete right of way, and not set in the mountains. The tractor in your picture belongs to a company called Clark Trucking, based in Utah from my research. I suggest you do some fact checking yourself.

    1. So thanks for confirming that there is a refit for armor vehicles in Winchester. So for you saying where I did or did not take the picture, I know exactly where I took the picture. You may want to see a comment above of someone confirming they recognized it was in Winchester. I did all kinds of research, thank you. I can read and since Clark trucking was in the picture I got showing it was the shipping truck, I don't get your point there. Seems you know a lot about the refitting of the DHS vehicles. What is the name of the company that refits them in Winchester? Where are they located in Winchester? Considering if you watched the video, you will hear I was looking around for where that vehicle could have come from and the BGAD is the only place I found that made sense. But now you are saying there is a company there that creates these armored vehicles in Winchester to use on U.S. streets and against U.S. citizens.

  27. The "Russians" working in the Gatlinburg / Pigeon Forge / Sevierville area are actually Ukrainian. They have a similar set up to Mexicans and others where they work in the USA a few years, save up some money, then return home where they are considered wealthy. I live within 100 yards of the National Park, am on park roads and trails frequently and have never seen a DHS vehicle. A couple neighbors work for the National Park Service, one as a Park Ranger who is a friend from youth, the other as a high ranking official at Park Headquarters. The thought of the UN controlling the park or Russians being here is ridiculous. If they were here, I would know.

    To dispel other rumors and myths I have heard of this area, only a couple of shop owners in town are Iranian. They have been here for 20+ years and run a crappy t-shirt store. There is a small Honduran population (not Mexican) but it is isolated to one small area of town. Like the Ukrainians, they work bussing tables or serving in restaurants. The City Council and Chamber of Commerce are all made up of white people, the majority of whom were born in Sevier County. The only thing that is changing around here is some of the local establishments are going out of business and being replaced by nationally known chains.

    1. Did you read the UN article? They do control the park and did you read how the UN wanted to stop any development 150 miles around Yellowstone Park? Please read all the information, before saying the UN does not control the parks. The plaques even say the mountains are UN biospheres and World Heritage parks. As for Russians being there, as I said that was something that was told to me. I plan on investigating it to the fullest of my abilities.

  28. We are in Asheville, NC and our city is CRAWLING with Russians. They are coming in from Moldovia primarily and the government and churches are housing, feeding, employing and providing them with free medical care. I know because my church has a committee specifically to provide for these "immigrants".

    The strange thing is that when they hold a meeting with these Russians to discuss housing or free dental care, the thing that stands out about them is that there are few if any women...they are all 20 something, fit young men. They are being employed in the construction field (which has been hit hard in our area after the real estate bubble burst so not sure what all they do during the day) but it is obvious, to me at least, that they are military.

    The sheeple here, because they lack discernment, have rolled out the red carpet to them in the name of diplomacy, humanity and diversity. I expect these Russians will get the "green light" in the very near future and use that red carpet Asheville has rolled out to them to strangle us with! Heaven help us...we are destroyed for lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6)!

    1. Yes, someone from Gatlinburg got in touch with me today and said that the area there is crawling with Russians Eastern Europeans too. I will be going there, soon I hope to get more information. Both sides of the mountains seem to have had Russians come to the area.

  29. I finally got a response back from one of my Contacts in the Military about this and I've posted it below!


    After receiving your email I printed out a copy and took it to our base commander whom is originally from Tennessee and he said that Russians are common in the Gatlinburg area and thru out Tennessee which has been the case for the past 6 years.

    He did admit that a lot of the locals there aren't used to seeing anyone other than other Americans and so they often think the worst. Personally I wouldn't read too much into this story as it sounds batshit crazy.

    As you media types say...

    Produce the video or it didn't happen! haha.



    1. Wow James, you sure are working this article, when you don't normally comment, as per your first comment. Yet you keep coming back to comment to convince everyone it is "batshit crazy." Hhhmm..... if you believe something is actually nothing, why keep coming back with "more and more?" Why be the least bit concerned about it? Why not just make your one "disregard" comment and then not have it in your mind anymore? First you tried the photoshop angle, which was ridiculous, considering there are now other pictures of this vehicle out, exactly as I pictured, so what would I have photoshopped? Besides the personal attack about my blog and me.

      Then you attacked the people that live in Tennessee by saying "only heard redneck" on the radio in your next comment. Now you are saying... yes Russians are in E.Tn. but they are all just nice and it is the Tn. people who are paranoid about it.

      So... seems to me you now have put a few angles out there, besides putting down people of Tennessee and me.

      Me, if I don't believe something or think it is "batshit crazy" I simply disregard it and carry on with my life, not going back to what I have disregarded. I have never kept going back to comment more and I will just forget about it. Seems you can't do that.......

  30. True...

    I love a good Challenge and proving whether or not your Alleged Conversation holds any merit would be quite a feat for me to figure out. Yes, I said Rednecks, and I poked fun at your Blog. If it's not already apparent, I'm an Asshole, LOL. Never claimed I wasn't!

    However Just because I don't believe that Russians in DHS Uniforms are Invading our Country, I do realize that something has transpired to make someone tell you such a thing. It might be because they were Drunk, Stoned, or just plain foolish but I'm more interested in how or rather why such a allegation against Russians would be thrown out there?

    You are a seeker of Truth, I am a Read between the lines kind of guy. We seek similar information.

    What I ultimately would like to know is why Russians living in your area is such a Threat to you or anyone else? Here in California, Russians have been here for many decades and are on City Council's, School Boards, High Positions of State Office, Police Departments and even our Military.

    I'm attempting to understand where you are coming from so that I know where you are going. I'm thick headed, sometimes I need somebody to hold my hand until I see the light.

    No need to get defensive because I talked smack about your State. Feel free to Rib mine. You have to admit, that someone such as myself visiting your Site would be interested in other wise tall tales if for no other reason then to debunk them. I've got many Contacts all over the World and have given a shout out to my peeps near to you for assistance. Sadly, I don't know anybody from Tennessee.

    Although I do have a Contact in Kentucky whose husband is a Police Officer. I've been working your "case" from my end thru Contacts. It's very rare for me to be wrong, but when I am I have no problem saying so publicly.

    As most women who know me will assert, I'm a dick BUT an Acquired Taste. ;)

    1. OH, I see. My contacts are either drunk, stoned or foolish, where as your contacts give you real information, but not mine. OH, okay.... we should only believe what people tell you and not believe what people have told me.... so everyone needs to assume my contacts are idiots and yours are not. I understand now.

      So now you have added the angle of "my contacts are druggies, drunks and crazy" to your "disregard" the info of the article where as your information/contacts are from "sane, sober and clean" people.

      I will not be replying to anymore of your comments, but it sure does seem you must have the feed of receiving comments on your end as you come in to make sure "all is disregarded" fast and to defend your put downs of people in Tn.

  31. As an ole Ariel Photographic Annalist those crazy looking streets going to what looks like nowhere are simply roads that lead to underground bunkers. The small areas off the left and right of the streets are entrances into the storage bunkers.

    This facility not only stores Chemical Weapons it has a huge (NEW) incinerator for destroying old and outdated materials. It also is a very large High Explosive storage area ans that's the area with the funny streets.

  32. What's with this Pity party you are throwing? I didn't state no such thing. People tend to lie and make up BS for attention, it's happened to me too many times to recount. I'm pointing out that. shit happens and it doesn't hurt to keep it as possibility in the back of your mind.

    I honestly don't care if you respond to my Comments or not. I do find it a bit Interesting how you refuse to answer my Question about why you fear "Russians" in your State so much. You make it sound as if they are planning a Invasion or worse yet that our Government is staging a Takeover. I hate paying my Taxes like everybody else and I didn't vote for Obama but I also don't think he's the Anti Christ.

    Now if you would answer back about the Russian thing, maybe I will contemplate NOT coming back to your Blog in the future. It's up to you. Don't be a Stranger! :P

  33. look everybody its james disinformation agent

    haven't seen you since they blew your cover over on ats forums... man that had to suck ... bunch of civilians figuring out you were an agent. do they teach you how to fail your job that badly or was it something you had to work at? lmfao!

    so who pays your bills these days? fbi, nsa, cia, centcom? fuckin disgrace

    everybody ignore 'james' it's not even his real name is it dave? oops did i just spill the beans? my bad... typical disinformation agent tries to plant fake info then wants to argue incessantly about trivial bullshit. how does it feel to sell out your fellow human you piece of shit you aren't fooling anyone here

    1. Hey anonymous?

      Did you know you have a warrant out for your arrest for domestic violence out of cook county? tsk tsk tsk a woman beater and I bet you will get a nice welcoming party in county lockup. Unlike you, I have class and won't reveal your identity on here, but perhaps you should crawl back into whatever hole in the wall you exited from?

      Oh and you might want to leave the Hotel you are currently checked into as CPD got a tip as to your current location. Ever heard the song fox on the run by sweet? I love that song!

      I don't think you want to play in my sandbox.... have a great Saturday bro!

    2. James- There are a lot of crazy, paranoid, and anonymous people out there in this country of 315,000,000 Americans (and pseudo Americans.) Not a good idea to threaten people online.

  34. Sherrie, It is SO important that you get YOUR facts straight, less few will believe you!

    I drilled with 2nd Battalion Tennessee State Guard until very recently and I highly suspect they only photographed the shipment... they would have no authority to stop any shipment on Interstate Commerce without orders from Bill Haslam. I will check with the TNSG Facebook page.

    This article by Sherrie is VERY inaccurate. 22 governor did NOT get together just last year... that is pure BS. The state legislatures of 24 states have created the State Defense Forces... many since the mid 1980s... some of the 24 states who have them never stopped having them since WW1 or WW2!

    I was an officer in Oregon's State Guard between 1986-89 and worked with Utah's State Defense Force (State Guard) when it was being stood down in 1991-2.

  35. Maybe the DHS is doing more than just helping Russians imigrate to the US?


  37. The place in KY. is Avon munitions and chemical disposal depot don't get me wrong I am not defending them I don't trust them as far as a midget can trow Marchelle's frog body. I think you might be on to something watch your 6.

    1. Russian armored vehicles have you seen? Russian do not want to use the weapons and equipment of U.S.. So this is an attempt to scare you. Type in Google * Modern Russian arms * and compare it with what is in the picture. Russian MRAP lower, lighter and smaller than this gabbaritam IVECO.

  38. Tennessee militia has no authority to stop anyone so you should stop making them sound like some kind of law enforcement. Those vehicles were made under a marine corps contract, the marines didn't want them so DHS got them. DHS should have vehicles like those since apparently according to you some piss ant state militia can stop federal shipments. It's not uncommon to have foreign national drive transports, they take the jobs Americans don't want to do and most of the time they are more reliable plus these vehicles aren't top secret. The black vehicle you showed was not the same type or catagory as the tan one you photographed. And about Russians in Colorado, yes there is, about 30 of them. So stop wetting your pants about it. Next year we are sending around the same number of our troops to train in Russia. The next thing you know you will be bitching about the Luftwaffe base in new Mexico. Yes there is one, been there for 50 years. Having foreign military on US soil has been going on for over 100 years. The big question I have to ask you is how did you get so paranoid ? It must suck to be you living like the gov is out to get you. I know, you just don't like the mean ol negro in the white house. Get over it. There is going to be a democrat in the white house for a long time. Now if you excuse me, I have to go collect my ammunition from DHS and get my APC ready to go .

  39. "Those vehicles were made under a marine corps contract, the marines didn't want them so DHS got them."

    I guess it should be very apparent to me why the Marines would contract to have those vehicles made and then decide they don't want them, but I must be dense....because it makes no sense to me.

    Could you be so kind to dumb it down for me? Did they reject them because they were not painted pink and might offend a Gay person?


  40. years back russian troops training on mt. s***** were escorted off the mountain. at the time locals didn't take kindly to foreigners training on american soil. "as far as i know" it had nothing to do with whats being reported in this article. to all the naysayers, can you prove the economic collapse isn't going to happen?

  41. вы видели русские бронемашины? Русские не хотят использовать оружие и технику американского производства.Так что это попытка напугать вас. Наберите в Google *Современное Русское Оружие* и сравните с тем что есть на фотографии. Русский MRAP ниже ,легче, и меньше по габбаритам чем данное IVECO .

    1. Read the next one below. It has IVECO on it too. I believe he rewrote it in English and put it on.

  42. Russian armored vehicles have you seen? Russian do not want to use the weapons and equipment of U.S.. So this is an attempt to scare you. Type in Google * Modern Russian arms * and compare it with what is in the picture. Russian MRAP lower, lighter and smaller than this gabbaritam IVECO.
    Russian did not pick up a M-16 or M-4. For them, there will always be an AK-47 AK-74M, AK-104. If you ask a Russian, the safest tank, armored safe. They will send you far, far away. For Russian importantly, not high-tech, and the simplicity of the design.

    1. The article is not saying they were Russian vehicles. It is saying they were driven by Russian people. I believe the translation came out wrong on your end.

    2. I served in the Russian Army, and I know what armored vehicles in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation ... information for you. You know that in the U.S. population 35 million immigrants from Russia? 35 million, or 9% of the total U.S. population. Dear Sherrie

    3. Dear Sherrie. Think carefully again. What is the purpose of the West Point? Not to share your experiences? Why officers at West Point is actively learn Russian?

    4. Many immigrants from the former Soviet Union, speak Russian. They can be confused with the Russian. Slavic peoples (Caucasian) white race. You Sherrie know several dialects of the Slavic languages? No. But in Russia taught these languages​​, including English. Our military to speak English without an accent.


    Hi Steve,

    My husband called me a little while ago to let me know that he saw something strange. He is a trucker and was driving outside Omaha, Nebraska, in Thurston County on some back roads. Along the road he spotted about 16 soldiers in uniforms he had not seen before, which were blue, black and gray. The troops did not look like Americans, and glared at him as he passed. There were five jeeps with no markings, and the troops were moving quickly to unload trailers and get it into the timbers. He didn't know what they were unloading, but he said it gave him chills. He called a friend who keeps up on these things, and he said they were UN troops.

    Mar 27, 2013

    1. GPS COORDINATES PLEASE. C 'Mon lets think smart. Destroy what they start, cut holes in fences and tunnels into ammo dumps. We might need more. Just saying.

  44. The article is not saying they were Russian vehicles. It is saying they were driven by Russian people. I believe the translation came out wrong on your end.

  45. Ridiculous. You can't get basic facts right about the Tennessee State Guard (which is available easily on the internet), yet you want us to believe your "research". Pure BS. Retract your story.

  46. I found this page after searching on Google for Russia Gatlinburg and troops.

    I live 20 miles from Pigeon Forge/Gatlinburg and can tell you the comments about tons of Russians moving into the area is true. My father was a Russian linguist in the military and always talks to them in Russian when he is there. They are all young people in their twenties.

    Another thing, a friend of my mother who is in her sixties and is ignorant and doesn't even know what the word conspiracy even means (lol) told my mom that she was in Pigeon Forge and saw a huge convoy of hummers and military trucks going towards Gatlinburg. They didn't have any marks on them or writing or flags. She followed them through the spur as we call it to Gatlinburg and they turned up ski mountain rd headed towards ober. They took one of the forks up through there and went through a gate that had a guard post there. They couldn't follow any further but were very confused as to what they saw.

    Many locals around here know that parts of the Smokey mountain national park was sold to the UN or Russia or some foreign entity years ago to pay off debt.

    And another thing, I found a website a few weeks ago talking about a huge underground bunker on bluff mountain in wears valley tn which is just a few miles away.

  47. I've noticed a few Russians moved into this area(western NC) in 2009. One of them was wearing his service medal on his jacket! I actually googled it, at the time, and found it. I can't remember exactly, but it was a military service medal. I know his vehicle and see him on a weekly basis, passing on the road.
