
Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Holder to Paul "Drone Strikes on U.S. Citizens in U.S., Under Extraordinary Circumstances" - YES Obama Can carry out murder, Drone Strikes in U.S!

Well Eric Holder has finally spoken and answered Rand Paul's questions about drone strikes against U.S. citizens on U.S. soil.  

It would be at the discretion of Obama and under extraordinary circumstances but it can be done. 

Right now... I really can't say more about this, as I am really pissed off!  I am absolutely Fu**ing amazed at where this country has gone and how most of the Fu**ing people in the U.S. don't give a sh** about what their government is doing!   How in the hell did we go so far down the rabbit hole?  What in the hell can we do about it? They are pushing us to the brink, who are awake and aware and see what is going on.  How do we stop this outrageous Orwellian world/country they have/are creating?   

We do not have a country that is "For the People" or a government that is "By the People."  We have a government that is against the people.   

What is an extraordinary circumstance?    Someone who doesn't agree with what is going on?  Someone who voices their opinions?  This is so outrageous!  

Here is the letter from Holder to Paul.  I screen shot it! 

U.S. drone strike research and all the innocent people murdered from them in countries around the world.


  1. Great job catching this screenshot Sherrie. We just linked to you in our little write up about this atrocity:

  2. What can we actually do about it. The more I learn and read the more shocked and just plain ol pissed off I get. What can be done??? We can't let them get away with it anymore, but I feel my hands are tied. I'm sure that's what they want me to feel.

  3. Mr. Holder did cite examples of the types of situations that would warrant such POSSIBLE action, I'm missing the point here. There are also allegedly 'cells' in the US who have the potential to be just AS dangerous. It almost seems like a dammed if you do and dammed if you don't scenario. Rather than cause alarm, what exactly would you propose would be a reasonable and effective deterrent in terms of security for our nation?

    1. If you still believe in the Muslim bogeyman committed 9/11, then you support Obama being able to murder people with drones in the U.S. to protect us. But if you understand what it is really all about, then you are outraged about this!

    2. 9/11 is good enough for murder? Dick better duck.

  4. I will say it .everyone is afriaid to say it. It is time we took up arms against the Washington Goverment.. It is time we started to kill them all. it is time that we have an armed revolution. Obama has gone too far. If we wait any longer it will be too late.

    1. I do not normally publish any comments that have violence as you have in your comment against the government. I do not agree with killing anyone. I went ahead and published the comment due to the fact that the government believes it is okay to murder us citizens if they "feel" they need to. I still don't believe in killing anyone, no matter if they feel they can, us. I believe if some in the government got some BALLS - we could kick/impeach all those involved. I believe in our intelligence and we the people uniting and winning through a peaceful revolution.

      Also... I really don't want my blog taken down or people visiting my home for threats against the government on the blog.

      Uniting together.... we are the power, we just have to claim it and not be afraid of those who want us to fear them!

    2. Hi Sherrie,
      I love your blog and wish you well, but I would question whether your "I believe in our intelligence and we the people uniting and winning through a peaceful revolution. " is a real belief that things will change or just wishful thinking.
      I used to believe in the tooth-fairy and Santa, but I now believe that those in power will allow a "peaceful revolution" just as soon as Icicles festoon Hades and flocks of pigs are observed circling the White House.

  5. "'cells' in the US who have the potential to be just AS dangerous", as in Judicial, Legislative and Executive branches.

    1. For the past 3 decades or longer,the focus has been on Terrorists cells overseas in Afghanistan and other areas in the middle east, but this focus has served as a major distraction to the Freedoms and individual liberties that have been stripped from our Constitution and Bill of Rights,and trampled on, right here at home by our own Presidents and government. Prime examples are the Un-patriot act, The National defense authorization act, (which is really a National Offense authorization act), kind of like our war dept. being changed to defense dept. It sounds nicer doesn't it? Seek and destroy is changed to Sweep and clear, you get the picture. America's citizens and sovereignty have been betrayed and sold to the highest bidder, to bring the global government new world order into existence. I pray it's not too late.

  6. So what, exactly, are "extraordinary circumstance(s)". And by who's definition?

  7. Taking this to its logical conclusion... it has been said that the government "did" Pearl Harbor and 9-11... if they committed these atrocities, wouldn't that make them terrorists as stated by Eric Holder in the above-mentioned letter?... and if they are terrorists, does that mean drones can be used on the government?

    1. Add to your two examples: the estimated 20-30 million people brutally murdered by the USA federal government in the past 60 years, in dozens of countries that neither attacked us nor posed any threat to us.

      One way to look at this is that the terror and lawlessness that has been the US government for decades is now being turned against its own citizens.

      And I think it's important not to get sidetracked about the drones; this issue arises from the recently passed NDAA, and gives the US government the right to secretly murder — BY ANY MEANS — any US citizen it deems a "threat" within the US. My guess is most of these murders will be done by CIA or other shadow government hit squads, and look like this very suspicious "murder-suicide" from last month (URL below is google search results for "Phillip Marshall black ops"):,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&bvm=bv.43287494,d.dmg&fp=83725e35ebc0a2f0&biw=1217&bih=618

  8. You cannot threaten the government.

  9. The time for talk and half measures are over but if you still think it will be peaceful Sherrie..I seriously doubt you understand anything going on...Gun sales are through the roof...that should tell Washington signal number one...stand down! Congress has a 6 percent approval rating....yet you still think it will be peaceful. Sherrie I'm more pissed off than you will ever be, at everything that I have believed in on the Republican conservative side with a four year degree graduating over ten years ago making no more than ten bucks an hour telling myself at 35 yea it's all going to be okay...lets just do this peacefully. You think the other side wants peace, both are against...and if you believe either one your A in la la land or b:) your a loon. Hey you keep believing in peace girl....when all the signs point to this is going to end badly!!!

    better yet march your happy keister on up to Washington and just tell them how pissed off you are. Matter of fact looked so red in the face as your saying FU like you did up above, and how pissed you are, but then you advocate peaceful means. Your a wannabe journalist troll who doesn't mean anything she says. If you want change be the change don't have a blog...get active in your community, and quit hiding behind a keyboard to say I question all. That's lame and cop out from avoiding confrontation because in all seriousness you are pansy!

  10. Has this been shared? Leaked document about FEMA camps.

  11. Hi Sherrie: Thank you for your efforts. I re-posted your article - letter - - at Inflection Point
    Credit along with a link to your site was provided.. If this is not to your liking I will take it down.

    Please consider making your blog a Belligerent Act -

    Keep up the good works.

    - EC
