
Saturday, December 15, 2012

The Sandy Hook school shooting in Newtown Connecticut ...2nd shooter, Guns, etc., The story is not adding up. Here are the facts proving that.

UPDATE 12/16/12 5:35 PM - ODD Teachers/victims not listed on school website as staff/faculty.  

2nd Update 12/16/12 - Obama implies we have to give up our freedoms in his speech in Newtown Connecticut. 

3rd UPDATE 12/19/12 - Video:  This is the father that has been splashed all over the news and the representative of all the other families that lost kids that day.  One word... bizarre..
After the video, with the picture begins the original article.

4th Update 12/21/12- Audio of Police Scanner with "End the Life of Adam" also videos about shooting.

5th Update 12/23/12 - Video of outright proven lie by the media. 

Update 12/29/12 - Pictures of guns from trunk of car.

Edit to add 1/8/13 - NRA is not just about Guns it is about our FREEDOMS! 

Yesterday I did post my Prayers and Love towards all affected by the Sandy Hook Elementary school shooting of beautiful innocent children.  

Today, I have many questions about it.  As time is going by more and more is not adding up nor making sense with the shooting story.  I am not talking "conspiracies" per se here, I am writing about the facts that were reported and now are changed or there is silence about.   It did just happen a little over 24 hours ago.  So I know there is a lot more to be found out.

I am going to list those things reported and then backtracked or silence on as if it was never mentioned:  Then take them one by one and discuss it and show the "proof"  and story change.

  • 2nd shooter - as reported in police radio calls and witnesses.
  • Mother was a teacher there.
  • Ryan was shooter than it was Adam was the shooter.
  • Police confirm: Dead body in Hoboken New Jersey at home there.
  • Semi Automatic found in car, but casings of it in school.
  • How was he able to kill so many in such a small amount of time with a Glock 9mm pistol, a Sig-Sauer pistol, by himself.... and reload?
  • 4th Gun found outside the school building

First lets discuss the 2nd shooter that has now been erased and not mentioned from the media.  The police have never clarified who it was they caught in the woods either.  We know it did  in fact happen due to the police radio that is embedded below.

2nd shooter - here are the reports and facts about a second shooter from the police!

Washington Post: Possible Second shooter in custody

NY Post - Police Radio calls and discussions during the response to the shooting:
One policeman says: others running into woods, then running after them, then he has them. 

Natural News as an article about the 2nd shooter and they go back to other shootings that have happened where the 2nd shooter all of a sudden disappears from witness accounts.

Yahoo had the headline from ABC News:  Two shooters involved in Connecticut School shooting. 

So there are the facts that a second shooter was there.  Now there is silence and it is now the "Lone Gunman."

Now.......The mistake that Ryan Lanza was the gunman as reported by all the media.

They are saying that Adam Lanza had Ryan Lanza's ID on him and that is why that mistake was made. 

I have a question about that.  How did Adam Lanza get his brother's ID when they have not spoken since 2010?  

 Lanza's older brother, 24-year-old Ryan Lanza, of Hoboken, N.J., was questioned, and investigators searched his computers and phone records, but he told law enforcement he had not been in touch with his brother since about 2010.

Then that goes hand in hand with the New Jersey police confirming they have a "dead body" in Hoboken at the home there.  

Adam Lanza, who is from Newtown, traveled to a family home in Hoboken, N.J., yesterday, and killed at least one person there before going back to Connecticut.

New Jersey State Police have found a dead body in a search of Ryan Lanza's Hoboken home.

 Police have confirmed that a dead body found at Ryan Lanza’s house is his father.

We heard after a couple of hours that Nancy Lanza was a teacher at the school and it appeared that Adam Lanza targeted her class.  When I heard that Nancy Lanza was found dead in her home, I immediately questioned why Adam Lanza would have gone to the school then if he had already killed his mother.

Now we find out she was not a teacher there and was not even on the school list and they could not find a connection to her and the school. 

At least one parent said Lanza's mother was a substitute teacher at the school. But her name did not appear on a staff list. And the official said investigators were unable to establish any connection so far between her and the school.

NOW... Let's discuss the guns that were said to have been used in the shooting:

It has been reported that 2 guns were found inside the building and used by the gunman - A Glock 9 mm and a SigSauer hand gun and semi automatic in a vehicle.

Three weapons were recovered from the school on Friday: a semi-automatic .223 caliber rifle made by Bushmaster was found in a car in the school parking lot, and two pistols made by Glock and Sig Sauer were found with suspected gunman Lanza's body, a law enforcement source said previously.
 Here the NY Daily News had the fact that the gun was in the trunk of the vehicle at the school. 

 It wasn’t immediately clear whether this was the .223-caliber Bushmaster that was found in the trunk of Nancy Lanza’s car after her son murdered six staffers and 20 innocent students at the Sandy Hook Elementary School.

 They are saying there were casings of a semi automatic in the school, but the gun was in the car.  So how is that possible?  Oh, this morning they are now saying "they have found a semi automatic in the school that was 'overlooked' earlier.

OH.... I have not been watching the news, but did just now turn on CNN.... the guest just blew Wolf Blitzer away saying "Was there someone else that was with him?"  Now the guest is defending the fact that Nancy Lanza had guns.

I have read this morning that a 4th gun has now been found outside the elementary school this morning.   I can't find the information now, but I know I read it.  I did not save that page.  

What is known now is that Adam Lanza was on prescription drugs for depression and had a form of autism.

One more question........  Why hasn't any of the video cameras from the school been mentioned by the police?  There were cameras no doubt.  So why hasn't the media asked about the footage on the cameras?  There is silence from all regarding cameras at the school and any possible footage.

Now... on other levels regarding this
Immediately there are calls for "gun laws" from government officials including Obama.  So there again is those who have a form of control are using a horrid situation and forming it into them wanting to take our second amendment rights away.

One thought..... wouldn't it had been nice if the Principle or a Teacher had a gun and the principle had grabbed one before going to investigate the shooting sounds?  Imagine if she had, she could have been prepared to take the monster out before he had a chance to kill beautiful innocent children!  Or a teacher hearing the shots, grabbing their gun and killing the bastard!  How many of those beautiful innocent souls would still be alive today?

I believe we need to keep our focus and energy in Love for those children and their families, as hard as that is to not go into anger and hate towards the shooter.   Our energy direction is important. Those children are important  and deserve our LOVE being radiated to them! UPDATE 1/14/13 - My message to MSM and them calling anyone questioning Sandy Hook "Nuts and Conspiracy Theorist>"


  1. 3:43 PM ET, Newtown, CT Medical examiner is doing an extensive Q&A during live press confrence being broadcast on Fox news.
    He just stated the fact(not inuendo), that all of the murdered(20 children+ 7 adults) were all hit with more than once.
    That's right, he just confirmed as fact, that all of the murdered were hit with more than one shot.
    So, one lone crazy bastard, managed to shot 27 victims with numerous shots each, in the extremely short time before the first officers on the scene.

    1. You moron....when your shooting little kids who are terrified, of course you can wipe out a whole classroom of defenseless kids.

    2. That is not what he was saying. The fact is there were 20 beautiful innocent children murdered and that many were shot multiple times in a short amount of time. They are now saying the semi auto rifle was found inside. They are reshaping the story to have it match the scene more. The majority of the people will believe the official story just as they have done with 9/11. People won't question what the media and government put out about what happened. They will ignore the oddities of it all.

      The amount of calls of immediate gun control is overwhelming now. The sheeple are doing just as they want.

    3. Thank you, Sherrie.
      That's exactly my point.
      26 people x by an average of 3 -11 shots each
      equals between 78 - 282 shots total.
      That emaciated goth had zero training and was
      certainly not experienced and proficient enough
      to shoot, move and reload that quickly.
      Furthermore, one of the first local police officers
      on scene says(over police radio) that he sees multiple
      weapons including "shotguns."
      That radio transmission includes other officers overlapping, with one saying "he's coming at me," in
      an adrenaline rush filled voice.
      Also their is aerial footage of local police, soon
      after arriving, chasing someone behind the school and
      into nearby woods.

    4. Thank you, for allowing my posts.

    5. @ John Davidson. How would you know how to shoot defenseless little children? Have you had practice working it out in your mind? "You're" the moron.

  2. Update to my last: Near the end of the ME's statements, he revealed that the murdered had been hit, on average, between 3 and 11 times each.
    Also, he stated that autopsies have factually concluded that the majority of injuries were .223 inflictedat, devestating and at close range.
    He also emphasized that the injuries are the worst he has ever seen.
    I am not creating this.
    The ME speaking is Dr. H.Wayne Carter.
    He also revealed that the majority of children murdered are girls, and all of the students were born in 2005 and 2006.
    Finally, a state police spokesman confirmed the FACT that Nancy Lanza had absolutely no connection with the school.
    I am listening to a live press conference from Newtown, CT, on Fox news.

  3. hi sherrie!

    you have more gumption than i do trying to figure this out. the most interesting thing i have seen so far is that his mother was possibly cia. all the weapons mentions so far are supposedly standards cia issue.

    check it out, you curious gal you.



  5. Amazing information. I completey agree with your assesment, too many loopholes, It has PSY-OPS written all over it....

  6. Hi Sherrie, thank you for being a truth telling Patriot. Please read my scenario. If you agree tell everyone!

    Of course this was another of a series of government STAGED mass murders. Why? Google: “UN gun grab.” In 1933 a nice man named Adolf Hitler said: “To Conquer a Nation, first Disarm it's Citizens.” Then he helped kill over 50 million people in WW II. But the same criminal government who sprays POISON all over you and your family every day and around the entire world, would NEVER mow down 20 kids, now would they? Google; “chemtrails” or just head over to youtube and watch all 220,000 of the chemtrail vids there, and WAKE UP!!

    Now about this absurd government media cartel story: who really thinks a WOMAN SCHOOLTEACHER would ever own an AR-15, Glock, and Sig? It has been suggested by the traitor coverup machine, a/k/a media, that she hunted deer. Sorry, you don't use a .223 to hunt deer. Never heard of any of that.

    Notice how the killer was wearing a MASK, so no one could ever say: “NO! That was NOT the killer?” Why would a 20 y.o. kill his Mom, then think, "I'll go ahead and gun down 20 kids!!!, but I must wear a mask, so no one will know it is me after they find my body, after I shoot myself." Total disconnect...Plus he is wearing "body armor," but he does not die killing more kids, or whacking some cops in a firefight, no he shoots himself; so why the armor? I suppose it was his government-murdered "mothers" personal deer hunting armor.

    Where would the government get a sociopathic sadistic monster to commit these murders to further their delusions of disarming, murdering and enslaving 320,000,000 of us? Well the place where you get sociopathic sadistic monster killers; pick a state; the go killer shopping at a store called “Serial Killers R Us” on death row. The government picked out the newest killer GUN GRAB tool, and promised the killer: freedom, a new ID, and $1,000,000 in cash, if they just carry out this mission. The MASKED killer comes in, kills all he can B4 the cops arrive, then is whisked away by the cia van, while the MURDERED kid is dumped at the scene, with the “mask" put on HIS face. BTW then they shoot the dumb patsy serial killer from death row…

    THAT is what happened.

    1. You seem to have a good grasp of what may have happened. This whole thing stinks and I can only hope those responsible for it get what is coming.

    2. All who have perpetrated Treason upon America will not get bullets, or ropes, or injections. Those who sprayed us with poison, who slaughtered the 911 Victims, who murdered the Soldiers they sent into the path of cia planted IED's [to create the illusion of an actual enemy force, which does not exist], and who mowed down little kids, WILL get protracted, horrifying, immeasurably agonizing deaths by weeks of slow torture, by the New American government.

      Their shrieks of begging the People to finish them off to end their suffering, will fall upon deaf ears. The horror of their publicly broadcast slow deaths, will send a resounding message to all: that tyrants get special torture deaths.

      Justice can be slow, but when it arrives, it can be very appropriate. The punishments shall fit the crimes. Rest assured of that.

  7. Hi Sherrie compare the similarities in this and the aurora false flag us government massacre:

    This whole story has the same credibility as the Aurora theater assassinations. Government story: masked killer goes in and mows down dozen of people, and for the 1st time ever, the serial killer goes to his car to wait to be arrested. Then he "warns" the cops that his apartment has explosives.

    Was this same guy who LOVES blowing people away? - did he 1st go into the theater and say: “I'll be back in 10 minute to kill everyone, so you may wanna leave!" So why would he “warn” his new BFF: a SWAT team, to “save them”? Then the cops go up on a lift to look in his 3rd floor window to check on the status of the "explosives." Of course anyone could easily set a motion activated trigger aiming at the window, which would easily detonate a bomb. Knowing all these "facts" the SWAT team gets on the left and what are they wearing to "check for explosives" What they wear to Starbucks: a GD t-shirt; look at the vids. There were NO explosives in any apartment…The government insects want everyone to believe that 100,000,000 ++ Gun Owners also have our homes wired with explosives, I suppose.

    The entire theater complex parking lot, just like the pentagon on 911, was covered and recorded by CCTV cameras. Ummm, hate to ask you cia wizards, but like where are the vids, government LIARS? It took 6 MONTHS for the us government 911 murderers to hand over a 3 second “vid” of a “plane,” which was actually a missile they fired into the pentagon, from one of the dozens of defensive missiles which surround the pentagon, which somehow all failed to be turned on that day, along with the military who ALL missed out on the big attack by 19 skinny guys with ½ inch razors, who commandeered “4 planes” after taking “Insta-Pilot” classes. ROFLMFAO x, 100,000,000 of us!

    [cia agent] Holmes never shot anyone. They was no mind control crap here. It is easy to find killers who love killing anyone, even kids. Where would the government get a sociopathic sadistic monster to commit these murders to further their delusions of disarming, murdering and enslaving 320,000,000 of us? Well, the place where you get sociopathic sadistic monster killers; pick a state; then go killer shopping at a store called “Serial Killers R Us” on death row. The government picked out the newest killer GUN GRAB tool, and promised the killer: freedom, a new ID, plastic surgery and $1,000,000 in cash, if he just carry out this mission. The MASKED killer comes in, kills all he can B4 the cops arrive, then is whisked away by the cia van, while the just-MURDERED kid is dumped at the scene, with the “mask" put on HIS face. BTW then they shoot the dumb patsy serial killer from death row, within a block of leaving the school – that was the plastic surgery part of the deal for the killer…

    Get ready for lots more gun grab dream assassinations by your homicidal government. The bilderdergers, zionists, nwo S-C-U-M can kill 2,000 kids, and they will NEVER disarm this Country. We are not Brits. Google: dunblane school massacre to see how our murderous psychotic government came up with this newest mass murder gun grab dream idea…

  8. Sherrie, fyi - you can get an addon for firefox that will save an entire web page as a pdf. so you don't have to take screenshots. Just trying to help another Patriot.

    1. Thanks, I do save things in PDF, but I can't embed a PDF onto the blog. But I can put pictures in. That is why I screen shot them, so the picture is in the blog. I appreciate you trying to help me out though!

    2. Here is an idea if you want it, using scrib.

      Thank YOU again for being a Patriot. America loves you! JM

    3. I live in Canada and have followed the story since it happened as well and it seems there are a ton of inconsistencies as the above individual has pointed out. So many people are blidly following along like sheep that follow their sheppard. If the government is willing to poison millions of people with the production and consumption of GMO foods (which are known to be linked to cancer and death) and spray chemicals in the air, what's 26 lives to them? How is it that no one stops and thinks outside of the deluded box we've all been "conditioned" to live in?


    4. There was another "masked" shooter in Clackamas County, Or-in a mall, cept the shooter was interrupted by a guy with C/C, so the MASKED INTRUDER SBC'd hisself

  9. The families of the victims were not allowed in the classroom for identification - it was done by photograph and you could make an argument for that being a good thing under the circumstances. Also, each of the families had a state police officer assigned to them to 'disperse the information faster' which seems odd that they haven't really learned all that much since being assigned the officer.

  10. I have two points, first banning guns will only ensure a thriving black market - after all, the gov. has not been too successful with their bans, now have they? Who will profit from the ban? Well the same people who are probably carrying out these mass murders, our very own NWO stooges, who also profit handsomely from arms trafficking. And second, that banksters sure do NOT want you to have guns because a well armed populace can protect their own belongings, precious metals, jewelry, cash, etc, and have little use for safety deposit boxes and banks in general.

    1. The chances of the nwo/bilderberg/illuminati/zionist genocide machine EVER taking ANY American guns from the 120,000,000 Patriots is precisely zero...

      These roaches all know that the second they try that, the thick and very palatable vapor of unbridled rage that has permeated every state, town, and every block, in this country, will unequivocally explode across this country, from sea to armed-to-the-hilt sea, and the Revolution will be underway...

      Guns can easily shoot down drones, choppers, and jets, and of course all invading scum from the un...They are all dead...

    2. STOP buying all processed foods-THEY need You toBE a Grateful Slave n buy all THEY make, pay all the taxes THEY make, pay all the fines, fees n court costs for crate-a-crime legislation making We the Ppl all ILLegal or how aboot those that canN"OT afford toBE legal, all repairs no longer have US Made Service & parts r all made by The Chinee for the CFR.
      in this "CHANGE" did not start with the CFR Empty Chair BOT but on 11/22/1963 when THEY did JFK over EO 11110-the secret society JFK Speeck THEY murdered Him over, My research shows the society tis the CFR n THEY r also the MIC, FRB, IMF,WHO, UN, BB, rothschilds/rockefellers. See of all the CFR banks placing PUT OPTIONS on 911, same as the CFR writing the Warren LIE & the 911 LIE-See Cheney Rockefeller CFR videO n see how THEY had NAFTA passed by rigging the Miami SUmmet, Hillary admits CFR runs US Gov't videO, History of isreali FALSE FLAG OPS,mossad false flag ops, jew traitors by Incogman parts 1, 2, mossad did 911
      Buy a Pitbull ASAP-best is 3 inside close 1/4's for when THEY come for YOU
      next start watching for when THEY use car b ombs-see jewish woman IDF caught planting car b omb

  11. Part 1 of 2 -- In addition to my detailed posts re: the false flag government Aurora theater and school "NWO GUN GRAB DREAM" massacres, I wish to add another blatant set of anomalies to add to the parade of official lies by these astoundingly incompetent cia liars:

    The "kid" a/k/a cia pasty, bought 2, wait 3, wait 4 guns with him, including a bushmaster .223 [clone of an AR 15]. Point: anyone intent of committing a massacre like this needs ONLY the heavy, huge, and extremely efficient .223 to have their fun. They have 30, and up to 100 (drum feed mag) round clips. So the other guns were technically frivolous. Got a .223? - you don't need anything else for your massacre.

    2. Try carrying and shooting a Bushmaster 223 and while juggling the Glock and Sig. Meet the magical gun juggler of kiddie massacres! No way I could carry a glock, a Sig and a .223 and I am 225 and 6 foot, PLUS all the alleged hundreds of rounds, and competently fire one of the weapons. No way I could pull that off, and I can shoot. So this skinny dweeby cia patsy and cia murder VICTIM, must have also been the David Copperfield of gun toting massacre pros!

    3. "He had hundreds of rounds on him!!" Really? These quintessentially imbecilic cia liars should have printed "he had an extra dozen 30 round filled magazines!"

    Point: anyone can exchange an empty 30 round .223 mag and refill and lock and load a new filled mag, in about 8-10 seconds. But no, they said he had "hundreds of rounds", and nothing about "clips". Maybe the magical invisible vanishing 2 [cia escort] shooter had the clips. There is a huge difference in the parlance of having rounds, v. clips.

    All LEO's [law enforcement officers] would have counted clips, and NOT rounds of ammo, since no one ever brings empty clips to a mass murder event. What good is that?

    But maybe: 1. his "Prepper mom, teacher, not teacher, who was well off, could not afford clips. So she bought a $1,400 + Bushmaster .223 and her credit card was maxed out. Damn! No buying room for the $40 30 round clips, huh? OR 2. maybe she wanted her son [who went to shooting ranges with her, and then never did so at all] to learn how to slowly defend himself in a firefight, as all "preppers" do, by owning only one clip and having to spend precious seconds tediously refilling a 30 round magazine. OR 3. maybe the personality disordered/autistic/asbergers/socially misfit/loner/very intelligent/loner-sorry we already said that! insta-killer 20 year old, who is his brother, wait I mean not his brother, who just had his brothers ID on him, that he had not seen in 2 years [WHEW!] figured he would have plenty of time to manually refill [hand feed each round into] the next clip, since he knew no cops would respond very fast to a kindergarten massacre, especially if there was a Dunkin Donuts within 5 miles. Sure.

    It takes at least 20 seconds to reload a 30 round clip + 10 to insert, lock and load. What would a REAL methodically efficient killer do, bring all these rounds and take his time reloading, or bring LOADED clips/mags? (Please take door # 2 for "clips/mags.") I mean certainly he was very organized, so the bag of bullets, was not an option.

  12. Part 2 of 2 -- Of course the cia scum threw in the "prepper Mom" BS because they had to try and explain why a female would ever own those "GUY" weapons, which, btw most small-handed female would NOT select for prepping, since almost all manufacturers of firearms specifically make guns for females, with lighter trigger pulls, and smaller grips.

    But who knows, next they will say his "prepper Mom was going to become a man so she, but later, he, bought all the guy guns in advance, to save money after the sex change, so she/he could finally get all they 30 round mags she knew good preppers all own."

    cia scum, feel free to use that story, since we know you reading every single letter of sites like this Patriot Sherrie's site!

    The other reason these homicidal mutants at the cia/mossad mixed the prepper BS into the story (that flies as straight as a blindfolded and insanely drunk hummingbird, BTW) is so they can not-so-subliminally try to associate preppers with monsters who are on the edge of driving over to their nearest K-5 school and whacking everything in site. OK. We got it.

    Stay tuned for about 4-6 increasing more infuriating gun grab massacres. Thank God we have the internet to spread the TRUTH. In hitler's time goebbels ran the dissemination of propaganda. Now they use the zionist sock puppets idiots to incompetently try and deceive us. But that dynamic is forever altered.

    Now we can communicate. The day, I mean THAT day, that these insects cut off OUR cencomm [central communications] a/k/a the web, the explosion of the Revolution WILL be a sound heard around the world. And that is a sound that will make the eruption of Krakatoa in 1883, sound like, well, let’s just say: a mouse, sneezing...

    Tell EVERYONE you know the TRUTH about our mutant-life-form nwo homicidal government scum.

    Patriot JM

  13. I heard SOMEPLACE that Adam Lanza had gone to the school on Dec. 13th
    and had a confrontation with the staff - anyone hear this?
    Also, how could the law officials deny the parents their children's
    bodies? I could not imagine leaving my child behind.
    This hole story is totally suspect.

  14. Part 2 of 2 -- Of course the cia scum threw in the "prepper Mom" BS because they had to try and explain why a female would ever own those "GUY" weapons, which, btw most small-handed female would NOT select for prepping, since almost all manufacturers of firearms specifically make guns for females, with lighter trigger pulls, and smaller grips.

    But who knows, next they will say his "prepper Mom was going to become a man so she, but later, he, bought all the guy guns in advance, to save money after the sex change, so she/he could finally afford to get all those extra 30 round mags she knew all good preppers own."

    I’m surprised the cia scum who wrote this newest “kill-at-any-cost gun grab dream ploy” script did not add that bizarre absurd component to their already infinitely convoluted lie.

    The other reason these homicidal mutants at the cia/mossad mixed the prepper BS into the story (that flies as straight as a blindfolded and insanely drunk hummingbird BTW) is so they can not-so-subliminally try to associate preppers with monsters who are on the edge of driving over to their nearest K-5 school and whacking everything in site. OK. We got it.

    Stay tuned for about 4-6 increasing more infuriating gun grab massacres. Thank God we have the internet to spread the TRUTH. In hitler's time goebbels ran the dissemination of propaganda. Now they use the zionist sock puppets idiots to incompetently try and deceive us. But that dynamic is forever altered.

    Now we can communicate. The day, I mean THAT day, that these insects cut off OUR cencomm [central communications] a/k/a the web, the explosion of the Revolution WILL be a sound heard around the world. And that is a sound that will make the eruption of Krakatoa in 1883, sound like, well, let’s just say: a mouse, sneezing...

    Tell EVERYONE you know the TRUTH about our mutant-life-form nwo homicidal government scum.

    Patriot JM

  15. They forgot to take some pictures of the dead children. Same to Aurora.
    If these people have the guts to stage these massacres they...
    No idea how to end this sentence.
    All I know is that I'm witnessing so many real genocides and so many manipulations that if this is not the worse period of human history I have to reformulate human condition.

    The vast majority that believe without any suspicion amazes me.
    I lived my life with this feeling. Brazil was under dictatorship and the vast majority didn't care.

    1. @Ana - there are literally hundreds of cia paid trolls on every online board, posting disinfo 24/7/365. They are the ones who adamantly "oppose" guns, further the BS propaganda spewed out by the state-controlled zionist-owned media. The media cartel's # 1 job is deceit, manipulation, and brainwashing the population.

      So when you see all the boards with all the inflammatory 1-3 liners like: "Ban ALL guns - This HAS to stop! How many more children must DIE!!!" -- THAT is just one of the many scumbag government disinfor traitors, not a real person. Feel free to call them a TROLL online so that others will see the ploy.

      More people know the truth than you may think, but TELL EVERYONE you know anyway. Patriot JM

  16. i just have one question which is the majority of how this whole issue DOES NOT MAKE SENCE!
    ....what the hell was the guy's motives for doing this?
    now, i seen a comment that said his mother "wasnt even registered as a teacher on the pay-roll" and then there is another comment that ive seen on here that states "I heard SOMEPLACE that Adam Lanza had gone to the school on Dec. 13th
    and had a confrontation with the staff - anyone hear this?".
    and then also somewere up there it states that apperrenty "the guy was ententionally targeting her classroom..."
    now in what world does nobody reconize these 3 factors as an overall question of " What were his motives to do such things ... espeacially to children??"
    we should reconize this and not only progresss from it but also learn from it!

    1. I heard the same thing about the shooter having gone to the school the previous day. Where is the video? They have cameras at just about every school across the nation.

    2. As with all the other massacres the cia/mossad controlled government did, there will be NO video of their homicides.

      The only time the cia-murdered patsy Lanza ever went to the school was on the last day of his life. They dumped his "fresh-kill" body after the REAL killer was evacuated by a cia operative.

      They are slapping together another futile patch for their disastrous story which is a 1000% FAIL and is backfiring, since millions of previously "asleep" people are waking up and asking tons of questions!

      See my previous posts for details. Tell everyone about this site, since Sherrie has compiled so much evidence of the obvious false flag NWO "GUN GRAB DREAM" massacre.

  17. there was also a lot mentioned of a girlfriend who was unaccounted for. did she ever show up? that seemed to disappear from the news as well....

    1. Has this been mentioned?...The father of Connecticut school shooter Adam Lanza, Peter Lanza, was the tax director for General Electric, a corporation that paid -0- taxes on 14.2 billion dollars in profits last year. According to Fabian4Liberty, Peter Lanza was scheduled to testify in the ongoing global LIBOR scandal. In what could only be described an amazing coincidence, the father of Colorado Batman shooter James Holmes, Robert Holmes, was also a LIBOR witness in his position with FICO.The father of Newtown Connecticut school shooter Adam Lanza is Peter Lanza who is a VP and Tax Director at GE Financial. The father of Aurora Colorado movie theater shooter James Holmes is Robert Holmes, the lead scientist for the credit score company FICO. Both men were to testify before the US Sentate in the ongoing LIBOR scandal. The London Interbank Offered Rate, known as Libor, is the average interest rate at which banks can borrow from each other. 16 international banks have been implicated in this ongoing scandal, accused of rigging contracts worth trillions of dollars. HSBC has already been fined $1.9 billion and three of their low level traders arrested

  18. "Immediately there are calls for "gun laws" from government officials including Obama. So there again is those who have a form of control are using a horrid situation and forming it into them wanting to take our second amendment rights away."

    I think it's time America began to consider that right in its original context and ask themselves whether it's appropriate for the modern world.

    Times change. Laws and rights change. That's how the world works.

    Putting aside the issue of Sandy Hook, ask yourself a very simple question. If those second amendment rights had been altered following Columbine would we be having this discussion today?

    Gun controls are strict across Europe. In some countries its impossible for the average citizen to legally get so much as a shotgun unless they have a clear justfication for owning one that is more specific than mere self-defence. In some European countries a slingshot or crossbow is the best the average Joe can ever hope to own in terms of ballistic weaponary, legally. But has it done the populations of those countries any harm?


    America is a young country. It's time for it to begin growing up.

    1. Rights don't change and your ignorance is appauling. My rights come from God, not man. If you don't believe in God, that's your perogative, but don't tell me what my rights are. America only has it's moderate freedoms because of our right to defend ourselves from our government. BTW - criminals will get guns because they exist. Ever heard of the black market? If not, you're not living in reality. Murder is against the law regardless of method.

    2. looks like your answer went to one of those cia trolls

    3. This "grow up America" poster is obviously one of the hundreds of PAID cia TRAITOR TROLLS who WILL be EXECUTED for treason after the Revolution. ANYONE who even suggests changing one word of our Constitution should have his head blown off, as will happen to all who did. Just wait we - we ARE comin' for ya....


    4. "mere self-defence" - there is nothing MERE about self defenCe brit trashbag cia TROLL. Learn to spell like an American. The People cannot wait to shoot all you brits who are over here trying to subvert our Constitution. Bang bang are ALL dead....

    5. Putting aside the issue of Sandy Hook, ask yourself a very simple question. If those second amendment rights had been altered following Columbine would we be having this discussion today?

      How many bullets did Timothy McVeigh fire again? What do you think the death toll would be if the government tried to confiscate guns by force, which is what they would have to do for your gun-free Utopia to be realized? It would be more than 27, I can assure you of that. 76 died in Waco alone.

      By the way, they've been altering our Second Amendment rights for decades. Didn't stop Columbine though, did it?

    6. FYI Co-Patriot - "mcveigh" was a cia actor, just like "holmes" in Aurora. I knew that OKC was a government false flag attack as soon as I heard how they "caught" mcveigh.

      So the guy is methodical to make a massive truck bomb and somehow just FORGOT that lil' ole thing called a license plate on his "STOLEN" car, which led to his "capture" by another doughnut-inhaling cop. Of course all car thieves remove the tag from a car before they drive away in it, so no cop will pull them over. Yeppppp - suuuuuuuure - uh huhhhh - suuuuure.

      The government positively did the OKC bombing, which explains the MISSING 30 SECOND portion of the video of the building, right before the cia and mossad blew it up.

    7. Time to grow up and be more like Switzerland. Every able-bodied person between certain ages, who is not a felon, should be trained as part of a state militia, not part of the National Guard or Reserves, and allowed to keep a fully automatic weapon and ammunition at home. Those who are no longer part of the active militia should be allowed to keep semi-automatic weapons and ammunition. State-owned firing ranges (Missouri has some nice ones) should set aside specific days and times each month for required firearms practice.

  19. Well the teachers aren't talking. The Adam's hard drive was broken? Why
    not just dump it on the way?

    Prepper idea was a scam says John Bergquist

    Priest nun Black body armor?

  20. The best analysis of a mass murderer was given by forensic psychiatrist Dr. Michael Weiner on ABC's The View on December 17th. It certainly provides context and perspective on placing blame. The segment is posted in You Tube at...

  21. Concerning your 3rd update: I know the father that has been seen on the news. This family is amazing--their faith is solid, and they don't want the publicity for gain, but for an opportunity to share a message of forgiveness. It is what their daughter would want. I can assure you that he has no involvement in any type of conspiracy in all this. But I do agree with you that all the pieces of the story we have been told do not add up. It makes me even more sick to think that it could be a possibility that innocent children like Emilie Parker were used as a ploy for the government to instill fear and gain control over the people. It's just evil. I'm not saying that that is what is happening here. I really just have no idea except that the pieces do not add up.

  22. PART 1 of 2 - Just 16, of many more reasons why the fabricated “Sandy Hook “shooting” NEVER happened and positively was a total HOAX:

    1. No video of event shown to the hundreds of millions in just the USA who know this is a huge GD LIE. But rob a convenience store and wound someone, and that vid will be shown EVERYWHERE by the zionist msm liars. ZERO vids released, just like the "magic-jet-with-folding-wings that "hit" the pentaCON on 9/11, and the staged Aurora HOAX.

    2. Laughing, then "utterly crushed, but still incapable of an actual tear, happy/devastated dad" in front of camera set for msm staged statements, as seen here and all over the web.

    3. No vids or pics of "wounded" survivors. Just like Aurora movie fake "shooting."

    4. NO wounded. Completely impossible in a spree like this obvious hoax.

    5. The unprecedented act of assigning a "sheriff" to each [fake] "family" [even though there are NO sheriffs in Conn, ever since the feds took over that critical Constitutional institution from the State of CT]. The purpose of this was to sequester and insulate from ANY scrutiny from REAL media, and deter any more catastrophic acting meltdowns on camera like the phony schizophrenic "dad."

    6. Fake interviews of "families" [watch them all on youtube]. Just like 911 and Aurora, etc etc etc.

    7. Thoroughly beyond-bizarre, inexplicable, utterly contradictory circumstances. This list alone would consume dozens of pages.

    8. 100% LACK of motive for the alleged "shooter."

    Go to PART 2. Patriot JM

  23. PART 2 - Just 16, of many more reasons why the fabricated “Sandy Hook “shooting” NEVER happened and positively was a total HOAX:

    9. Almost 100% on the "impossibility" index - this puny fabricated kid could not have carried all those weapons in by himself, and still shot with such astounding accuracy.

    10. No bodies. Non-existent “bodies” snuck out 2 days later in the middle of the night [because there were none].

    11. Closed [empty] caskets - someone needs to dig one of those up in a few months and film the whole thing. The zionist paid liars said this is because all victims had multiple head shots. There is no way a shooter with even a full auto machine gun, could achieve all head shots from panicked running kids, in the amount of time the faked "shooting" happened. Impossible. If they had all been tied up. Yes. Frantically racing around? No - impossible in the amount of time of this fake “shooting.

    12. Shadow analysis proving the staged "video" from choppers was pre-filmed, then broadcast on zion tell-a-LIE-vision, since the shadows that would have occurred, fail to match the 9:30 AM shadows documented at the same location the day before on google earth.

    13. Video on youtube showing rows of ambulances on the SET, which were blocked from pulling up to the school by the Hollywood jew crews’ vehicles.

    14. Scumbag fed TRAITORS took over the scene in minutes, since they already essentially control law enforcement in CT anyway. Search: “Office of sheriff eliminated in Connecticut.”

    15. Confirmed PROOF of the moronic msm zion media shill TWEETING about the event 2 HOURS before it happened. Remember the bbc PSYCHIC shills announcing the collapse of the WTC 7 - ½ hour before it was blown up by mossad.” What IDIOTS!!

    16. Since the WORLD knows that the despicable rogue homicidal state of israel did this, in addition to 911 and MUCH more, they show a jew "kid" as being "buried" FIRST, to create the illusions that this was not set up by mossad,and to generate sympathy for the mortal enemy of the WORLD and the USA: the future charcoal briquet known as israel. It will be a coal after the USA is taken back in 2013, by the People or a military coup by Patriots, and then the People then get their revenge for what the zion scum have done to us for decades. Kaboom/Poooof. Bye bye israel...

    This was 100% a TOTAL HOAX to TRY and grab guns for the planned extermination of 300,000,000 Americans, who represent the final safety net/obstacle for mass worldwide genocide, and 6 billion other people. Good luck gun grabbers - say goodbye to your families before you TRAITORS head out your final suicide mission....

    BANG BANG BANG X 120,000 MILLION PATRIOTS + our Military.


    Patriot JM

    1. This:

      10. No bodies. Non-existent “bodies” snuck out 2 days later in the middle of the night [because there were none].

      defies all manner of SOP. SOP is they all go to the hospital immediately - dead or alive. If for no other reason than that some of them may have been organ donors. Some kid misses out on kidney transplant because you wanted keep dead bodies in a school for 2 day? Outrageous!!

      Yes, kind of proves there were no bodies.

  24. @ "anonymous who posted: "Concerning your 3rd update" [about the fake "father]" - You are a LIAR and a TROLLLLL.

    Do you really think we the People do not know the old nazi propaganda ploy of "embed a lie in the truth," so all the lies looks like the truth?

    You acknowledge the TRUTH - that this whole thing is "extremely suspect and evil", because you have NO choice.

    But you lead with a LIE - that "you personally know the "father" and how his "family has great faith [in the nwo/zionism] that is - YOUR [cia paid shill] quote: "I know the father that has been seen on the news. This family is amazing--their faith is solid, and they don't want the publicity for gain, but for an opportunity to share a message of forgiveness. It is what their daughter would want. I can assure you that he has no involvement in any type of conspiracy in all this."

    No doubt a cia/mossad TROLL like you may have actually met the cia/mossad SCUMBAG actor "father." You government ROACHES ALL KNOW that this moronic, astounding incompetent actor who plays the "father" is the SINGLE MOST COMPELLING FACT THAT THIS ENTIRE "MASSACRE" WAS A HOAX.

    You have been outed DIRTBAG TROLL - Have fun at YOUR EXECUTION when the People take the USA back in 2013, and insects like YOU are hunted down, as will be ALL TRAITOR TROLLS, given a 5 minute "trial", then raised off your struggling feet with a rope, until your despicable treasonous body stops twitching. No, you will NOT be dropped from a scaffold - you will be slowly lifted off the ground - all on live TV.

    Merry [last] Christmas - TROLLLLLLL....

  25. Why don't you all look up One of the women who allegedly worked in the school office is the owner of one of the companies involved in this. Further, check out HEEPS, a DHS training program that was to take place right near the school at the fire dept. There are NO dead kids or adults at that school.

  26. Wow, you all need medication NOW. Any chaotic crime scene will have missinformation and false reports. This is not exactly an incident that happens often. Assumptions and false leads would be common. It was known that the mother had taken him to shoot; guns were part of their upbringing. Also, he came stocked with plenty of guns and ammo. He knew what he was doing, he was a disturbed autistic. There is nothing more too it. Please spend your time getting mental help, you all sound nuts!!

  27. Wow, it's unbelievable to what extent the authorities will go through to be so deceptive as to use a horrific massacre of children in stopping people from owning guns! When I watched the news coverage of the incident there was a clip of two men with kids standing off to the side and both were laughing!!!!! I thought it strange that people would be laughing at a mass murder that just happened! It didn't make sense then and now I understand why it doesn't make sense! Thanks for clarifying what I subconsciously knew---something just doesn't add up!

  28. I just had a thought about this. Since this is FAKE, there would be no reason to hide a potential second shooter because there wasn't even a first shooter. So, would it be more likely that this guy was a Witness that the whole thing was FAKE? Did they threaten him of future imprisonment, "letting him off with a warning" and thus hushing him up (but maybe later giving him a "mysterious accident") so he couldn't tell what he saw?
