
Sunday, December 16, 2012

Sandy Hook Research ..... Teachers listed as Victims NOT on School Website as Faculty. Screen shots/proof- Cameras are IN Newtown Schools - Document

Update 12/16/12 - Obama implies we have to give up our freedom to guns in his speech in Newtown Connecticut.  

Update 12/21/12 - Audio Radio Scanner caught "End Adama's life" that day, plus other videos.

Update 12/23/12 - Video of Outright Proven Lie by the media.

Update 12/29/12 - Pictures of guns from trunk of car

Edit to add 1/8/13 - NRA is not just about Guns it is about our FREEDOMS!
If there is something that bothers me, I want to know more about it.

I want to say I feel deeply for all the children and adults lost that day. I feel grief for those families. What I am doing is not trying to discount their loss nor make it trivial at all!

What I have been doing is researching what seems to be stories that keep changing all the time from those investigating it and the media.

Yesterday I listed the changing story oddities and what were "facts" they became silent about.   I am very bothered by the disappearance and silence of the second shooter.  The police have it on their radio calls about the 2nd shooter... then nothing.  They have not even tried to clear up what everyone heard nor have they clarified who it was they had caught in the woods.   I am not going over what I wrote about yesterday, you can read that at the above link.

 I came across something VERY ODD when I was researching and trying to find out if Newtown Connecticut schools have security cameras installed. I did this due to the fact there has not been one mention of reviewing any security video of the horrible shootings of those beautiful children.

I began searching for the School Board of Fairfield County Connecticut where Newtown is located.  After a lot of searching as it would not come up, only news stories about the shootings.  I changed the way I searched for it multiple times.... I finally got it - The Newtown Board of Education site.  

I wanted to find out their policy on security cameras in the schools.  From the site linked above I went to the Sandy Hook school website.

 (FYI - Every single screen shot I left the web address in the shot... so people can see I got the screen shots directly from the websites I have linked.)

I couldn't find anything on security cameras at that time, but I did decide to go to the Sandy Hook school faculty page to see all the staff of the school.   When I did that it wasn't in mind to check the list against the adult victims.  But once I was there, I decided to see what grade the teachers/victims were (since the mass media didn't list that) and that is when I got a big surprise!   

I copied the names of the teachers:

Rachel Davino, 29
Dawn Hochsprung, 47
Anne Marie Murphy, 52
Lauren Rousseau, 30
Mary Sherlach, 56
Victoria Soto, 27

 Three of the victims are on the website as staff at the school.

Dawn Hochsprung, 47 (Principal)
Victoria Soto, 27 (First Grade Teacher)
Mary Sherlach, 56 (Psychologist)

The other three were not listed as being teachers nor staff at the school:

Rachel Davino, 29
Anne Marie Murphy, 52
Lauren Rousseau, 30
Well.... Just in case the school website got taken down for any reason, I screen shot the staff page.
Here is the faculty list for Sandy Hook School, per their website:

 I then went to the main Newtown School board site and found the page below (you have to go to the "parents" tab at the top of the site to get to the page below) at that site and then had to choose what school.  The list of teachers came up there for the school.

This is the screen shot from that site - you will see the teachers are not listed there either.  In fact Soto is not listed either for some reason.  She is on the Sandy Hook school site though.  I would assume this list is not an updated one.  But I am putting it here (and went to that list) to confirm as a second source that the teachers/victims were not listed.

One other weird thing... this MSM site with the names and bio of all the victims does not have one listed:   Rachel Davino, 29.  How in the world could a victim be left off a list.  Rachel is not on the faculty list either.

Under the same link above Lauren Rousseau, 30, is said to be a full time teacher at the school.

There are so many questions about the whole horrible mass murder and now this adds more questions, in my opinion.

After discovering this I was still determined to find out if the schools have security cameras or not.  OH.. I did find the letter the principal had sent out to all the parents about the new security measures of locked doors at 9:30 am and ID's having to be shown.  I saved it on my computer and will copy it at the bottom of this article.

I went back to the Board of Education site and went to this page on it... "Student Policies."

Go to mid page and you will see 7.406.1 on the list.  The title is "  CAMERA SURVEILLANCE ON SCHOOL GROUNDS"

That then takes you to the document I screen shot and is below.  You will see this was enacted in 2003.

I can not confirm if Sandy Hook had cameras or not.  I simply researched if it was a policy for the Newtown Connecticut schools to have cameras and found it was.

There seems to be lots of new questions that have come up that I did not even write about yesterday in my article regarding the "oddities" of this horrible shooting.

I do know it is now a launch for taking away gun rights we have at this time.  I do know that Feinstein plans on immediately submitting a bill in the Senate to take away guns.  
She is always out first to take away the rights of the U.S. citizens anyway.  That is her favorite thing to do it seems.  She always gets behind anything that suppresses the people more. 

Besides another Democrat saying that Obama needed to Exploit this horrible shooting to get "gun control."

I do find it very odd that the teachers are not listed.  Also I found when I was reading about them from MSM, there was a vagueness about them.

Is this all a conspiracy?  I am not saying it is.... I am saying that there are more UNanswered questions now as the "story" gets told to us from the media.

I really wish the MSM would get some balls and ask about the second shooter, security cameras, etc.

OH.... don't cha just love how MSM is making the mom seem like a "nut" because she had guns.  What I have read is disgusting.  OH... the comments on all the MSM sites calling for a complete ban of all guns.... WOW, the sheeple sure are asleep and not bothering to ask one question about this horrible shooting.

UPDATE 1/14/13 - My message to MSM and them calling anyone questioning Sandy Hook "Nuts and Conspiracy Theorist>"


  1. I found this sight because I realized there was no security footage inside and that is the first thing they usually start showing or shortly after.

    1. Tag number from supposed mothers car where the long guns were retrieved from, reference: Police helicopter footage.

      New Player >

      They are obviously deceiving the people for their own agenda. the car that was supposedly lanza's mom wasn't actually hers. it is registered to Christopher A. Rodia. The license plate number was "872-YE0" (registered to Chris) All the information is completely flawed. There have also been spotted actors in interviews that are supposedly parents of some of the children. These people have been seen in other news "episodes." Obviously the news is pure entertainment for the gov's propaganda. Moreover, here is the "Phelps family" Come to find out they are the Sexton family from Florida.

  2. another 'coincidence' ? the lieutenant

    1. another "coincidence" The Pt Arthur massacre patsy in Australia, lived in Newtown Tasmania. Just happened to be 3 or 4 CIA agents at the massacre site in Australia on that day... ????

      That massacre in Australia carried out by a special forces soldier and blamed on a guy with an IQ of 66 lead to gun control in Australia.

    2. WOW! I did not know that! Thank you, I am going to write about that. Coincidence or not... same name to push through a gun ban for a country?

  3. The homicidal cia trash who killed the 20 kids on Friday in this country, and scores more EVERY day around the world each day with u.s. terror drones, will offer the same security footage they showed the world when the us government committed the staged OKC bombing, or the magical jet that "hit" the pentagon on 911, or the us government false flag Aurora massacre: none. Lies do not do well on video...

  4. BTW Thank you Patriot, for this article. JM

  5. Another item to add to the list of oddities, Sherrie: The ME report on the victims both in terms of number of shots and the type of ammunition. This was clearly not some lone nut bent on killing a large number of people. This was someone or multiple people killing for maximum shock effect. Multiple rounds into young children using hollow point ammunition. I would say that 95% of the ammunition on the market for .223/5.56 is FMJ(full metal jacket). It's rare for people to shoot .223 JHP (jacketed hollow points in an AR style rifle). Unless this mother was a hunter, I'm highly suspicious that she was purchasing JHP ammo.

    1. Look up Hornady Personal defense ammunition (very common) or Hornady V-Max ammunition (very common hunting round). Both of those rounds are hollow point (basically) and would result in the type of injuries described by the ME. Even standard .223 fmj ammunition is designed to tumble and fragment causing massive damage(videos/pictures are online although they are graphic)

    2. You made my point. I'm well aware of the Hornady ammo. The ammunition you speak of (Vmax) is hunting ammunition used by hunters.There is zero evidence Lanza's mother ever hunted. It is not the typical ammunition owners of .223 semi-auto's buy.Check any of the big online retailers. 99% of their listed .223 ammo is FMJ. The vast majority of people who have firearms for PD load their handguns with PD ammo or use a shotgun for PD. They don't load their .223 with PD ammo. Sure you can buy JHP ammo for the .223 but it represents a fraction of what's sold and used which was my point. Also, the .223 tumbles at distance, 100 yards+, not at close quarters of 0-30 feet at 3200 fps out of the barrel.

      To date there is zero evidence Lanza's mother ever went to a shooting range, ever took shooting instruction or even bought the mentioned firearms. Not one dealer of ammunition or firearms has come forward as having sold her any shooting equipment. Not one person has ever come forward and said they saw her at a range or went shooting with her. The entire story is BS from beginning to end.

  6. Apparently Rachel and Anne Marie were teacher's aides, and Lauren was a substitute teacher, from what I read, which would explain them not being listed on the website. The media has definitely botched this one up, not getting their facts straight before reporting.

    1. Also, RACHEL D'AVINO, 29, is now listed on this page:

  7. Why so many special education teachers at a school for K-4 students?

    1. I thought that too. This is not exactly a location where many children would be expected to have issues typical of a more stressed demographic.

      And two occupational therapists? That's just crazy. Only explanation would be if these professionals are "affiliated" for contract, transient assignments and not regulars. Weird.

    2. You people simply have no clue about special education. I am a special education teacher in an affluent city. My school is K-5. We have approximately 600 students in our school. We employ 4 full time special education teachers plus at least 15 aides who work either as classroom aides in the special day classes or as 1:1 aides in classrooms with special needs kids.

  8. The reason why you could not get any results for the "School Board of Fairfield County Connecticut" is because the State of Connecticut did away county governments back in 1960 meaning that there is no government at a county level which also means that there are no county sheriff's departments either. The only forms of government in the State of Connecticut is either at the state level or the local city or town level. That's it. That's also why the Connecticut State Police has a staff force that is larger then most other states' police or highway patrols. There is even a state law in Connecticut that says that the governor has to employ a certain number state police personnel. I remember that even David Letterman used to always complain on his late night show about always getting speeding tickets from the Connecticut State Police.

  9. From CT State Police Site under Shooting Update - Additionally, “anyone who harasses or threatens the victims, victims’ families or witnesses of these horrific crimes, or who, in any manner interferes with the ongoing state or federal investigations will be referred for state and/or federal prosecution to the fullest extent permitted by law. Harassment not only includes in-person contact, but also contact via the internet, social media, and telephone.” Social media includes, but is not limited to, Facebook, Blogs, YouTube, Twitter, Pinterest, and MySpace. Harassment or interfering includes, but is not limited to, making claims of your involvement in the crime or making claims that hinder the advancement of the investigation.

  10. Just a quick browse through the SHS scrapbook photos shows there were no cameras installed in the school.

  11. Have you seen this info:

    "The father of Newtown Connecticut school shooter Adam Lanza is Peter Lanza who is a VP and Tax Director at GE Financial. The father of Aurora Colorado movie theater shooter James Holmes is Robert Holmes, the lead scientist for the credit score company FICO. Both men were to testify before the US Sentate in the ongoing LIBOR scandal. The London Interbank Offered Rate, known as Libor, is the average interest rate at which banks can borrow from each other. 16 international banks have been implicated in this ongoing scandal, accused of rigging contracts worth trillions of dollars. HSBC has already been fined $1.9 billion and three of their low level traders arrested."

    LIBOR is the BCCI of this decade.

  12. I tried to post this earlier, but it didn't take:

    Here’s an as good as any explanation as to what’s going on with these planned and staged events (Note the father of the alleged “lone” perpetrator is to testify on the LIBOR scandal, just like Holmes’ father. Coincidence? Only if you’re a “Coincidence Theorist”.):

    Pt. 1:

    Pt. 2:

    Make these go viral. The exposure may thwart the objective of the PTB

  13. I watched a youtube video recently that claimed the school was having a drill that morning. the video showed what appeared to be a screen grab from their twitter page that has since been removed. any word on that? the video was the only place I had heard that mentioned. very interesting if it turns out to be true...

  14. Well if the two fathers were supposed to testify, you better believe they won't now. So, this angle will not help reveal the truth.

  15. Americans nor anyone should have the right to have a gun.the purpose of a gun is to kill and that's need take all guns and destroy them

    1. Being such a simpleton in today's world must be incredibly hard for you....

    2. why dont you move and it wont be a problem

    3. I believe the purpose of a gun is to protect. The criminals will always have guns no matter if they are banned. If this really was one shooter rather than a patsy then one adult with a gun could have saved many lives.

    4. I wonder if such a simpleton would disarm the police as well?

    5. Absolutely. The police should not have guns. Their guns are killing more kids than criminals these days.

  16. While I greatly question the major inconsistancies with this 'investigation' I can confirm that I'm friends with the mother of Rachel D'Avino's fiancee-to-be, and there was an open casket wake for her last night.

    1. " Virtually immediately independent researchers began various attempts to identify her true identity, holding the name “Rachel” as a mere alias. This will, here, be proven to be a correct presumption. There is no person of the acclaimed description called Rachel D’Avino in the Newtown area.

      A flurry of reports on the Internet have surfaced of the suspicion of Rachel D’Avino, shown below, as being part of the extended Greenberg family, which has been a source of suspicion since the finding of pictures of Victoria Soto the Phelps actors (presumably Richard Sexton and Jennifer Greenberg-Sexton) in those very albums. A potential person was identified and held out as possibly the real Rachel D’Avino. However, the person in question has merely vague similarities. One key feature the was absent is the noticeably long, narrow ears with prominent, bulbous ear lobes. Additionally, D’Avino has prominent front teeth, almost buck-like, clearly standing out among the others. None of these features are evident in the various people previously regarded as her likenesses.
      The case was simply not clear. That’s when the editors stumbled upon a post on Phil Jayhan’s representing independent research by a person with the handle PC Geek. It was this individual who first discovered that rather than a wealthy Greenberg the D’Avino mystery pointed within the family itself: to Sarah D’Avino, who is a virtual exact " likeness...

  17. Interesting that the writer of "HUNGER GAMES" lives in the same town. Isn't the hero of the game the one who outlast the killing of children?

    As a result of the significant popularity of The Hunger Games books, Collins was named one of Time magazine's most influential people of 2010.[14] In March 2012, Amazon announced that Collins had become the best-selling Kindle author of all time.[15] Amazon also revealed that Collins had written 29 of the 100 most highlighted passages in Kindle ebooks—and on a separate Amazon list of recently highlighted passages, Collins had written 17 of the top 20.[16]
    Personal life

    Collins resides in Sandy Hook, Connecticut, with her husband and their two children.[5] She is a Roman Catholic.[17]

  18. Hi Sherrie,
    I just wanted to contribute some information. Rachel D’avino and Anne Marie Murphy were behavioral therapists/Instructional assistants at the school. I live in California and I work as a behavioral Consultant and have worked many behavioral therapist/instructional assistant jobs before I finished graduate school and got a consulting job. Those positions, while incredibly important, are often deemed as “classified” staff instead of “certificated staff” (i.e. credentialed teachers, school psychologists, principals). Classified staff members typically receive their training through the district instead of an educational program through a university. From what I’ve read, Miss D’avino was pursuing BCBA certification but that was still in the works as course work and the hours necessary take quite some time to complete (I know first hand). Classified staff’s responsibilities are typically much less than certified staff and are typically focussed on the hands on work with one or a few children per day. These positions are also, typically, part time, somewhat high in number in comparison to teacher/student ratio, and are often a higher turnover rate (just in my experience). I have never known of a district to include the instructional assistants/behavioral therapists on the school website as that distinction is typically only for certificated staff. Just an insider’s experience. Also, Miss Rousseau reportedly didn’t join the school until this year (I’ve read conflicting reports between 6 months and 6 weeks prior to the shooting) so this may explain her absence. Also, I’ve heard she was a long term sub for a teacher out on maternity leave- if that is the case then she would probably not be listed on the site since subs are temporary. I’ve also heard she was recently hired to full time so who knows? The facts keep changing as time passes.

  19. lauren rousseau was a full time substitute teacher.

    1. She was not a licence teacher. I looked her up on the Connecticut state department of education. No Record Found.

  20. Thank you for this site, among others who has the need to question authority and find the truth, and the truth, shall set you free! There are so many inconsistances in my mind as welL:

    1. How many white WASP women in Connecticut even own a Bushmaster Assault rifle? My guess is NONE. Nancy Lanze seems like an ordinary woman who liked to drink wine with her friends and play Bunko, not some survivialist or doomsday prepper.

    2. Adam Lanza is described by classmates and teachers as painfully shy, he would hug the walls so he did not have to touch anyone, although very bright. I hardly think someone who has such deep social phobias is going to be brave enough to 1) drive on his own 2) do a mass murder as suggested.

    3. There was both recorded police radio calls as well as TV News camera of at least 2 men in camoflague running in the woods behind the school. What happened to that video, why no mainstream media coverage?

    4. The car, that supposedly Adam Lanza was driving was not registered to him, and it was reported by the police scanner that it belonged to a Christopher Rodia. An article in the Connecticut Post supposedly discredited that, but the license # of the blank honda that towed away on the scene matches the license plate number that was reported on the police scanner.

    5. The family of Emilie Parker, conveniently were not from the Sandy Hook area, and moved back to Utah immediately following this incident. This is the questionable video of the father, where there have been "claims" he was acting.

    6. FOX NEWS first reported this incident first at 9:00 AM which was BEFORE the incident actually happened.

    1. I'll add that a kid who can't stand to be touched or be in bright lights (and who exhibits other autism-spectrum symptoms more serious than simple Asperger's) is not believable as someone who liked to go to "shooting ranges." No way. If the kid was as Richard Novia described--with such a degree of autism that he was practically non-functioning--he would MAYBE have shot a gun once--as in squeezing the trigger one time--and never again.

  21. Newton Bee new reported that man in the woods was:
    "A man with a gun who was spotted in the woods near the school on the day of the incident was an off-duty tactical squad police officer from another town, according to the source."

    1. My question to the Newtown Bee would be:

      If that is true, then why would an officer, with nothing to hide, be running from the police? Doesn't even make sense. Why would he even be in the location of the school and start running from the police if he was innocent?

  22. hi there, i have also done an extensive amount of research into this event, i dont know why, i live in australia, the only way it effects me is the grief i feel for anyone who lost someone during this event, as i believe some were victims and loved ones were lost. i also want anyone who reads my quastions to know i am a compassionate, overly emotional person who does not want anyones pain or loss to be buried by questions and theories. however, in all that i have read and researched, there is a lot of questions i have, and my head is a tornado like state, so after reading this post, i thought here was a good place to ask, who was nick and laura phelps' child? i see no child victim :( on the list, last name phelps. this may have been answered before, but i can not find it. im aware of the controversy surrounding these parents/actors, is there any updates about this?

  23. Just another odd detail---

    Her bio says she began teaching in 2007--- the listing for Sandy Hook faculty says she was an intern 2010-2011 school year... would she intern for three years? The current school year is her first year as a teacher.... why are so many small details wrong in the over-all story?

  24. I have asked more than one person this question and the universal response was "What, are you a conspiracy theorist?"
    I spent many years as a teacher in the NYC department of education and did countless fire, shelter, and intruder drills. I innocently asked how the 672 students and 30 teachers and possibly another 30 teaching assistants were evacuated from the building. An orderly dispersal of the student teacher and student population would be a solid learning experience. Secondly, did anyone interview all the other teachers that escaped unharmed?

    1. Brilliant!! You have an excellent point here...just how the hell did they get everyone out? Unless they were all removed before hand?? This whole thing stinks

  25. You're spot on Sherrie. There is nothing wrong with expressing doubt about what "they" say and asking questions. You can believe I would be asking a whole lot of questions if it was one of my grand children. Do you have any updates available?

  26. The camera for Sandy Hook is right in plain site... on top of the building second story gym windows behind (I realized today while looking at a camera mounted at the intersection, same type but without the metal flap)... it is without a typical hood/cover and from the angle of most pictures the camera itself is head-on... to the viewer.

    I have also been trying to determine how many kids were in each class and who was teaching that morning. By process of elimination I came to the conclusion Miss Rousseau was substituting for Mrs. D'Amato. A surprising fact that has received no media attention. Several reports indicated that two victims died in D'Amatos class. Since there were no reports of any shootings other than the two as known it became quite clear D'Amato was not in her class that morning, but Rousseau her sub. instead.

    1. Mrs. Carolynn Monohan, is the only one listing class size:
    We have 16 children in our class: 8 boys and 8 girls. (From her teacher web page.)
    2. Miss Kazlauskas does not list class size.
    3. Miss Roig has only 15 students by media accounts.
    4. Miss Soto had 16 students (her little angels as posted by friend), but possibly 19 by various media accounts.
    5. Mrs D’Amato has no media or school records available for class size. Per victims in Rousseau's class possibly 17.
    per media--14 victims jackets+survivor+two taken to hospital.

    According to this sandy school site [as of Nov. 2012]: [The report was uploaded 12/4/2012]

    According to the records there were five classes of 1st graders (four of nineteen + one of eighteen) as of 12-4-2012. A library article also makes make note of class sizes: There are 25 classrooms in the school: 2 Preschool, 2 Kindergarten, 5 First Grade, 5 Second Grade, 6 Third Grade and 5 Fourth Grade.”

    There was no need for a sixth teacher so Rousseau had to be substituting for one of the five teachers. I found an audio interview done with Pam Midlik, an educational assistant, who was in Miss Kazlauskas class that morning. Pam also mentions the Dad(I didn't do it) in the hallway, who was coming from Mrs. Carolynn Monohans class, the teacher making ginger-bread houses that morning. {Don’t forget – everything is due this coming Monday, Dec. 10th. This will allow enough time for me to make individual kits for the children. Construction is set for Friday morning December 14th at 9:45 in our classroom--from her newsletter page...still there} Thus establishing two of the five teachers, then Roig, Soto and Rousseau. Put Roussseau in D'Amatos class and it makes logical sense.

    Considering the info. there ought to be 94 kids in school that morning, however only 82 can be accounted for by a thin factor of verifiable evidence. The class pictures really appear to be from the previous school year which does not help establish which kids were actually in whose class. The roll-call books were right there in those class-rooms, but like so many other key items of identification they were never referenced or even mentioned.

    There is also the odd dispatch audio record of finding 18 victims in the kitchen closet, plus one adult. Two kitchen staff were mentioned as hiding in a closet... but they were not referenced as victims. All the ambiguities here raise some very thorny questions. I doubt the final report will answer a single one of them.

    J. D.

  27. Here is what i found out as well the Conneticut department of education has a website.


    Most of there emails ends with this "" using there first initial and last name ex: you can see her licencing which is this:
    ACTIVE 1/12/2013 1/11/2018

    When you list the ones who were fishy, they are not in the C.O.D.E. Also they say the principal was there for 3 years but his license was not active until 6/30/2012. Is this Normal? Sherrie i tried to email you but i dont have your info. if so email me so i can give you the rest of the info i found. im starting to discover people are watching me.

  28. The petition by many Newtown families to seal Sandy Hook records included a signature of a Justin Craparo, listing himself as "son of wounded teacher."

  29. On the main Newtown site, where Soto was not listed, were the others, including principal and psychologist? Or did you not look for those, since they were not teachers?

  30. You people are fucking sick. It happened and I am a family member of one of the survivors. Get a fucking life you assholes.
