
Saturday, March 30, 2013

Fox News reveals IMF wants a $1.40 tax more per gallon in U.S, for world 'climate control' - Mentions same thing Jim Willie wrote about "West dying, East Rising"

The IMF wants to tax the U.S. citizens $1.40 per gallon for 'the climate'. Fox News had Charles Payne on the show to talk about it.

What is amazing he was able to get some truth out, in the fact that the West is being left behind. He said the East is rising up and doing excellent.

This goes in exactly with what Jim Willie wrote about on 3/29/13 and gave a lot of information of what the East is doing and how they are rising up and the U.S. and Europe is dying.  Jim put a lot of detail of what is happening and how in his article.

I highly advise everyone to read it to have a better understanding of what is happening and will happen. I was able to interview Jim on 3/26/13 about Cyprus and the Eurasian Trade.  Here is the first paragraph of Jim's article on Goldseek:

An unstoppable sequence of events has been put into motion finally. The pressure has been building for months. Some themes are plainly evident, except to those who wear rose colored glasses in the US Dome of Perception. The USTreasury Bond will be brought home to the US and British banks, where it will choke its bankers, then be devalued for survival reasons, after a painful isolation. The Chinese and Russians will conspire to finance the Eurasian Trade Zone corridor foundation with USTBonds, held in reserve, put to usage. The British will play a very unusual role, selling out the United States in order to be squires to the Eastern Duo. The process has begun; it cannot be stopped. The events are already being grossly misinterpreted and minimized in the US press, where devoted lapdogs, artistic swindlers, and creative writers prevail. The Paradigm Shift eastward is showing its next face, with a truly massive trade zone for cooperation and reduced cost overhead as the giant foundation. The Untied States for all of its past hegemony and devious manipulations and vicious attacks, will be excluded. The British will assist in the exclusion in order to avoid the Third World themselves. The following blueprint is the result of years of planning, with steady information and hints and confirmations by at least two Hat Trick Letter sources. The sunset of the USDollar has a blueprint. As a personal embroidery, let me state that this article is the most important the Jackass has ever written. Let it be taken seriously for its grave somber message.

Here is the video segment, revealing the IMF wants a gas tax and how the East is rising and flourishing while the West is dying.   They obviously are going to suck money from the people anyway they can, from stealing right out of the bank accounts to taxing us in every way.

FDIC and BOE paper: One Controlling Entity for U.S./U.K. Financials. Plan for continuity of banks/money from "top down" and taking depositors money

This is one of those government papers from the FDIC website, where you read it and are able to see what they have planned.

The FDIC and the Bank of England put the plan together.  It is basically a One (New) World Order for financials and banking.  It even says the saving would be from the 'Top Down' in the paper.

This paper focuses on the application of “top-down” resolution strategies that involve a single resolution authority applying its powers to the top of a financial group, that is, at the parent company level. The paper discusses how such a top-down strategy could be implemented for a U.S. or a U.K. financial group in a cross-border context. 
This paper was finished in December of 2012.   This next paragraph proves they have been putting the plans in place to do 'bail ins' (steal depositor money) in the banks for awhile now.

The introduction of a statutory bail-in resolution tool (the power to write down or
convert into equity the liabilities of a failing firm) under the RRD is critical to implementing a whole group resolution of U.K. firms in a way that reduces the risks to financial stability. A bail-in tool would enable the U.K. authorities to recapitalize an institution by allocating losses to its shareholders and unsecured creditors, thereby avoiding the need to split or transfer operating entities. The provisions in the RRD that enable the resolution authority to impose a temporary stay on the exercise of termination rights by counterparties in the event of a firm’s entry into resolution (in other words, preventing counterparties from terminating their contractual arrangements with a firm solely as a result of the firm’s entry into resolution) will be needed to ensure the bail-in is executed in an orderly manner.

Here is another sentence about the depositors bearing the burden of the bank.

 requires that the losses of any financial company placed into receivership will not be borne by taxpayers, but by common and preferred stockholders, debt holders, and other unsecured creditors.

Read this next sentence and laugh.  They have the nerve to put the words " minimizes moral hazard" in, when they are stealing people's money.  They don't even know what the word "moral" means.  They have none.

Once appointed receiver for a failed financial company, the FDIC would be
required to carry out a resolution of the company in a manner that mitigates risk to financial stability and minimizes moral hazard. Any costs borne by the U.S. authorities in resolving the institution not paid from proceeds of the resolution will be recovered from the industry.

Number 30 specifically talks about U.K. stealing people's money:

 The U.K.’s planned approach to single point of entry also involves a top-down 
resolution. On the basis that the RRD will introduce a broad bail-in power, the U.K.
authorities would seek to recapitalize the financial group through the imposition of losses on
shareholders and, as appropriate, creditors of the firm via the exercise of a statutory bail-in
power. This U.K. group resolution approach need not employ a bridge bank and
administration, although such powers are available in the U.K. and may be appropriate under
certain circumstances.

Here is their 'top down' strategy again:

A top-down resolution by definition focuses on assigning losses and establishing new capital structures at the top of the group. This approach keeps the rest of the group, potentially comprised of hundreds or thousands of legal entities, intact

Then read this little paragraph.  Them working on having their One World Bank authority and overcoming individual country laws/governing bodies:

A key part of the work undertaken by the U.S. and the U.K. has been to identify the regulatory obligations of foreign authorities in response to a resolution originated by a home authority. Where any impediments to effective whole group resolution have been identified, authorities are in the process of exploring methods to overcome them.

Read the whole paper!  You will find it basically says One World Government in many ways and it will put the future financial problems on the depositors of the banks.  It also will worry about the Top Down.  In other words "screw the people" we need to be sure we are protected!

This is outrageous and people need to see this is from their government!  

If people won't believe and wake up, when they are reading a government paper about how the banks will take their money and putting all the pieces in place to do so.  They even say it is with a One Authority!  

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Adam Lanza Police items seized Finally released - Associating NRA with Lanza

The Police have just released today 3/28/13 the list of items found at Adam Lanza's house.

They list a few items but they then put the NRA information found in the article twice.

What they decided to do is try and 'hit' the NRA now and try and associate the NRA with nuts who commit mass murder, thus the NRA is an accomplis to it.   It is the psychology of putting the two together and try and get people to associate the two.  Now they are trying to associate the NRA with Adam so people will really hate the NRA and call them murderers. 


MARCH 28--A police search of school shooter Adam Lanza’s home turned up a cache of guns, knives, swords, and ammo, eight journals authored by the 20-year-old gunman, a National Rifle Association certificate issued to the mass murderer, and an NRA guide to the “basics of pistol shooting.”

Search warrant inventories released today detail the items seized from the Sandy Hook, Connecticut home Lanza shared with his mother Nancy. The searches were conducted following Lanza’s December 14 shooting rampage at Sandy Hook Elementary School.
 According to the inventories, police found these items in Lanza’s residence:
* Three photos “with images of what appears to be a deceased human covered with plastic and what appears to be blood.”
* A New York Times article about a “school shooting at Northern Illinois University.” In February 2008, a former NIU student shot five victims to death and injured 21 others inside a lecture hall before killing himself.
* An “NRA guide to the basics of pistol shooting.” Two books about Asperger’s syndrome were also taken from home of Lanza, who reportedly suffered from the developmental disorder. One of the books is a memoir by John Elder Robison about living with Asperger’s. After the Sandy Hook shooting, Robison wrote a Psychology Today article debunking the claim that Asperger’s can turn someone into a mass murderer.
The inventories contain no references to medications purportedly prescribed to Lanza.
* A “smashed computer hard drive” that was found on “top of a desk in what is believed to be Adam Lanza’s bedroom.”

I want you to notice something now on how the article reads in this part:

After shooting his mother Nancy to death in their Sandy Hook home, Lanza drove a 2010 Honda Civic to the Newtown school, where he used a Bushmaster .223-caliber rifle to murder 20 children and six adults (before killing himself with a Glock handgun). Investigators recovered 154 spent .223-caliber shell casings inside the school.

Notice what I noticed?  They are saying "A" 2010 Honda Civic, they are not saying Nancy Lanza's vehicle for the first time.  We know it was not Nancy Lanza's car at the school, but a Chris Rodia is who the license plate showed it registered to!   So they gave up that part, but it is already burned into most people's head that Nancy Lanza owned the car. 

Video-Jim Rogers on CNBC 3/28/13 - "Get your money out of the Banks, they are going to loot it". WOW - CNBC agreed.

Update - 5:30 PM The video is no longer available on CNBC.  But I have captured it and will put it on, when I have it uploaded on youtube. It is now uploaded.    I gather, they really don't want it broadcast out again.   :)

Video of Jim Rogers on CNBC this morning 3/28/13:  "If politicians say don't worry, then understand you have to worry and they will loot your bank account.  Run for the hills and hurry to get your money out"  IMF condoning stealing of people's money.    He says don't trust any politician, if you do, you will go bankrupt quickly.   Amazing the CNBC reporter agreed with him.

Short to the point segment.  Get your money out of the banks!

Here is the copy of Jim Rogers on CNBC, since they took down their video. I was able to capture it.

5:45 PM It looks like they have fixed the video and it is up again. I will still keep mine above, in case something happens to this one again.

UPDATE 3/30/13 -  

FDIC and BOE paper: One Controlling Entity for U.S./U.K. Financials. Plan for continuity of banks/money from "top down" and taking depositors money  From FDIC's own website! 

Added 3/30/13 - Video -  IMF wants a $1.40 gas tax in U.S. for climate control and how East is Rising West is dying.    They obviously are going to suck money from the people anyway they can! 

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Do we have any rights left? NO rights to Privacy. FBI spy real time on emails and chats

Where the hell is our Rights to privacy?  How is this happening?  Have we been so complacent in the U.S. that we have literally had everyone of our Rights stolen away all for "The good of the homeland?"

The FBI wants to be able to read our emails and chats as they happen.  Where is the warrants for that?   Oh but wait, the 'Wiretap Act' is what allows them to do that.   Of course as with any bills that are broad and without defined barriers the government expands them as they will.

I want people to think about that and what it means for drones in the future.  The placement of drones is very broad in the U.S.  But of course the government says "We will never abuse it".  Yeah Right!  What B.S.!  They get a bill pushed through that ultimately takes away our Freedoms!

What is this country going to look like in only 10 short years?  What kind of surveillance country will we have?  Will we end up having something in our homes that watches what we do and the government can view it in real time?

I sincerely believe there is going to be a tipping point that many will wake up at one time and when they fully realize what is happening and how we have become a Orwellian country, chaos will ensue.

Portion from article:

Despite the pervasiveness of law enforcement surveillance of digital communication, the FBI still has a difficult time monitoring Gmail, Google Voice, and Dropbox in real time. But that may change soon, because the bureau says it has made gaining more powers to wiretap all forms of Internet conversation and cloud storage a “top priority” this year.
Last week, during a talk for the American Bar Association in Washington, D.C., FBI general counsel Andrew Weissmann discussed some of the pressing surveillance and national security issues facing the bureau. He gave a few updates on the FBI’s efforts to address what it calls the “going dark” problem—how the rise in popularity of email and social networks has stifled its ability to monitor communications as they are being transmitted. It’s no secret that under the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, the feds can easily obtain archive copies of emails. When it comes to spying on emails or Gchat in real time, however, it’s a different story.
That’s because a 1994 surveillance law called the Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act only allows the government to force Internet providers and phone companies to install surveillance equipment within their networks. But it doesn’t cover email, cloud services, or online chat providers like Skype. Weissmann said that the FBI wants the power to mandate real-time surveillance of everything from Dropbox and online games (“the chat feature in Scrabble”) to Gmail and Google Voice. “Those communications are being used for criminal conversations,” he said.
Either way, the FBI is not happy with the current arrangement and is on a crusade for more surveillance authority. According to Weissmann, the bureau is working with “members of intelligence community” to craft a proposal for new Internet spy powers as “a top priority this year.” Citing security concerns, he declined to reveal any specifics. “It's a very hard thing to talk about publicly,” he said, though acknowledged that “it's something that there should be a public debate about.”

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Jim Willie Interview, What is really going on in Cyprus behind the scenes and The other Euro Nations at risk.

Jim Willie, The Golden Jackass who writes Hat Trick letter for subscribers.  He has a public site too where you can read his public articles and links to his latest interviews.   If you haven't subscribed you are missing out on someone who is ahead of everyone else in most cases in knowing what is going to be happening and going on behind the scenes.

I am thrilled, Jim took his valuable time to speak with me about Cyprus and the Russian connection.

This is a 50 minute interview that is well worth listening to.

What will the Russians do for retaliation against the EU for trying to steal their money?
How are Russia and China working together?
The future of the EU?
The Iceland solution
The gold and silver prices and what they premiums are in reality in other countries?
The dollar and U.S. becoming 'Third World'.
The Eurasian Trade groups.
China and Africa
All of the above plus more discussed in the interview.

As always Jim provides great information, including some "insiders" information.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Paul Krugman - Saying Due to Cyprus and Russian money - U.S. needs Capital Controls - No money leaving - No foreign money coming in

Paul Krugman is seriously an absolute tool for the Central Bankers and Federal Reserve!

He is using the Cyprus stealing of money by the EU as a reason to start Capital Controls in the U.S. to stop foreign money from coming in and U.S. money going out.  After all, he says that is what has caused all of our bubbles and caused Cyprus' problem.

He calls it "Cross Money Controls" not what it actually is which is the government controlling everything you do with your money, since they really believe it is theirs or the banks.

This is the most ridiculous argument I have ever read.  Yet, Huffington Post always promotes him and his articles.


Whatever the final outcome in the Cyprus crisis — we know it’s going to be ugly; we just don’t know exactly what form the ugliness will take — one thing seems certain: for the time being, and probably for years to come, the island nation will have to maintain fairly draconian controls on the movement of capital in and out of the country.

It wasn’t always thus. In the first couple of decades after World War II, limits on cross-border money flows were widely considered good policy; they were more or less universal in poorer nations, and present in a majority of richer countries too.

Over time, however, these restrictions fell out of fashion. To some extent this reflected the fact that capital controls have potential costs: they impose extra burdens of paperwork, they make business operations more difficult, and conventional economic analysis says that they should have a negative impact on growth (although this effect is hard to find in the numbers). 

What’s the common theme in these episodes? Conventional wisdom blames fiscal profligacy — but in this whole list, that story fits only one country, Greece. Runaway bankers are a better story; they played a role in a number of these crises, from Chile to Sweden to Cyprus. But the best predictor of crisis is large inflows of foreign money: in all but a couple of the cases I just mentioned, the foundation for crisis was laid by a rush of foreign investors into a country, followed by a sudden rush out.

Now what? I don’t expect to see a wholesale, sudden rejection of the idea that money should be free to go wherever it wants, whenever it wants. There may well, however, be a process of erosion, as governments intervene to limit both the pace at which money comes in and the rate at which it goes out. Global capitalism is, arguably, on track to become substantially less global.
And that’s O.K. Right now, the bad old days when it wasn’t that easy to move lots of money across borders are looking pretty good.

So there you have it.  Him calling for a control of all aspects of what "We the People" would be allowed to do with our money!  

Update - 3/26/13 - Jim Willie Interview about Cyprus

Buying 2 ounces of Silver makes a difference - Why - 3 min video by David Morgan, SILVER REVOLUTION!

This is a short but important video in understanding how buying only 2 ounces of silver for yourself can make a difference.

David Morgan of Silver-Investor and the Morgan Report put this important 3 minute video together.

We can all make a difference and if just a small portion of the people in the world purchased 2 ounces of silver, the supply would be gone.

Do you have $60 to invest in your future for Honest Money?

Buy Silver!  Crash JP Morgan and the Banks!  See your $60 double or more in value!

IT IS TIME TO TAKE BACK OUR FINANCIAL WORLD FROM THE BANKS!  Especially since they are now stealing directly out of our accounts!  BUY WHAT THEY HATE THE MOST - GOLD AND SILVER!

Max Keiser had "Buy Silver and Crash JP Morgan" campaign.  I had a "Buy an ounce give an ounce" silver campaign 2 years ago!  Now????  



Sunday, March 24, 2013

Deal Reached for Cyprus - 40% of deposits will be stolen. Banks doing it without Parliament vote

The EU had an out where they could simply steal the money without a vote from the Cyprus Parliament.  Since the stealing of the money is not a tax, but it is necessary to save the banks,  there is no vote from the government of Cyprus for it.  It will just be done.

(Update - at the end it is now 40% of deposits over 100,000)

 FYI - I am tired of it being called a "haircut"!  Call it what it is STEALING! What bullsh** to keep saying haircut for it!  If they are going to use a body part - don't f ing use haircut - use knife to the gut and splitting it open!  It is not a F ing haircut!

An agreement was reached for them to steal 30% from the deposits of the Cyprus banks.

It appears the 'deal' to default/restructure the banks has been designed to bypass the need for parliamentary votes, since it is theoretically not a tax.
While we have little color on what kind of carnage the President of Cyprus had to accept to his fellow countrymen, the news is that :
The terms, unsurprisingly what zee Germans wanted, are:
i) Laiki to be wound down;
ii) Bank of Cyprus to survive but with deposit haircuts, and
iii) deal would see secured deposits in Laiki moved to Bank of Cyprus.
In other words, a deal far worse then the original on proposed by the Eurogroup last week - when the banks still existed. The key appears to be the 'saving' of the insured depositors (crucial to avoid a pan-European bank run) and the crushing of the 'whale' depositors

Hitlmerk (Hitler Merkel) my name for her now.  Is behind it all.  She is Hitler reincarnated or the spawned daughter of his!  She even actually looks like him.


Edit to add 3/25/13 - Hitlmerk's comment upon the EU/Cyprus stealing of money:

German chancellor Angela Merkel has voiced her approval of the deal. Mrs Merkel has become something of a hate figure on the island, among a population which believes she maintained a tough stance to meet her own political ends at home, where federal elections will be held in September.
QuoteI am very pleased that a solution was found and that we have been able to avoid an insolvency. I believe the agreement that was reached is the right one.
Also adding this tweet:   Cyprus is confiscating all money at borders from Wall Street Journal:
JoeWSJ Joe Parkinson#Cyprus border officials at air/sea ports searching bags and under orders to confiscate any cash sums over 10k euros.#capitalcontrols (1/2)
This is simply disgusting!

What does this tell everyone, every where?

Get you Money OUT OF THE  BANKS!

They can twist the reason for stealing the money and just do it!  The banks feel your money in it, is actually their money.   They are allowed this through the government too.

If people don't wake up now and see the banks are allowed to steal every one's money if they want to, right out of their accounts, I don't know what will.  JP Morgan stole the money from the MF Global accounts, but that was hidden from the masses as a whole.  MSM never mentioned that sanctioned and government allowed stealing.

What is so sad about all of this too, is Cyprus was a financially healthy and prosperous country just 5 short years ago, until they joined the EU.

My open letter to the banks!  

This really is getting me going!  It shows without a doubt we are simply slaves and subhuman to those who are the 'elite' and run the world.  They want us in absolute poverty and to grovel to them for any of our needs.  They want us to slave away to pay them every dime we make.

I hope the People of Cyprus lets the banks and EU know what they think of this!

But... one condolence for me.... The Russians will get Revenge!  They Always get revenge for any wrong done to them.  It may not be tomorrow, but I look forward to the EU being taken down by the Russians.  Russian grudges and revenges are passed down from generation to generation.  I really do look forward to what the Russians will do to the EU commission members now.  Everyone involved in the stealing of their money.  It is Russian government money too.  Putin wasn't happy about 12% - Now 40%!  Seems the EU is saying F U to Putin.   But I know who will have the last laugh and it won't be the EU!

Will Russia be on a track now to stealthily take down the Western Bankers?  I sure Hope So!

They will not stop at Cyprus.  Once they have been able to steal from one country'e people right out of their accounts, they will march their way through the other countries.  Just like Hitler did, he marched his way through, taking one country at a time.  Hitlmerk is on the same path with the same goal!  Domination and slavery of the people!

All the money people saved up their whole lives - GONE in an instant due to the F ing GREED of the EU!

If you don't think if will ever happen in the U.S. or any other country, then you haven't been paying attention to how the elite think of us all!  We are nothing to them!  Take your money out of the banks and take your money out of your IRA or 401K before the banks and governments takes it!

Someone inserted this in a comment on Zerohedge about the stealing of people's money and I believe it is very appropriate and funny to put here for what they have done. This of course is about the EU elite/controllers and the President of Cyprus:

For once in my life - I am backing Russia!  I am behind Russia all the way and look forward to their future response to the stealing of their money.  It is above board Russian government money that is being stolen.  It is not just Russian mob money as proclaimed.  I believe war was just declared and this is WW3, but not using guns as the weapons.

EDIT to ADD 3/25/13 - Start a Silver Revolution - 3 minute video on why it is important to buy 2 ounces.  CRASH the BANKS!

UPDATE 3/26/13 - Jim Willie Interview about Cyprus - Inside Information. 

Cyprus in Trouble because the EU siphoned out their money. In 2008 pre Euro they were strong, healthy and Prosperous, EU forced them into debt slavery.

We all are captivated by what is happening in Cyprus and today is their D day.  They have to make a decision on what they are going to do.  The ECB has said it is cutting off all money starting tomorrow.

I have done some research and found that Cyprus use to be a very strong and wealthy country. 

 In 2008 they joined the EU and began using the Euro.  The banks only loaned out 30% of their deposits before that time and made people put 30% down for a mortgage.  They were very conservative with their banks and finances and were not affected by the 2008 crisis.  They were fiscally responsible and a very healthy and prosperous country.  

But once the EU got them to accept the Euro and become part of the EU only 5 short years ago.   They went from being prosperous and fiscally sound to bankrupt in that short amount of time. 

The EU began changing how they did business in the banks.  They purchased huge amounts of Greek bonds and loaned out more money than their deposits.   They went from fiscal soundness and responsibility to  doing as all the other banks of the EU did, thus causing debt slavery to their citizens. 

You could almost say......It appears the EU purposely committed the Cyprus citizens to become debt slaves and purposely had the banks become indebted to the ECB and controlled.  

Now the EU wants to steal everyone's money in Cyprus, when Cyprus would never be in this situation had they not joined the EU!

I believe this shows the purpose of the EU and their causing sovereign countries to be their servants and serfs of debt with a one government control.  


Before joining the euro, the Central Bank of Cyprus only allowed banks to use up to 30 per cent of their foreign deposits to support local lending, a measure designed to prevent sizeable deposits from Greeks and Russians fuelling a bubble.
When Cyprus joined the single European currency, Greek and other euro area deposits were reclassified as domestic, leading to billions more local lending, Pambos Papageorgiou, a member of Cyprus's parliament and a former Central Bank board member said.
"The banks were considered super conservative," said Alexander Apostolides an economic historian at Cyprus' European University, a private university on the outskirts of Nicosia.
When Lehman Brothers collapsed in the summer of 2008, most of the world's banks suffered in the fallout, but not Cyprus's.
"Everyone here was sitting pretty," said Fiona Mullen, a Nicosia-based economist, reflecting on the fact Cypriot banks did not depend on capital markets for funding and did not invest in complex financial products that felled other institutions.
A source at one of the banks, who asked not to be named, said his institution did not have "serious problems with lending", adding that Cypriot banks typically demanded a down payment of 30 per cent for home loans, well above the average in most countries.
The rapid expansion left Cyprus with a banking system eight times the size of its national output, as its accommodative regime of not taxing foreigners' dividends and capital gains lured investors from countries like Russia.
The EBA figures showed 30 per cent (11 billion euros) of Bank of Cyprus' total loan book was wrapped up in Greece by December 2010, as was 43 per cent (or 19 billion euros) of Laiki's, which was then known as Marfin Popular.
More striking was the banks’ exposure to Greek debt.
At the time, Bank of Cyprus's 2.4 billion euros of Greek debt was enough to wipe out 75 per cent of the bank's total capital, while Laiki's 3.4 billion euros exposure outstripped its 3.2 billion euros of total capital.
The close ties between Greece and Cyprus meant the Cypriot banks did not listen to warnings about this exposure.
The banks sold down some of their Greek holdings, but then got back into the market as yields rose. "When the Germans were selling, they were buying," said Apostolides, referring to the German banks' 2011 dumping of Greek

The facts are the EU itself is the reason why Cyprus is in the shape it is in.   Some would look upon it and wonder if that was done on purpose.   A healthy country that did not have a debt problem and had stayed strong during the 2008 banking crisis..... was a threat to others?  They were added to a currency and union, thus their financial health dropped within 2 years?  

The purpose of the EU is becoming clear.  It is about control of the whole European area and control of all the people.  It is about having all the people become their servants and debt slaves.   The truth is shining through and Cyprus is proving what the EU thinks about the citizens of the world.  

 A little extra:

The Cyprus newspaper did not say how much money was moved abroad but quoted sources saying the president 'knew about the possible closure of the banks' and tipped off close friends who were able to move vast sums abroad.Italian media said the 4.5 billion euros left the island in the week before the crisis.

UPDATE 3/28/13 - Bloomberg, an MSM finally acknowledged Cyprus was healthy before joining the EU. 

Bailout fatigue says: “The Cypriots got themselves into this mess, and they should get themselves out. We’ll lend them a bit more, but only if we’re sure they’ll pay us back.” Cyprus didn’t get itself into this mess. It joined the euro system in 2008 with low public debt and a clean bill of health from EU governments (back then, not a word was said about shady Russians). Its banks are in trouble not because they accepted too many overseas deposits but because they bought too many Greek bonds -- an investment sanctified by international banking rules (which called such investments riskless) that was destroyed by the EU’s ham-fisted resolution of Greece’s threatened default.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Texas wants to take Physical possession of their gold from NY Fed. $1 Billion worth

Texas has a bill in their house to take physical possession of the state of Texas owned gold from the NY Fed.

In 2011 The University of Texas purchased $1 Billion worth of gold with the help of an asset manager.  At that time it was said "To want physical gold and not paper certificates was a form of anarchy."

From above link about purchase of gold:

“If you own a paper contract where they can only deliver you 10 cents on the dollar or less, you should probably convert it to physical,” said Bass, who isn’t related to Fort Worth’s billionaire Bass family. He said holding cash wasn’t a better choice because the rate of inflation exceeds money-market rates by 2.5 percent to 3 percent, eroding the value of cash.
“The call to take delivery is more of a challenge to the system and it borders on the anarchistic,” said Ralph Preston, a principal at Heritage West Financial Inc., a San Diego company that specializes in futures trading. “It’s like the Republicans trying to overturn President Obama over the birth certificate issue. It’s poor sportsmanship.”
They left the gold at the NY Fed.  Now they want the physical gold in Texas.
Call it the Rick Perry gold rush: The governor wants to bring the state’s gold reserves back from a New York vault to Texas.
And he may have legislative support to do it. Freshman Rep. Giovanni Capriglione, R-Southlake, is carrying a bill that would establish the Texas Bullion Depository, a secure state-based bank to house $1 billion worth of gold bars owned by the University of Texas Investment Management Company, or UTIMCO, and currently stored by the Federal Reserve.
“For us to have our own gold, a lot of the runs on the bank and those types of things, they happen because people are worried that there’s nothing there to back it up,” Capriglione said. “So I think this cures a problem before it can happen.”Physically transporting gold that various state entities own from New York City or other banks to Texas would be impractical from a security and logistics standpoint, Capriglione said. He believes it makes more sense to sell the gold Texas has elsewhere and repurchase it within state lines.

We can take a guess on whose side Capriglione is on and who he works for.  He wants to sell it and then repurchase it?  
How many individual states own physical gold?  Besides countries want to repatriate their gold, the individual states of the United States need to get their physical gold in their state.   
Will Texas get their gold?  I can only imagine there are many threatening phone calls going on right now about this issue.  The threats may stop Texas from repatriating their gold, since we know the gold  is not there.   How many thousands of tons of gold is suppose to be at the NY Fed for states and other countries?   
Do I believe Texas will get their physical gold?  No, I don't.  They will be threatened with their lives for daring to ask for what is rightfully theirs and what they paid for.   With the Fed, you can give them your money, but don't dare ask for it back.  They are the biggest ponzi scheme in the world.  They will sell you something they don't have multiple times.  
It is time for the States to begin standing up to the Ponzi scheme of the Federal Reserve and Wall  Street.   It is time for the States to use their Supremacy Clauses to the unconstitutional Federal Laws.   It is time for the people to stand up and Call for Freedom!   

Open Letter to the Banks and Governments of the World! We gave you the privilege of holding our money - not the other way around!

This letter is a notice to all the banks of the world.

It appears that you have gotten yourselves in a situation where you have gambled more money than you ever had in your possession.  Due to your gambling on derivatives, besides giving yourself billions in pay, you are now in a situation of major debt which you are looking to the depositors to get you out of.

First I would like you to know.  We the people of the world, honored you by our trust and given you the privilege to safe keep our money, which we have earned through the sweat off our backs and working long hours.   I know, you do not understand that concept as you are able to sit in your million dollar offices and dictate to others around you what needs to be done.   I also know you don't understand the concept of only being able to save less than half of what you earn due to the rest going to taxes and the government.  

Understand all of us 'normal' people actually pay more in taxes on everything than what we earn and what we don't pay in taxes, we have to pay for our monthly cost of living.  By the time any money is left over, which is not normally very much we then have honored you to hold the rest for us.  

We did not need to put our money in your bank, it is not something that is required nor demanded of us.  We have trusted you and it is something you should be thankful for.   Yet it appears that all of you banks feel you are above us.  It appears you feel it is the other way around and that we should be thankful you have allowed us to deposit our savings with you.

In Cyprus, people are not being allowed their money, besides you want to take a portion of it due to your bad gambling and the government officials over spending and not caring about fiscal responsibility.   Now, my understanding is when/if the banks do reopen there will be controls of how much money people are able to get out of their hard earned money.

Here is a question.  It is our money in the banks, yet we are considered criminals now and have to fill out paperwork if we want to get any large sums out and you provide the DHS paperwork on us as being "suspicious" for getting a large sum of our own money.   

What happened here?  How has the world turned where the government and banks act as if, we are the ones privileged to allow them to hold our money and then control how much of it we can get out?

I find it funny how the people are blamed in countries and not the governments and banks for the debt and bad money management themselves.  We the people had put trust in those who we elected to do what is right for the country and the people together.  Instead that trust has been broken in many ways, including now the stealing of our money out of the banks.

The only way for all of this to end, is for the people to not play the game anymore.  The people need to turn around and make you the banks liable along with all the politicians for your own bad decisions.   It is OUR money and we have the rights to it and we will keep our money!  We will get out of the banking system! 

It is time for us to take back our rights to our money and let you the banks crash.  It is simply a slave system anyway.  Cyprus has proven that you, the governments and banks believe you come before the people and all the people's money is yours if they want it!

You the government want to spend money on wars and killing other people anyway.  You want to invade other countries for their resources and the banks back you up.  You have a great scam going on.  Get the people to hate and kill other groups, so you can continue the slavery system.   


Enough is enough!  Until... All of us lowly people in the eyes of the bankers and politicians make them stop, they will continue making slaves of us.   They are putting drones in the air to watch our every move.  If we don't stand up now we will be completely imprisoned and made slaves of and even hunted.  The time is now as the hour is getting late and need to do it before it is too late.  What is this world going to be like for our children and grandchildren?  How can we explain to them, we sat back and let a "terminator" type world and be created and allowed them to be committed to slavery not doing anything about it, when we could?

Don't know where to put your money?  Put it in what the central banks, governments hate the most!  Gold and Silver!



I AM THE 99%!

Update - Just released interview on King World News - The Banks are trying to enslave humanity.  
Former U.S. Treasury Secretary Paul Roberts says this in the interview:
"So I’m all in favor of the Cypriots to take to the streets, and to whatever level of violence they need take it to. " 

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Cyprus Article: Russians want Naval Port, German Navy could be out with 3 months notice.

The Germans are playing a hard game right now, considering Cyprus is a Naval port for them.

I found this Cyprus article (you have to translate it from Greek) that has the most information yet about how Russia wants a Naval port there and the agreement with Germany and their Naval port can be broken with 3 months notice.

The Germans use Cyprus for their Navy in the area and they have Naval exercises on Cyprus.


Presence comparable with Germany wants Moscow to Cyprus 
Claims Russia seem to include the use of Cyprus for military purposes, to further strengthen its presence in the Mediterranean
The use of Cyprus for military reasons seems to pursue the Russians.Apparently the base available in Moscow Tartous, Syria does not fully cover the strategic plans for the wider Mediterranean region and, therefore, seek alternative ways to consolidate the presence of its navy and aviation, into a sea extremely important for both the surface and the seabed. The issue seems to have returned in recent days because of the need which has come to Nicosia to revive its relations with the Russian capital and has already been done, according to our information, some shocks and soundings from the Russian side. established by Russians Besides, do not keep secret its plans for the region. A few days ago, Admiral Viktor Tsirkof issued a statement announcing that the Russian Navy began to establish a task force, to be installed permanently in the Mediterranean, to protect, he said, the Russian interests in the region. The power will permanently patrol the Mediterranean. Anonymous sources, even talked about ten warships and two utilities, which use ports in Syria, Greece and CyprusIt is, essentially, as reported on the revival of the fleet available in the country (5th Mediterranean Squadron), the era USSR.

Short and long term
goal of the Russians, it seems, is to allow the Navy to find refuge in Cypriot ports, while making use of air base "Papandreou" in Paphos. Not necessarily to create a basis, corresponding to that held in Syria, which, but the potential traffic and filling in calm waters. At the same time, such an agreement would provide long term in Moscow will protect their financial interests, if the Russians eventually acquire a significant role in liquefying natural gas terminal. Germans are Russians seem to require essentially military presence in Cyprus, similar to Germany available on our island. As part of their action in UNIFIL (United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon), the Germans have a bilateral agreement with the Republic of Cyprus, under which they can anchor in Limassol to Paphos and land use even territory of the Republic, for operational reasons, such exercises. Unless, however, it seems that Germany uses these accesses and its national interests, paper could utilize in our economic negotiations. Information indicates, indeed, that the agreement is of such nature that may be unilaterally terminated by giving three months. Possible activation of this provision will definitely worried Berlin, in the light of developments. 

Russian PM Medvedev, berates EU Chief. Moscow no warning of Cyprus levy. Russia may reduce holdings of Euro to Gold!

I had written that Putin has become the most powerful man in the world due to how the EU has handled Cyprus.  The fate of the Euro could be in the Russian's hands.  What will they do with it?   The talks between the Cyprus Finance minister and the Russians have gone no where, from all reports.   But is that simply the poker hand being played by Russia?  In the mean time the EU has set a deadline of Monday for Cyprus as the "do or die" date.  

Where does it really start getting interesting?

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev berated the EU chief for the handling of Cyprus.  It appears, Russia was not given a warning on how the ECB planned on levying the deposits in Cyprus as part of the bail out. 

What else did he do when berating the EU chief?  He threatened to reduce Russia's holdings in the Euro.  

Now think about that one.   The highest stakes poker hand is being played right now between Russia and the Western Bankers.  The Western Bankers had thought they would be sly and get billions of Russian money.   

Besides all the Russian 'mob' money we have heard about in Cyprus.  I have found that Russian government entities use Cyprus too for their banking.   So it is not just mob money, but above board Russian government money that would be stolen by the EU.   

Portion of article linked:

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev humbled European Commission chief Jose Manuel Barroso in public remarks on Thursday (21 March) over the EU's handling of Cyprus.
Speaking alongside Barroso at a conference in Moscow, he called the EU's original Cypriot bailout idea "to put it mildly, surprising … absurd ... preposterous."
He upbraided EU institutions for failing to give Moscow due notice of its decision.
Earlier the same say, he told Russian newswire Interfax that he is thinking of reducing Russia's holding of euro-denominated currency reserves.
In a sign of broader Russian upset, Leonid Grigoriev, an academic and a former Russian deputy finance minister, told a separate news conference that Russian money is no longer safe anywhere in the EU.

We know Russia is pissed.  Yet we are hearing nothing is coming from the talks between Russia and Cyprus.  Is that just part of the game?  The ECB is showing their desperation now by giving a time line to Cyprus.  That time line, if you think about it, is to Russia too.  Russia has a huge stake in what happens to Cyprus.   So they are all calling each other's hand and raising the stakes with those hands. 

I have been going to Cyprus online News sites and reading all the local articles besides the comments from the Cyprus people.   

But I found a cryptic type blurb in an article from the financials:

Russia is supposedly reconsidering the EUR in the structure of its gold and forex reserves in light of the Cyprus situation – an undertone threat in retaliation to European authorities’ obsession with Cypriot Russian deposit accounts.

Medvedev did not mention Gold in his berating of the EU chief Barroso, when he threatened to reduce their Euro holdings.  Yet the Forex writer has the reduction going to Gold.  Where did he get that information?  

The situation is obviously very fluid.  But Putin is not dumb and I firmly believe there is a "Plan A" on Russia's end with Cyprus, but he has to let the EU show how they are willing to steal everyone's money which will cause more panic at the Western Banks.  

I firmly believe this is the Highest stakes poker game ever played.  One hand is Russia and the other is the EU and Western Bankers.  

Questions to know who may win: 

 Who has been accumulating Gold and actually has it in hand, without leasing it out?  Then who only pretends there is gold, where there is none?  

Who is printing money to keep the fake economy going and the banks 'looking' strong?  

Who is not printing money but actually has been creating an economy without using the dollar and Western Banking?    Hint:  Russia, two years ago began getting rid of Western Bankers in the country. 

Portion (article from 2011):

 The Kremlin has driven out some of the biggest Western retail banks and now has two tanks on the investment-banking lawn,” said Eric Kraus, an independent asset manager in Moscow who previously worked as a strategist for Otkritie Financial Corp., a brokerage partly owned by VTB. “Sberbank’s arrival will make the competition nervous because VTB’s investment bank almost destroyed Deutsche Bank in Russia.”

What country has created a tight relationship with China and they now trade between each other without the dollar?  

Which China would not get involved with the Euro and bailing it out nor investing in it and it's currency has been being called a "Global Reserve Currency".  Besides the fact that China has been buying all the gold and silver it can and keeps all it mines in the country. 

Look at the big picture, connect all the dots.  What two countries (Russia and China) have forged a strong relationship with each other and have stayed out of the EU investments over all.  In the meantime the Yuan has begun trading internationally and both have doubled or more their gold holdings.  

Has the time come to let the Western bankers fall apart?  Has the time come to let Gold and Silver prices be free of the strangle hold of manipulation?  Are they ready for it?  Will this be their own surprise attack upon the Western world/bankers as the bankers tried to surprise attack them?   

So.... in looking at it all together, I definitely see who has positioned themselves for the future and thought years ahead, compared to the scrambling from one debt crisis to another and printing money to make it appear 'all is well.'   

Mind you, this is a World war being raged but it is not with guns, but hidden hands and what is in them.  

The biggest question of them all:  

Are Russia and China ready to let it all fall down?  Have they completely accumulated/ positioned to let the gold prices ride to infinity and the rest of the world burn?

Update - 3/21/13 - Germans have a Naval Port agreement in Cyprus that can be broken with 3 months notice.  Russia wants it.