
Thursday, March 28, 2013

Video-Jim Rogers on CNBC 3/28/13 - "Get your money out of the Banks, they are going to loot it". WOW - CNBC agreed.

Update - 5:30 PM The video is no longer available on CNBC.  But I have captured it and will put it on, when I have it uploaded on youtube. It is now uploaded.    I gather, they really don't want it broadcast out again.   :)

Video of Jim Rogers on CNBC this morning 3/28/13:  "If politicians say don't worry, then understand you have to worry and they will loot your bank account.  Run for the hills and hurry to get your money out"  IMF condoning stealing of people's money.    He says don't trust any politician, if you do, you will go bankrupt quickly.   Amazing the CNBC reporter agreed with him.

Short to the point segment.  Get your money out of the banks!

Here is the copy of Jim Rogers on CNBC, since they took down their video. I was able to capture it.

5:45 PM It looks like they have fixed the video and it is up again. I will still keep mine above, in case something happens to this one again.

UPDATE 3/30/13 -  

FDIC and BOE paper: One Controlling Entity for U.S./U.K. Financials. Plan for continuity of banks/money from "top down" and taking depositors money  From FDIC's own website! 

Added 3/30/13 - Video -  IMF wants a $1.40 gas tax in U.S. for climate control and how East is Rising West is dying.    They obviously are going to suck money from the people anyway they can! 


  1. the video is already taken down , can someone post another link

    1. I just now captured it. I had not closed my original post. So I was just able to capture the whole thing. I am sure it is something CNBC doesn't want broadcast again.

  2. If your a seeker of truth this will be of interest to you

    Unraveling the crimes, singular solution

  3. Scary stuff, good capture before the censure.

  4. This is just another way to force people to spend. liquidate

  5. Thank You sherry for posting I really appreciate your hard work thank you again!!

  6. 'under the guaranteed amount'...

    what a bunch of horse pucky....

    Either the govt. allows the runs to happen or they stave it off for a while longer.

    Quit yo worry....this is micromanagment

  7. Just another false flag to get people to spend

  8. Guaranteed amounts total more than a thousand times the amount in the guarantee fund in most countries. Do not depend on the honesty of your government or the politicians. In fact, if politicians and governments say one thing, you should believe the exact opposite.

    Put your money in food, drink, meds, supplies and organic seeds and hide it all from thieves and the food police.

  9. I am 53 and will be homeless in two months... doesn't bother me any, I hope all hell breaks loose

  10. Thank you for posting this!!!!


  12. The banks and media have hyped this so that people will take their saving out of the bank,then banks wont need to pay interest to depositors and can make more profits from interest on loans. Eventually they can lower interest rates to stimulate the economy because they are not paying any outgoing interest to savers. Only one country needed to create the scare so that the rest of the world would withdraw it's savings and let the banks keep their savings interest.

    1. You apparently know nothing about how banks function as your post reveals a complete lack of understanding. Banks NEED the deposits to make money and additionally they are paying virtually nothing out in the way of interest to depositors. If everyone takes their money out the banks fail, why do you think the restrictions on withdrawals are being instituted? I could go on and on but brother, stick to talking about things of which you have at least a small understanding.

  13. Have just encountered your page and I guess you should be complimented for this piece. More power to you!
