
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Jim Willie Interview, What is really going on in Cyprus behind the scenes and The other Euro Nations at risk.

Jim Willie, The Golden Jackass who writes Hat Trick letter for subscribers.  He has a public site too where you can read his public articles and links to his latest interviews.   If you haven't subscribed you are missing out on someone who is ahead of everyone else in most cases in knowing what is going to be happening and going on behind the scenes.

I am thrilled, Jim took his valuable time to speak with me about Cyprus and the Russian connection.

This is a 50 minute interview that is well worth listening to.

What will the Russians do for retaliation against the EU for trying to steal their money?
How are Russia and China working together?
The future of the EU?
The Iceland solution
The gold and silver prices and what they premiums are in reality in other countries?
The dollar and U.S. becoming 'Third World'.
The Eurasian Trade groups.
China and Africa
All of the above plus more discussed in the interview.

As always Jim provides great information, including some "insiders" information.


  1. The closed captioning is unintelligible. Perhaps it was done by voice recognition software, but so ridiculous that it shouldn't be done at all.

    1. ???? There is no closed captioning on the video. It is only audio and the sound is clear. You must be confusing this with another video.

  2. Excellent interview. I listened to this on YouTube and noticed your comment about only being able to record 10 minutes at a time. I can imagine that is quite a hassle. Besides the extra work involved you also interrupt the flow and thought process of the interview whenever you have to "break". One solution is to use a free program called Audacity. Do a Google search for using Audacity to record Skype and you will find some video tutorials. If you want to record a phone conversation I have found the SleuthGear D4000 digital recorder to work very well.
