I have been completely stunned by so many blaming Obama for what is happening in Iraq all over the internet.
Do people have such short memories?
Do people not remember that Bush, Powell, Tony Blair and corrupt politicians are the ones who invaded Iraq in the first place, all based on Lies?
Edit to add: Unbelievable. Blair is in the news today... Blaming Syria for the Iraq problem, not the initial invasion by him and Bush!
"We have to liberate ourselves from the notion that 'we' have caused this. We haven't. We can argue as to whether our policies at points have helped or not; and whether action or inaction is the best policy and there is a lot to be said on both sides. But the fundamental cause of the crisis lies within the region not outside it," he wrote. Mr Blair added that it is a "bizarre reading of the cauldron that is the Middle East today, to claim that but for the removal of Saddam, we would not have a crisis".
Mr Blair, who said he was not calling for allied troops to return to Iraq but all measures short of that, including air strikes, said the major cause of the current conflict was the civil war in Syria, together with the "sectarianism of the Maliki Government" which had "led to the alienation of the Sunni community".
Obama is not to blame for Iraq, Bush Is. Did people want an ongoing never ending war with the U.S. never leaving Iraq?
Bush went into Iraq so Oil companies could get their hands on all the oil underground there.
It is ridiculous that people are blaming Obama for what is happening in Iraq. Saddam may not have been the nicest person, but Iraq was stable before the U.S. invaded it.
Obama is to blame for Libya and making that country unstable by being behind the rebels there. Syria for arming and training the rebels there. Ukraine for being behind the unrest there and taking over the government.
So let's put the blame where it belongs. Look at it all honestly.
Both Bush and Obama have made the Middle East and other areas completely unstable.
It is so crazy.
Yet, Obama wants to now go into another country and make a complete mess of it, based on Lies... Syria.
Obama is said to be considering bombing Iraq and Syria together.
The Obama administration is urgently considering an air assault on Islamic extremists that officials told the Guardian could be directed at targets in Syria as well as Iraq.
Seriously?? Syria?? Why?
Syria is stable over all. The rebels that the U.S. backs are doing the same in Syria that is happening in Iraq. The U.S. backs rebels who behead and murder innocent, men, women and children of the country.
Let's look at what the U.S. has done honestly. The U.S. is in Afghanistan and won't ever leave because of the Poppy crops and the money from heroin, which the CIA brings in.
You only have to look at the heroin epidemic that is happening now in the U.S. Heroin was not a problem until the U.S. went into Afghanistan. You only have to put 2 and 2 together. Yes, Bush is to blame for Afghanistan too. That will be a never ending war, due to the billions in heroin production. Bush wars, reasons: Iraq-Oil, Afghanistan-Heroin.
There have been articles recently about the heroin epidemic recently... here are just a few of them:
U.S. in grips of Heroin epidemic - News Journal
The Horrific toll of U.S. heroin epidemic - BBC
Teens overdosing on Cheap Heroin - Fox
The real facts are, both Obama and Bush have caused what is happening in the Middle East in various countries.
The U.S. has done more damage in making the world unstable and empowering those who we consider terrorist.
I find the name
ISIS, odd for being a name of a rebel/terrorist group. ISIS
It was said that Isis tricked Ra into telling her his "secret name" by causing a snake to bite him, the antidote to whose venom only Isis possessed. Knowing his secret name thus gave her power over him. The use of secret names became central in many late Egyptian magic spells. By the late Egyptian historical period, after the occupations by the Greeks and the Romans, Isis became the most important and most powerful deity of the Egyptian pantheon because of her magical skills. Magicis central to the entire mythology of Isis, arguably more so than any other Egyptian deity.
Isis had a central role in Egyptian magic spells and ritual, especially those of protection and healing. In many spells her powers are merged with those of her son Horus. His power accompanies hers whenever she is invoked. In Egyptian history the image of a wounded Horus became a standard feature of Isis's healing spells, which typically invoked the curative powers of Isis' milk.
The truth is, the U.S. does not invade other countries to help the people in 'Democracy' no matter what political side (left/right). The U.S. invades other countries on false premises for power/assets/resources/control. The U.S. Presidents are all controlled behind the scenes by their handlers along with all the other D.C. elected officials in Congress.
I sincerely hope people look at the truth honestly and realize the U.S. is the one causing the complete unrest and instability in the world.
We are behind the terrorist groups. Funny how we go back and forth from supporting terrorist groups to fighting the same groups that the CIA created.
Wake Up! At what point will we get back to the morals this country was founded on? At what point will the U.S. people say no more?
I find it very interesting that McCain, Graham and others are saying with absolute surety that ISIS is going to attack the U.S.
Here is the question with that? How do they know that with such conviction? Isn't the NSA the one who is going to protect us and fore-knowledge through their metadata and collecting what every single person does on the internet/phones and banking? How will we have an absolute attack on U.S. soil, if we have a government organization that has gotten billions so it won't happen?
I have no doubt that there will be a terrorist attack in the U.S. once again and I have no doubt that U.S. backed groups will be the ones who do it. I have no doubt that the U.S. will then clamp down on any remaining freedoms we have had left and they will do it all in the name of "The War on Terror." I have no doubt that people won't see the situation honestly in seeing the U.S. is the terrorist group of the world.
It is really sad that people don't look at situations honestly and the U.S. will stop at nothing to obtain what they want and cause unrest around the world, with it all based on lies.
The only other question is... Where will the U.S. decide the best place for a terrorist attack to be on U.S. soil, by their terrorist groups they created and back.
Don't forget, Benghazi was really about arming rebels in Syria.
Besides we don't have a Congress with a back bone... Obama should have already been impeached for many different reasons, as Bush should have been for many reasons and lies when he was in office.
The real facts are, we need to get every single career/corrupt politician voted out of Washington, as Cantor was and start a new with a Congress and Representatives that really do reflect the 'Will of the People'. I can only hope that people are wake enough in all areas to vote out ALL of them. Pelosi, Boehner, Reid, McCain, Graham.... ALL of them, both left and right. Only then will we begin to have a responsible government that will impeach the President when needed and will put the U.S. back on moral standing.