Wednesday, September 4, 2013

My Message To the Syrian People. 92% of us are NOT with our Government nor the terrorist who they support causing the problems of your Country! We STAND WITH Syria!

My message to the Syrian people

92% of us in the U.S. are AGAINST and do NOT Support our Government attacking your country!  We are ONE with you!  We Stand with you and not the Terrorist 'Al Qaeda' who the U.S. government is backing!  We do NOT Stand with the U.S. government in invading your country nor murdering the people there!

We understand it is not humanitarian aid as the reason for the U.S. wanting to attack Syria, it is due to Greed and Control from Saudi Arabia and Israel.  We know it was not Assad who committed the chemical attack.

U.S. government trying to make us feel powerless - how we can change that. 


  1. There is mounting evidence growing daily that our President Obama is guiltier of these chemical weapon crimes against humanity than the leader of Syria. America should prosecute accordingly.

  2. Normally I don't appreciated anybody speaking for me. But in this case, Thank You for doing so.

  3. All governments
    (with the exception of IceLand)
    are Illegitimate, Terrorist Regimes
    ripe for DeConstruction...

  4. the truth is the most powerful weapon on Earth

    there is no truth in the "Jewish" narrative

    mazel tov

    the word government for Americans...should not be defined as the


    which is self evident
