
Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Rand Paul's Filibuster - Some Powerful Statements against Obama. Updated - As he says them.

Something to think about.

Why is Rand Paul the only one in D.C. who has shown concern about Obama being able to murder U.S. citizens on U.S. soil without due process and thus wiping out our 5th amendment.   Except for a few other Senators that have questions for Paul, there is silence about Obama and his drones.

Considering the majority voted for the NDAA, it is not a surprise.  Obviously this was planned for drone murders in the U.S. by Obama when the NDAA was conceived.  Remember Obama is the one who required that U.S. citizens in the U.S. be part of the wording of NDAA.  Video is at the bottom of that fact being revealed.

Think about that.

I am watching Rand Paul and his filibuster and listening to what he is saying.

First of all, I stopped having respect for Rand when he was a traitor to his father and endorsed Romney last year.

What Rand is saying right now is very powerful.  What he is actually saying is grounds for impeachment against Obama.  Yet, is anyone really listening?

Why hasn't those in the Senate and Congress begun articles of Impeachment against Obama.

Rand is saying Obama would be dangerous with the rights to make decisions in private of who he is going to target and kill with drones.

Some of the bullet points of important information,  I have written fast as he said them, once I began listening.

Paul says - Obama has ignored the constitutional court decisions against him. This appointments when Obama declared Senate out of session when it still was - was struck down by the court. But Obama has ignored it and the appointments are still in place.

Rand saying Obama has shown not going by the constitution and the power of drone killings in the U.S. will be in his hands when he doesn't pay attention to the constitution?
Says U.S. citizens being killed without due process.

Obama can secretly decide who to kill and there is no process. Does that mean people who were at a Liberty meeting and going to a Libertarian meeting and hate their government and are vocal about it, but they are peaceful - can Obama use a drone against them because he feels they are a threat.

Will Obama release the names of those he is going to target before he kills them? Does the 5th amendment apply to anyone anymore.

Will Obama publicly or secretly charge people? Will people have a chance to prove their innocence? Is everyone guilty now and not innocent in the eyes of Obama?

What is happening is bigger than the people, we will lose the constitution if this is allowed. 

Sen Moran from Kansas asked awesome questions:  If this is allowed will we even have any more of constitution left?  Is the constitution there to protect the people and their liberties?  

6:51 pm Rand Paul has read some resolutions for the Senate about stopping Obama and his use of drones in the U.S. 

6:58 pm Asking if people have the Bill of Rights anymore?  Or there exceptions to the bill of Rights?

What is the standard for killing Americans in America?

War is a perpetual machine that is never ending, just as the Iraq war supposedly ended years ago, but it is actually still going on.  There is no stop to this war on terror. 

7:04 Pm - Could political beliefs be a reason for drone strikes?  Those who support third party candidates, as they are listed as combatants due to their political beliefs. 

7:08 - Reading a resolution and if Senate votes on it then the Brennan nomination vote can go through and he would stop the filibuster.  


The Use of drones to execute American Citizens on American soil, violates the Constitution of the United States.  Detailed legal reasoning from Obama for lethal force against U.S. citizens.  

7:10 pm Durbin (Dem) objected to the resolution so it will not be voted on. 

7:14 pm - Obama has escalated the drone killing program. 

7:24 - Obama needs to understand that the Constitution still applies to the U.S. citizens. 

7:25 pm - Cruz - reading Tweets about Rand Paul standing up for the American People.

Cruz making Powerful Statements now after reading tweets:  Americans are frustrated that their elected officials are not standing up for their rights and Constitution!  

7:36 Paul says he would be willing to end the filibuster if Obama would simply come out and say that he would not kill non-combant Americans and acknowledge their power is not unlimited. 

Obama needs to just answer the question that he will not pick and choose who the 5th amendment applies to, that is applies to every citizen.

So much is being said, I believe every single U.S. citizen should be made to listen to these hours of information!  It is our country!

I am finding out that our country is so far gone down the illegal road that it needs to be completely reformed!  All of the elected officials except for a few, Paul, etc need to be taken out of office.  We need a NEW government!  We need our  government once more that is By the People and FOR the people!  This government is not!  

A President with a Nobel Peace Prize wants to be able to MURDER U.S. Citizens at his will and when he wants in the U.S.!  How bizarre is that?!

10:47 PM - Sen Cruz has just revealed that George Bush tried to get the State Court of Texas to submit to the "World Court" of the UN.  regarding a case and be subjected to the World Court.  He just said Bush attempted to give away the sovereignty of the U.S. courts to the World court.  The case went all the way to the Supreme Court. 
I will continue to add points as they are said and are highly important. 

1 comment:

  1. When the gavel calls to action the massively growing peoples court not a stone will be missed from the smallest headwater to the mouth of the chesepekee. dont know what the politically correct term for theif or embezzler is but no one else is going to either.
