
Thursday, January 10, 2013

NRA - Wayne LaPierre Statement after White House Meeting. Also his statement on12/21/12 - Corrupting Shadow Industry commits violence against own people for agenda.

The CEO of the NRA, Wayne LaPierre made a statement about his meeting today at the White House with Biden. 

Fairfax, Va. – The National Rifle Association of America is made up of over 4 million moms and dads, daughters and sons, who are involved in the national conversation about how to prevent a tragedy like Newtown from ever happening again.  We attended today's White House meeting to discuss how to keep our children safe and were prepared to have a meaningful conversation about school safety, mental health issues, the marketing of violence to our kids and the collapse of federal prosecutions of violent criminals.

We were disappointed with how little this meeting had to do with keeping our children safe and how much it had to do with an agenda to attack the Second Amendment.  While claiming that no policy proposals would be “prejudged,” this Task Force spent most of its time on proposed restrictions on lawful firearms owners - honest, taxpaying, hardworking Americans.  It is unfortunate that this Administration continues to insist on pushing failed solutions to our nation's most pressing problems.  We will not allow law-abiding gun owners to be blamed for the acts of criminals and madmen.  Instead, we will now take our commitment and meaningful contributions to members of congress of both parties who are interested in having an honest conversation about what works - and what does not.
Wayne La Pierre made a statement after Sandy Hook on the NRA site.  It was a long statement about the shooting.

What caught my eye and is in the middle of the statement was this sentence: (click on 12/21/12 Press conference after going to this link, to see this):

And here's another dirty little truth that the media try their best to conceal: There exists in this country a callous, corrupt and corrupting shadow industry that sells, and sows, violence against its own people.

I found that of great interest.  Is he implying a false flag event to further an agenda?

I do firmly believe the way we will keep any Freedoms is by uniting together.  I believe it will only be through a true united effort that we will keep our Freedom to Bear Arms.  I personally joined the NRA and am asking everyone I know to do the same.  To me there will be a force in numbers that could not be ignored.

Here is the information on the NRA and how much they spend in Washington D.C., this is from "Open Secrets" website:  Here is what they say about the NRA:

The National Rifle Association goes to great lengths (and spends a huge sum of money) to defend the right to bear arms. It is opposed to virtually every form of gun control, including restrictions on owning assault weapons, background checks for gun owners, and registration of firearms.

ranks 299 of 20,484
$2,205,000 (2012)
$2,905,000 (2011)
ranks 176 of 4,219 in 2012
ranks 17 of 275

The NRA is not just about guns, it is about our Freedoms!

If Obama does an Executive Order and bans guns in any way shape or form, I believe it will have an over powering negative affect upon this nation.  This nation is more divided than ever.  We can not have Obama take away any right of our Constitution especially doing it on his own as a dictator would do in another country.   He has proven himself to go against all that he ever said he would do in the first place.  He has clamped down on this nation and our freedoms as no other President before, yet he ran as a "Freedom" President in 2008.   How anyone voted for that man this time around I will never understand, since he proved to have done nothing but lie the first time.

Oh remember what Biden said in 2008?  "If Obama tries to come for my Beretta, then he's got a problem."

UPDATE 1/13/13 - NRA President on State of the Union "We will NOT Compromise" - Huffington Post Pundit lied and said over 70% of NRA members want bans and registrations. 


  1. Didn't the Founding Fathers/USA Constitution liberated the Nation/people from Old/European Colonialism/imperialism, communism & Islamic Fundamentalism????
    Will the young generation of leaders betray the unarmed people/citizens/patriots of the USA from the growing Neo-imperialisms of the emerging diverse nations/cultures/criminals of the NWO????

    1. The United States has never been free of control from London. It was the creation of London. Britain and the British Crown has always owned, yes owned, the United States. We are a corporation, Obama is the CEO. Check out David Icke's "The Biggest Secret" for more info. The IRS is a corp out of New Jersey I believe. Life and reality is NOT what most think it is.

      We don't have a young generation of leaders, we have a young generation of sheep who want power, not peace. "Light" is information, "Darkness" is lack of information.

  2. Why do people always talk about the 2nd Amendment but never say the amendment word for word.

    "A WELL REGULATED MILITA, BEING VITAL TO THE SECURITY OF AN INDEPENDANT STATE, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed upon"

    How about putting some focus on the well regulated part. It seemed important to the drafters.

    1. WELL REGULATED means the militia would regulate itself. Not be regulated by the Federal government. The whole point of the 2nd amendment is to keep the federal gov't in check. Especially tyrannical ones like we have right now. The founding fathers surely knew this.

      I leave you with two quotes from Thomas Jefferson

      "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is it's natural manure."

      "I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies . . . If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] . . . will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered . . . The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs."

    2. Actually, "Well Regulated" meant: well trained, properly equipped, precise, and able to fight at a moments notice.

      "Trust NO government".

      Thomas Jefferson
      3rd President united States of America
      Author of The Declaration of Independence

    3. Ready to fight at a moments notice. That is the clear difference in the reality of then and now. There was still no central US army. The only organized large force was the British, the Enemy. The second amendment had a clear need at that time to make sure that there would not be a govenor or other government favorable to the British, remove weapons from the militias and then come in and retake the colonies.

      If the framers saw the application of firearms now vs. what they saw in there time, I promise you they would not see the their vision of what firearms were to do for society and security.

    4. You are right they would be appalled at the U.S. a country they fought for Freedom and where it is now. They would be appalled that our Constitution has been ripped to shreds, with the NDAA, Patriot Act, FISA, etc. They would be appalled that the govt. uses drones against people and now in the country itself. They were be appalled that the people of the U.S. have become such sheeple that they have allowed their freedoms to be done away with, when they had shed blood for us. They would be yelling for us to STAND UP and fight for our Constitution and all that they did for us.

    5. I can't argue with that statement, these realities are appauling.

      We do need though to start off by dealing with the Bush/Cheney administration and apply the charges and trials for the crimes these people committed against the US and other nations. These are afterall the framers of the "Deconstitution" of the United States.

    6. The "well regulated part" is when the (already) ARMED citizenry joins in to help form a STATE ORGANIZED MILITIA for defense of their territory. The people are armed even BEFORE ever joining with the militia in time of need. Militia, as constructed, is a voluntary gathering of armed people, created from the people, not the government. Without individual rights to arms such a militia cannot be created. Therefore, there is certainly no doubt that had our Forefathers intended to disarm the citizens, they most certainly have done so.

      You really need to read Federalist #46. Madison makes the intentions of the 2nd Amendment very clear, indeed. He even boasts of the American people having the "right" to posses arms and expressed this as an advantage Americans have over all other nations and peoples.

      Noah Webster stated: "Before a standing army can rule, the people must be disarmed; as they are in almost every kingdom of Europe. The supreme power in America cannot enforce unjust laws by the sword; because the whole body of the people are armed, and constitute a force superior to any bands of regular troops that can be, on any pretense, raised in the United States"

  3. Anonymous, what did the term "regulated" mean back in those days? you neglected to tie in the condition that it was "vital to the security of an independant state", which means domestic as well as foreign enemies. So, who would "regulate?" Those who wish to install tyranny into this nation???

    well, I just told a friend, we had 11 years to do the right thing as a people and we did not do it, so we are about to get everything we deserve for that lack of vigilance and it sounds like you are continuing down that same path, so unless you are a troll, paid or otherwise, you will suffer the consequences of your lack of knowledge about what the forefathers said in the "FEDERALIST PAPERS" about what "regulated" meant. I suggest you go read it. but in the mean time if this shadow foreign occupied gov prevails, the carnage they will visit upon this nation and her people will make Palestine look like a garden party. trust me on that, they have almost a hundred years of murdering millions of people and pedophiling millions of children, slitting their throats and drinking their blood, so you go right ahead and decide and live with the results if you wish. Me? I plan on fighting to the death rather than ever subject myself to any of their filthy sickness they visited on the Iraqi's and their children.

    1. The state of Wisconsin has more registered hunters the Italian Army and other countries as well. Hunters track, wait, and kill game as both a sport and to eat some delicious wild game. When you total up the rest of the states, we have an enormous "militia" who know what they are doing and can track humans with the same result.

      Add to that all the well armed, unexperienced 'prepers' with very good intentions and outcomes become quite obvious...I believe this game they are playing about taking our guns is not what we should be focusing on as something else in this slight of hand administration is going on out there. Perhaps diversion from the Columbine, Aurora, Newtown false flags??

    2. Funny you should say that. I had a dream last night of us being "entertained by Prince Philip and he was playing "Fire in the Rain." Even in the dream, I could tell we were being distracted as an audience because things were going on that they didn't want out in the limelight. I don't normally mention my dreams but this one seemed to have a big message for me... about entertainment and distraction by the elite.

    3. Perhaps a diversion from the Middle East?

    4. Considering a 4 star general came out and said Benghazi was a set up by the Obama administration that went wrong. The Navy Seals were suppose to stand down and the ambassador was suppose to have been alive as a hostage and traded for some that the U.S. is holding. The whole event went bad when the Seals began shooting those that were raiding the compound. So, that means Obama set the whole thing up for a "lift" before the election.

      If this happened the way the general has said... then we have a murderer in the Whitehouse that was doing it simply for political reasons and to release some that we are holding right now.

      I believe just as the Newtown shooting, with the energies changing they will not be able to get away with what they have in the past. It is about Truth now and just as the school shooting... where it is not adding up at all. I have written about it a few times. It was the event that people were suppose to just give up their guns and let the 2nd amendment go to the wayside but it had the opposite effect now, imo. We the People need to stand our ground and say NO to any more attempts at our Freedoms being done away with.

  4. You can't even quote it correctly:

    "A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed".

    Well regulated meant: Precise, on point, well equipped and ready.
    Look it up.

    Even today the few remaining British gun makers carefully "regulate" their double rifles and shotguns so both barrels shoot to the same (or nearly so) point of impact at a given range and with a certain load.

    1. So it is your estimate that the framers only intent with the statement "well regulated" is to say that a militia with "good guns" is important to the security of the state.

      Well regulated had nothing to do with not being a fool that just liked "shoot'n stuff".

      I think the framers were far deeper than your estimate.

    2. I'm sorry troll, that won't work on me.
      Read their own words.

  5. Another definition of a "well regulated militia" is the fact that this is a People's Militia, not one belonging to the Federal or State Governments.

    One fact the Obama Regime fails to admit is that throughout the 20th Century over 170 MILLION people were murdered by their own governments, after they had been DISARMED. The former USSR is a case in point. At least 60 MILLION Russians and Ukranians were slaughtered by the Bolshevik regimes of Lenin, Trotsky, and Stalin. Most of this mass slaughter occurred AFTER the populace had been totally disarmed.

    The above-mentioned bloodbath should - even must - be a lesson to all freedom-loving Americans that the Bolsheviks aren't dead and gone; but, that they're still alive and well - in the guise of such people as Obama, Feinstein, Schumer,, who have the same planned for at least 90% of us.

  6. No congressman or president has the power to take away the peoples natural rights as described in the Bill of Rights.
    Any law contrary to the "supreme law" is null and void and thus is not a law.
    I don't know what we are worried about, except, for a government to come after the people for legally owning what the supreme law says is theirs is an act of war against the people and all bets are off and the rules of war commence.

  7. These comparisons are so far out of reality that they defy reason. These are of course horrid crimes against people that should not have been faced with such tyrrany.

    To suggest that the attempts to regulate the size and type of weapons that a normal citizen can hold faced with the reality in the United States is folly. Tens of thousands of Americans are killed each year by people who have guns, that should not be allowed to posess them, or at least the type they have.

    Once you can get people to stop just shoot'n up cities and towns around the country, we can then maybe focus on avoiding tyrants that currently don't exist.

    1. LOL So.... No tyrant currently exist in the U.S.? Loved the Laugh, I needed it!

    2. None that require armed intervention. Where was all this when the Dick and Bush in the white house were screwing everyone they could.

    3. If I had had a blog during their years I would have been writing about them and what they were doing. The facts are we have had puppets that are controlled in the White House for decades and when they aren't controlled then they are gotten rid of.... 1963. The U.S. and all that it stood for and was has been eroded from the inside for a long time to shred our rights. The people have allowed it due to the government and media being able to divide them into a "left or right" category. People being divided enables them to get away with all they do. If we all came together with the same focus of getting our country to where it once was... then it would be "We the People" once again. But now it is "The Government" and the people have no say. That is why I believe "We the People" need to act in a unified fashion and one way of showing that is by joining the NRA. To me that is Standing Up in a "We the People" and showing where we stand, which is by the constitution of which this country was founded and our freedoms.

    4. The problem with that is one that dogs US forgien policy as well. The need for a gun to believe you are worth hearing.

      I am too tired now to be too rational, but I do know this. If the NRA's reaction to Sandy Hook was not just that we need more people with guns to feel safer they would have a much stronger voice. 10,000 mothers, daughters, sons, dads, husbands, wives killed each year by uncontrolled guns.

      You can't use anything to affect change if you can't control it.

  8. The NRA is known to sometimes compromise so be careful.

    If Wayne LaPierre comes out and says something to the affect of "we had to do it this way .... blah, blah.

    That means he was in on the deal too to DISARM Americans. DO NOT FALL FOR THIS TRAP!

    They are setting you up for slaughter. Why do I say slaughter? Because history shows this to be true in both small and large incidences 100% of the TIME. BEWARE!

    We just live in a wicked world!

    1. When there is such a force against the NRA from the media, govt and comments.... then I see they are doing things right. It is highly important imo to have a complete show of numbers in people joining the NRA. Right there would show the govt. where the people STAND!

  9. "There exists in this country a callous, corrupt and corrupting shadow industry that sells, and sows, violence against its own people."
    - Wayne LaPierre

    It sounds like what LaPierre might be saying is that the NRA or the arms industry is committing false flag gun attacks in the USA to boost up gun sales among US citizens who want to protect them selves from the (false flag) threat.

    1. Really!
      Not the most stupid thing I have read recently, but in the top 20.
      You have never watched Eisenhower's farewell address to the nation where he warned the American people about the rise of the military/industrial complex have you?

  10. No one thought Hitler would kill everyone after the guns were gone. Comments like "oh it could never happen, not in modern times" was the thought of the day. How many Millions of people died because of this stupidity?? How many more will die in these "modern times"? if Obammie and his stinking lot try this? Well then it looks we have our Modern day" Hitler after all...

    1. We know that it is not impossible. There only needs to be a Bush style bone head put in again to have alot of this turned around again.

      The question is how to balance the safety of the thousands of people being killed and mamed now with what you see as the risk from government. Your concern is still hypothetical, the killings in schools, theatres, shopping malls, homes and streets from guns is REAL AND NOW.

      Stop ignoring the real security and safety that other countries have, even with gun control laws in place. People in many other countries have no less liberty just because they can't carry a semiautomatic with a 50 round clip.

    2. Yep, just like our whole Constitution being Shredded is REAL and
      NOW! With NDAA - they can take us without rights to a trial, with FISA they listen to our calls and read our emails without warrants, with the Patriot Act, we are guilty until we are proven innocent (TSA, etc). OH YES, we NEED to keep our guns for our security against tyranny. This country has proven to have a tyrannical government now. We are all watched and are considered terrorist by our own government, even the sheeple are in that category.

      I just posted a video from Larry Ward "If blacks had been able to have guns they never would have been made slaves."

      Think about that...

    3. But once they used them to secure their freedom, if only turned on each other afterwards, they would still have to deal with the issue of their own problems with the guns. There is no need to focus on the government at this point in time, we need to stop killing ourselves. We are doing the terrorists and tyrant's job for them.

    4. Seriously??? No need to focus on govt. at this time? WOW WHO do you get your pay from?

    5. We have been sold out by ALL the so called "pro-gun groups." ALL the pending civilian gun and magazine bans EXEMPT ALL law enforcement officers both on and OFF duty. Retired LEO"S are also allowed to keep their guns and large capacity magazine. This is obviously intended to create a police state. The national media focuses on the size of the magazines used by the bad guys but the "pro-gun" groups keep silent on the number of rounds held in the magazines of the responding police who are supposedly the good guys.

    6. Seriously??? No need to focus on govt. at this time? WOW WHO do you get your pay from?

      What about the question about dealing with the problems that are in place with the misuse of the guns now. I get that the gov. needs to be kept in check, but you need to deal with the crazies that don't know the difference between gov. and a classroom of first graders.

    7. Have you taken a closer look at the school shooting? All the things that don't add up, including the fact there were two rifles in the trunk of the car. I screen shot the pictures and show how they got two rifles out. There are crazy people all over the world and a hand full of people that are intent on hurting others... should affect 350 million others? NO... our rights are our rights! They should look at the pharma drugs all the different shooters have been on that have done mass shootings. Then the real culprit will be uncovered that causes people to kill others.

    8. AMEN lady!
      ALL this is about control of the people aka "the masses" from top to bottom.
      The 1% want it all and will do anything, and I do mean anything to get it.
      They will lie, cheat, steal, murder- children, adults, anyone they think they need to to get what they want.
      This is war folks, it is here and now.

    9. Hitler was a piker compared to Comrade Stalin.
      Look up how many millions he simply starved to death in the Ukraine alone.

  11. "Stop ignoring the real security and safety that other countries have, even with gun control laws in place. People in many other countries have no less liberty just because they can't carry a semiautomatic with a 50 round clip".

    Best go to Switzerland, they have more guns per capita than the USA does. Lots of semi and full auto assault rifles kept at home. They haven't fought a war in over 400 years.
    We have "gun control laws", some 22000 of them on the books. You don't do your research very well do you?

  12. "Stop ignoring the real security and safety that other countries have, even with gun control laws in place. People in many other countries have no less liberty just because they can't carry a semiautomatic with a 50 round clip"

    Magazine, not clip. Mexico has some of the toughest gun laws around. They also have a young war going on down there where the cartels are armed to the teeth and the people have no defense. The Federalis are either in cahoots with them or afraid of them, one or the other. I work with Mexicans all the time and they tell me they are afraid to go home to their own country and what you are saying is BULL.

  13. "Seriously??? No need to focus on govt. at this time? WOW WHO do you get your pay from"?


  14. "We know that it is not impossible. There only needs to be a Bush style bone head put in again to have alot of this turned around again.

    The question is how to balance the safety of the thousands of people being killed and mamed now with what you see as the risk from government. Your concern is still hypothetical, the killings in schools, theatres, shopping malls, homes and streets from guns is REAL AND NOW".

    LOL! We already have one!
    Why aren't you concerned about the FAR greater number killed and maimed by automobiles in the USA each year? Medical malpractice also kills thousands more than guns and even the cars do. How many unborn die from abortion each day? You don't seem to care much about the children killed by US drone strikes either, or by USA supplied cluster bombs and white phosphorus munitions either. Curious...

    1. At least there are no organized groups trying to get drunk driving laws repealed, have school zone speed limits removed. There are a number of problems that need to be addressed, just because we have not acomplished what we need to in other areas, does not mean we need not work on this one.

    2. Juvenile. How old are you 15-16? You write and reason barely at a 9th Grade level if that.
      Who is this "we" nonsense?

    3. Nonsense. How old are you? You write and reason like someone barely at a 9th Grade level. It's juvenile.
      What is this "we" you speak of Comrade?

  15. Best go to Switzerland, they have more guns per capita than the USA does. Lots of semi and full auto assault rifles kept at home. They haven't fought a war in over 400 years.
    We have "gun control laws", some 22000 of them on the books. You don't do your research very well do you?


    Every single male in Switzerland has compulsory military service in support of their government. Maybe if the same were done in the US the same level of sanity would be evident in the use of guns.

    Head down right now buddy, Uncle Sam needs you.

  16. "What about the question about dealing with the problems that are in place with the misuse of the guns now. I get that the gov. needs to be kept in check, but you need to deal with the crazies that don't know the difference between gov. and a classroom of first graders".

    You need to finish grade school and actually learn history and how to think and reason before you tell adults what they should do.

  17. "At least there are no organized groups trying to get drunk driving laws repealed, have school zone speed limits removed. There are a number of problems that need to be addressed, just because we have not acomplished what we need to in other areas, does not mean we need not work on this one".

    Dear Comrade Troll,

    It is so nice of you to drop in and bestow all your great wisdom upon us profane ones!

    "We", like "change" and "hope" is just another Red catch word or phrase. "Now is the time" is yet another. The exact same one that kicked off both the French and Bolshevik Russian "revolutions".

    1. You misread me, but I bet that is a common occurance. I have always and will always give any person, you included the right to your view. I disagree with it entirely, but as long as you are not making up facts, it is all good.

      But as soon as someone finds the need to cut down their opponent in a debate it comes clear that you don't have points, only an attempt to intimidate.

      Why win a point by reason when intimidation is so much easier?

    2. I didn't misread you at all Comrade. You missed yet again. Better luck next time.

  18. "Ready to fight at a moments notice. That is the clear difference in the reality of then and now. There was still no central US army. The only organized large force was the British, the Enemy. The second amendment had a clear need at that time to make sure that there would not be a govenor or other government favorable to the British, remove weapons from the militias and then come in and retake the colonies.

    If the framers saw the application of firearms now vs. what they saw in there time, I promise you they would not see the their vision of what firearms were to do for society and security".

    What would they say about "the press" then? You can't have it both ways Comrade Troll.

  19. Excuse me, but where exactly have you made any points?
    I didn't misread you at all; you are juvenile and a troll, nothing more.
    Ball is in your court junior.

  20. "You misread me, but I bet that is a common occurance. I have always and will always give any person, you included the right to your view. I disagree with it entirely, but as long as you are not making up facts, it is all good.

    But as soon as someone finds the need to cut down their opponent in a debate it comes clear that you don't have points, only an attempt to intimidate.

    Why win a point by reason when intimidation is so much easier"?

    Not so Comrade Troll. I read you loud and clear. When you have actually made a valid it might be worth a reply.
    When you display adult reasoning maybe someone will play your game.

  21. "I disagree with it entirely, but as long as you are not making up facts, it is all good".

    1. Don't give a tinker's damn about your viewpoint.

    2. See #1 above.

  22. The puzzle is complete!!!
    Irrecusable obligation Refused
    Redeemed 12USC411
    Refusal Penalty 12USC501a
    Enough Said

    1. No puzzle at all. The good Comrade has done us all such a great service!

  23. "But as soon as someone finds the need to cut down their opponent in a debate it comes clear that you don't have points, only an attempt to intimidate".


    Don't read Sun Tzu or "The Prince" either one I see!
    You track straight back to Langley I suspect, best try again.

    1. Points can only be made if read by the literate.

      Open your mind manchild. Reasoned points can only be made to those who are willing to take on new information.

      This conversation is as closed as your mind.

  24. Best take your own advice first Comrade Troll. And as I suspected you are nothing but a juvenile twit with a mind as closed as can be.
    Better luck next time comrade!
    I'm sorry I hurt your feelings junior (LOL!).

    1. Any interpretation the meaning of the term “Well Regulated” to be anything other than regulation of the armed militia based on the meaning of the time has to look at the genesis of this amendment. George Mason was a vocal dissenter and refused to sign the constitution because it did not have a specific bill or declaration of rights. His views, based on the Virginia Declaration of Rights, (VDR) won out in the end.

      When James Madison drafted the amendments to the Constitution that were to become the Bill of Rights, he drew heavily upon the ideas put forth in the Virginia Declaration of Rights.

      Section 12 in the VDR set out the rights of free press, later to be the First Amendmemt.

      Section 13 reads as follows:

      Section 13. That a well-regulated militia, composed of the body of the people, trained to arms, is the proper, natural, and safe defense of a free state; that standing armies, in time of peace, should be avoided as dangerous to liberty; and that in all cases the military should be under strict subordination to, and governed by, the civil power.
      Clearly this section which weighed on James Madison was clear in the well-regulated militia was for the defence of the free state, not as a check on the government, that a standing army was not favourable to freedom. In this phrasing, from that time, the military, of which the militia was a part was to be under the control and governed by the civil power.
      We can stop with well regulated meaning “well calibrated guns” or self regulated. Madison had a good grasp of the English language and could have chosen any other phrase that would not have drawn so directly on the clear meaning of Section 13 of the Virginia Declaration of Rights.

    2. Clearly you have no idea of reading and comprehension.
      He just said the exact opposite of what you believe and you can't even understand that! Marvelous!

  25. You are mistaken Comrade Troll, and you need to read the Federalist Papers.
    It was most certainly intended as a check upon the Federal government.
    You just tripped all over yourself proving that.
    You are wearing yourself out trying to prove a point that doesn't exist also.
    I think you do protest too much Comrade.

  26. BTW junior, I am still trying to figure out who this "we" nonsense you babble about is.
    Let me make this real simple for you:

    There are only TWO armed services authorized to exist under the Constitution. What are they?
    Can you answer that? Ball is in your court comrade.

  27. "The IRS is a corp out of New Jersey I believe".

    Puerto Rico.
