
Saturday, January 12, 2013

Excellent Point - Larry Ward on CNN "If blacks had been able to have guns, they never would have been Slaves"

Larry Ward made an excellent point on CNN "If Blacks had guns, they never would have been Slaves."

Think about that. It is very true.  If blacks in Africa had been allowed guns then they would have been able to defend themselves against those that were selling them into slavery.

That is an excellent analysis.   People who have no rights to guns throughout modern history have been the ones who are slaves to their country and others.  Look at China, those people make a dollar a day if they are lucky and are in slave factories.   There is case after case of how countries have enslaved their citizens and have committed genocide against them, when they are not able to defend themselves.

For there to even be a discussion of taking our 2nd amendment away is very troubling.  Why do those in this government want to get guns out of the hands of the citizens?  Over a hand full of nuts that went off the deep end?   They were all on anti-depressant medications which seems to be a link that should be examined closer.

The lady obviously had no answer to it and she had to just disregard it saying it was ridiculous because he was correct.  If blacks had been able to defend themselves than there never would have been slavery and they would never have had to submit to being brought to the U.S. nor forced from their homes for slave labor.  They would have been able to stand their ground and said NO to slavery.  But they did not have that chance, the other side had guns they did not.  It shows the power of the gun in self defense for a whole country.

Imagine how history would have been rewritten had people been able to defend themselves against others of negative intent.

This is why everyone in the world should be allowed gun rights.  Gun rights enables people to defend themselves against all others including their own government against slavery and tyranny.  

WhatReallyHappened put this picture up..... 

We will never back down from our birth rights of this Country to stay Free people and Defend our country against Tyranny or those that try and enslave us!

A little picture I created today... for your enjoyment. 


I just got this picture and have to share it..... Love it!


  1. Perhaps they would not have become property if they were allowed an means to respond to the violence done against them on equal terms. The true purpose of the 2nd Amendment.

    1. The true purpose of the 2nd Amendment was to prevent the federal government from disarming state militias which in southern states at the time were slave owners who wanted to control their property.

  2. The so-called Founding Fathers were slave owners and would never allow their property go free. Besides that, slaves are explicitly labeled as three fifths of a human being (0.6 of a person) in the US Constitution: Article I, Section II, third paragraph (first sentence)

    “Representatives and direct taxes shall be apportioned among the several states which may be included within this union, according to their respective numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole number of free persons, including those bound to service for a term of years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons.”

    A good friend of mine (an African American) once told me, this is an historical grievance that never was addressed directly by the Federal government (the Thirteenth Amendment didn’t end slavery as they tried to portray it), and for such reason he says he uses the Constitution as a toilet paper – a valid grievance indeed.

    1. Yea maybe we should have shot for a more Stalinist type of nation but then again Stalin and his marxist goons whacked 10's of millions of unarmed citizens of Russia and the Ukran!

      You just don't like a armed citizenary do ya? I think so! Takes away from the monopoly power of force of the state right? I think so!

  3. I have to laugh at this one.. "if blacks were armed there would be no slavery...."

    Actually, there would be no blacks because they just would kill each other. Many examples wherever blacks live or congregate. This is just what they do. Don't ask me why.

    1. That is an outrageous statement and highly racist! I do not agree with that at all. the point is.... people are free at all times when they can defend themselves against others. When there is no defense they are made into slaves.

    2. Anonymous who wrote about blacks "this is just what they do." -- How convenient that you overlook all the crimes committed by white people.

  4. Sorry to blow this bubble but this is just fantasy. Many slaves did have guns. I am an archeologist and I have worked on several slave ruin sites both in the South and the Caribbean where iron balls and musket parts were found in abundance between the slots in the wooden floor of their cabins where they often fell. They had guns to hunt or they would have starved.

    1. That is once they were over where they were slaves. If they had guns in Africa they never would have had to have been taken as slaves in the first place. They could have defended themselves.

      The guy was using it as an analogy of people defending themselves. But he made a point. When you can't defend yourself you are enslaved.

  5. This story is inane. If indigenous Americans had guns the founding fathers wouldn't have made it to shore and there wouldn't be a 2nd amendment.

  6. When you can't defend yourself you are enslaved.

    That's an interesting, nonsensical statement that means, ultimately, nothing.

    Egypt's revolution was a peaceful one. Syria's was not. Egypt is rebuilding and creating a new government while thousands are dying with no real movement in Syria. Guns didn't exactly tip the scales now in Syria did it?

    And, nobody has at any point said guns will be banned. Nobody. The NRA wants you to think that, but if you just take the word of a group who's purpose is to sell and make a profit from the guns and ammo they claim are being threatened instead of READING SOMETHING, well, then your opinion is worthless.

    And this statement is not a good point. It's pure hypothetical bullshit.

  7. This website is insane. You clearly have no grasp on reality.
