
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Silver is Getting One Hit after Another. But a dump of 762 Million Ounces *Paper Silver *(almost a whole year of mining) ONLY Drops Silver down $2.40. 4/4/12.

Yesterday Silver was hit again by those who manipulate the metal markets.  Yesterday's dump was 637 Million ounces of silver which equals 80% of annual total mining of silver.  This dump of PAPER Silver was done in correlation with the Fed March board meeting minutes were released.  Yet CFTC sits on their hands and seems to be Blind!

I find it absolutely amazing that the CFTC does nothing at all!  What that shows is the government agencies, ALL of them are blind to the big banks and corporations manipulating the markets and committing fraud.  But don't let a little person or company do one single thing wrong, they will be locked up forever.

How the CFTC can ignore a dump of 80% of mining of silver in one hours time around 2 PM yesterday, besides the dump on Feb. 29th, when Ron Paul was holding up an ounce of Silver to Bernanke and a dump occurred... is beyond me!

This morning 4/4/12 .. they have dumped 125,480,000 ounces more of Paper Silver overnight.

They have done this when trading is much lighter. This has taken down Silver $1.67 overnight. 

Here is the overnight volume - you will see it was 25,096 Contracts of Paper Silver dumped in the Asian Market, which has much less volume than the U.S. market.  Each Contract is worth 5000 ounces of Silver.

Silver SIK12 (May '12) 31.595 -1.675 -5.02% 25,096 08:14

This means in less than 24 hours time they have dumped Almost ONE YEARS Worth of Silver and while doing that they ONLY took Silver down approximately $2.40!  Seems to me they may be losing control.

If you have any doubt that they are losing control, this is proving it.  Know they will keep manipulating Silver, BUT they are having to dump more and more of Paper Silver at one time to get any big moves out of it.

Remember just a couple of years ago, a years dump of Silver mining in 24 hours would have crushed Silver down to dust, BUT it is not doing that now.  Yes it took down Silver.... but I am sure, not the amount they were hoping or expecting.  Enjoy the cheap silver opportunities at this time.  There will be a point where they will be dumping two years of silver mining to get the same amount down, then three years, then four years.......then KABOOM - Silver will explode.   Will the CFTC ignore the one years dump of Silver Mining over the last 24 hours?  Of Course they Will!  They are as crooked as the banksThey are a Joke!  They do their jobs of protecting the manipulators! 


  1. You need more exposure of your message. have you tried FOX Business ?


  2. "I find it absolutely amazing that the CFTC does nothing at all!" Sherrie, CFTC is stuck between a rock and hard spot. Regulating commodities like grain/ pork bellies way different than silver. Fot them to jump in a cry foul would be an admission our whole finacial system is rigged...which it is. If they expose the truth, our system would implode overnight. Which it will anyway.

  3. The Synagog of Satan is unloading their paper assets of silver before they become completely useless. Wall Streets days are numbered and the day of reckoning is at hand.

  4. Yes, time to buy the real thing. We can use it to restart an honest monetary system after this scam ends.......very soon.

  5. Silver will soon assume its rightful place and value, somewhere in the range of $500/oz and so will gold. They ( the manipulators and fascists think the little people are not paying attention ) will be sorely surprised when this happens, and they realize that they have no control. It is at that point that the S will hit the fan, so wake up everybody and do it soon.
