
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Leaked Email reveals how much Fraud the Banks will commit to foreclose fraudulently on homeowners - Involves Deutsche Bank -Bank Of America -LPS

Lender Processing Service - LPS has been caught with their "fraud down."

This leaked email proves how much the banks and those who support them will go to commit fraud to foreclose on a homeowner.

They did not have the proper name as the foreclosing entity so they decided to go ahead with the foreclosure and then just "quit claim" the property after the fact to the correct bank that supposedly owned the loan (BOA).

This is why everyone needs to have an audit done on their loan. It is worth it, because it proves the fraud. I will say over and over again, to get one done.

Jesse at USMortgageauditors (info on top right side of blog) does audits on loans.  I will keep expressing this because your home can be saved from an audit.  The Fraud is revealed and Jesse has saved many homes from a fraudulent foreclosure.

The banks have proven over and over again they will commit felony frauds to foreclose, yet the government looks the other way.  If an individual even did one thing the banks constantly do they would be thrown in jail for the rest of their lives.

How is this justice that when these kinds of things come out, yet the judges don't throw the parties committing the fraud in jail?  How is it, that it is just part of the business of the banks and the judges only allow the homeowners relief - yet not throw the book at the banks?

It is about time for the bank employees and all the banks that commit the fraud against the courts be held accountable.  It is time for them to start going to jail for the forgeries of names and forgery of paperwork.

We need to demand that the laws be upheld against whatever entity commits them and who ever works for that entity that committed.

Start applying fraudulent law to ALL - not just the "regular" people!  Arrest those who commit fraud for the banks.  That would stop the fraud at the banks by the employees if they find out, they are susceptible to arrest for committing the fraud for the banks.    

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