
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

State of Tennessee Rejects UN Agenda 21.

Every once in awhile the State of Tennessee does something good.  Most of the time they do not.

The elected officials of the State of Tennessee,  passed a rejection of the UN Agenda  (Also known as Agenda 21), due to having lots of property themselves.  Otherwise I don't believe they would have done it "for the people."

Remember these are the same people that passed a bill saying that "kids can't hold hands, because it is 'sexual' in nature."

They are also the ones that have dropped a bill that would allow the state to uphold the constitution and negate any unconstitutional federal laws.

Virginia passed the law that the Federal government can not enact the NDAA bill against the people of that state, last week. 

So while I am happy that the Tennessee law makers actually passed a bill that benefits the people, I don't believe for one second they were actually thinking about the people.  I believe they did it to protect themselves as no elected official any more ever thinks about the people in laws, it is always what does or does not benefit them and the banks and corporations that control them.

In fact there is a bill in the Tennessee State government that will require drug testing for all welfare receipients.
What about a bill that requires drug testing for all elected officials, before they get paid?

It is obvious I don't believe in any single elected official any more on the State or Federal level.  I have learned over and over again that no matter how much you try to help with getting laws passed or not passed on the State and Federal level, the officials do other people (banks and corporations) bidding instead of what is best for the people.  There is only one elected official that has never veered from his stance of the constitution and the rights of the people and that is of course Ron Paul.

So, Yes there is a win for the people, but it has to go to Haslam's desk, who owns Pilot gas stations and is a billionaire.  What will he do with the bill, now?

From the  link:
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) -- A proposal that calls for the rejection of a United Nations agenda on the environment and poverty has passed the Senate.
The resolution, which "recognizes the destructive and insidious nature of United Nations Agenda 21," was approved 19-11 on Tuesday. The House passed the measure 72-23 last month.
The agenda came out of the U.N. Conference on Environment and Development in 1992 following discussions on "sustainable development."
Republicans say the agenda is a veiled attempt to take away property rights.
They say the 300-page document contains catch phrases such as "sustainable development," which they say actually means Tennesseans could lose their land or businesses.
But Democratic Sen. Andy Berke of Chattanooga said the agenda is about caring for the environment's future, "which is exactly what we should be doing."


  1. This makes me very happy. Now if we can get the lawmakers to embrace the right to carry in your own personal vehicle (without big business saying it "violates" their "property rights"..give me a break), then we might actually be making an impact in this state.

  2. Thanks for sharing this, I hadn't heard about this yet. It's about time the states start to take back the power.

  3. Interestingly enough they are installing smart meters in East Tennessee, isnt this an agenda 21 proposal? Click link and scroll down to see video...!&s=ca2aa7ae808539eaaa494ef6976b6e1d

  4. Agenda 21 incorporates itself in Obamacare. One of the main topics related to Agenda 21 is Carrying Capacity. Carrying Capacity refers to the land and natural resources and its ability to support surrounding population. They are talking about reducing population levels to those that were documented 5,000 years ago. The tie in with Obamacare is through the major genocide themes underway today. Abortion, Sterilization, euthanasia and birth control. Obamacare establishes the social and economic mechanisms at the local level of government to support and foster these policies in the education and healthcare industries. Grandma is not going to be pushed off the cliff in a wheel chair she is more likely to be herded into a slaughter house so the democrats can claim efficiency and contribute to the food supply.
