
Monday, April 23, 2012

TSA - Houston Tx and Around the country Searches/Pat Downs still require Consent! From my research. I will never Give Consent to Nazi Police Tactics

We have been hearing how the TSA (Nazi - Power trip Pedophile criminals) are getting on public transportation just to be able to feel up people including children.  They are on Houston Texas buses now and will be on all public transportation from what I have read in the near future.

Well lets just get one thing straight.  They still have to have consent to search anyone on a public bus otherwise it is a violation of the fourth amendment.  

I did some searches of illegal searches of the public and what our rights are.

Here is one site, where the court has upheld the fourth amendment in public type situations.

Here is a site about Flexing your rights to illegal search and seizures on public transportation. 

But what is interesting is it seems the TSA gets rights no other "Police Authority" has.
Is that why they are using TSA for on the buses and not undercover police, etc.?

Because they can enact their police Nazi state that way?   Since TSA is a "special" arm of the goverment?

Well I will say:  Bullsh**!  What ever arm they want to enact a police state with and use Nazi tactics and hire all the pedophiles they can find that enjoy feeling up adults and children.... we all need to say NO!

We Do have rights to say NO, to however the U.S. Nazi regime is trying to circumvent our fourth amendment rights while we are freely  going about our business on U.S. streets.

You will not touch my child - you will not get off on your sick power trip and get to feel me up, instead of watching pornos on your computer - TSA employees.

FYI - I have nothing but contempt for all TSA employees.  When I look at you, when I am at the airport,  I have no respect for you and think of you as the lowest of any human being.  I bet you are happy you get to feel people up and get your joys out of it and get paid for it.

Know your rights!  Know that no matter how the government is trying to have a complete police state where we are not free to even walk on the streets or ride a public bus without being searched and questioned - we do not have to submit to their tactics.  Flying is different than public buses and public transportation, TSA can feel all the people up they want when flying, but they can not feel the people up on our public streets.

Those who are asleep - do they not see that this is exactly what the Nazi's did?

TSA feeling up a Baby

TSA feeling up a child in a wheelchair:

TSA strips a child of his shirt and feels him up:

TSA molesting a child - as the child screams for them to stop touching her

Video with many TSA molestings:

Of course when MSM gets involved - they tell everyone - this is needed for the "Safety of Amerika." They show a small girl getting molested by a TSA pedophile and say it is "okay."

Yes, that is the type of employees the government wants out on our streets and they want all of us to have to submit to those who get their kicks in sick ways.

We all have to stand up and say NO to this - we will not allow pedophiles to take over our streets and buses. We have the right to say NO. If we don't all say No, at one point they will start check points and searches as we are walking down the streets of our cities.


  1. as the parent stands there and tells the child "it's OK." We are doomed.

  2. You have no doubt heard about the ammo and bulletproof booths by now, right?
    This won't stop until it is forced to stop.

  3. Revolution is drawing closer and closer....


  5. Unknown, you are exactly right.

  6. I understand your frustration, but I believe your disgust w ALL tsa employees is a little much. They are doing their job. I know I would HATE to have to b thought of as a perv for doing my job. It is a little over the top, this day and age it is ridic we have to worry about people blowing up a plane or running it into something. The way I look at it is, I arrive alive instead of being killed due to lack of security.

  7. u know what this doesn't matter 2 me at all because as an african american we get treatment like this on a daily basis just for being in the wrong place so white people i'm enjoying this now u know what we go through just for being blac

    1. There is a big difference between being patted for weapons to get on a plane versus getting patted down after doing something illegal. I live in a pretty rough area for almost 23 years now, and I have yet to hear/see a case where a person of any color was being patted just because they are who they are. Before 9/11 there was actually a black woman who got passed security no problems and then i was behind her and got patted down for a random security check. She ended up cutting someone after the security check points. Because of your fellow Americans being less than smart, you end up getting this type of attention. So please point your anger to your fellow Americans(i say that because you categorized yourself with a certain group, African American) Sorry people ruin it for others.

  8. pay back is a mufucker even if it's not my pay back it still feels good
