
Monday, April 16, 2012

Class Action Suit filed against Aurora Loan and HSBC Bank (Both MERS) in California against Fraudulent Foreclosures April 2012

Lenore Albert, Interactive Counsel, an attorney in California and I have corresponded for about 2 years now.  She started Class Action suits in California against Aurora Loan last year.  The first one, did not go far.

Lenore sent me this paperwork yesterday.  She has now started another one, first she had it in the Superior Court of California, but has now switched it to the Federal Court, because the defendant violated a prior state court order which quashed the writ, so they got it transferred. 

I want to stress right now, if you are going to sue a bank against Fraudulent Foreclosure, Please make sure you or your attorney file it in Federal Court.

Why?  Because Superior Court or State Court judges have to run for re-election.  They are reliant upon donations to their campaigns to run.  It has been found that banks and big corporations are the largest donors to judge's re-elections across the U.S.   Where as Federal Court Judges are appointed and do not have to run for re-election, so they are not "bought" as much as the State Court Judges.

This Class action has now been transferred to a Federal Court.   The Class Action is For the people with Aurora Loans and HSBC Bank that are part of their mortgage and live in California.

Know that I sincerely believe, Lenore Albert is actually an attorney who sincerely wants to help people,  from all my correspondence with her.  I have found she is not in this just for "the money."  She is doing this to try and stop all the fraudulent foreclosures.   Other attorneys do things "just for the money" but she is doing the class actions to try and help people keep their homes.

From her website:  Notice they are all MERS banks.

We are currently pursuing class actions and private actions against these financial institutions:
Aurora Loan Services, LLC
U.S. Bank National Association
Wells Fargo
Bank of America
ING Direct Bank, FSB
H&R Block, Inc.
Ocwen Loan Servicing. LLC
HSBC Bank, N.A.
Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas
Deutsche Bank National Trust Company

Here is the document.  It has the paperwork of the case going from Superior Court to Federal Court and the Class Action Suit filed.
 Che - Notice of Removal Part 1

Please contact Lenore Albert if you have Aurora/HSBC as part of your loan and live in California.  

Offices of Lenore Albert7755 Center Avenue, Suite #1100
Huntington Beach, California 92647
Telephone: (714)372-2264
Fax: (419) 831-3376

Remember get a complete Forensic Audit for your mortgage.  Jesse Scott at USMortgageAuditors has agreed to give anyone who mentions this blog "sherriequestioningall" a free preliminary audit for their loan.  He has gone to court for many people and has helped save them from a fraudulent foreclosure.

I sincerely believe, together we all can stand up to the FRAUD of the banks.  The more suits filed against the banks in Federal Courts the more Judges across the states have to rule by the "Contractual Law of the Land."  They will have to rule against the banks against Foreclosure.  MERS loans are all Fraudulent.


  1. I called Jesse's office and was brushed off when I asked about a free preliminary audit. I mentioned your blog but the receptionist didn't know what I was talking about and said they just train auditors and attorneys. I think I might be in a position to fight B of A, due to MERS and breaks in the chain of title, but I don't have the disposable $3,500 another attorney told me an audit would cost. Suggestions?

    1. Yes, Thanks for letting me know. I will contact him immediately. Because we have an agreement that he will do that for people.

    2. They have had the wrong phone number on the site - The CORRECT number for Jesse is:


    3. He has two different companies and the webmaster was suppose to have changed the phone number already. He said he is addressing the problem immediately.

      Please call the above number I inserted, it is the correct number.

  2. I went through bankruptcy in 2005 in taxes. I kept my house as I was never behind in my payments. Citi mortgage claimed that they were the mortgage holder. Wouldn't the be fraud and perjury in federal court based on this mer signing stuff? Would I be able to go back to court and get the house cleared and get my money back that I've paid since?

    1. You would need to see a lawyer about that and ask him that question. I only get info out that can help people about what is going on.
