
Saturday, April 14, 2012

Outrageous! Tennessee Bans "Handholding" for kids, says it is "a gateway to Sexual conduct" Do we call the police for parents holding their kids hands now?

I live in Tennessee.  I am not from Tennessee. 

There were some bills I was trying to help along that would make Tennessee a great state to live in.  One that would negate any unconstitutional federal law.   That one of course ended up not going anywhere.

Now, Tennessee has passed a law that says "Underage hand holding is a gateway to sexual conduct."
Last week, the Senate passed SB 3310, a bill to update the state’s abstinence-based sex education curriculum to define holding hands and kissing as “gateway sexual activities.” Just one senator voted against the legislation; 28 voted in favor.
Since the bill specifically bans teachers from “demonstrating gateway sexual activity”, educators would be prohibited from even demonstrating what hand-holding is. Breaking these laws could result in a lawsuit,
 Are you frickin kidding me?

What absolute backwoods, hill billy hicks, idiotic thinking, inbred idiots thought and passed this one? 

The answer - ALL the Senators of the State of Tennessee voted for it, except for one. 

Does anyone wonder why I have absolutely no belief in one single elected official in the world anymore?

How is it that the most stupid laws are passed by a handful of absolute idiotic morons and the rest of us have to abide by them?  How is it our freedoms can be taken away by a few corrupt puppets and we have to abide by them?

How is it that now a human touch is considered "a gateway to sexual conduct?"

So, let me also ask this.... When we see a father lovingly holding his child's hand, crossing the street or walking in a store.... should we call the police and accuse him of "sexual conduct?"

When we see a mother lovingly holding her child's hand, walking down the street..... should we call the police and accuse her of "sexual conduct?"

When we see a brother and sister, two sisters, two brothers, holding hands, should we call the police and accuse them of "Sexual conduct?"

 When we see a grandparent holding the hand of their grandkids... do we accuse them of "Sexual conduct?"

When we see two kids - girls holding hands do we think they are "lesbians?"
When we see two kids - boys holding hands do we think they are "gay?"

What the Tennessee state is doing, is trying to stop any "Love" being shown of parents or kids.  What they are trying to do is sterilize people to human touch and love.  What they are trying to make zombies out of people without any real love and affection.

Human touch through hand holding is needed between all people.  It is natural and it is not "sexual conduct."

So, when elementary kids play games or sing songs while holding hands...... will that now be against the law?

OH, one other question...... All the people in Church that hold hands during song or for another reason.... Can we go in and accuse them of "Sexual Conduct?"

See... If it starts at underage kids, that must mean all adults when they hold hands for any reason are also committing a "Sexual Conduct" interaction.

Let me tell you, the ONLY reason I live in this Idiotic Backwards Hillybilly inbred elected officials run state is because I have to at this time

Tennessee.... elected officials.... You have really shown what idiots you are now.  What a ridiculous law you passed!  To think I ever thought you were sophisticated enough to actually pass a bill that would give Tennessee the right to negate all Unconstitutional Federal laws.... what an idiot I was. 

I will tell you................... I WILL have my Child hold the hands of ALL her friends ALL she wants!  I WILL hold the hand of my child ALL I want!  And you can STUFF it!  I will keep human interaction between my child and have her Keep human interaction between her friends and herself!  I WILL tell her holding hands is a GOOD thing!   SO, are you going to charge me for allowing my kid to hold hands with friends?  

To the Tennessee law officials:  I do not see it as "Sexual Conduct" in the least, I see it as a wonderful human interaction!  I don't give a S*** how you see it!    I think it is beautiful when I see kids holding hands and I will encourage my child to hold hands with her friends!


  1. Can the AmeriKKans be more idiot than this? Ohh yes they can. Just give them more fluoride in the water more drug in they food, and dumb them down in the school. The result will be like above.

  2. "How can handholding be considered 'gateway behavior'?" is the wrong question. The question should be "What the hell of the government's business is it whether or not kids hold hands?"

    When will this facist police state encroachment to our remaning liberties end?

    1. Since this sounded too ridiculous to be true, I looked up the bill and read it. Hand-holding and kissing are never mentioned. The idea that this bill would ban either was the writer's wildly speculative (and certainly incorrect) interpretation. Here's the actual language:

      Instruction of the family life education curriculum may not:

      (1) Promote any gateway sexual activity or health message that encourages students to experiment with non-coital sexual activity;
      (2) Provide or distribute materials on school grounds that condone, encourage or promote student sexual activity among unmarried students;
      (3) Display or conduct demonstrations with devices manufactured specifically for sexual stimulation; or
      (4) Distribute contraception on school property; provided, however, medically-accurate information about contraception and condoms may be provided so long as it is presented in a manner consistent with the provisions described above and clearly informs students that while such methods may reduce the risk of acquiring sexually transmitted diseases or becoming pregnant, only abstinence removes all risk.

      Not quite the fascist-state prohibition against hand-holding you believe it is.

  3. Sherrie I luv ya most of the time, however, I find this post annoying. Now, it's not annoying that you find the nanny state troubling. Just don't give hillbilly's and hicks a bad name by bunching US with the big gov damn yankees that probably voted for this crap. BTW, the difference between a yankee and a damn yankee is that a damn yankee comes down here and stays...then tries to tell us how great it is back home and how much better they did things there.
    As you know sherrie, this stuff is tip of the iceberg material so pour a drink, calm down and plan your escape.

    1. Hi,

      Sorry I was just so frickin annoyed that they are doing this. I was calling the elected officials those names not anyone else. Also I am not from the North.
      I guess I am so use to much more opened minds from where I grew up between New Orleans and the Virgin Islands.

      I also guess all this "police state" that is happening and ridiculous laws by all those elected is really teeing me off. I just don't know how the people are just sitting back and letting them clamp down on the people. Putting "Holding Hands" is so completely Asinine too!

      No offense to anyone in Tennessee is meant except to the elected officials.
