
Tuesday, April 17, 2012

One Ounce CFTC Pure Silver Coin - (Head up their A**) The minting of them

The above CFTC Silver Coins were minted on a very limited basis in 2009.

I had mentioned in a previous post that was about silver, that the above coin would possibly be minted again with a very limited quantity.  I have a list of names of people that contacted me, saying they wanted one or two or more.

  David Morgan  contacted the original minting company (a friend of his) about minting more.  They are not able to but another minting company that is also a friend of Davids was/is willing to.  The company that was going to mint them had been waiting on the die for the coins from the 1st company.

It now seems the original minting company has lost the dies for the coins.  The second minting company is willing to make another die for it but it will be about $1200 just for them to do that.

Considering that would add a lot to a very limited quantity minted per coin, there is a consideration to mint a large quantity.

This post is to find out, who is actually interested in purchasing one of the coins.  If it is minted in a small quantity the cost to each person would be around $50 per coin, due to the die cost besides the silver and shipping.

It may not be worth minting the coins due to the cost per each one in a limited quantity now that the die has been lost.

But if there is a thousand or more people who are interested, then the cost will go much lower needless to say.

So, please Contact me if you are interested at : SherrieQuestioningAll@ 

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