
Thursday, January 5, 2012

Fukushima Diaries - 4.2 Shallow Quake directly under Fukushima Nuclear Plant - Quake not showing on USGS map. Fukushima Truth and Arnie Gundersen's latest video - Japan dumping Waste in Tokyo Bay

Fukushima Diaries has information that there was a 4.2 shallow quake directly under the Fukushima Nuclear Power plant, but USGS site does not have it on it.  

 from Fukushima Diaries:

21:41 1/5/2012 (JST) an earthquake of magnitude 4.2 hit Japan.
The epicenter is Fukushima Nakadori, where Fukushima plants are located.
It’s shallower than 10km. No information about the plant is announced yet.
JNN Fukushima live camera was down immediately after the quake.

Since the USGS site does not have it, I have to wonder if it was an earthquake or something else, since it was directly under Fukushima?

The TEPCO camera is back online from what I can tell.   There is a very bright light coming from the right of Reactor 4.  Reactor 4 has been in a critical stage the last couple of days since January 1st.  It has been losing water at an unprecedented amount.

Fukushima diaries had the fact that TEPCO sent out an emergency email to the media regarding the critical stage of Reactor 4 after a New Years day quake. 

The water level is decreased naturally because of water evaporation, as it used to take 3 hours to be decreased by 50 mm (17mm/h), but from 2PM to 5PM today it was decreased by 240 mm within 3 hours.(80 mm/h).

The fallout from Fukushima, since January 1st has been more than the whole month of November.

After the earthquake, it turned out that the fallout amount in Fukushima from 1/2/2012~1/3/2012 spiked up to be 558.1 Bq/m2 (Cs-134 and 137).The total fallout of Fukushima of November was only 347.7 Bq/m2 for 30 days, which is less than the fallout of the 2 days of 1/2 and 1/3.
Also, the total fallout of Tokyo of April was 570 Bq/m2 for 30 days.

Whistleblower - Containment vessels melting like honeycombs

Pictures of yellowcake under the containment vessels from the whistleblower:

An Anti Nuclear Japanese Town Counselor who went around the country talking against Nuclear energy, somehow committed suicide (official reason of death) by shooting himself in his chest.

People are losing their hair, nails, having nose bleeds etc in Japan. 

Some links:

It always makes me so sad when I read about Fukushima and how all those in power and the media hide and ignore the fact that things are getting worse and not better there.  

The fact is IAEA is part of hiding the facts of Fukushima.  They are not really the watch dog of the Nuclear Energy as they are suppose to be.  They were formed to promote Nuclear energy and to keep it going.  They are fraud just as the SEC, CFTC (govt regulatory agencies) are fraud and hide and protect those who they are suppose to be watching.

Arnie Gundersen of Fairewinds
has a video out about IAEA and how Japan is dumping all the radioactive waste in Tokyo Bay.   He also says the IAEA is protecting TEPCO. 

TEPCO Believes Mission Accomplished & Regulators Allow Radioactive Dumping in Tokyo Bay from Fairewinds Energy Education on Vimeo.

All of this is so sad and it is so hard to comprehend how the Earth is being radiated and the situation at Fukushima is far from over, the real problems may just be beginning.  I have constantly looked at information about Fukushima but have stayed away from posting much about it because it is so sad and hurts deeply in what is happening to the Earth and humanity, I have not been able to write about it.  But it is time to confront the destruction and poisoning of the Earth, animals and humans.

There are seals dying in Alaska and they are now just going to test them for radiation.  What is going to happen with the whales begin migrating there this summer?  First the whales will have to go through the debris that is from Japan and will have to fight their way to the surface to breath when they get caught up in them.  So will they even survive that part of the migration?  Then what is going to happen when they swim through all the radioactive Pacific water?  This is so sad on so many levels it is hard to me to even write about.

Nuclear Energy is the worst energy there is, as the problems of the plants are covered up even by the IAEA which is suppose to be the watch dog and when there is an accident, literally the world is at risk.  For all those who say it is clean energy they are lying and they are towing the line of their masters.

I think it is funny when you look at the Georgia Guidestones and how those in power built them.  On the Guidestones which I have visited they say:

Be not a cancer on the earth - Leave room for nature - Leave room for nature.

So I can say to those who are in power - You are the Cancer on Earth as you are the ones who are making the Earth toxic and killing nature through your greed.  So.... a question to you..... Has it been worth it?  Has killing the Earth and making it toxic for your brief lifetime of "pleasure and money" been worth it?  

Was the 4.2 quake today under Fukushima a real quake or something else that we are not being told about at this time?


  1. Sounds like we all might be dying soon, as the toxic material will spread through the water all over the earth!!! Not to mention the radioactivity that must be rising up in the atmosphere! God helps us all!

  2. People should take stone hammers to those stupid Georgia guidestones.I have had enough arrogance+stupid. IAEA + other authorities are barely worthy of being turned into compost.

  3. I am appalled at the media blackout of this dangerous situation.
    Looks like they don't want people to panic?
    We are in real trouble here in America. It is already in the food and water.
    They say now 100's of millions of people will die from this in the next ten years.
    It is the worst case scenario, it is not going to get better.
    We can only learn how we can protect ourselves from the Russians and Europeans.
    Our government is criminal not to tell people the truth of this urgent dangerous situation.
    We must leave the USA to survive.
    We have to leave asap, if order to live.
    This will cause a civil war here, get ready.

    1. who cares, america is dying anyway. at least japan had a future, not anymore.
