
Sunday, January 8, 2012

Fukushima - Very Dire- Situation can affect the World. No water in Reactor 4 - Rods were boiling 1/1/12. Reactor 4 still not holding water. Another quake at Fukushima 1/8/12 not on USGS - Tepco Camera - not real ?

See the bottom for what looks like they are faking the TEPCO pictures/cam possibly, what we see may not be what is.

Fukushima Diary has some dire information today.   Remember Reactor 4 is the spent fuel reactor/containment area.  There are thousands of rods in reactor 4.

I wrote about Fukushima 3 days ago.  

I have the information that the amount of radiation released since the first of January was more in the 5 days then all of the month of November in that post.

Reactor 4 was boiling - 

Following up this article about the decreasing of water level at reactor 4
The blogger woman in Minamisoma leaked information from an actual Fukushima worker.
According to her post, after the earthquake of 1/1/2012, the pipe of spent fuel pool for reactor 4 was broken, the pool completely lost its water.
The worker stated, Sooner or later, the truth will have to to be widely known. Believe it or not, you will only regret. Wear a mask at least.
The pool was boiling without water.

Now, it is being revealed there was/is no water in Reactor 4 and it was/is boiling.  An earthquake New Years Day ruptured pipes there it seems.  Since then there have been more quakes at Fukushima that USGS does not acknowledge.  Here are the quakes they have as happening in the last week:

MAP 5.1 2012/01/07 21:30:09    36.035 142.131  25.5   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP 4.8 2012/01/07 17:56:13    31.591 140.383  155.1   IZU ISLANDS, JAPAN REGION
MAP 4.7 2012/01/07 10:43:06    37.269 141.282  35.9   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP 4.6 2012/01/07 08:17:56    37.447 141.930  42.0   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP 4.9 2012/01/05 23:28:44    37.555 141.820  22.0   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP 5.0 2012/01/05 20:55:47    35.843 140.778  45.5   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP 5.1 2012/01/05 16:47:05    38.772 142.249  20.1   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN

Here are the quakes the Japanese Earthquake site has that happened right at Fukushima and have been shallow - USGS does not have these quakes listed:

Notice the 2 from 3 days ago, which I posted about. 

19:46 JST 07 Jan 201219:43 JST 07 Jan 2012Fukushima-ken OkiM4.6

22:16 JST 05 Jan 201222:13 JST 05 Jan 2012Fukushima-ken NakadoriM4.1
21:40 JST 05 Jan 201221:37 JST 05 Jan 2012Fukushima-ken NakadoriM4.2

Fukushima diaries has the water is still decreasing in Reactor 4. 

From the article of Tokyo newspaper(1/8/2012 JST), it turned ou that the decreasing water level problem at reactor 4 was not stopped, it has been on-going at least until 1/7/2012.
It is assumed that the water in the cooling system is flowing into the container vessel instead.
Because nothing has been done to this trouble caused by the earthquake of 1/1/2012, the water will keep flowing into the container vessel. M4~5 level of the earthquake has started to happen frequently around Fukushima plants. We still need to keep our eyes on the reactors.

Fukushima Diaries is also reporting that the police that were sent to Fukushima have died of radiation poisioning:

A Japanese journalist Terasawa Yu had public security confirm that police officers sent to Fukushima die of radiation.
It was when Fukushima women demonstrated around Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry on 10/27/2011.
When he was interviewing an activist, Sono Ryota, a public security approached them and Mr.Terasawa got a chance to ask him.
He asked if it’s true that a lot of police officers ,who were sent to Fukushima, die of taking too much radionuclides.
The man answered, that is true, his parents are in Fukushima too.
The activist told him to arrest them (METI and Tepco)
He said no words and walked off.
Actual number of death is not disclosed.
There is much more information at Fukushima Diaries, including how a supermarket is selling radiated food and saying that it is coming from another part of Japan, but it is actually coming from a radiated area.  Proof with pictures of that at this link.

Blog post about Reactor 4 not holding water.

But the fallout of this plant, because I heard the information from the workers
to write and solve.
Broken pipe in the cooling pool of Unit 4 in the earthquake of Jan. 1 that
it is now boiling state. Let me get the help and words he heard , "comes out of hiding information is later overwhelmed anyway, I believe I believe in free will, I'll only regret it later. and then just put the mask " The Serve.

Please take a look at the Radiation Protection page I have on the tabs above.  Inform yourself on how to protect yourself from radiation.  Also, if you have not yet stored water, it does not hurt to have some.  If Reactor 4 explodes this will affect everyone in the world (at least the Northern Hemisphere) and will contaminate our drinking water.

 Know how you can protect yourself and don't listen to the lies of the government.  Just like the U.S. government confiscated all iodine nuke pills right after Fukushima in the U.S. and told people don't worry, no fallout is hitting the U.S. and that has been proven an absolute lie now.  A study released by the Medical journal has shown that an estimated 14000 people have died in the U.S. from the fallout.  The fallout was tremendous in the U.S right after Fukushima.  We were lied to by the media and the government.   

Just because MSM is silent about Fukushima except to parrot what the Japanese government and TEPCO has released in lies about "Fukushima is stable and in cold shut down." Don't believe them.

It is seriously funny - just take a look at this search result - "Fukushima in Cold Shut down" from Google:,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&fp=f13487bf86b6b9b9

Look at the above result...... What do you see?  ALL MSM headlines on how Fukushima is stable and in great shape and nothing to worry about.  Yet there is silence about Reactor 4 not holding water.  Gosh.... I guess MSM has just missed that information.  MSM not tell us the full truth of a situation that can literally affect the Earth and humankind, they would not be silent on purpose now would they?

When you really think about it.   Isn't it sad that MSM isn't about news but only about protecting the top and misleading the people.  Who would have ever thought our world would turn into such a place that is about lies at every turn and is about protecting the top "elite and industry" compared to protecting humans.  Our Earth is being made toxic and we have no control over it.  The only control we have is prayer and that is what I do for all humanity and the Earth many times a day.  We do have that power and that power is much higher and greater than the low power/control of the "elite" who try and blind us to truth and reality.   When I hold on tight to truth that is not getting out to the public and get upset, I have to take a step back and know the only control I have is over myself and faith in a higher power and prayer for the higher power to help.

TEPCO Camera is running at this time - But are we seeing what really is?

What is wrong with the above picture?  Compare it to the picture below - taken days apart

Look at the crane in front of Reactor 1 - you see how someone has been playing with the pictures?  But someone screwed up for a bit and reality came through.  We know there is technology that changes what we see in live pictures.  That technology can add or subtract what we are viewing.  So is TEPCO using that technology right now?  Are we really seeing what we think we are seeing on the TEPCO camera?

From the two pictures above that are screen shots from the live camera - I would say they are playing with some technology and screwed up.

Did you see the problem between the two pictures?

The first picture the crane is not there at the bottom - the second picture the full crane is there.  So.,......

What is real and what is not real?

Remember Japan created the Hologram technology and remember how China had a whole hologram city that wasn't really there.   Here is the video of the Chinese Hologram city that looked real

So All I can say is: Everyone should "Question It All." 

Update - Anon - commented with this link - information about the dispersion pattern for the fallout from Fukushima.  Thank you, Anon.  These are the pattern maps we were all so familiar with right after Fukushima began melting down in March 2011.


  1. Whatever. N....W....O!!!!!! 4 LIFE!!!!!!

  2. The MSM is going to bury the story until the whole world is able to see the Fukushima explosion.

    The only time Americans will pay attention is when they realize that everything coming from Japan is irradiated.

    So just wait it out. In two months the Spring rains will be here-then everyone will start getting sick.

  3. With regard to the two pictures and the crane: note that the lower section of the crane is white against a beige background. In the darker photo, the beige and white coalesce making the lower section very indistinct but not entirely invisible.

  4. Anon - others have contacted me, saying they blew it up large and it is not there. So it is all in how you look at it I guess. Personally I don't see it.

  5. Situation inside the plant is terrible as seen in above photographs. Wondering why government is not taking a crash program to dump the whole thing immediately.

    I recently discovered the following dispersion model, which someone had linked to Berkeley’s discussion page. It uses TEPCO emission data to model possible dispersion patterns for Neptunium and Plutonium

    If this model is accurate, it is very disturbing. Where are all of the so-called experts who claimed these elements were too heavy to travel far from the plant site?

  6. Thanx for the info update. See Radchick for monitoring in South West U.S..

  7. that mirage tells me global warming is a reality.this was a predicted effect.
